Saturday, October 12, 2013


Seemed destined to be a once a week blogger again this week - so will attempt to post today thus making it not quite a week.  Time sure flies by, doesn't it?

I drove all the way to Modesto for a hair cut - since my stylist opened her own salon, I've been trekking there every five weeks.  Every single time I think 'this is the last time I'm doing this'.  It takes at least 40 minutes to get there - today, it took an hour 'cuz of a really bad accident.  So it's an hour there, an hour back and time in the chair.  Thankfully, since giving up color, it's pretty quick.  It was uber-quick this time 'cuz my hair barely grew at all in five weeks.  I had thought that too - seemed like I barely needed a cut and my stylist noticed, too - so that's odd.  Guess it's time to start taking my hair/nail vitamins again.

Exciting news:  out of the blue, H. got a call from a grocery warehouse he applied to in August.  He had a first interview on Friday - and his second interview is Monday morning.  It is NOT a temp agency - it's the actual company.  Pays double what he's making now; union job (welcome to organized labor, sweetie - you will pay dues every paycheck but they negotiate on your behalf and based on the starting wage, I'd say they're doing a decent job of it).  He is very excited - it's a commute to Stockton but the pay differential makes it more than worth it.  Fingers and toes crossed that it works out.

This week, J. upgraded all our flights to Europe for the 'more legroom' option.  Thankfully, the longest flights are configured with two seats on each side of the plan and then three in the middle - so we scored side by side seats.  We can trade off window vs. aisle and neither of us will worry about bothering a seat mate to get up and stretch our legs or go to the restroom.  We are researching things to do and places to go - so far, we're planning a dinner cruise on the Seine and a trip to Versailles.  We are so incredibly excited about the trip - thus making us even more glad that we threw caution to the wind and just decided to 'do it'!!

Work is.... .   Well, it's work.  It's work to get up and get ready.  Work to leave the house and go. Work to make it through a long day of slogging through everything that needs doing.  I'm doing it - no worries there.  But it's work to - well, it's work just to work.  It's an odd frame of mind to be in and there seems to be no abatement to it in site.

B. is on 24 hour 'desk duty' which he hates.  Hoping for a Facetime call tomorrow, maybe.  He is leaving Ft. Bliss for Ft. Bragg in a week or two for a 'special' training that I cannot talk about yet.  He is stoked!

It's getting more Fall like daily and it's nice to have the air crisp in the evenings and mornings.  We continue to work on yard stuff - attempting to get things 'cleaned up' before winter storms set in.  I think we're going to have to hire a tree trimming company to come prune trees this year - our self-pruning has kept them OK for now but it's 13 years of growth and they are getting too high for us to trim on our own.

I am anxiously awaiting a dinner with a friend this week - haven't seen her in ages and can't wait to catch up.  I have so many other friends I am behind on seeing -

I watched the farewell to Cory Monteith episode - and felt like I'd missed an episode.  I hadn't.  I used to watch weekly but haven't watched in awhile - and the show started three weeks after his character's death.  It was sad - and heartfelt - and I started Friday off (I watched it on the DVR yesterday morning) with a good cry.  Felt good.

We are having Taqueria tonight.  Chicken nachos for me, I think.

That's all for now -

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