Klink is the big one in the front - his eyes are green. He's huge - he weighs around 18 pounds, though I don't try to weigh him much anymore. He sleeps and eats and sometimes plays. And he tortures his brother, who is in the background.
Snow is sort of white and grey. And he is, without a doubt, the most beautiful cat I've ever owned. He is symmetrically perfect - each side of every feature is a mirror image of the other. I'll try to get a picture of that someday - his markings are mirror images - their mother was a Balanese and Snow takes after her. His eyes are bright blue.
We adopted them 10 years ago - the shelter lady was so relieved when I asked if I could adopt both. They were a bit older than the other kittens and I think she was worried they would never be adopted. But they won me over by carefully checking me out. And while Snow was skittish and fearful for awhile after we brought him home, he mellowed and is now the love-bug of the two. Snow will sit near you and raise up his front paw to touch you - your cheek, or anything he can reach - to entice you/beg you to pet him. He 'talks' when he wants lovin' and when he's not 'in the mood' to be social, he stays away. He's friendly and cuddly more than he's not.
J. told me before he left for church 'I put the picture of the cats on your picture drive'. I looked for 'cats' ....or Klink and Snow....or 'K&S'. Couldn't find the picture. And then - there it was....the perfect description - furballs.jpg. That describes them perfectly. And that's what J. calls them most of the time - furballs or 'the felines'. They sleep at the foot of the bed, usually on his feet, most of the night. Giant furballs.
We love them loads. And they reciprocate....in their own good time, in their own way. They are cats, after all.
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