I am home for a 'break'. It's a Board night - and likely a late Board night. So having arrived in my office just after 7, I'm taking a 2 hour break to give myself some R&R time....only that isn't exactly how it's worked out.
J. is working from home today and advised me - just now - that B. is failing his math class. FAILING as in "F". Which is problematic on so many levels....where do I begin? Should I mention that this is the 2nd time he's taken this class, hoping to improve on the "D" that's currently on his transcript? Or that he spent last year in a math class specifically designed to help him improve his math grade in the class he got a "D" in. So obviously, that's not working out too well. Or should I mention that he's partly failing because he's not doing the homework - he told J. 'it's only 5% of my grade' (apparently forgetting that doing homework is what helps you master the material, which means his test/quiz grades suck also). And as if that's not bad enough - just choosing to not do homework 'cuz you think it's not that big of a deal - he's been lying to us for weeks. Every time he leaves the house for the gym, or band, or a date - and we inquire 'have you done all your homework?' He's been answering 'yes' to that question, which is a lie. A plain old, ordinary lie. And he's been going out, having fun - band gigs, recording studios, dates, gym....etc. All while asserting that he's keeping up with his school work. Lies. All lies. To say he's restricted doesn't even begin to cover it.
On a good note, I currently consider it a $20K savings 'cuz at this moment, three months into the school year (he couldn't hold it together for even three full months before deceit and lack of effort re-enter his academic career), I have no intention of sending him to a four year school next year. I don't give a crap what his AVID coordinator says. Not going to happen. If he wants it to happen, he'll have to do it on his own dime - burn through all of his personal $$ - for one year on his own. Let him spend HIS money experiencing what it's like to NOT work hard at college. He thinks high school is 'tough'? Just wait.
And then, I discover that my other son has messed with a possession of mine - and rendered it 'ruined'. Not really, but to me, it is. And I'm so frickin' pissed about it - how he can't just keep his hands off my stuff. How he assumes that he has free reign over any object that is in this house. And at the moment, I'm up to HERE with living in a house with three 'men'. I have no bathroom space 'of my own'. No space EVER where my stuff STAYS MY STUFF. It's all fair game. Free for all. And messed with regularly. I also, just last week, discovered my ENTIRE PACK of disposable razors IN THE SHOWER. SIX OF THEM. And it's most definitely NOT ME that put SIX CLEARLY GIRL RAZORS in the shower. It's THEM. Those kids. Those MALE kids. What in God's name are they shaving, anyway? I don't want to know. I can't even keep a decent razor in the house before it's messed with. And of course, neither of them 'did it'. No, 'not me'...not them. Some phantom shaving junkie who's quite possibly hairless apparently did it - 'cuz it's sure not them.
I know it's irrational. I know it - but honest to Pete, it's pissed me off something fierce. I just want him/them to leave my stuff alone. Is that too much to ask?
Then, J. left to pick up H. (who had to be picked up so that he could retrieve his phone from the school office, because it was TAKEN from him by school personnel for the 2nd time in three weeks. In fact, he JUST GOT IT BACK with a new improved set of 'restrictions' and lost it AGAIN yesterday) and tells me via a quick phone call 'oh, and don't forget the electrician's coming around 4. I should be back by then, but if I'm not, you know what to tell him.' Uh, no, I have no idea why we've hired an electrician. And I reminded him that we are on a BUDGET and we have $xxx.xx left until next payday and holy heck - how much is this little project going to cost us??? Thankfully, he made it back in time. There was a knock on the door around 3:20, though, and I was ready to freak out at the arrival of the electrician 40 minutes early - having just discovered H's messing with my 'possession' debacle'. Luckily, it was a carpet cleaning sales person...I said 'no, thank you' and quickly closed the door.
Oh great! J. just informed me that the reason B. just went upstairs to bed is because he's sick. He thinks he has the flu. Great. I assumed he didn't talk to me much when he got home 'cuz he knew I was less than thrilled with the realization that he's been lying ....and is (once again, third year in a row) failing his math class. Tylenol is being rendered. We can't find it, though, 'cuz H. took some last night for a headache and DIDN'T PUT IT BACK IN THE MEDICINE CABINET WHERE IT BELONGS. B. said 'I didn't tell you 'cuz I thought you'd be mad'. I replied 'I'm not mad about you being sick [resisting the urge to lecture him on how he's not getting near enough sleep - what with his heavy social life and everything] - but I am mad at you about your math grade. But we can talk about that another time. Take your Tylenol and go to sleep.'
Life is good. I'm going back to work. It's becoming more fun there, than here. Never thought I'd say THAT.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
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