Monday, January 24, 2022
J. had a monthly golf group meeting and lunch here in Carson. The group is trying out various places to hold these monthly get togethers and today was at Fandango Casino. He said the lunch wasn't that great but it was nice to be close here in town vs. driving a ways. He's glad to have car mobility back and it sounds like we will trek to Atlantis together later this week - he can hang out in the very nice VIP lounge and get our 'stuff' done - it's the time of year for new cards, new parking pass and our January car wash coupons. I think he'll also take my car to be washed while we're in Reno - it needs it. Weeks and weeks of snow, ice, mud and gunk - it's really in need of some TLC inside and out.
I decided to plow into 2022 by working on our taxes. My theory is confirming what our refund will be will help us know what to sketch out for withdrawals. Factoring in things like possible cruise, etc. - if we get a decent refund, we can limp along for (quite) a while before needing to do a withdrawal and that would be nice.
Weather has been lovely - we were ready for huge winds this past weekend but nothing happened. Woot woot!
It's the one year anniversary (roughly this time last year not any specific day) we realized H. was using heroin again. I wish I had pithy things to say and some sort of verbal summation of how things are these days but I don't.
January 25, 2022
It's a day later and I'm dressed and ready for casino time. J. will be home from physical therapy soon and we'll leave for Reno a bit later. The cleaning ladies were here yesterday so the house is sparkly.
I went outside for a bit when the cleaning ladies were working in the office and J. pointed out a HUGE mole/vole mound on our side of the fence. Tomorrow, I will tackle it - I used a big shovel to put as much of the dirt back on the golf course side of the fence but will need to use a trowel to get most of the dirt away from our plant and then use the jet setting on the hose to clean off all the river rock that is covered in dirt. Then I'll use the mole/vole keep away granules on all the plants along the fence. It's easy to apply but has to be watered in to create the scent that keeps them away. Mostly the moles/voles had moved away from our fence and onto the course more - but they are back officially on our side and we'll have to really be vigilant because they will destroy all our plants in the blink of an eye.
January 29, 2022
I promise at the end of this post to publish this darn entry! Days just fly by.
I intended to get right outside this morning to work in the yard - but it was 35 degrees around 9AM so I thought better of it. It's 9 degrees warmer and it's not quite noon - so I'd better get going on the project regardless of the cold.
I pinned my hair up so it won't be in my eyes. I don't know how ladies with longish hair cope with the constant hair in the eyes. Makes me crazy.
We ordered some Mexican food from Lady Tamales and will pick it up at 2. We picked up takeout dinner there earlier this week and the food was so delicious. She was running out of food when we picked up our dinner so we called when she opened today to get a dozen pork tamales, six cheese enchiladas and some pinto beans. Dinner tonight, lunch tomorrow and likely dinner tomorrow night as well is done! Woot woot.
I have had a few nights of 'better' sleep. I think I can attribute that to having worked through some psyche stuff. Might post about that another time. In general, I'm working hard on being kinder to myself on the 'beating myself up about every mistake I've ever made since the dawn of time'. Is it normal as we age to start reviewing/rethinking everything we've ever done? 'Cuz I've been doing a fair amount of that and it's usually as I (try) to get to sleep and then throughout the nights. Stopping the trash talking to myself - reminding myself that whatever mistakes were made were what led me to the different places and spaces I've had/been in and it's all good. Life is fine. Blessed. Happy. So spending an exorbitant amount of time reliving odd moments from decades's a waste of time. And not the kind of positivity I am trying to possess.
That's it for now. Hitting publish!
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