The check-in clerk at the gym said 'wait a minute - I have something for you' as soon as he walked into the door. A hand made card and a balloon that says 'Happy 18th Birthday' on one side and 'Welcome to Manhood' on the other. It also helped that the clerk was a 'she' - and cute! What a great start to his 18th birthday!
We also pulled off a surprise party for him! The timing wasn't perfect - we held it at a restaurant and they wouldn't seat our party until we were 'all' there. They knew it was a surprise party so they knew three of our party would be arriving 'late'. But they hadn't started setting up our table until we got there and there was no way to let J. know to delay a bit. Bluetooth is a wonderful invention, but on a Bluetooth equipped car, it's pretty much impossible to make a call - you're on speaker phone when the car audio system picks up the call. I couldn't get a hold of him to as him to try to stall. Stop for some lotto tix or something. So J., B., and H. arrived when we were all waiting to be seated. It was OK, though. B. came in behind J. and H. - and saw me. And then, I said 'well, SURPRISE' - and he saw all his friends and was just so thrilled. He had no idea - which is a miracle 'cuz I was sure one of them would spill the beans. I had a hard time not saying 'at your party on Friday night' throughout the week leading up to the event. But we pulled it off. We had a great time - adult friends and their kids came, too (C. and K. and their mom and dad) and we had a terrific dinner, chocolate cake and lots of fun. Two friends that couldn't make it because they were working joined us at home after the party - along with most of the friends that attended the dinner - and they played video games and 'hung out' until around midnight. A couple spent the night. B. had a great time and I'm sure it was a birthday he'll remember.
His gift from us was a iPod Touch - 32 GB - it will hold 7,000 songs! He's already got a friend that wants to buy his old iPod - a really nice young man named Sebastian. He came home with us from dinner - and stayed for most of the evening. He's such a great young man - AND, Chloe LOVES HIM. She usually barks and goes crazy when there are 'strangers' in the house - but with Seb, she made friends with him right away and stayed near him and even rolled over on her back for a belly rub - THAT is a true sign of love (for her) and she doesn't do that with very many people. They were fast friends by the end of the evening and he seemed to really like her, too. He's one of my 'favorites' among B's friends - and I told J. 'we need to have him over more often'.
Tonight, B. and H. are at (separate) Girls Treat events. In limos and party buses - both groups traveled to San Francisco for dinner - then a variety of other events. Pier 39, movies. One group is actually going to the dance - the other is not. It's what kids 'do' these days. They invite each other to dances - and then don't go to the dance. Can't figure it out. Not trying to. Both boys in tuxes looked awesome and their dates looked beautiful. I'm sure they're having a great time -
I worked all day today and hauled my entire desk home. Will work most of tomorrow in the comfort of the dining room. Have a few errands to run, including taking Chloe for a bath and nail trim.
J. and I ordered Chinese takeout. He wanted to go out but I just didn't feel like it - I was gone all day and we were out last night - I wanted some home time. He obliged and got Chinese. Delicious AND plenty of leftovers.
My 'baby' is an 'adult' - the first of many milestones of adulthood still to come. We have to get all of his custodial accounts switched to his name (then remind him that no, he cannot spend any of that money - it's for college - what the stock market hasn't lost, anyway); add him to our credit card so he can start going to Costco to get gas instead of Chevron (saves 10 cents/gallon, usually). Many things to do now that he's an adult. And yet, he's not. Still a kid in many ways. That 'in between' phase is ending, yet still persists. The winding down of high school is fully in process. The deadlines and to-do's and goals and hopes are coming at him at lightening speed. He enjoyed his last day of being a 'kid' and is now, officially 'a man'. I think. The 18th birthday means he no longer needs a legal guardian, should something happen to us. One down, one to go. Though 18 seems (and is) very young for the responsibility of being on his own. He's too young for that - and I don't mean chronologically, really. He's just 'young' - like many boys are.
I miss his childhood already.
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