Monday, July 14, 2008


J. and I both had a case of the Monday blues today. Sort of like the Monday blahs only with more shades of 'holy crap, another week'. Bluer. Hence the 'blue'. Heh. Mondays suck. Always have, always will...until we have days stretching out before us that just blend into one another. Then we'll be like H. who asked on Friday 'it's Sunday, right'? Uh, no. Oh to be on summer vacation and forget what day of the week it is.

I spent the day organizing things, which I suck at. But I'm improving. My work binders are materializing and there's stuff in them where they should be - which will make my life a whole lot easier down the road. It's just being ON the road and needing to do all of it that sucks. I have 'help' but I learn a lot by 'doing it myself' - helps me recall things, take notes for next year, etc. So it's worth doing. And it is a relatively 'slow' week with few meetings. Quiet. The only bad thing about the quiet is it's hard to get 'moving' - and that's a bad thing because when I stop and think about the year-end stuff looming, I really should be moving at a million miles per hour. That will come. A few slower motion days would not be a bad thing.

The day improved when I arrived at Costco - our 2nd shop this week 'cuz we didn't synchronize our lists very well yesterday and there was no salad stuff in the house and since we're both attempting to be 'good', that's a bad thing - and I had planned to just grab a pizza for the kids and YIPPEE! it's the annual pizza week and they're $3 off - so a huge pizza regularly $10 was only $SEVEN ( there's no way to capitalize a number for emphasis so I'll spell it out!). So that was a great thing. A nice end to a blue day. Picked up a variety of salad fixins', some roasted edamame for snacking, bananas, hot dog buns and headed home.

I am working 1/2 day on Wednesday - attending a meeting at another district in the morning and then heading to Livermore for lunch with the just promoted Bug. It will be great to see her.

Falling asleep. Time for bed. Tuesday tomorrow. Hopefully not a 'blue' Tuesday...two blue days in a row would be too hard to handle, even during a slow week.

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Tales of Helpers

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