Yesterday, it was 44 degrees at noon - with a biting wind that made you feel much, much colder.
Our office(s) are all tuned in to brutal cold 'cuz we have to walk outside and down a ways to get to the restrooms - so we all spend part of each day trying our best to not have to go to the restroom lest we freeze on the way there. Coats, scarves - even hats and gloves - were seen all day yesterday. We skipped umbrellas 'cuz the rain was coming down sideways and would hit you anyway - and everyone knows umbrellas in the wind are worthless.
The week is moving quickly towards the weekend!
OH - and H. has a job interview at 7AM tomorrow morning at the Orchard Supply Warehouse here in town! Cross fingers and toes.....pray (if you're inclined). It's supposedly part time and temporary but with a company like OSH, it's possible it's a stepping stone into a full time job -
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