We haven't had a phone call from B. in weeks. I am totally and completely fine with that 'cuz he writes pretty often. His letters are so fun to read and his personality comes through in the words. It's a joy to hear from him.
We read on Facebook today that some platoons in his unit lost phone privileges 'cuz some guys tried to sneak off the base! So maybe that's why we haven't heard from him by phone? He hasn't mentioned anything in his letters so it might have happened recently? Another newsy letter arrived yesterday...he is working hard on getting fitness scores that qualify him for RASP (Ranger Assessment and Selection Program). He is working on push-ups because his form is lowering his score. He is one motivated young man and his drill instructor is encouraging him....so good to hear how motivated he is and how determined he is. He's always been like that - when he makes up his mind about something, there is no stopping him! Go B.!
I wrote him a letter and J. read it - we always share our letters with each other because we write separately so B. will get more mail - and said 'So you're proud of him, right?' Guess my letter mentioned that many times.
It's hard to describe how I feel about him these days. I never imagined I would feel so fiercely proud of him - of what he's doing. I've always felt sort of ambivalent about his career choice...but he's there and he's working his heart out - and he's doing it. He really is. When I see the pictures of the things they do - and there he is - shooting a grenade launcher or crossing a net bridge a couple stories off the ground...it just boggles my mind. Proud? Hell, yes! And excited for him because he is so passionate about these goals - and honestly, isn't that what we all want? For our kids to find something that motivates the hell out of them? Gets them moving forward in their lives?
They are being fitted for their dress blues and I know I am just going to cry most of the ceremony because that's my 'baby' there. My first born baby - all grown up and making his way through a gazillion challenging things all on his own. It boggles my mind....
We've made all our reservations and are so excited to be going...and the Facebook posts remind us how blessed we are. There are so many families that can't make the trip out for graduation...or are praying to find a place to stay on the base - which is pretty limited. Or even camp on the base. We are so blessed to be able to plan and go. We're planning things to do in Atlanta for the 1/2 days we will be there....making it a true 'adventure'. While others struggle to even consider making the trip to be there. I feel so grateful...and privileged.
H. got a job! with Orchard Supply Hardware here in town - in their warehouse. An official 40 hour a week job - with a major retailer. I think he's excited - but slightly disappointed to be employed so quickly....his roommate is still looking and H. just qualified for unemployment....but he doesn't start the new job until March 12th so he still has a couple weeks. We are excited for him - though still having issues with him being an incompetent money manager. Remember the Cosby episode where Cliff uses Monopoly money to illustrate to Theo how fast money goes on living expenses? We're planning on re-enacting that episode soon to make the point!
I was amazingly home by 3:30 today after going in very early most days this week - and I headed straight outside and did a little gardening. Then a little time on the computer and headed out again to take Chloe for a walk. She led the entire way - so happy to be out in warm-ish weather on a clear, beautiful day - as was I! I should have returned to work after a long meeting at our county office - but truly, an afternoon at home was needed far more. And I'd already put in more than an 8 hour day at that point -
Now it's salmon, brown rice and green beans for dinner. J. is cooking and found a new recipe for the salmon! Chloe is still full of energy - I could throw her toy a million times and she'd still want more!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
The weekend was reasonably sunny and while not shorts weather, certainly not cold. It was sunny and bright and we all felt ready for Spring.
Yesterday, it was 44 degrees at noon - with a biting wind that made you feel much, much colder.
Our office(s) are all tuned in to brutal cold 'cuz we have to walk outside and down a ways to get to the restrooms - so we all spend part of each day trying our best to not have to go to the restroom lest we freeze on the way there. Coats, scarves - even hats and gloves - were seen all day yesterday. We skipped umbrellas 'cuz the rain was coming down sideways and would hit you anyway - and everyone knows umbrellas in the wind are worthless.
This is the view this morning of 'our hills' - not like around the corner but not too far away - proof it was/is (still) pretty darn cold here at the moment.
Yesterday, it was 44 degrees at noon - with a biting wind that made you feel much, much colder.
Our office(s) are all tuned in to brutal cold 'cuz we have to walk outside and down a ways to get to the restrooms - so we all spend part of each day trying our best to not have to go to the restroom lest we freeze on the way there. Coats, scarves - even hats and gloves - were seen all day yesterday. We skipped umbrellas 'cuz the rain was coming down sideways and would hit you anyway - and everyone knows umbrellas in the wind are worthless.
The week is moving quickly towards the weekend!
OH - and H. has a job interview at 7AM tomorrow morning at the Orchard Supply Warehouse here in town! Cross fingers and toes.....pray (if you're inclined). It's supposedly part time and temporary but with a company like OSH, it's possible it's a stepping stone into a full time job -
Monday, February 18, 2013
Spent a lovely day with my best beloved exploring the 'gold country'. We headed to Ione this morning to check out the houses on the golf course. Turns out the development is in 'close out' mode and there aren't many houses left. We found one model we really liked (and the one I thought I liked ended up having quite possibly the stupidest floor plan in 'real life' I've ever seen) with one of those homes being built. Not the best timing for us - if the phases were in earlier stages, that would give us time to put a deposit down on a lot and then figure out financing in the next couple months...but to buy now would require immediate financing - and we're not quite ready to do that yet.
It was also revealing to realize that in some ways, I don't want to 'down size'. Some of the smaller homes felt like apartment living - bedrooms the size of H.'s apartment bedroom which is pretty much room for a bed and that's about it. Why would we want to eventually move to a home with teeny tiny bedrooms after living here? That would be really hard -
J. thinks we should consider building - putting all the things we like into a home we help design. So maybe we'll look for empty lots also as we plan and explore.
The best part of the day was the feeling of so many amazing possibilities - and as always, I counted my many blessings and felt grateful and thankful. What an adventure we will have...
We enjoyed lunch and a little gambling at Jackson Rancheria - came home with close to what we left with so we felt good about that. Playing for hours - both of us - and coming home with around $80 less than we left with is pretty great and it was fun! It was pretty crowded - but still enjoyable! We are already planning a return date on a mid-week day in March.
Last night we enjoyed a great evening of TV - Amazing Race, a new episode of Good Wife and then the shocking end to Season 3 of Downton Abbey. I must be living under a rock 'cuz apparently it wasn't a surprise to many - but I was totally clueless about it and was stunned and dismayed at the tragic ending. I sat here saying 'OMG' over and over....
Now it's time to get a letter off to B., make a light dinner (homemade hummus! and enough for lunch tomorrow), continue working on our taxes and then heading to bed early. I haven't seen H. in close to a week - I'm pretty sure he's avoiding me 'cuz he's been spending money stupidly and considering his current employment status, it has me on edge a bit.
We left here with sun everywhere and it's now overcast, cold and very windy! Spring keeps teasing us and then she retreats! I'm ready to wear tank tops and shorts and spend time in the yard! Not yet, though.....
Busy week ahead so there will be few posts - my penance for not working much this weekend will be to work early and stay late this week. Oh well. Grateful for J. being home and that his being here means I don't have to think of a single thing around here. He takes care of everything. Another blessing!
It was also revealing to realize that in some ways, I don't want to 'down size'. Some of the smaller homes felt like apartment living - bedrooms the size of H.'s apartment bedroom which is pretty much room for a bed and that's about it. Why would we want to eventually move to a home with teeny tiny bedrooms after living here? That would be really hard -
J. thinks we should consider building - putting all the things we like into a home we help design. So maybe we'll look for empty lots also as we plan and explore.
The best part of the day was the feeling of so many amazing possibilities - and as always, I counted my many blessings and felt grateful and thankful. What an adventure we will have...
We enjoyed lunch and a little gambling at Jackson Rancheria - came home with close to what we left with so we felt good about that. Playing for hours - both of us - and coming home with around $80 less than we left with is pretty great and it was fun! It was pretty crowded - but still enjoyable! We are already planning a return date on a mid-week day in March.
Last night we enjoyed a great evening of TV - Amazing Race, a new episode of Good Wife and then the shocking end to Season 3 of Downton Abbey. I must be living under a rock 'cuz apparently it wasn't a surprise to many - but I was totally clueless about it and was stunned and dismayed at the tragic ending. I sat here saying 'OMG' over and over....
Now it's time to get a letter off to B., make a light dinner (homemade hummus! and enough for lunch tomorrow), continue working on our taxes and then heading to bed early. I haven't seen H. in close to a week - I'm pretty sure he's avoiding me 'cuz he's been spending money stupidly and considering his current employment status, it has me on edge a bit.
We left here with sun everywhere and it's now overcast, cold and very windy! Spring keeps teasing us and then she retreats! I'm ready to wear tank tops and shorts and spend time in the yard! Not yet, though.....
Busy week ahead so there will be few posts - my penance for not working much this weekend will be to work early and stay late this week. Oh well. Grateful for J. being home and that his being here means I don't have to think of a single thing around here. He takes care of everything. Another blessing!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Happy V. Day! and Other Happenings
Popping in at home briefly on Tuesday (on my way back to my office from one of our school sites when my bladder began truly screaming for mercy and the closest place happened to be HOME!) found a letter from B. . He had 'news': it looks like he will be stationed at Ft. Benning after Basic so he knows where he will be! He is excited because basically every conceivable thing he is interested in doing is trained at that base so it's perfect for him to stay there! His only complaint was 'I don't like the weather here much'....and I thought 'oh, son...just wait until summer'. He is a good letter writer and has a good 'tone' in his musings....wonder where he got that from? He crafts a story....I not only love hearing from him, I love reading his writings....so fun. It's sort of an added 'bonus' to have the writer in him start to come through...good old fashioned letters really are the best!
Also on Tuesday, H.'s roommate was laid off as well so now they are both on the hunt for a job pronto! I'm a little more nervous about that 'cuz the roommates dad moved to Texas and I'm sure hoping their family's answer isn't: leave Tracy and move here. Sure, he's still 'obligated' to the six month lease just like H. - but the likelihood of us 'collecting' in the event he did that seems slim. They've both applied for unemployment; H. has updated his resume and already applied for a few jobs..so we are cautiously hopeful. Fingers crossed.
It is just before 5AM and I am heading to get ready for work - meeting off site for most of the morning and I have plenty to do to prep work for my assistant so she has plenty to do while I'm away. Then more meetings combined with tons of 'work'....and for Valentine's Day, we are having a cookie contest. I made something last night that I doubt will win but will get me entered and able to participate in the cookie exchange that's also happening - so I will arrive home this evening with dessert!
My best beloved greeted me at 3:40AM this morning (he didn't actually personally greet me 'cuz it's incredibly early) with flowers on the kitchen table and a card on my computer! I wondered why he was a little late(r) getting home from church last night....he's sneaky.
I love how coming downstairs, we are greeted by the same kitchen we left the night before....'tis a thing of beauty to have everything spic and span like we left it!
I was going to get a Valentine's Day card for B. and mail it but J. thought I shouldn't do that - so I wrote him a letter instead which he will get on Saturday, hopefully. Just to let him know we are thinking of him.
We have another three day weekend coming up and I am once again looking forward to sleeping in a bit....though I have another darn state report due shortly that will require me to work a day or so...but truly, working a Monday holiday (after sleeping in) is the best. It's very quiet, no interruptions...just come in and plow through three days of work in a day all by myself! No meetings; no phones....just me and my iPhone listening to whatever my current 'phase' is in my broad spectrum of music selections.
Happy Valentine's Day - hug those you love and enjoy a day of celebrating the wonderful gift of loving someone with your whole heart....'tis a wonderful thing.
Sweetie, I'm talking about YOU!
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Low Key
No visit from Son #2 and no call from Son #1....6PM on Sundays is always the hardest 'cuz if B. hasn't called by then, I know he won't - and Sunday is the day he usually calls if he's going to call. Oh well - there's always next week, right?
I was heading to Target and texted H. to see if he needed anything - and he asked for paper plates, bowls, plastic cups and plastic silverware. I texted back 'no, because I'm not going to buy those things just to save you guys doing dishes - that's a waste of money'. He said 'I thought it would be less expensive than dishes'. Then he texted 'J. (his roommate) has dishes already'. It finally hit me - so I asked him to call me. Turns out, J. has dishes - but apparently he's not sharing them much. Or maybe he is but with the two of them and four of things, it doesn't last long. So J. (my J.) came with me and we got H. a set of Corelle dishes, silverware, drinking glasses and a set of plastic 'mixing' bowls (which he will mostly use for cereal). And some sodas, granola bars and cereal. So now they will both have plates and glasses to use -
We are watching the Grammy's which I don't really care about....so I'm heading upstairs soon.
Hoping to head to Pleasanton tomorrow - none of us felt like going today.
I was grousing to J. earlier how all week - almost every single morning - I'd have one (or more) of those moments when you pull up the covers and sink into the warmth and coziness and realize you are going into a great sleep - only it's time to get up. And here it is a weekend, and that hasn't happened once. Not once! It sucks...'cuz I love having that feeling and really being able to sleep in! Pisses me off which is stupidly irrational. I did sleep in today - which was great....just no 'sinking into warmth and coziness' this morning. Maybe tomorrow.
I started doing our taxes today - holy crap, we owe a lot. Really - a lot! Oh well. I still have quite a bit to go and it could still change down a bit - but wow! I think it's good that we've already committed to Cancun (purchased tickets; paid 50% of the rental) 'cuz if we hadn't, I'd be tempted to not spend the money on the trip - it's that bad.
We might head out for another walk tomorrow afternoon - it was nice yesterday and I'm proud to say, I'm not sore or anything! I had Jell-o legs for a bit at Starbucks - and yes, I did accept a ride home from H. - but mainly 'cuz I just wanted to get home....
I was heading to Target and texted H. to see if he needed anything - and he asked for paper plates, bowls, plastic cups and plastic silverware. I texted back 'no, because I'm not going to buy those things just to save you guys doing dishes - that's a waste of money'. He said 'I thought it would be less expensive than dishes'. Then he texted 'J. (his roommate) has dishes already'. It finally hit me - so I asked him to call me. Turns out, J. has dishes - but apparently he's not sharing them much. Or maybe he is but with the two of them and four of things, it doesn't last long. So J. (my J.) came with me and we got H. a set of Corelle dishes, silverware, drinking glasses and a set of plastic 'mixing' bowls (which he will mostly use for cereal). And some sodas, granola bars and cereal. So now they will both have plates and glasses to use -
We are watching the Grammy's which I don't really care about....so I'm heading upstairs soon.
Hoping to head to Pleasanton tomorrow - none of us felt like going today.
I was grousing to J. earlier how all week - almost every single morning - I'd have one (or more) of those moments when you pull up the covers and sink into the warmth and coziness and realize you are going into a great sleep - only it's time to get up. And here it is a weekend, and that hasn't happened once. Not once! It sucks...'cuz I love having that feeling and really being able to sleep in! Pisses me off which is stupidly irrational. I did sleep in today - which was great....just no 'sinking into warmth and coziness' this morning. Maybe tomorrow.
I started doing our taxes today - holy crap, we owe a lot. Really - a lot! Oh well. I still have quite a bit to go and it could still change down a bit - but wow! I think it's good that we've already committed to Cancun (purchased tickets; paid 50% of the rental) 'cuz if we hadn't, I'd be tempted to not spend the money on the trip - it's that bad.
We might head out for another walk tomorrow afternoon - it was nice yesterday and I'm proud to say, I'm not sore or anything! I had Jell-o legs for a bit at Starbucks - and yes, I did accept a ride home from H. - but mainly 'cuz I just wanted to get home....
J. and I walked to Starbucks and took Chloe with us! This is her with her 'racing ears' - when she's moving fast in a forward direction, they seem to automatically fold back on top of her head. It's like one of those oddly shaped helmets cyclists where - it's aerodynamic and streamlined.
I also laughed 'cuz J. named the picture 'Chloe Flaps Up' - once a pilot, always a pilot!
She did very well on the walk and even better sitting outside Starbucks getting lots of compliments from people. And she even socialized with a 5 month old pit bull named Anthrax. (Why would someone name their dog that? He was a very cute, very well behaved puppy who is going to be HUGE). He and Chloe sniffed each other....he was well behaved though I did feel a little like he was kind of looking at her like a snack. Have you seen the Facebook feeds about 'in the 70's it was German Shepherds....and then it lists other breeds of dogs that were seen as 'dangerous' throughout time...it is a good reminder that dog breeds have cycled through perceptions of 'aggressive' forever...and many pit bulls are well behaved, sweet dogs.
The Starbucks folks were very nice when I asked for a cup of water....they seemed surprised (I was ordering a latte, too, for J. and a bottle of water for me) and I said 'it's for our dog'. So they got an oatmeal container and put some water in that for her! I thought that was so sweet of them -
H. drove over to talk for a bit - he could have jumped the fence and walked over from his apartment but the fence has barbed wire on top. We confirmed that unemployment will greatly assist him in covering his rent so that is a relief - to all of us. And we are all cautiously optimistic that a guy who is certified on multiple product-moving types of equipment will be employed sooner rather than later. Maybe even making a little more than he did at his job.
We are still tentatively planning for Cheesecake Factory tomorrow but agreed to touch base in the morning. He doesn't really want to take the time to shop and the reason I want to go is 'cuz I need to get to Sephora to try a couple items that I don't want to order online until I'm sure of the shade I need. So we'll see.
I tried to take a nap and did sleep a bit -
I was digging around in the office and found some mailing labels so I printed some labels of B.'s address. It will save time and also ensure I am addressing things correctly without having to always find the letter and triple/quadruple check
I also laughed 'cuz J. named the picture 'Chloe Flaps Up' - once a pilot, always a pilot!
She did very well on the walk and even better sitting outside Starbucks getting lots of compliments from people. And she even socialized with a 5 month old pit bull named Anthrax. (Why would someone name their dog that? He was a very cute, very well behaved puppy who is going to be HUGE). He and Chloe sniffed each other....he was well behaved though I did feel a little like he was kind of looking at her like a snack. Have you seen the Facebook feeds about 'in the 70's it was German Shepherds....and then it lists other breeds of dogs that were seen as 'dangerous' throughout time...it is a good reminder that dog breeds have cycled through perceptions of 'aggressive' forever...and many pit bulls are well behaved, sweet dogs.
The Starbucks folks were very nice when I asked for a cup of water....they seemed surprised (I was ordering a latte, too, for J. and a bottle of water for me) and I said 'it's for our dog'. So they got an oatmeal container and put some water in that for her! I thought that was so sweet of them -
H. drove over to talk for a bit - he could have jumped the fence and walked over from his apartment but the fence has barbed wire on top. We confirmed that unemployment will greatly assist him in covering his rent so that is a relief - to all of us. And we are all cautiously optimistic that a guy who is certified on multiple product-moving types of equipment will be employed sooner rather than later. Maybe even making a little more than he did at his job.
We are still tentatively planning for Cheesecake Factory tomorrow but agreed to touch base in the morning. He doesn't really want to take the time to shop and the reason I want to go is 'cuz I need to get to Sephora to try a couple items that I don't want to order online until I'm sure of the shade I need. So we'll see.
I tried to take a nap and did sleep a bit -
I was digging around in the office and found some mailing labels so I printed some labels of B.'s address. It will save time and also ensure I am addressing things correctly without having to always find the letter and triple/quadruple check
Saturday, February 09, 2013
Friday Uh Oh
Well....there's no easy way to say this.....so I'll just put it out there.
One week into a six month lease, H. was laid off yesterday. Not sure how/why - who knows? They have been downsizing for some time - they support retail stores and as someone who worked in retail for a long time, January through March are notoriously the least busy months of any year - without fail. So, it isn't really unexpected....though it was for H.. He had no indication there would be any layoffs that would reach him - he's been there 8 full months and has been performing jobs that are pretty 'skilled'. But never say never, right?
He called us to let us know as soon as he knew - when they left work yesterday, they were all told to leave their badges. That's happened dozens of times before - only this time, the staffing agency that places workers at the logistics firm phoned H. around 8:30 to let him know he was on the layoff list.
Poor kid. He feels blindsided - and shocked. And that's never a great way to feel. We are trying to reassure him - 'cuz seriously, you never really know all the possible 'whys' and it's pointless to waste a lot of energy and time attempting to figure it out. We've reassured him that we'll figure it out - and he totally knows that he needs to find another job pronto. They told him it's likely he will be called back - but who knows when? And with rent now a huge factor in his budget, he can't afford to sit around and wait to be called back.
He will update his resume this weekend; apply for unemployment (which they told him to do when they called); and start applying for forklift driver jobs ASAP. There are several warehouses in town (Costco, Safeway, Orchard Supply, Best Buy and Frito Lay all have warehouses near here) and we'll map out where he's willing to commute to and go from there.
Life lessons abound from this: had he been saving weekly from the time the job started, he'd have enough in savings to be fine for a few months....but he didn't. So he's broke and has monthly outflow that he has no way of paying.
We are blessed we can help him - so he won't have to put his roommate in a bind and can still live in the apartment. Wish we weren't having to help him - but oh well.
And who knows....maybe come Tuesday, another 'boss' at the firm will say 'hey, where's H.?' and they will call him and tell him it was all a mistake....I know that's not likely and certainly not something to count on - but you never know. It's a fickle business with many people managing folks who come and go frequently - so it's possible.
This morning's board meeting was very quick and productive. I had planned to stay for a chunk of the day working on stuff - but I just wasn't motivated to work. It's cold but clear and sunny - too nice to be hanging out inside. So I headed home. J. is running to Costco for a couple things we need...nothing planned today but chilling at home.
Plenty of time for busy later this weekend -
One week into a six month lease, H. was laid off yesterday. Not sure how/why - who knows? They have been downsizing for some time - they support retail stores and as someone who worked in retail for a long time, January through March are notoriously the least busy months of any year - without fail. So, it isn't really unexpected....though it was for H.. He had no indication there would be any layoffs that would reach him - he's been there 8 full months and has been performing jobs that are pretty 'skilled'. But never say never, right?
He called us to let us know as soon as he knew - when they left work yesterday, they were all told to leave their badges. That's happened dozens of times before - only this time, the staffing agency that places workers at the logistics firm phoned H. around 8:30 to let him know he was on the layoff list.
Poor kid. He feels blindsided - and shocked. And that's never a great way to feel. We are trying to reassure him - 'cuz seriously, you never really know all the possible 'whys' and it's pointless to waste a lot of energy and time attempting to figure it out. We've reassured him that we'll figure it out - and he totally knows that he needs to find another job pronto. They told him it's likely he will be called back - but who knows when? And with rent now a huge factor in his budget, he can't afford to sit around and wait to be called back.
He will update his resume this weekend; apply for unemployment (which they told him to do when they called); and start applying for forklift driver jobs ASAP. There are several warehouses in town (Costco, Safeway, Orchard Supply, Best Buy and Frito Lay all have warehouses near here) and we'll map out where he's willing to commute to and go from there.
Life lessons abound from this: had he been saving weekly from the time the job started, he'd have enough in savings to be fine for a few months....but he didn't. So he's broke and has monthly outflow that he has no way of paying.
We are blessed we can help him - so he won't have to put his roommate in a bind and can still live in the apartment. Wish we weren't having to help him - but oh well.
And who knows....maybe come Tuesday, another 'boss' at the firm will say 'hey, where's H.?' and they will call him and tell him it was all a mistake....I know that's not likely and certainly not something to count on - but you never know. It's a fickle business with many people managing folks who come and go frequently - so it's possible.
This morning's board meeting was very quick and productive. I had planned to stay for a chunk of the day working on stuff - but I just wasn't motivated to work. It's cold but clear and sunny - too nice to be hanging out inside. So I headed home. J. is running to Costco for a couple things we need...nothing planned today but chilling at home.
Plenty of time for busy later this weekend -
Friday, February 08, 2013
At some point yesterday, my nose - way, way up in my nose - started sorted of 'humming' when I talked...like there was congestion and it was just a 'hum'...hard to describe and felt so weird. And then a pounding headache for a few hours...
Some time in the night, the congestion that was obvious ('cuz I could not breath through my nose at all) moved south and landed - you guessed it - in my chest. Crap! So I've spent an uber busy day feeling like crud AGAIN. Holy Crap....grateful for a long weekend though I have a board meeting at 8AM so that makes tomorrow sort of a work day. If you have to set an alarm to ensure your timely arrival somewhere, it's work!
J. headed to San Fran for a retirement workshop - it was free and gave him a chance to get out of the house. Said he picked up some tips on finding organizations to volunteer for, etc.. Chloe was kenneled all day which is rare these days - so I headed home around 2PM to give her a potty break...and then went to get the mail. Scanned the mail quickly and thought 'no letter from B.'....and then, there it was! What a great letter! They are in 'white' phase now which mainly means they lighten up a bit on the yelling and screaming while still making it clear they think the recruits are scum. B. seems amused by it all and 'gets' that it's just their job. His military friends really helped with that, I think - letting him know to expect to made to feel like a POS - that's what Basic Training is supposed to be.
I was thrilled to read that on Sundays, they are just 'cleaning' that day - and he's been going to church with a group of guys 'to give my mind a rest'. So glad he is doing that 'cuz we knew they do allow them time to attend services and were going to suggest that he do that just for a 'break' but then decided not to inquire. And he's going on his own. Glad for him - down time is important. (And I secretly think 'and if a little faith seeps in while he's there, all the better').
On the verge of a three day weekend - even with the board meeting tomorrow, it will still be nice.
That's it for now - so glad to hear from B. - it really makes my day. I've written a letter back that I will put in the mail tomorrow. He wrote us on the evening of 2/5 and it arrived today - so it's only taking about 2 days for us to receive which is GREAT! Hoping he's getting ours as fast.
Some time in the night, the congestion that was obvious ('cuz I could not breath through my nose at all) moved south and landed - you guessed it - in my chest. Crap! So I've spent an uber busy day feeling like crud AGAIN. Holy Crap....grateful for a long weekend though I have a board meeting at 8AM so that makes tomorrow sort of a work day. If you have to set an alarm to ensure your timely arrival somewhere, it's work!
J. headed to San Fran for a retirement workshop - it was free and gave him a chance to get out of the house. Said he picked up some tips on finding organizations to volunteer for, etc.. Chloe was kenneled all day which is rare these days - so I headed home around 2PM to give her a potty break...and then went to get the mail. Scanned the mail quickly and thought 'no letter from B.'....and then, there it was! What a great letter! They are in 'white' phase now which mainly means they lighten up a bit on the yelling and screaming while still making it clear they think the recruits are scum. B. seems amused by it all and 'gets' that it's just their job. His military friends really helped with that, I think - letting him know to expect to made to feel like a POS - that's what Basic Training is supposed to be.
I was thrilled to read that on Sundays, they are just 'cleaning' that day - and he's been going to church with a group of guys 'to give my mind a rest'. So glad he is doing that 'cuz we knew they do allow them time to attend services and were going to suggest that he do that just for a 'break' but then decided not to inquire. And he's going on his own. Glad for him - down time is important. (And I secretly think 'and if a little faith seeps in while he's there, all the better').
On the verge of a three day weekend - even with the board meeting tomorrow, it will still be nice.
That's it for now - so glad to hear from B. - it really makes my day. I've written a letter back that I will put in the mail tomorrow. He wrote us on the evening of 2/5 and it arrived today - so it's only taking about 2 days for us to receive which is GREAT! Hoping he's getting ours as fast.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013
Putting on makeup at zero-dark-five-thirty and the circles around my eyes are so dark, I think 'I must have not taken off my eye makeup last night so I have raccoon eyes this morning'. I get a Q-tip to remove the offending mascara.
And then I remember that I haven't worn eye makeup since New Years 'cuz I've been coughing, sneezing, wheezing and blowing my nose so much, it's pointless. My eyes water like crazy, making makeup a waste of time - so I've been skipping it.
Which means the dark circles are from lack of sleep....probably.
I'm going to bed plenty early - I'm just getting up even earlier. It's like that this week.
And I reminded myself that I can't sleep in on Saturday 'cuz we have a special board meeting that requires my attendance....so only two days of sleeping in, not three.
Never more grateful for the holiday on Monday!
One of the strange things about H. not living here is trying to 'schedule' time to see him. He says 'I'll stop by later'....and then I'm left with trying to stay awake long enough to see him. Thankfully, we are planning for him to come tonight - and then we've planned a trip to The Cheesecake Factory on Sunday for lunch! We'll do some shopping in the big mall, have a nice meal and enjoy some parent/son time together!
It's odd having to 'make dates' with him - but then it's kind of nice, too. He misses us - which is even sweeter since he's two miles away.
OK - it's just past six and I am ready to go! Long day ahead...even longer 'cuz my boss and I have a meeting wherein I relay information that is probably not going to make him happy. Our budget next year is a tricky conundrum...and my 'answers' are not all that 'good' for us as a district. Still, they are what they are and we will figure it out. We always do.
And then I remember that I haven't worn eye makeup since New Years 'cuz I've been coughing, sneezing, wheezing and blowing my nose so much, it's pointless. My eyes water like crazy, making makeup a waste of time - so I've been skipping it.
Which means the dark circles are from lack of sleep....probably.
I'm going to bed plenty early - I'm just getting up even earlier. It's like that this week.
And I reminded myself that I can't sleep in on Saturday 'cuz we have a special board meeting that requires my attendance....so only two days of sleeping in, not three.
Never more grateful for the holiday on Monday!
One of the strange things about H. not living here is trying to 'schedule' time to see him. He says 'I'll stop by later'....and then I'm left with trying to stay awake long enough to see him. Thankfully, we are planning for him to come tonight - and then we've planned a trip to The Cheesecake Factory on Sunday for lunch! We'll do some shopping in the big mall, have a nice meal and enjoy some parent/son time together!
It's odd having to 'make dates' with him - but then it's kind of nice, too. He misses us - which is even sweeter since he's two miles away.
OK - it's just past six and I am ready to go! Long day ahead...even longer 'cuz my boss and I have a meeting wherein I relay information that is probably not going to make him happy. Our budget next year is a tricky conundrum...and my 'answers' are not all that 'good' for us as a district. Still, they are what they are and we will figure it out. We always do.
Tuesday, February 05, 2013
I'm really loving restoring the art of letter writing - to/from our soldier. We received another one yesterday and I was so anxious to read it that I asked J. to scan it to me at work! It was short but sweet. He has a really bad sore throat (on 2/1) so I'm a little worried about him - and he said that he realizes two tickets to Georgia is expensive so if we can't make it to graduation/family day, that's OK - he will hang out with his buddies and 'do things infantrymen get to do'. I don't have any idea what those things are...but the pictures tell the story so I'm learning. He is really enjoying the marksmanship part of the training, clearly. Guns...he loves guns.
I took a minute at work (the first break I'd taken all day other than running to the restroom between meetings) to take out a note card from my drawer and write him a hand written note - saying that I hope his throat is better and to please get it checked out if he doesn't feel better soon...and then added that wild horses couldn't keep us away from his graduation ceremony. We would be there and wouldn't miss it for anything.
Last night, we made our reservations for the flights, hotels and rental car. J. is going to get us a room near the Atlanta Airport the first night and the last night - and once he does that, we will be all set! True, this isn't an inexpensive trip though our hotels are only $99 a night and we got a decent deal on airfare. But it's only money, we can't take it with us and I don't care if I end up working into my 90's. Anytime we are able to visit him and celebrate with him, we will go - anywhere, anytime.
I just sneezed 10 times in a row....darn 'cold' or whatever this lingering mess is.
Up early today and heading to the shower shortly. Long days this week....but it's OK. A three day weekend looms and I'm looking forward to sleeping in a bit all three days!
As I addressed the note to B. last night, I said 'the US Postal system can never go under 'cuz there are soldiers everywhere that can only communicate with their families via letters.' It's so true - a rare, 4.25 minute phone call is once in a blue moon - but letters can be an everyday thing. It's comforting. And he's writing us back which is lovely....
I made banana bread last night to use up bananas that I bought totally forgetting that B. isn't here anymore and H. doesn't eat bananas. I didn't put nuts in it 'cuz H. doesn't like nuts. So J. sent H. a text saying 'Mom made gelded banana bread'. LOL.....
H. is coming for dinner tonight, we think. That's something to look forward to. While we are definitely enjoying being alone, it's nice to have H. nearby. I think if he were also across country or otherwise far away, it would be too hard to transition....but he's still around and we see him and text with him or talk to him everyday which is lovely. He's a sweet kid.....
Off to the trenches.
I took a minute at work (the first break I'd taken all day other than running to the restroom between meetings) to take out a note card from my drawer and write him a hand written note - saying that I hope his throat is better and to please get it checked out if he doesn't feel better soon...and then added that wild horses couldn't keep us away from his graduation ceremony. We would be there and wouldn't miss it for anything.
Last night, we made our reservations for the flights, hotels and rental car. J. is going to get us a room near the Atlanta Airport the first night and the last night - and once he does that, we will be all set! True, this isn't an inexpensive trip though our hotels are only $99 a night and we got a decent deal on airfare. But it's only money, we can't take it with us and I don't care if I end up working into my 90's. Anytime we are able to visit him and celebrate with him, we will go - anywhere, anytime.
I just sneezed 10 times in a row....darn 'cold' or whatever this lingering mess is.
Up early today and heading to the shower shortly. Long days this week....but it's OK. A three day weekend looms and I'm looking forward to sleeping in a bit all three days!
As I addressed the note to B. last night, I said 'the US Postal system can never go under 'cuz there are soldiers everywhere that can only communicate with their families via letters.' It's so true - a rare, 4.25 minute phone call is once in a blue moon - but letters can be an everyday thing. It's comforting. And he's writing us back which is lovely....
I made banana bread last night to use up bananas that I bought totally forgetting that B. isn't here anymore and H. doesn't eat bananas. I didn't put nuts in it 'cuz H. doesn't like nuts. So J. sent H. a text saying 'Mom made gelded banana bread'. LOL.....
H. is coming for dinner tonight, we think. That's something to look forward to. While we are definitely enjoying being alone, it's nice to have H. nearby. I think if he were also across country or otherwise far away, it would be too hard to transition....but he's still around and we see him and text with him or talk to him everyday which is lovely. He's a sweet kid.....
Off to the trenches.
Sunday, February 03, 2013
Super Not
The game is slow torture...hoping the power surge that knocked out power to the Super Dome in New Orleans is God's way of telling the 49ers to get their shit together. Seriously.
The crab dip is yummy. The chicken wings are, too. We ordered at 1:30 and they were 'ready' at 4. Yikes! Next year we will call earlier. Wing Stop had every single employee they have there and they were still behind! My order was called in at 1:30 and I was told 3:45 pickup - they were ready at 4 after the person at the register gave them my ticket from a stack and said 'please cook these - she's here'. Hmmm....maybe next year, I'll go in and order, then go grocery shopping and run other errands.
I sent H. a text at noon asking 'are you up'? He replied a few minutes later that he was. I found out when I got home (I went to my office for a couple hours) that he and his roommate were out at a 'bonfire' party (in the Delta) until 5AM. The joy of being on your own - you can stay out all night. He came by to pick up some stuff and J. stopped by there briefly to help with their Internet connection. When he texted me, it was to say 'hey, I need deodorant'. I resisted saying 'so go buy some'...and instead said 'check your bathroom cupboard here at the house when you are here. I think there's some there'.
As a joke, J. sent H. a text saying 'where were you all night? Oh....you don't live here anymore. JK (just kidding).
It is weird not having him home....very strange....
We're expecting him any minute to scavenge dinner. We have wings and crab dip - I'm sure he'll eat the wings. Probably not the dip.
I'm also roasting butternut squash and some farm-fresh small fingerling potatoes for later/tomorrow.
The crab dip is yummy. The chicken wings are, too. We ordered at 1:30 and they were 'ready' at 4. Yikes! Next year we will call earlier. Wing Stop had every single employee they have there and they were still behind! My order was called in at 1:30 and I was told 3:45 pickup - they were ready at 4 after the person at the register gave them my ticket from a stack and said 'please cook these - she's here'. Hmmm....maybe next year, I'll go in and order, then go grocery shopping and run other errands.
I sent H. a text at noon asking 'are you up'? He replied a few minutes later that he was. I found out when I got home (I went to my office for a couple hours) that he and his roommate were out at a 'bonfire' party (in the Delta) until 5AM. The joy of being on your own - you can stay out all night. He came by to pick up some stuff and J. stopped by there briefly to help with their Internet connection. When he texted me, it was to say 'hey, I need deodorant'. I resisted saying 'so go buy some'...and instead said 'check your bathroom cupboard here at the house when you are here. I think there's some there'.
As a joke, J. sent H. a text saying 'where were you all night? Oh....you don't live here anymore. JK (just kidding).
It is weird not having him home....very strange....
We're expecting him any minute to scavenge dinner. We have wings and crab dip - I'm sure he'll eat the wings. Probably not the dip.
I'm also roasting butternut squash and some farm-fresh small fingerling potatoes for later/tomorrow.
Empty Nesters
We celebrated the updating of our status to 'Empty Nesters' with a nice bottle of bubbly. Post a day of heavy walking, some carrying and a little lifting, it was a welcome relaxation jump start! And certainly a milestone of no dependent kids living under our roof (at least for the next six months - the length of the lease the boys signed on the apartment) is reason to celebrate.
The apartment is very nice - nicer than any apartment I lived in as a young adult. Freshly painted, brand new refrigerator and very new stove. Dishwasher and garbage disposal. Carpets clean and not too worn. H.'s Cal King bed takes up most of his bedroom but it's fine. While J. helped with putting shelf paper in the kitchen (thank you, honey!), I headed to WalMart to purchase things they needed ASAP - like trash cans, shower curtains, etc. .
H. called here around 7ish asking if he could come home for dinner. Ha ha ha....we said 'of course you can come home anytime you want - but we didn't cook dinner so you will have to scrounge here, too'. We reminded him there were hot pockets and burritos in their freezer; cheese and eggs and milk in the fridge and I had given him money to 'celebrate' with a dinner out. As I handed him the money, I said 'your Mom has just given you money unexpectedly. This is your first econ lesson of living on your own. You could blow all that money tonight on 'celebrating' or you could buy a reasonable dinner and save 80% of it for groceries. Think carefully.' So he calls home for dinner....progress? I mean, he didn't buy dinner....
He also needed a lamp for his bedroom and luckily, there's been a lamp in our guestroom for years unused - a 'tower' lamp - he loved it so he took that back. Today, J. will return there to get the computers set up and to take over a few more things they may need. We did a great job of finding stuff on hand here - and only spent about $100 to get things they didn't have and needed. They still have a lot of unpacking to do - and getting settled. We will let them settle in and told them both to make lists of things they may need and then we will do another shopping trip.
I'm also going to offer to come over one evening a week and help H. cook something - he needs to learn to survive on his own. The kid has never even made a sandwich. I know - we've spoiled him - but those days are over. Time to learn to fry eggs, make sandwiches, learn to make a quesadilla, etc. Easy, quick things I can show him - and then we'll have dinner. Or he can come here....whichever.
Thankfully, his roommate J. is pretty self sufficient and has done chores a lot, cooked a lot, etc.. So there's hope....
The parking isn't great - they only have one space for their unit - with two cars. The other 'uncovered' spaces are always available - but they are few and far between. They'll have to figure it out. My only complaint about the place was the smell of car oil - every single space had a thick layer of leaked oil. Gross! I don't know why that bugs me so much - except that kids inevitably walk through it and track it everywhere. H. is going to have to take off his shoes when he visits... I've never lived in a complex bigger than 20 units -this complex has 100's of units so it's quite a bit different.
Friday was brutally long (5:30AM until after 4PM) and steadily swamped - but my big project was completed on time. J. confirmed that there was a 3 page letter from our soldier so I couldn't wait to get home and read it! He wrote it just after he'd received our first two letters. He talked about his DI's (Drill Instructors) and how he has come to appreciate they are great people doing a hard job. I think that's pretty insightful and also think that shows B. has a little more maturity than many - he's not just out of high school. He said he quietly celebrated his birthday with a brownie and has made a couple good buddies he felt comfortable telling it was his birthday. I'm glad he's got a couple friends.
He is a little homesick (to be expected) and is finally feeling better (said they say 'it's getting used to the Georgia air' which is probably true 'cuz he's gone from warm and dry to wet, warm and very humid). He can't wait for family day and neither can we....11 weeks and counting.
J. and I are enjoying our first morning sans children in the house....I am heading to my office for a bit while J. runs a couple errands. Then we will be back here preparing for the Super Bowl - ordering wings from Wing Stop and I'm making crab dip! Snacking for dinner again tonight - probably should order more wings for H. in case he calls again for dinner.
The house is quiet. J. has a lot of new projects to work on - cleaning up the two almost empty rooms upstairs. And I identified more things to do in the garage that will help organize further there as well. Little by little, we are continuing to cull.
The upcoming week is another jammed with more in a day than I can even elaborate on - every day filled. And it's board prep week which adds massive stuff to the list. Next week is a three day weekend which will be lovely! Maybe J. and I can wedge in a fun day for ourselves...could happen.
I want to write to our soldier today; get started on the 3 tax returns we need to prepare; do stuff around the house a bit...though when I stand up, my feet and legs hurt so much, I am walking stooped over for the first few steps....
Parenthood never ends....but it is really nice to be in this next phase of not having them here daily. I know I will miss H. like crazy (just like I do B.) and I am truly glad H. is a couple of miles down the street (we could even walk there if we wanted to cross a vacant field and climb a fence. Their back patio has Raley's as a neighbor - so they are pretty darn close!).
I'm glad he's here in town. From four to two in this house in a month is hard to do.
But I'm sure we'll adjust. Right, honey? :-)
Friday, February 01, 2013
To all my Words with Friends players: I just can't do it today. I have too many vowels, Zs and Vs. I can't think that hard at the moment. I will get caught up tomorrow.
The Week
It's Friday! It's 4:23AM and I've been awake since 2:30! Shh....let's not tell anyone. The dog is burrowed into a cave of blankets. She, so excited for company at 3AM (dancing around so much she made me feel dizzy) has since returned to her 'holy crap, this is early' approach and returned to her 'bed'. I am inclined to do the same - but can't. I am heading to the shower shortly and then to my office where I have much to do in a meeting packed day. I miss the Fridays where no one scheduled meetings - now it's like a 'found' eight plus hours to fill.
Yesterday, our beautiful new, space age sliding door was installed and it is WONDERFUL. It glides so easily, it sounds like a jet engine 'spinning up'...it's fantastic! After 12+ years of a door that required all your brute strength to open - going through a can of silicon spray monthly in an attempt to keep it more movable then not (and yet still incurring shoulder and elbow pain after repetitive heave-ho's), it is a miracle of engineering! Well worth every blooming penny we spent to get it replaced and it is 'finished' much more professionally than the old one was. J. and I are ecstatic! Truly!
This morning, I confirmed our soldier was paid for the first time - a nice size deposit in an account that has had no activity for a month. Glad to see the auto deposit worked and will send B. a note tomorrow confirming he is officially being paid!
Alright, I will publish this before something bad happens and I do something stupid that makes it delete! I am hoping for an uber-productive Friday (even with all the darn meetings) and looking forward to Super Bowl Sunday. Go 49ers!
Yesterday, our beautiful new, space age sliding door was installed and it is WONDERFUL. It glides so easily, it sounds like a jet engine 'spinning up'...it's fantastic! After 12+ years of a door that required all your brute strength to open - going through a can of silicon spray monthly in an attempt to keep it more movable then not (and yet still incurring shoulder and elbow pain after repetitive heave-ho's), it is a miracle of engineering! Well worth every blooming penny we spent to get it replaced and it is 'finished' much more professionally than the old one was. J. and I are ecstatic! Truly!
This morning, I confirmed our soldier was paid for the first time - a nice size deposit in an account that has had no activity for a month. Glad to see the auto deposit worked and will send B. a note tomorrow confirming he is officially being paid!
Alright, I will publish this before something bad happens and I do something stupid that makes it delete! I am hoping for an uber-productive Friday (even with all the darn meetings) and looking forward to Super Bowl Sunday. Go 49ers!
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...
This is my seven hundred and first post. I should offer a prize to the six of you that still read regularly. Tell you what: post a commen...
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