Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hump Day

Three down, two to go.....

The third passed primarily with me in bed - migraine category headache and upset stomach. Made it through the breakfast I was co-hosting with my boss and then dropped off leftovers at home. Dropped off my breakfast, too - and decided I'd be better off staying home. 30 minutes of rescheduling my entire day - which I'll pay for tomorrow which was already pretty full and is now totally booked solid from 7AM on. Sucks to not even have the time to take a 'sick' day.

We have our office holiday party tomorrow evening and then just have to make it through Friday - and then it's just a nice slide into 16 days off! IN A ROW! Just the thought of sleeping in that many days makes me giddy! And for me, sleeping in is getting up around 6 or 7 - but it's still an extra 2 or 3 hours.

All of us are under the weather.....all the men in my life are scratchy-throated, stuffy-headed, achy beasts. Glad we all only have two more days - and pray we don't need the entire week before Christmas to recuperate. So many projects loom.

The kids have augmented their Christmas lists to include new cell phones. They do need them - both of their phones are dying - making using them to roust them out of bed or send text messages of reminders close to impossible. They aren't working well enough to guarantee consistency. They are old. Of course, the phones they covet are hugely expensive - and so we are agreeing to get new phones this year in lieu of the planned gift of cash. This is going over sort of lukewarm. Hmmm....when they realize they're using their money to pay for something, how quickly they understand just how expensive things are. So we're in the negotiations.

I'm not used to this computer and I just deleted a small paragraph - and I have no idea how I did that. So I give up - I'm going to bed.

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Tales of Helpers

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