The World Health Organization officially declared COVID-19 to be a worldwide pandemic.
Our President announced the US would ban flights from Europe - though flights from Great Britain are OK. This morning, the news reports that he announced that without letting any country in Europe know. I'm not sure he's obligated to? But seems like there should have been a heads up.
His actions caused (yet another) stock market free fall today - and thus far, all the gains 'created' (I hesitate using that word because he gives himself credit for all the stock market gains which largely have absolutely zero to do with him) during his presidency have been wiped out.
Our net worth dropped a significant amount when I updated our accounts this morning but we are blessed to be able to just heave a sigh and wait it out. Still, my stomach clenched a bit at the sight of the new number.
We will ride it out. We know that's the best thing to do. Make no changes and just stay the course.
We've planned a couple of overnight stays in late March/early April for our anniversary and a concert (both stays at Atlantis) but I'm truly leaning towards cancelling. I also plan(ned) to go to Atlantis later today for a free gift - Irish Whiskey - but now I'm debating that plan.
We may need the whiskey if we're cooped up in the house for weeks. Hot water, fresh lemon juice, raw honey and whiskey is a great scratchy throat/cough remedy.
I do plan to also make a trip to the store for additional 'plan to be stuck in your house for up to two weeks'. One of the CDC's main tips for how to deal with the virus is to 'stay at home as much as possible'. Seems like we should try to do that. Some food supplies, etc. need to be stocked up just in case.
It's an event like this that makes us realize how small the refrigerator/freezer is that we bought when we moved into the rental. It's a great size for two people - but not when stocking up is something that may need to happen.
J. left to play golf - he's really enjoying playing every week.
When I visited with my former assistant last week in Reno, we compared lists of things we're binge watching and she gave me a couple new shows to start watching - we love "Marcella" (Amazon Prime). We watched Season 1 and have started Season 2. Finished "The Outsider". We were able to watch three episodes of Season 3 of "The Sinner" but since we don't have cable, we'll have to wait until we do to finish watching. [I think we're going to pay $1.99 an episode to go ahead and watch it if we end up being house bound].
It's now Friday - this was drafted yesterday but not posted so I'll add a bit.
I did go to Reno - casino very empty even for a mid-day weekday which are usually not super crowded. I had fun and got the whiskey - which as it turns out is a pretty decent Irish Whiskey. Worth the trip. It was nice to get out of the house.
I stopped at Walmart on the way home having decided to stock up a bit. The site of empty shelves everywhere was really scary. Not just the toilet paper aisle (which was completely bare) but food shelves as well. My plan to buy some dried beans resulted in me buying mostly canned beans 'cuz the dry bean section was decimated. I might have gotten a little over zealous - spent more than I planned and bought things that weren't on my list - but I truly felt like I'd better lay in a supply to get us through for a couple weeks at least. We are well stocked, I think. I didn't buy water - I have no idea why or if there is a risk our tap water will be contaminated and undrinkable? But I don't think water is a huge concern at this point - and hope I won't regret that at some point in the not-too-distant future. That's the one part of the 'stock up' recommendations that I don't get - 1 gallon per day per person is recommended. That's 28 gallons of water on hand for the two of us - for two weeks - and I just don't get that 'need'. My cousin S. is asking the same question - water? We're heading into a period of not going out of our homes much - but there hasn't been a natural disaster that has threatened the city water supply.
I've been reading a lot on COVID-19 and embracing the idea of self quarantining when possible - not because I'm afraid of getting it [we will all likely get it eventually]....but I don't want to spread it if I do have it and I also understand that slowing down the spread is critically important - otherwise, medical facilities will be over-run with very sick people and we won't have the resources to treat and help those who need help surviving it.
I was remembering the swine flu scare in 2009 - and don't remember this level of 'concern'. But for now, we will stick close to home as much as possible. At least for the next couple weeks.
We had a 'closet' walk through at the house today - the project foreman spray painted 'instructions' on the floor of each closet - so the carpenters installing the shelving and poles know what we want in each closet. (There are a lot of closets in the house). While there, we also finalized the outside concrete plan - we are adding a lot of concrete now vs. hiring landscapers to do it later - it will save a lot of $ and will roll the cost of the outside walkways, pads and extended patio into the cost of the house. Yippee! With all the drywall installed, it looks like a house! And the light - oh my goodness, the light - it's super beautiful, bright with plenty of natural sunlight. We are both so relieved and happy to see the light effect - it's a complete northern exposure and we wondered if we'd get a lot of good light - but in the morning light, it was so beautiful in the great room and kitchen.
On the list of projects whilst on lock down are taxes and preparing all the docs we need to submit for the mortgage process.
It's a crystal clear day - J. said 'there's a winter storm watch' - and there is, starting tomorrow evening. It looks like it might be a doozy, though, because the streets were already freshly brine sprayed which we noticed on the way to the house. Glad we haven't removed the down comforters from the beds yet - snuggle factor will still be important for the next few days.
Friday, March 13, 2020
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