Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy V. Day! and Other Happenings

Popping in at home briefly on Tuesday (on my way back to my office from one of our school sites when my bladder began truly screaming for mercy and the closest place happened to be HOME!) found a letter from B. .   He had 'news':  it looks like he will be stationed at Ft. Benning after Basic so he knows where he will be!  He is excited because basically every conceivable thing he is interested in doing is trained at that base so it's perfect for him to stay there!  His only complaint was 'I don't like the weather here much'....and I thought 'oh, son...just wait until summer'.  He is a good letter writer and has a good 'tone' in his musings....wonder where he got that from?  He crafts a story....I not only love hearing from him, I love reading his fun.  It's sort of an added 'bonus' to have the writer in him start to come through...good old fashioned letters really are the best!

Also on Tuesday, H.'s roommate was laid off as well so now they are both on the hunt for a job pronto!  I'm a little more nervous about that 'cuz the roommates dad moved to Texas and I'm sure hoping their family's answer isn't: leave Tracy and move here.  Sure, he's still 'obligated' to the six month lease just like H. - but the likelihood of us 'collecting' in the event he did that seems slim.  They've both applied for unemployment; H. has updated his resume and already applied for a few we are cautiously hopeful.  Fingers crossed.

It is just before 5AM and I am heading to get ready for work - meeting off site for most of the morning and I have plenty to do to prep work for my assistant so she has plenty to do while I'm away.  Then more meetings combined with tons of 'work'....and for Valentine's Day, we are having a cookie contest.  I made something last night that I doubt will win but will get me entered and able to participate in the cookie exchange that's also happening - so I will arrive home this evening with dessert!

My best beloved greeted me at 3:40AM this morning (he didn't actually personally greet me 'cuz it's incredibly early) with flowers on the kitchen table and a card on my computer!  I wondered why he was a little late(r) getting home from church last night....he's sneaky. 

I love how coming downstairs, we are greeted by the same kitchen we left the night before....'tis a thing of beauty to have everything spic and span like we left it! 

I was going to get a Valentine's Day card for B. and mail it but J. thought I shouldn't do that - so I wrote him a letter instead which he will get on Saturday, hopefully.  Just to let him know we are thinking of him.  

We have another three day weekend coming up and I am once again looking forward to sleeping in a bit....though I have another darn state report due shortly that will require me to work a day or so...but truly, working a Monday holiday (after sleeping in) is the best.  It's very quiet, no interruptions...just come in and plow through three days of work in a day all by myself!  No meetings; no phones....just me and my iPhone listening to whatever my current 'phase' is in my broad spectrum of music selections.

Happy Valentine's Day - hug those you love and enjoy a day of celebrating the wonderful gift of loving someone with your whole heart....'tis a wonderful thing.  

Sweetie, I'm talking about YOU!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An endless supply of hugs awaits, Dear!


Tales of Helpers

Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works.  She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...