Wednesday afternoon, as I was wrapping up the day full of meetings, I felt a decidedly 'sudden' sore throat. Killer sore throat which hit out of the blue. I had just initiated an impromptu meeting with my boss so I hung around as he came over to my office. The meeting was good. I wrapped up signatures and other things that couldn't wait and headed home.
Thursday was busy with...I have no idea what I did on Thursday. I was home. Off work. But can't recall much of anything that we did. I felt bad and tried to book an appointment online with my doctor for Friday, but his scheduled was already full well into next week. Thursday night was horrible - no sleep. Massive congestion, raging headache, coughing myself to death (I felt). I awoke Friday morning feeling absolutely awful so I called in and made an appointment with any doctor available.
Sinus and ear infection AGAIN. The doctor I saw (new, female, young, very nice) counted back and said 'you've had five infections this year which is a lot. If the things we are going to try this time don't work, I think you may want to get your sinuses imaged so we can find out if there's something happening that's preventing them to drain properly'.
Antibiotics and a nasal spray (which used to be prescription but is now OTC). I did finally (FINALLY) sleep a little better last night (thank you, God!) though I still feel pretty cruddy and am heading upstairs shortly to go back to sleep (I hope). Or just watch all the things on my DVR and rest today.
I'm planning to go back to my doctor when this abates (oh, and he was in and saw me in the exam room as the nurse brought me in and said 'hey, what's up?' and I said 'I tried to schedule with you but you are booked - and I have my usual' to which he replied 'but it didn't wreck Cancun, right?' and I said 'anything that doesn't feel great in Cancun is easily fixed with a(nother) margarita!') and suggest we do blood work to rule out anything else. 'Cuz the thing is, in between these acute things that make me miserable, I feel pretty awful most of the time. I've been trying vitamins and supplements and anything else I can think of - but I feel pretty bad a lot of the time - so something is off in the all around-ness of my body that just makes fighting off infections impossible, apparently.
So we'll see.
For now, it's Augmentin three times a day (they are the size of horse pills) and Flonase once a day with lots of fluids and rest. I am so glad I was off Thursday and Friday so I didn't have to phone in sick ('cuz I would have had to phone in sick)....but it's been a couple low-key days and stuff around the homestead is still piling up. My desk is horrible - really awful - and I have no energy to deal with any of it.
B. is also under the weather trying to pass a 4.6mm kidney stone. He's on pain killers and was sent home to try to pass it. If it won't pass, they're going to do a new laser procedure (don't ask how - you don't want to know) and try to blast it away. He's hoping he won't have to do the procedure. Can't blame him a bit.
And H. said this morning 'Mom, I'm not feeling great either - my nose and head are all congested'. Great. Maybe the sweet baby I played with and held on the flight home gave me some new germ to which our entire family has been previously unexposed - so it will work it's way through our house making us all miserable -
OH! and on Wednesday, J. had a fall getting out of the shower and attempting to 'run' to answer the phone. He pulled a bunch of muscles - I arrived home Wednesday expecting to see him virtually immobile - but he's been doing pretty well - sore when he gets up from sitting and/or has sudden movements - but he's been doing OK and no doctor visit required.
Something has released a plague upon our house....
J. is heading out to purchase supplies for creating some new yard decor for Halloween. He (thankfully) did get out yesterday to purchase some food and supplies (including candy for tonight). He got out our Halloween decorations and many of them are well past their prime - so he's procuring new ones. If your house isn't decorated, kids won't come - so we have to do something.
My head feels fuzzy......(name that movie).
Saturday, October 31, 2015
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