This is my seven hundred and first post. I should offer a prize to the six of you that still read regularly. Tell you what: post a comment here and you'll be entered into a random drawing for one of my favorite things - a Starbucks gift card. I'm serious. There's only six of you 'followers' so you just might win! [Actually, only five of you 'cuz one of my followers is my husband and the drawing is not open to individuals who live with the prize manager - that means you, J. Sorry, sweets, but you know where my always loaded Starbucks card is and can borrow it anytime]. All the rest of you now have an even BETTER chance of winning 'cuz I just prohibited someone from entering. Wow, the power... shortly after pushing the 'publish post' button on my 700th post (I would have commemorated that occasion then only I didn't realize it was my 700th until just logging in this time - oh well).... about how I was feeling a bit nauseous and wasn't that odd since my other symptoms felt more 'cold-like', I was in bed...the kind of in bed when you realize 'oh my gosh, I am feeling HORRIBLE and wow, just a minute ago I was feeling just marginally not great'. 5 hours of throwing up and other 'stomach issues' (often simultaneously - my garbage can with liner removed became my new best friend) and hugely, horrifically bad pain on my right side. I was super-dee-duper 'under the weather'. Upon exiting the bathroom after 5 hours of this, J. said 'honey, you really are green' - and a look in the mirror confirmed it. My skin was a pasty, sea-moss color. To which I said 'I need to go to the ER' - not the first time I'd uttered those words that day but I really meant it this time. I was so sick...I was in pain...weird, impossible to describe pain. The throwing up and 'other' issues were just the icing on the cake. It was the pain that scared the crap out of me...
I've never been one to go anywhere in PJ's - but I had only a sweatshirt on...(in bed most of the day and had taken off my jeans 'cuz they make it too hard to warm up when I have clothes on and get under the covers) and J. brought me a pair of fleece pants and my new Lands End slippers [a Christmas gift from Santa (aka myself) and boy, howdy, have they been the best thing EVER]. I felt strange in PJ bottoms and slippers - but getting dressed sure didn't appeal to me. Staying vertical was a challenge and I just wanted to get the 'uber-casual' motif seemed to be the best approach.
The ER was 'mild' as ER's go - at least when we got there. They triaged me and were convinced that I should be 2nd on the list of who should be seen. That changed to 3rd when a heart attack guy and 4th when another person came in with symptoms more severe than mine. But we were in a room within 1/2 hour of arrival. IV fluids, medication for pain and nausea came quickly - blood work took a bit longer. And after blood work, a tech came in at 11PM to take me up for a CAT scan. By then, I was reasonably sure something was wrong.....they don't do CAT scans for nothing, right?
CAT scan showed 'inflammation of small bowel'. Translation: stomach bug. Blood work showed 'inflammation signs' (my SED rate was elevated, I think - a sure sign there's something 'abdominal' going on). But no blockage - at least not at that time. Honestly, I'm reasonably sure there was some sort of partial blockage - because when I tell you I was throwing up, I only threw up within MINUTES of consuming anything. I could keep nothing down - whatever went in promptly came out - like Linda Blair 'out'. It wasn't like it was a stomach thing that was sort of 'on the edge' of was just 'oh my gosh, you consumed something and there's nowhere for it to go so out it comes' barfing. Hard to describe. But I know my body...and there was more going on than a 'stomach virus'.
So, they sent me home with pain meds; anti-nausea meds; anti-diarrhea meds. We arrived home at midnight and I slept off and on through the night until 8ish. J. called into work for me - calling in sick after a two week break is never a good thing but at least I had medical evidence that I wasn't just stretching out the vacation into a longer vacation....
I was also home today but am thinking I will be able to work tomorrow. I've only eaten cottage cheese, 5 crackers and a yogurt today (and yesterday) but I am keeping things down. Things are 'rumbling' in there but at least they're staying where they belong, presumably digesting.
AND, I've started off one of my New Years Resolutions by losing FIVE POUNDS already. The hard way...but it counts!
I was so sick that I didn't give a moment's thought to insurance. We have it - and I don't think they'll be any issue - it's a PPO (vs. an HMO) plan - but now I'm a wee bit tense about the thought of that bill should we somehow be responsible for it.....yee gads. I did remember in my drugged haze that we now would have deductible - first of the year and all - but oh well to that,'ll hopefully be only the $300 deductible - or it will be more than that. Not going to worry (too much) until we know what we're worrying about. It is what it is and the hospital will accept a payment plan if necessary. Which it technically won't be 'cuz if it's our responsibility, we'll figure out how to pay it....
The other thing this episode has done is remind me how blessed I am with good health. When you are so sick that you suddenly focus on just how much you were feeling good and now you are feeling oh-so-bad, it really puts things in perspective. Mild aches and pains that come with age are nothing....heck, I'm grateful the old bod is hanging in there with me. And today, even though I still feel 'off' a bit, I feel so much better than I did this time 48 hours ago. It really helps remind me to be thankful for feeling decent - and to do anything and everything I can to continue to enjoy relatively good health. Seriously. You can never underestimate it - and we don't appreciate it until those moments when we feel horrifically, mind-altering-ly bad.
So this is a good start to 2010, as starts go....made me mindful of what I eat; how much I eat; how much I drink (not alcohol - I mean actual fluids. I don't drink enough during the average day, especially when I'm not at work); etc. It's a good way to start off the year - a mandatory '2 day cleanse' that I have no desire to 'undo' anytime soon. Mild diet for awhile for me and that's just fine. Already told my boss that I've sworn off Indian, Mexican and Thai food and any other spicy food for the foreseeable future - it's going to be white bread turkey sandwiches (no cheese) from here on out when we go out to lunch. (Not really - I think white bread is nutritionally void of any value, much the same as iceberg lettuce). But I'll avoid seeds and things that can get 'stuck' and create 'issues' at least for awhile. Give my intestines time to calm the heck will do them a world of good.
OK - leave comments for the SB card. One lucky commenter will receive a $15 Starbucks card - comments must be submitted by 6PM PST, Friday, January 8th. Winner will be announced Saturday morning. If you're reading and a lurker, now's the time to come on out and post openly. Really, you'll be glad you did... I know I will. And if you're related to me in any other way than 'by marriage', you're still eligible. Only individuals residing in the same household are excluded. You know you're out there....and you'd love Starbucks!! So leave a comment!!
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
I'm starting to think maybe I will just do a monthly post and call it what it is - whatever month we're in. Here we are winding dow...
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...
Wow! Now that was quite a post. I'm so glad it was nothing too serious and you are on the mend. I had to laugh at the 5 pound comment- not a great way to lose weight but sometimes a 'kick-start' is all a person needs.
Now, I admit the challenge to post a comment got me here, but no Starbucks drawing for me. I'm one of the few (very few) that does not frequent that establishment. But I wanted you to know that while I haven't been around for all 701 posts I have gone back and read most and completely enjoyed them. There was one about when you had your tonsils out and spent time at the cabin in Mexico (or rather you were staying up the hill at the Whitehead's??)recuperating. I realized that that was the first time I met you, your sister, mom, and Grammy. Jim and I had been dating about three months! I hadn't thought about it in years! SO thank-you for your posts, your humor, your insights! I check in daily to the musings and you always bring a smile to my face.
with love,
See how easy that was?? So glad to hear from you and thanks for reading. I didn't realize that weekend was the first weekend we met you...guess I was a wee bit preoccupied with my hugely sore throat to recall that part.
And if you're the lucky winner, I'll make a donation to your bagel ministry, which I think is such a cool thing!
Love and hugs,
Pleased you are back to your 'old' self once again - sounded awful. I too love reading your posts each day ... although, I'm certain I don't tell you enough what joy they bring to me.
Memories float thru my mind each and every time. I have used your blog as a reminder of dates, events, phases, passed thru in the past few years. An excellant way to review the growth, healing, and the progress made to date on my life's journey. In your special way of writing what you feel, see, hear and enjoy, you have logged for each of us a history and timeline we can retrace at any time. Thank you from B and me as well as all your other loyal readers as well.
Congrats on the 5 .... am at 11 thus far ..... aiming at another 20 but, perhaps at this age that could be asking too much. Now that we can actually get to the exercise equipment in the office, there is a much better chance we can follow our plan to the end. Don't you just love culling out and rediscovering organization and simplification? Well, I certainly do!
I am glad that you are feeling better, in the beginning of the post, I was really worried about you. You going to the ER is a rare thing. I Hope that you keep feeling better!
I am thinking about you and hope you keep posting b/c I like reading!
So sorry to hear you have been ill. After my bout with the gallbladder, I stopped taking health for granted. Feel better, my Friend.
Oh man, I was just a little behind on reading. I am a faithful follower. Very faithful. It's just that my farmville farm has been taking A LOT OF MY TIME. A LOT and I just expanded it. Yikes, what have I gotten myself into. I am glad you are feeling better. I had a similar episode early in 2009. Ended up being a colon infection that I got from the antibiotics I took for bronchitis. Very miserable couple of weeks. I ate the bland food. All white food. Soft white bread, cottage cheese, yogurt. It got old.
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