I have given up games that felt like they were sucking the life out of me. I looked forward so much to the first Farmville 'new' farm - and it was fun for awhile. There are now 20 or so 'farms' and there was no way I was going to invest my time on that game anymore. Around the fourth one - all with separate 'missions' and goals - I was done. I tried to just 'farm' for awhile - but even that was overwhelming. It stopped being mindless and fun and started feeling a lot like work.
I play because they help me decompress a bit after days that are very full. I play because I think some of them help me think and plan and keep 'sharp'. Time management games are not easy and I like them.
Pengle is a match three game that I've played for awhile. I tried Candy Crush for awhile - but it's impossible. Or feels that way. Pengle is tough and I play some levels over and over. And then, something will happen and you'll do something that gives you a boost or something that helps and ta-da! A level you've been stuck on for a week or more is suddenly done - things just come together and everything works and you've completed the goal and are able to move on.
Tonight, that feels like a life lesson. I need to remind myself. Sometimes, you stay stuck for a long time. You try different things and they don't work. You try new things and they don't work either. But if you just keep playing and trying, things will work out. They really will. Pengle helps me with that. Gives me a win now and then even if I've been stuck for a long time.
Two more days and those days feel like an eternity. I've come to the conclusion that the issue is having our holiday party on Friday evening. It feels so 'hard' to work the long week and then leave work and essentially go to work for another couple of hours. All I will want to do is just go home. B. arrives Friday night and J. will leave to get him around the time I'm getting home. I want to wait up for them to be back but geez, it's going to be really late. It will be fine if I go to bed 'cuz I will see him Saturday morning - and the first hug is the best thing ever regardless of when it happens.
I have made huge, massive progress on culling out my office. It feels so good to let go of so much stuff that's just been piling up. It feels great to have a little time to breathe. To take the time to do this massive reorganization and cleaning is something I've only been able to dream about - or think 'I'll come in and do it on a weekend'. But I've put many hours in on the project this week and clearly, one weekend wouldn't have been nearly enough. It's wonderful to feel like I can do my job and still have a life. I get to work between 7:30 and 8 and leave by 5. Some nights, I'm out by 4:30ish. It's nice to have a life.
H.'s scan went well and he survived a no-carb day. Now we wait until Tuesday to hear how it looked. As always, waiting is hard. I feel on pins and needles about it - and I'm glad the phone hasn't rung with any 'please rush into the office ASAP'.
Survivor finale also has us on pins and needles this evening.
Should have named the post Pins and Needles -
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