Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Loving Harry

It is so sad to have the adventures be 'over'.....but oh, the end is just glorious. Stupendous! Brilliant! Stunning! It was so great - and I plan to see it again this weekend. I teared up a bit but held it together 'cuz the boys were with me. So I want to see it again and just let the waterworks go. Say goodbye to the adventure and to my kids' childhood. Say goodbye to watching Harry, Ron and Hermione grow up before our eyes. I need a good cry. I feel all 'stopped up' about it and I have to get that all 'out'.

It was magical and wondrous....and someday, I'm going to take two or three days and watch the DVD's all in a row from start to finish. With popcorn.

And I'm going to read all the books again - including #7 which I sort of just skimmed. It's time to enjoy the adventure from the written word, which I'm positive will be all the more amazing than the movies could ever be. I'm loving reading again and that's a really neat thing -

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