Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Of Brownies and Ice Cream

Board meeting is done and it went great. No more comments on that other than a huge sigh of relief. Now on to year-end which will be as torturous as the state can possibly make it. Seriously.

But I'll have a week or so off in June and then also enjoy a week off in mid-July and that second week will involve beaches and ocean and many, many umbrella drinks of different varieties. So I know I'll make it and survive.

I ate a very 'light' dinner - always do because it's never really clear how many people will be showing up for dinner so those of us who eat 'first' always eat lightly to ensure there's plenty for everyone else.

I arrived home absolutely craving a brownie and a glass of milk. Totally feasible since I baked a TRIPLE batch of brownies yesterday for the boys. I really only intended to make a double batch but I mis-read the directions, added too much water and oil which necessitated adding a third bag of the mix (yes, they were boxed brownies. From Costco. At $8.99 for six bags of mix - a batch each - I couldn't justify the 'from scratch' version which cost far more than that just for the chocolate alone). So I baked a giant pan of brownies PLUS a smaller round pan of them as well.

The brownies are GONE. All of them. Every single morsel. Gone. I'd be so upset if I weren't so shocked - and remember, one of the boys is now into heavy-duty body building. He watches every morsel he puts in his mouth - but he inhaled huge quantities of brownies in the last 24 hours along with his brother.

Which led me to my next 'treat' that J. (thank goodness) hid behind the frozen pizzas in the freezer. A pint of Ben and Jerry's Fro Yo Half Baked. It's not the same as a brownie - a chewy, chocolaty decadent cake-like confection - but it will have to do.

The boys consumed most of the last two pints of Ben and Jerry's we had on hand - which were procured during the budget madness when I needed something to 'hold onto' and get me through long days. Something that didn't involve a hangover the next morning since I had to get up at 4AM and do it all again. And again....over and over for the three week period leading up to this evening's presentation.

This time, J. sneakily hid it behind stuff so the boys don't see it when they are looking for food. Smart! Hoping I can eke out a couple small servings before it's discovered and summarily consumed.

Things don't last long in this house....

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