Friday, September 30, 2011

And It's Friday Again

I'm off today - pretty much off, anyway. I will be working a bit momentarily and have checked in a couple times via email. But in an effort to use the jillion of days I carried over into the new year and to avoid carrying over a jillion more into next year, I have officially entered the world of 'I call it a day off but I am actually doing some work'. As I finish my fifth year in the job and look forward to starting my sixth, I've broken my one rule which was 'I do not work for free'. Sadly, it seems that I am officially entering the phase known as 'resistance is futile'. And therefore, I take time away from the office and work a bit on days I am calling 'non-work days'. Oh well. Such is life.

Things around the homestead are good. Boys/young men are good. I reminded B. that it's the end of the month today so his monthly obligations to us for car insurance and cell phone are now payable and he said without a hint of angst 'right - I will be sure to pick up my check and deposit it right away'. He is growing up....and it shows.

Haven't reminded son #2 yet but will soon - and then we'll look at his dwindling savings account which I will be withdrawing from to cover his monthly expenses and remind him yet again that he has to find a job. He's applying places and then waiting and waiting. And I'm telling him to apply where they are actually hiring - fast food (his nemesisi - he absolutely, passionately DOES NOT WANT to work in fast food) or a restaurant as a server. Something. Anything. His savings is dwindling quickly and his options are running out.

They are both in school and as far as we know, they are doing OK. They are adults now - so we see no progress reports or hear many updates. We just wait for the final report card sometime in January and hope this semester has been successful for them both. B. is absolutely loving his American history class - he has always enjoyed history and is like his dad in that respect. We hope he's doing as well in his other classes. We'll see. H. is also insisting he's doing fine though he doesn't really 'love' any of his classes - but he attends. He is probably going to transfer to Delta Community College in the spring - they have an annex campus that's only about 10 miles away and where most of his friends are attending - so he'd like to attend there. Less of a drive (gasoline savings) and more people he knows. J. is helping him with that process. Right, J.?

B. will be 21 in less than four months and he is excitedly looking forward to being able to order cocktails with dinner when we go out. I am trying to think of something to do to celebrate - the 'typical' trip to Vegas sounds fun, but I'm not sure we want to spend that much money. We'll see.

We worked a lot in the garage a couple weekends ago and plan to continue the work this weekend. The new water softener/water purifier had a malfunction on Wednesday night and the rubber tube that connects to a drain to drain all the water when the system does it's daily 'flush' disconnected and flooded the garage. Thanks to our clearing/cleaning efforts, we didn't lose anything valuable - just have a lot of wet cardboard to dry out and put in recycling. I'm considering buying another set of shelves to use to get things up off the ground - and I still have the goal of 'it's a three car garage and it would be lovely to get one - maybe even two cars - inside nightly. Our street looks like a used car lot and we want to be part of the solution -

I have a hair appointment this afternoon and it's my 'free' cut - after 5 cuts, the 6th is free! So I'll enjoy a 'spa' treatment and maybe splurge on some yummy smelling shampoo. But probably not 'cuz I'm in a frugal mode.

The weather is cooler today - after a week of very hot. So hoping fall is arriving sooner rather than later.

Time to head into the garage and start cutting up cardboard.

Like Michelle Obama, I hope to take a trip to Target later today - without the Secret Service. And it's Frappucino Friday and I have a free drink coupon so we will splurge and get Venti sugar free/fat free Caramel Frapp for our Friday treat!

If you visit frequently and feel frustrated/disappointed at my infrequent posts, then I apologize and thank you for your continued reading. It's not for lack of desire - just time.

That, and all in all, my life these days feels consistently beyond boring. I work. I cook/eat. I attempt to tidy up around here on occasion. I pay the bills. I work some more. I sleep. And I get up every morning and do it all again. That's life, right? It's all blessings....all the time. It's just often not much to write about.

Though this weekend, I hope to update/finish some posts in progress. Chloe will be featured. She's a hoot lately.

Have a wonderful Friday! and an awesome weekend!

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