Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I gave in to the headache that has plagued me for three days. Woke up at 2AM this morning with my head pounding. Got a drink of water. Went back to sleep bed and tossed and turned until around 5. At that point, I shut off my alarm and decided to sleep in. Woke up at 6:30 and decided to just stay home. A sick day is a 'luxury' in my job but I'm taking can keep one day. It will keep.

Came downstairs and found a note from J. : 'Call me. Love H.' (H. being for hubby in this case). He was already on the road into SF because they are doing a team 'work day' at the marine rescue center.

He informed me that B. had to go to the emergency room last night. He helped a customer to their car with groceries. The hydraulic 'lift' on the 'hatch' of their Jeep wasn't working so the customer was holding the hatch up - and somehow, it slipped and the latch hook hit B. on the head. A trip to the emergency room and two staples in his head...he's home and fine. J. had to go to the emergency room to take him back to work to pick up his car. I haven't seen him yet today but J. assured me he's fine.

Never a dull moment around here. Thankfully, I called J. before I saw the ER paperwork on the kitchen counter.

I'm going to go get dressed - no need to but don't feel 'right' staying in my PJs all day (as lovely as that sounds). Plan to head back to a horizontal position soon and sleep some more. Two Excedrin are helping the headache. I have absolutely no compunction to be productive today but will try - can at least try to clean out a desk drawer or two.

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