This is Chloe after a long day of running around like a maniac. That's how we know she's both really, REALLY tired AND really, really sacked out - she's on her side. Not curled up in a ball. Just crashed on her side. Recovering for the next round of 'Torpedo dog' or 'let's play fetch FOREVER' or 'please, can I snuggle on your lap; please, can I, huh? Please,please please', etc. It's tough being a dog in this house...
And yes, those are laundry hampers...one empty; one not. If I'd moved them, I would have missed the picture. Weekends are laundry days and the hampers are out in full force this weekend. J. has made amazing progress, and since I have a 4 day weekend, I will hopefully finish up tomorrow and Tuesday.
As I approach my 500th post (sometime this month probably), I just feel like we finally know each other well enough for me to leave my laundry hampers in the picture. Take it as a compliment.
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