Sunday, April 16, 2023

Cats & Taxes

This past week felt super busy as retired weeks go.  And J. was 'man down' for a couple days - he got home from golf on Tuesday feeling pretty crummy and ended up being sick to his stomach and/or in the bathroom for two full days.  Poor guy.  I can't remember the last time he actually tossed his cookies but Tuesday and Wednesday he did plenty of that.  

We had an appointment for Nala's annual vet visit on Tuesday afternoon so I navigated that alone.  Not too bad, really.  She wasn't thrilled with being in the hard side carrier and she sure didn't like the 10 minute drive to the vet.  But once we were in the exam room and she was out of her carrier, she did what she always does:  explores every nook and cranny of the room including attempting to get into all the cupboards and drawers available.  The vet tech and the vet fell madly in love with her - as they do every year - because she's beautiful and sweet and so funny.  She had a few minutes of shaking like a leaf but she calmed down when I gave her a good chin scratch and told her she was fine.  And I fall in love with her all over again every time she realizes 'Wait, my Mom is here.  I am OK.  Nothing bad will happen if I'm with my people and Mom is here so OK!  I am going to explore a bit'.  Cats have a reputation for being aloof and incredibly self-centered - and that's true sometimes.  But our two cats have truly showed their intense ability to love their humans and it's a beautiful thing.  And we feel the same back with them.  

Her health was good and we have her rabies vaccination up to date for another year.  

We did another vet trip on Friday for Muf and the same thing happened - glad for J.'s help - everything's easier with the two of us together.  Muf was her usual incredibly beautiful and charming self and the techs and veterinarian fell in love with her, too.  She's got a clean bill of health as well and her vaccination.  She didn't cry much on the trip home 'cuz I think she knew she was on the last drive - at least for the day. 

Tomorrow, we wind up an intense week of 'cat stuff' when we drive to North Reno and drop them off for a grooming.  We'd hoped to get them groomed every four months but the winter we had made a December trek hard to make happen.  We're going to plan for every six months.  They'll both get baths, nail trims and a good trim.  Muf really needs it.  While they get the spa treatment, we'll head to Atlantis for weekly free play.  We usually go on Sundays but it's easy to adjust.  Monday is usually a golf day for J. but he agreed to skip golf tomorrow so he can help with the cats.  I could (I'm sure) totally do it myself but I really appreciate the team effort.  The drive with two crying cats is stressful....and I don't like going to Atlantis alone either.  So the two of us will join forces to get this long-looming, huge 'thing' off my list of things that need to happen.

It was a beautiful day today and we spent time outside working in the yard.  Hand watered every single plant - there are some cold nights still in the forecast so we're not ready to turn the drip system on yet.  

We hired a new gardener yesterday who will come every other week on Fridays.  While he was here to give us an estimate, he took time to pick up any debris he saw.  He definitely had an eye for details and that was a welcome change from our previous service.  We're going to order some stones to fill in some bare spots in the front and back yards and he gave us info on how much to order.  We hope he will be a big help - feel pretty confident - but he's definitely doing this work as a 'side job' - so we'll see.  Honestly, it feels like any help will be more than we've been getting from our previous company and we welcome the help.

Lots of golfers on the course this past week as well - nice to see. Things are greening up nicely which is also lovely to see. 

I helped B. with his taxes again - they were filed today so glad that's off the list, too.  What he owes to the Feds he'll get back from California.  He changed his 'legal residence' state to Tennessee so there was a bit of 'stuff' to figure out related to that change.  Turbo Tax makes it pretty fool-proof which is nice.  I did have something go wrong and posted a question on the TT forum page and got a very helpful reply very quickly.  Was able to fix everything no problem once I read the response.  Very glad to be done.  

I've had a couple days of sleeping in until after 8AM and the difference an extra hour or so of sleep makes to my energy level is amazing.

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