Thursday, October 17, 2019

Closing Delay

We finally received confirmation that the buyers loan funded - after two days of waiting.  Technically, we didn't stop owing the house two days ago - we will stop owning it tomorrow.  We hope.  I had weird dreams all night about people bringing huge amounts of cash - only not enough to pay what we sold the house for.  It was a long, weird night.  No explanation for the two day delay - the first day, it was because the lender was doing a final doc review.  But the second day?  Crickets.  No idea why they took an extra day but oh well.  It funded today and it's truly just waiting for the sale to be recorded which should happen tomorrow.  They took down the For Sale sign and removed the lock box on Monday.

We're in a packing frenzy with H. getting his stuff into two huge suitcases and a small carry on.  He and J. dismantled the master bedroom headboard and brought it all downstairs.  If Salvation Army won't take it tomorrow, we'll have to get some help to make a trip to the dump.  I'd put it on the curb but the mirrors make me very nervous - someone getting seriously injured trying to take it off the curb would be a disaster.  I'd rather just toss it.  J. thinks he could keep/use the nightstands until he gets new bedroom furniture so we might add those to the moving load.  And if Salvation Army won't take the sideboard, I'm taking it with us.  No way I'm taking that beautiful piece to the dump.  I'll try again to sell it up there and use it in the mean time -

We have reservations to travel up there again on Friday, 11/25 for 4 nights and we're not sure what our plans are so for now, we're keeping the reservations.  We'll have to decide by 11/23 - we could definitely get some more stuff up there on our own which lightens the poundage for the moving van on the 4th.  But we'll have to see how far we get on the packing by then. 

I feel overwhelmed and when that happens, I lose all inertia.  But I made a bit of progress today so hopefully, that will help.  It's just overwhelming.  We've packed so much already but there's so much more to go. 

One of H.'s friends came over and took a huge package of frozen chicken legs, some pizza rolls and some donuts that I got just for him and his family.  I went to Stockton yesterday (where Krispy Kreme is) and had lunch with my CBO friends - very fun and very sweet.  I miss all of them so much and it was great to see them! 

Hopefully there will be no crazy dreams tonight so I'll feel more rested tomorrow.  For now, I'm determined to get two boxes moved out to the garage.  Two down, Lord only knows how many more to go.

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