Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Pre-Vacation Activities

I’m still betrothed to Klink – he hasn’t proposed marriage yet.  Really, since I control him, I just haven’t figured out how to propose marriage yet.  The game continues to intrigue and partly because it’s just so sexist in some ways, it amuses me.  The knights leave trash all over the place and await ‘the ladies’ to pick it up for them.  Too busy fighting battles in our honor, I guess?  Don’t want to waste male energy on picking up trash when you could have the ladies to it for you and save your energy for battle.  The males also eat a lot and like it when the ladies cook for them.  Geez…..make yourself a sandwich!

J. and I are going through a Battle of the Sexes thing sort of.   The duvet cover we picked out together when we moved into this house 15 years ago is showing its age – so it’s time to pick a new one.  There’s no easy way to do this – not too masculine for me nor too frilly for him.  No outrageous colors that will compel us to redo the entire bedroom.  Hopefully not too, too expensive ‘cuz we are careful.  Overstock.com has a lot very reasonably priced but we can’t find ones we agree on.  Toss in that the bed is a California King – very few duvet covers in that size and while I think King would do, J. doesn’t –you can see this may take a while.

We could always turn it around – put the ‘top’ edge that is showing its age at the bottom and the bottom edge up near the pillows and see if that evens it out a bit and gets us through another year or two.  We both love what we have….and that would eliminate the stress of trying to find something we can both agree on.

I start each day with a copious list in my head of things I must do to prepare for our trip…and come home and crash.  This morning, I was making lists in my head of all the things I will do as soon as I get home shortly after 4 – and mid-teeth brushing, it hit me that I have a board meeting tonight….so 4ish arrival home is not happening.  Maybe a mid-day break for a couple of hours will allow me to get a couple things going.  J. has a massive list of things to do today and I’m counting on him to get them off the list.   H.’s car failed it’s smog check so we have to figure that out pretty quickly because his registration renewal is due shortly after we get back from Cancun.  Prescription refills have been phoned in and need to be picked up.  The grocery trip with H. that didn’t happen Sunday will happen tomorrow after work FOR SURE ‘cuz there’s not much food in the house he will eat.  We have meat in the fridge that needs to be frozen and/or cooked then refrozen for later. 

We’re going to try to take only the two large suitcases – and we can load them up to 70 pounds each since we’re flying Business Class to Cancun.  As J. said, though ‘who will want to lift that’?  Not us.  But with snorkel gear, pillows, clothes, etc. – it’s going to be a challenge.  Thankfully, I’m just taking minimal clothing – we can do laundry there and I pretty much live in my swimsuit and cover-ups mostly, anyway.

I came home for a mid-day break which was great….only it was sure hard to go back to work.  Our property tax bill arrived in the mail – Yowza – it’s a doozy.  On the plus side is home values are appreciating quite nicely in our area – but wow.  I don’t have quite enough saved up to pay the December installment (less than $150 short so no big deal)  - we will need to start saving a bit more monthly to be ready for next year’s shock.

Home from the board meeting - it went fine.  Three more days to plow through....and I feel like I will spend the first week of our trip sleeping.  All I can think about is sleep.  :-)  So I'll head upstairs and get some (I hope).  

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