I've fallen asleep two nights in a row attempting to watch the recorded most recent episode of Ace of Cakes. Last night, I fell asleep with my clothes on around 7:30ish and slept all night! I think I woke up briefly around 3AM and decided 'well, I think I should just keep sleeping' (vs. getting up and taking off my clothes) so I did. Though I was up at 5:20 this morning - but that's still the longest night's sleep I've had since LAST weekend. So it's fine that I'm up early. Enjoying some chat time with my AZ cousin before starting the day.
Let's see.....family news is that H. was accepted at the Charter High School we visited in the Spring. His summer school attendance there fell through when he went to Oakland for 30 days in-patient. But we confirmed he still wanted to attend there this fall so they scheduled an interview. And then rescheduled an interview upon seeing what he was suspended for at the end of last year. That 'infraction' got him bumped up to a meeting with the district's superintendent. Gulp! But it went fine and he's in. He's very excited. Good fresh start for him and the format (part online, part in class) is a good option for him. He really enjoyed the cyber class he took last spring - so this new school will really give him the chance to work at his own pace and make progress more quickly than a traditional 'lecture' format. He's happy.
He's been working his community service hours for his traffic tickets - painting railings, pulling weeds, etc. He's done a good job and I get a lot of compliments about him daily, which is nice. He really is a 'good kid'. That's been good for me to 'see' - we have done things 'right' with him and he's got a good head on his shoulders (when he's sober) and has a kind heart. He's also as charming as ever.
He's currently working his wiles on us to get a kitten. His friend got a kitten and he's enthralled with the concept of having one of his own. He wants it to be a boy and to call him 'Kitty'. And for the cat to be an outside cat. I've never had an outside cat - so I have no idea how that 'works' - it seems 'good' in theory - but I will be constantly afraid the cat will get killed by a car. So I'm not sure I can handle that. And outside cats bring 'presents' - the thought of a dead bird or other dead (or dying - OMG, even worse) creature on my back door mat makes me cringe....I don't think I would do well with an 'outdoor' cat.
We have said over and over that the pets we have now (one cat - 13 years old; one dog - 5 years old; one bird - ?? old - she's at least 12 years old and she will probably outlive us all) are the last pets we intend to have. But H. really wants a kitten....and I really want H. to have whatever he wants that he's even remotely interested in as long as it's not an illegal chemical substance. He's so earnest in his appeals for this latest 'cause'.
It doesn't help that I am a cat person - I love cats. And since Chloe (the dog) is so good with Klink (the cat), I know that if we had a little cat who would grow up with Chloe, they'd be fast friends. Chloe would happily play with Klink - but because Klink is merely tolerating the canine in the house, there's not a lot of interaction. You can really see Chloe waiting patiently and trying so hard to get Klink to be interested. She sits so patiently - doesn't make a move or a sound - except the slightest tail wag when she thinks Klink might be approaching for some real interaction. And then just the slightest hint of disappointment (in her ears, usually) when she realizes that he's just walking by her. Not really interested in her other than that she is physically there and therefore, he must walk by her to get where he's going.
So a new kitten might be more interactive with Chloe - and I can see the two of them curled up together on the couch for hours each day....
It's tempting. But then not. But then it is again. Stay tuned. My husband will be reading this shortly and I can already see the expression on his face and the slight shaking of his head 'no'. He is not a cat person. Never has been. Never will be. But in our 20+ year marriage, he has tolerated many a cat. He's a good sport. And he's a great dad.
So we'll see......not likely. Not by a long shot. But I told H. 'if a cat finds us, then we'll see. Every cat I've ever had has 'found' me....sometimes it's been at a rescue event and with one look, they became 'my cat'. One cat I rescued when she was left in a vacant apartment. I kept telling my landlord 'there's a kitten in that apartment' and she insisted that wasn't possible. But she finally went with me and looked - and sure enough, the smallest orange tabby kitten I've ever seen was hiding behind the couch. I took her in - and loved her for a long time before she died. She was a great cat. They tend to 'find you'. So if one finds you/us, then we'll see.... '.
I fully expect H. to be trolling the neighborhood looking for strays.....
It's a WEEKEND!!! I find myself getting as excited about weekends as I do about vacations - the thought of two days in a row of sleeping in! I love sleeping in....even if it's sleeping in until just after 5. That is actually later than I usually get up....so it counts!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
This past week has proven the word 'intensive' in Intensive Outpatient Therapy to be the operative theme.
Possibly the feelings felt more intense because it was my first week back at work after close to three weeks off....the stark realization that attempting to leave at 2:30 three days a week to trek to Oakland was certainly adding complexity to already intensely complex days. The workload alone does not respond well to that mid-day interruption - and my meager organizational skills get tossed out the window. By the end of the day Tuesday, I was already feeling emotionally on edge - convincing myself that I could do this while secretly feeling that this was insane and would soon render me requiring padded walls for comfort - and survival. I knew, rationally, that I was just feeling overwhelmed and overloaded from returning to work. There's a lot to 'regroup' on and refresh my memory on - and it was overwhelming. But my ability to think rationally was pretty much waning throughout the day and by the time we were en route to Oakland, I was already feeling spent.
The family therapy sessions we attend on Tuesday evenings are a lot different from the sessions we attended when H. was an inpatient. First, the size of the group is considerably larger - there are at least 13 families in this therapy group. Some families are two parents in attendance - some just one. That's at least 26 people in the room - and usually more. It's diverse - not just ethnically diverse - but diverse in every possible way. Socio-economically, geographically. It's also very diverse in terms of the respective 'client's' issues. There are kids like H. who are pretty much at the 'start' (and we hope the end) of their addictive behavior path. There are kids who have relapsed dozens upon dozens of times. Kids who have broken the law. Kids who's homes are completely and totally dysfunctional - inside and out. Parents who aren't able to communicate well with their kids - or anyone - about the issues that surround their child's addiction. It's very interesting.....and very intense. And often times, sort of disheartening.
I left our session on Tuesday feeling hopeless - again. Not because of anything in particular related specifically to H. - he seems to continue to be 'engaged' in working the program. Though his teenage-ness shows more - but for the most part, he seems to be doing well. But I felt like his relapse was inevitable - because at the core of most relapses is the kid really not seeking sobriety for himself - but to appease/comply with the desire of the adults in their life. And at some point, the parent's desires becomes something the kids just doesn't give a damn about - so they use again.
We've set up some pretty serious consequences for H. if he uses again. He knows those consequences. I'm not sure the seriousness of those decisions is what's keeping him on the straight and narrow - but they might be. And while I'd love for him to be staying on the path to not using for HIMSELF, at least as long as he lives in our home, he can use our disapproval as his primary motivation for not using. I guess that will 'work'. Though long term, he truly has to decide for himself that he doesn't want to use anymore....
At least for now, he truly is (at least in some small part) staying sober for himself -
There are so many kids in the IOP program who just use and use over and over again. And it's all I can do to not just blurt out things to the parents like 'what are you thinking? You just bought your son who relapsed THREE TIMES in the past couple weeks a brand new car? WTF? Seriously.....what are you thinking?'. But I don't. I don't know these kids or these families and every parent has to walk the road themselves and rethink (often, over and over) every single decision they've ever made in regards to raising their child....but some of the repeated 'patterns' and decisions made by these families boggles my mind....and it makes me sad. Overwhelmingly sad....
I really thought my (over) reaction to Tuesday nights session was just 'me' - feeling overwhelmed at work [already - and grappling with that 'already' component is largely what caused it to begin with - like a three week vacation's calming effect is gone in an instant and it's back to trudging through day after day after day] - until the next morning when J. said 'wow, I feel really wiped out after last night'. So at least I knew it wasn't just me noticing that this family therapy is oh-so-much harder than what we were doing during in patient - and that was no picnic, either, frankly -
Thankfully, our case manager confirmed that the sessions are 'flexible' and they are more than willing to work with us on what works best for us. They understand that the 2+ hours of travel time combined with the three hour session time multiplied by three times per week, on consecutive days is in itself a challenge for us - we travel probably the furthest of any in attendance. So we can 'adjust' as/if needed - and possibly skip some Tuesday sessions if that helps us.
It's tempting....but the entire reason we're doing this is for H. And every day we 'opt out' is a day we are opting out at time he needs with his counselor (he sees a counselor before the family therapy sessions every night we go) - so I'm not really keen on shorting him on that time.
For now, we're sticking with 'the plan' and reminding ourselves that it will be around 8-10 weeks of the 'intensive' part. It will transition to one night per week eventually - and frankly, that sounds very 'scary' from the perspective of H. having the support he needs to stay sober.
H., to his credit, though, has been attending AA meetings every night that we are not going to Oakland. I'm not sure his attendance at those meetings is motivated entirely by his desire to stay sober - more on that in another post, probably - but I'll take it. He recognizes he needs to 'work' at staying sober 7 days a week - and is doing what he needs to do towards that goal. I really do admire him for that - and it does require HIM to be motivated to do that - thus making it his effort to stay sober. We are both incredibly proud of him for that - for sticking with it and doing what he needs - when he needs it.
We have an interview for his admission to the charter high school this coming Wednesday. We are pretty hopeful that he will be accepted - and would appreciate prayers for that outcome, please. He needs that change. Desperately needs that change. Sending him back to his 'old' high school seems counter-productive to the positive changes he's made....
Possibly the feelings felt more intense because it was my first week back at work after close to three weeks off....the stark realization that attempting to leave at 2:30 three days a week to trek to Oakland was certainly adding complexity to already intensely complex days. The workload alone does not respond well to that mid-day interruption - and my meager organizational skills get tossed out the window. By the end of the day Tuesday, I was already feeling emotionally on edge - convincing myself that I could do this while secretly feeling that this was insane and would soon render me requiring padded walls for comfort - and survival. I knew, rationally, that I was just feeling overwhelmed and overloaded from returning to work. There's a lot to 'regroup' on and refresh my memory on - and it was overwhelming. But my ability to think rationally was pretty much waning throughout the day and by the time we were en route to Oakland, I was already feeling spent.
The family therapy sessions we attend on Tuesday evenings are a lot different from the sessions we attended when H. was an inpatient. First, the size of the group is considerably larger - there are at least 13 families in this therapy group. Some families are two parents in attendance - some just one. That's at least 26 people in the room - and usually more. It's diverse - not just ethnically diverse - but diverse in every possible way. Socio-economically, geographically. It's also very diverse in terms of the respective 'client's' issues. There are kids like H. who are pretty much at the 'start' (and we hope the end) of their addictive behavior path. There are kids who have relapsed dozens upon dozens of times. Kids who have broken the law. Kids who's homes are completely and totally dysfunctional - inside and out. Parents who aren't able to communicate well with their kids - or anyone - about the issues that surround their child's addiction. It's very interesting.....and very intense. And often times, sort of disheartening.
I left our session on Tuesday feeling hopeless - again. Not because of anything in particular related specifically to H. - he seems to continue to be 'engaged' in working the program. Though his teenage-ness shows more - but for the most part, he seems to be doing well. But I felt like his relapse was inevitable - because at the core of most relapses is the kid really not seeking sobriety for himself - but to appease/comply with the desire of the adults in their life. And at some point, the parent's desires becomes something the kids just doesn't give a damn about - so they use again.
We've set up some pretty serious consequences for H. if he uses again. He knows those consequences. I'm not sure the seriousness of those decisions is what's keeping him on the straight and narrow - but they might be. And while I'd love for him to be staying on the path to not using for HIMSELF, at least as long as he lives in our home, he can use our disapproval as his primary motivation for not using. I guess that will 'work'. Though long term, he truly has to decide for himself that he doesn't want to use anymore....
At least for now, he truly is (at least in some small part) staying sober for himself -
There are so many kids in the IOP program who just use and use over and over again. And it's all I can do to not just blurt out things to the parents like 'what are you thinking? You just bought your son who relapsed THREE TIMES in the past couple weeks a brand new car? WTF? Seriously.....what are you thinking?'. But I don't. I don't know these kids or these families and every parent has to walk the road themselves and rethink (often, over and over) every single decision they've ever made in regards to raising their child....but some of the repeated 'patterns' and decisions made by these families boggles my mind....and it makes me sad. Overwhelmingly sad....
I really thought my (over) reaction to Tuesday nights session was just 'me' - feeling overwhelmed at work [already - and grappling with that 'already' component is largely what caused it to begin with - like a three week vacation's calming effect is gone in an instant and it's back to trudging through day after day after day] - until the next morning when J. said 'wow, I feel really wiped out after last night'. So at least I knew it wasn't just me noticing that this family therapy is oh-so-much harder than what we were doing during in patient - and that was no picnic, either, frankly -
Thankfully, our case manager confirmed that the sessions are 'flexible' and they are more than willing to work with us on what works best for us. They understand that the 2+ hours of travel time combined with the three hour session time multiplied by three times per week, on consecutive days is in itself a challenge for us - we travel probably the furthest of any in attendance. So we can 'adjust' as/if needed - and possibly skip some Tuesday sessions if that helps us.
It's tempting....but the entire reason we're doing this is for H. And every day we 'opt out' is a day we are opting out at time he needs with his counselor (he sees a counselor before the family therapy sessions every night we go) - so I'm not really keen on shorting him on that time.
For now, we're sticking with 'the plan' and reminding ourselves that it will be around 8-10 weeks of the 'intensive' part. It will transition to one night per week eventually - and frankly, that sounds very 'scary' from the perspective of H. having the support he needs to stay sober.
H., to his credit, though, has been attending AA meetings every night that we are not going to Oakland. I'm not sure his attendance at those meetings is motivated entirely by his desire to stay sober - more on that in another post, probably - but I'll take it. He recognizes he needs to 'work' at staying sober 7 days a week - and is doing what he needs to do towards that goal. I really do admire him for that - and it does require HIM to be motivated to do that - thus making it his effort to stay sober. We are both incredibly proud of him for that - for sticking with it and doing what he needs - when he needs it.
We have an interview for his admission to the charter high school this coming Wednesday. We are pretty hopeful that he will be accepted - and would appreciate prayers for that outcome, please. He needs that change. Desperately needs that change. Sending him back to his 'old' high school seems counter-productive to the positive changes he's made....
Monday, July 19, 2010
I packed a delicious, nutritious, fun picnic for our dinner this evening in Oakland....
Last week, we ate at a wonderful Thai place - it was really, truly fantastic! And it was $45 for dinner - for just the two of us.
We've found and enjoyed some great restaurants in Oakland/Berkeley this summer - and we'd love to enjoy eating out continually -
But three nights a week for the foreseeable future is not in our budget....not at all.
So I've packed a cooler with Blue Ice and a variety of food items sure to please....and we'll find a quiet place to sit and eat and chat. And then we're going for a walk. We have an hour plus 'on our own' (while H. is in his counseling appointment) before we join the family counseling group. So we're going to make the most of it - picnic dinner, take a walk and enjoy the evening.
Thankfully, it's almost always 20-30 degrees cooler there than here - so a walk will be pleasant,
I know a picnic dinner with my hubby will be fun!
Don't worry about H. - he just went to pick up McDonald's at the newly opened site in our neighborhood. He's happy as a clam and can snack on whatever we have left if he's hungry on the way home -
Survived my first day back at work and was sort of 'glad' to be able to leave 'early' 'cuz I had somewhere I had to be.....
Last week, we ate at a wonderful Thai place - it was really, truly fantastic! And it was $45 for dinner - for just the two of us.
We've found and enjoyed some great restaurants in Oakland/Berkeley this summer - and we'd love to enjoy eating out continually -
But three nights a week for the foreseeable future is not in our budget....not at all.
So I've packed a cooler with Blue Ice and a variety of food items sure to please....and we'll find a quiet place to sit and eat and chat. And then we're going for a walk. We have an hour plus 'on our own' (while H. is in his counseling appointment) before we join the family counseling group. So we're going to make the most of it - picnic dinner, take a walk and enjoy the evening.
Thankfully, it's almost always 20-30 degrees cooler there than here - so a walk will be pleasant,
I know a picnic dinner with my hubby will be fun!
Don't worry about H. - he just went to pick up McDonald's at the newly opened site in our neighborhood. He's happy as a clam and can snack on whatever we have left if he's hungry on the way home -
Survived my first day back at work and was sort of 'glad' to be able to leave 'early' 'cuz I had somewhere I had to be.....
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Disneyland turned 55 yesterday...
We were last there to celebrate the park's 50th birthday - which I remember because I have a 50th anniversary Cinderella's Castle key chain that I keep my work keys on (hey, where are my work keys? Haven't seen them in weeks. Must add that to the 'OMG I'm going back to work tomorrow to-do list: find work keys).....
I am looking into a possible time to go down there for a few days. Hard to wedge in but we're going to do it.
Sort of 'glad' that I didn't realize it was the park's 55th BEFORE I went to Vegas 'cuz I would have really not wanted to spend money on purses, etc. if I'd been also trying to wedge in a Disneyland trip into our vacation budget. (Must add 'switch to a beautiful new purse' to my back to work to-do list as well. Just have to decide which one. :-) ).....
Hoping a four day weekend we have in November (the Veteran's day holiday weekend) might work.
The only bad thing is: Disney now charges $100 for making a reservation. So if I reserve the room and we're not able to make it (work schedules, financial reasons, etc.), we've lost $100 for canceling the reservation. There's something that doesn't sit well with me about that policy. I realize they are reserving rooms and if people just keep reserving and then canceling, their occupancy rate suffers - but being flexible is part of running a hotel. Where else does reserving a room and then canceling end up costing you? Really? So doesn't it seem even worse to have that policy for making reservations at 'the happiest place on earth'?
It's enough to make me not stay at the park hotels. Though, once you've 'splurged' and stayed at the Grand Californian, there is no going back. Even my uber-frugal husband admits that is his hotel of choice if we're going down there.
That says a lot, people.....'cuz he'd camp in a pup tent if we could.
J. is playing golf this morning for the first time in over a year. His shoulder injury is healed enough that he can hit the links. It's a memorial tournament for a dear friend of his who died recently - so it's fitting that this is the first time he's played in awhile.
I hear the troops upstairs moving about which means I'd better get moving myself. I have a growing to-do list today......and must get to bed by 9-ish in order to be vertical early in the AM - before trudging off to the trenches of my office.
Vacation was lovely......but sadly, we must part ways officially this evening. Until next time....
We were last there to celebrate the park's 50th birthday - which I remember because I have a 50th anniversary Cinderella's Castle key chain that I keep my work keys on (hey, where are my work keys? Haven't seen them in weeks. Must add that to the 'OMG I'm going back to work tomorrow to-do list: find work keys).....
I am looking into a possible time to go down there for a few days. Hard to wedge in but we're going to do it.
Sort of 'glad' that I didn't realize it was the park's 55th BEFORE I went to Vegas 'cuz I would have really not wanted to spend money on purses, etc. if I'd been also trying to wedge in a Disneyland trip into our vacation budget. (Must add 'switch to a beautiful new purse' to my back to work to-do list as well. Just have to decide which one. :-) ).....
Hoping a four day weekend we have in November (the Veteran's day holiday weekend) might work.
The only bad thing is: Disney now charges $100 for making a reservation. So if I reserve the room and we're not able to make it (work schedules, financial reasons, etc.), we've lost $100 for canceling the reservation. There's something that doesn't sit well with me about that policy. I realize they are reserving rooms and if people just keep reserving and then canceling, their occupancy rate suffers - but being flexible is part of running a hotel. Where else does reserving a room and then canceling end up costing you? Really? So doesn't it seem even worse to have that policy for making reservations at 'the happiest place on earth'?
It's enough to make me not stay at the park hotels. Though, once you've 'splurged' and stayed at the Grand Californian, there is no going back. Even my uber-frugal husband admits that is his hotel of choice if we're going down there.
That says a lot, people.....'cuz he'd camp in a pup tent if we could.
J. is playing golf this morning for the first time in over a year. His shoulder injury is healed enough that he can hit the links. It's a memorial tournament for a dear friend of his who died recently - so it's fitting that this is the first time he's played in awhile.
I hear the troops upstairs moving about which means I'd better get moving myself. I have a growing to-do list today......and must get to bed by 9-ish in order to be vertical early in the AM - before trudging off to the trenches of my office.
Vacation was lovely......but sadly, we must part ways officially this evening. Until next time....
Saturday, July 17, 2010
18 Days
Tomorrow is the last of 18 vacation days (including weekends). I'm not counting the morning I went in for a few hours. It went quickly and hardly seemed like 'work'. I was home by 10 and on with my day. I did have to set an alarm that morning to be sure I woke up early - but that's the only alarm I've set in over two weeks. I love no alarm. It's the best -
I've had 18 days of sleeping in. No pressure. No stress. Just hanging out at home and/or traveling to Vegas. It was a nice break and I know I really needed it. Now that it's almost over, I realize how 'ready' I was to NOT be thinking about work 24/7. I've rarely checked emails and made a conscious effort to NOT think about work. It's been lovely. I will probably regret not staying more 'involved' over the past couple weeks - but it's not a vacation if I spend time each day checking on emails. So I really 'let go' this time - for really the first time since I've had this job. If work popped into my head, I quickly ushered it out of my head. It will all come back to me eventually - probably by Monday at around 10AM.
We had a wonderful visit with our family yesterday. It was fun....and we have a lot of leftovers. Particularly fruit. I made a fruit salad and since I bought most of the fruit at Costco, I have oodles leftover. Tonight, I made blueberry sorbet with leftover fresh blueberries. Tomorrow, I will make strawberry ice cream (or sorbet). And then pineapple sorbet. We'll be well stocked in the ice cream department for at least a few days.
Possibly seeing Eclipse with H. tomorrow - we just haven't been able to wedge that in. He's been spending time with a select group of friends and hanging out at home. He's doing well - he's been attending regular AA meetings and he seems to have found a group that he likes - and it's in town, which is great. We are keeping very close tabs on him and he is doing well at keeping us informed. We will be in Oakland M-T-W evenings next week.
I had lunch with an old friend from my Mervyn's days - it's so great to have friends that you just pick up where you left off - we spent close to three hours chatting away and catching up. Haven't seen each other in close to a year - other than Facebook updates. Great to visit with her and fill each other in on our various life happenings.
I love vacation! I can't wait for retirement - though it's over a decade away. I still can't wait to have every single day be a vacation day! That will be awesome - in the mean time, I'm going to attempt to make 2+ weeks off in a row in the summer a 'must do' each year. It's really, truly very restorative. The winter break two weeks off is also great - but it's the holidays and I never truly 'unwind' during those two weeks.
Summer weeks off are so much better -
I've had 18 days of sleeping in. No pressure. No stress. Just hanging out at home and/or traveling to Vegas. It was a nice break and I know I really needed it. Now that it's almost over, I realize how 'ready' I was to NOT be thinking about work 24/7. I've rarely checked emails and made a conscious effort to NOT think about work. It's been lovely. I will probably regret not staying more 'involved' over the past couple weeks - but it's not a vacation if I spend time each day checking on emails. So I really 'let go' this time - for really the first time since I've had this job. If work popped into my head, I quickly ushered it out of my head. It will all come back to me eventually - probably by Monday at around 10AM.
We had a wonderful visit with our family yesterday. It was fun....and we have a lot of leftovers. Particularly fruit. I made a fruit salad and since I bought most of the fruit at Costco, I have oodles leftover. Tonight, I made blueberry sorbet with leftover fresh blueberries. Tomorrow, I will make strawberry ice cream (or sorbet). And then pineapple sorbet. We'll be well stocked in the ice cream department for at least a few days.
Possibly seeing Eclipse with H. tomorrow - we just haven't been able to wedge that in. He's been spending time with a select group of friends and hanging out at home. He's doing well - he's been attending regular AA meetings and he seems to have found a group that he likes - and it's in town, which is great. We are keeping very close tabs on him and he is doing well at keeping us informed. We will be in Oakland M-T-W evenings next week.
I had lunch with an old friend from my Mervyn's days - it's so great to have friends that you just pick up where you left off - we spent close to three hours chatting away and catching up. Haven't seen each other in close to a year - other than Facebook updates. Great to visit with her and fill each other in on our various life happenings.
I love vacation! I can't wait for retirement - though it's over a decade away. I still can't wait to have every single day be a vacation day! That will be awesome - in the mean time, I'm going to attempt to make 2+ weeks off in a row in the summer a 'must do' each year. It's really, truly very restorative. The winter break two weeks off is also great - but it's the holidays and I never truly 'unwind' during those two weeks.
Summer weeks off are so much better -
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Pool Party
We're having some family here on Friday - sort of (hopefully) an annual gathering as they travel back from Oregon to Southern California. There's always a lot of preparation for an event....and it's nice to be off so I can 'enjoy' the process a bit.
Ala my sister, have made lists of errands, shopping lists, to-do lists, etc.
Spent part of the afternoon in the pool scrubbing the tile by hand. The pool sides get brushed weekly by our pool guy - but there's 'stuff' that gathers at the edge of the water and an assortment of dust, etc. on the white 'gasket' between the tile and the pool deck. They are all very clean now - and we are running the filter 'extra' today to give it time to get all the 'dirt' that was dislodged in the scrubbing process out of the water. Tonight, we'll fire up the hot tub so it will filter a bit....it needs a good cleaning, too.
Thankfully, the hot tub will be easy 'cuz it will be uber-warm. The pool was a refreshing 79 degrees. I know it's going to feel great as soon as I'm fully 'in'. But for a few seconds upon actually getting fully in, I'm freezing. Swimming a couple laps helps. Face it - I'm just an 82 or above kind of gal. I admit those temps are not all that refreshing on a hot day - but 'walking in' temp is easier for me.
I feel happy seeing our yard full of butterflies and fireflies. Two in particular - a bright blue and a bright orange - fireflies hover around pretty much all the time. I am convinced they are the grandmas. Don't ask me why. There's no logical reason I think that - but I do think they are 'around'. They like our yard - and they love it when we're out there with them.
Tomorrow, we start the thrice-weekly trek back to Oakland for H.'s IOP program. It's important and we are happy to do it - but wow. It's sure a logistical challenge - and that's during a week when I'm NOT working. It will be interesting when it's a 'regular' work/school week.
I hope to get to H.'s new school this week to drop off additional information, etc. We are sure hopeful he will be accepted there. He desperately needs a change. I'm not sure what our plan will be if he doesn't get to attend there - but I'm trying really hard not to fret about it until I know there's something to fret about. Easier said than done - but I'm trying. Hopefully, we'll know at the end of this week what the 'plan' is....and that will help. At least we'll know -
I'd better get back to my to-do list. Making progress on some 'nooks and crannies' cleaning that needs to be done. Think I'll watch New Moon while I'm cleaning - H. and I hope to see Eclipse together in the next couple days. Not sure if he's just humoring his mom or not - but he's said he would like to go with me. Will be fun having company!
Ala my sister, have made lists of errands, shopping lists, to-do lists, etc.
Spent part of the afternoon in the pool scrubbing the tile by hand. The pool sides get brushed weekly by our pool guy - but there's 'stuff' that gathers at the edge of the water and an assortment of dust, etc. on the white 'gasket' between the tile and the pool deck. They are all very clean now - and we are running the filter 'extra' today to give it time to get all the 'dirt' that was dislodged in the scrubbing process out of the water. Tonight, we'll fire up the hot tub so it will filter a bit....it needs a good cleaning, too.
Thankfully, the hot tub will be easy 'cuz it will be uber-warm. The pool was a refreshing 79 degrees. I know it's going to feel great as soon as I'm fully 'in'. But for a few seconds upon actually getting fully in, I'm freezing. Swimming a couple laps helps. Face it - I'm just an 82 or above kind of gal. I admit those temps are not all that refreshing on a hot day - but 'walking in' temp is easier for me.
I feel happy seeing our yard full of butterflies and fireflies. Two in particular - a bright blue and a bright orange - fireflies hover around pretty much all the time. I am convinced they are the grandmas. Don't ask me why. There's no logical reason I think that - but I do think they are 'around'. They like our yard - and they love it when we're out there with them.
Tomorrow, we start the thrice-weekly trek back to Oakland for H.'s IOP program. It's important and we are happy to do it - but wow. It's sure a logistical challenge - and that's during a week when I'm NOT working. It will be interesting when it's a 'regular' work/school week.
I hope to get to H.'s new school this week to drop off additional information, etc. We are sure hopeful he will be accepted there. He desperately needs a change. I'm not sure what our plan will be if he doesn't get to attend there - but I'm trying really hard not to fret about it until I know there's something to fret about. Easier said than done - but I'm trying. Hopefully, we'll know at the end of this week what the 'plan' is....and that will help. At least we'll know -
I'd better get back to my to-do list. Making progress on some 'nooks and crannies' cleaning that needs to be done. Think I'll watch New Moon while I'm cleaning - H. and I hope to see Eclipse together in the next couple days. Not sure if he's just humoring his mom or not - but he's said he would like to go with me. Will be fun having company!
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Last Night
I made one additional purchase yesterday. I bought this:

It was 50% off!! It's beautiful!!
Upon returning back to my hotel post-Venetian hotel shopping mall cruise, I quickly realized there was no way I was getting all this home in my suitcase. It was 47 pounds when I arrived - and I most definitely purchased more than 3 pounds of 'stuff ' this trip.
So, I started the day by trekking down the street to the Flamingo. I located a UPS store there and since I can see the Flamingo from my hotel room window, I knew it was within walking distance. I navigated my way through morning traffic, past people waiting in line for discount show tickets. Hadn't had coffee yet. Needed it but it was already so hot, I could hardly stand it. I looked like a tomato. I made it - and $32 later, all my items (as well as two books I brought to read but knew I wouldn't get to - needed to lighten my backpack carry on as well) were on their way back home. They will be there day after tomorrow - via ground. One state away makes it pretty fast.
Tonight is my last night in Vegas. It's been a fun trip....but I'm ready to be home. I miss my family....really miss them. I'm ready to return to my everyday, boring, wonderful life.
One of the people in my cousin's group hadn't been to Vegas in 58 years - and wow, that's a lot of change. This place has changed a lot just in the time I've been coming here - 20 or so years. The games are evolving....the slots are fast paced. The casino is FULL of penny machines. Of course, penny machines involve 25, 30, 40, 50 - up to 100 lines - and you can play 1,2,3,4,5,10,20,25, etc. per line. It adds up quickly. Makes the days of $3 dollar machines (which were way too rich for my blood and I rarely played them) seem like nothing. Now, you really can't find many of those good 'old fashioned' 3 quarter machines. Or five nickel machines. It's pennies - but hundreds of them for each play.
I played video poker for awhile - and did OK. I don't mind losing - really, I don't. I'm not losing more than I can afford to lose. I just want to play awhile while I'm losing. I don't want to go through $20 in 5 minutes - and with these new penny machines, that can happen.
I loved the Sex and the City slot machines - but it's 4 games in one. A minimum 50 cents per game - up to $2.50 per game. Yes, you can play one game - but you really won't ever win at that rate. The bonus games and 'wild' spots come fast and furious on four games - but too slowly to really win on one game. The 'losses' add up quickly.
This evening a lovely elderly lady played next to me - and she had several hundred dollars of credits on her machine. I noticed her players card message was also flashing '$680 free play' - so she was playing on the casino's money. Her family must be 'high rollers' playing somewhere - She was very sweet - though I could hardly understand a word she said.
Vegas reminds us that the United States is just one small country in a world of many other countries. I rarely heard English spoken today - there were people from all over the world here. It's interesting and fun to realize how many people love to come here from other countries. It's like Disneyland for grown ups, I think.
There were plenty of families here - this hotel is hosting some kind of national dance festival. Families have been here for close to a week - I can't imagine what they're spending for this event. Bringing a family here is an expensive proposition - my meals are averaging $20-30 each (and I'm only eating two meals a day). Imagine a family of four doing that for 10 days? Plus hotel, entrance fees for the competitions, etc. Wow.
This trip has depleted our fun money account and it will take some time to build it back up. I'm grateful to my husband for never begrudging me this fun. He never frets about the money or suggests I play less - or not at all. Nor did he suggest I cut down my stay to 2 nights instead of 4. He lets me have the time I really need - and I love him for it.
I have worked hard at relaxing. I've checked work email very infrequently - and I have left many emails I've seen unopened 'cuz I don't want to know. I don't want to know the latest crisis...real or imagined. I don't want to read the 'serious' things that will remind me of things undone or things needing to be done. It will all keep until the 19th when I'm 'officially' back. Work will keep.
Tonight, I paid $8 for two beers at a bar in the hotel. Last night, one waitress on the casino floor took my drink order - and walked by me 5 times with my beer and never made it back to me. So tonight, I spent the money to be SURE I got a couple beers - the ultimate 'wind down' for me. It's my last night....
I can't wait to be home this time tomorrow. I'm ready to go back to whatever awaits....including wrangling two teen boys. They try my patience - but they are my soul. When I'm away from them, I truly realize how much I miss them....
And J. I always miss J. I miss him even when I'm at work...so I truly, truly miss him when I'm away and haven't seen him for days....
It's been a fun break from my 'regular life'. But I'm glad to be going home tomorrow.

It was 50% off!! It's beautiful!!
Upon returning back to my hotel post-Venetian hotel shopping mall cruise, I quickly realized there was no way I was getting all this home in my suitcase. It was 47 pounds when I arrived - and I most definitely purchased more than 3 pounds of 'stuff ' this trip.
So, I started the day by trekking down the street to the Flamingo. I located a UPS store there and since I can see the Flamingo from my hotel room window, I knew it was within walking distance. I navigated my way through morning traffic, past people waiting in line for discount show tickets. Hadn't had coffee yet. Needed it but it was already so hot, I could hardly stand it. I looked like a tomato. I made it - and $32 later, all my items (as well as two books I brought to read but knew I wouldn't get to - needed to lighten my backpack carry on as well) were on their way back home. They will be there day after tomorrow - via ground. One state away makes it pretty fast.
Tonight is my last night in Vegas. It's been a fun trip....but I'm ready to be home. I miss my family....really miss them. I'm ready to return to my everyday, boring, wonderful life.
One of the people in my cousin's group hadn't been to Vegas in 58 years - and wow, that's a lot of change. This place has changed a lot just in the time I've been coming here - 20 or so years. The games are evolving....the slots are fast paced. The casino is FULL of penny machines. Of course, penny machines involve 25, 30, 40, 50 - up to 100 lines - and you can play 1,2,3,4,5,10,20,25, etc. per line. It adds up quickly. Makes the days of $3 dollar machines (which were way too rich for my blood and I rarely played them) seem like nothing. Now, you really can't find many of those good 'old fashioned' 3 quarter machines. Or five nickel machines. It's pennies - but hundreds of them for each play.
I played video poker for awhile - and did OK. I don't mind losing - really, I don't. I'm not losing more than I can afford to lose. I just want to play awhile while I'm losing. I don't want to go through $20 in 5 minutes - and with these new penny machines, that can happen.
I loved the Sex and the City slot machines - but it's 4 games in one. A minimum 50 cents per game - up to $2.50 per game. Yes, you can play one game - but you really won't ever win at that rate. The bonus games and 'wild' spots come fast and furious on four games - but too slowly to really win on one game. The 'losses' add up quickly.
This evening a lovely elderly lady played next to me - and she had several hundred dollars of credits on her machine. I noticed her players card message was also flashing '$680 free play' - so she was playing on the casino's money. Her family must be 'high rollers' playing somewhere - She was very sweet - though I could hardly understand a word she said.
Vegas reminds us that the United States is just one small country in a world of many other countries. I rarely heard English spoken today - there were people from all over the world here. It's interesting and fun to realize how many people love to come here from other countries. It's like Disneyland for grown ups, I think.
There were plenty of families here - this hotel is hosting some kind of national dance festival. Families have been here for close to a week - I can't imagine what they're spending for this event. Bringing a family here is an expensive proposition - my meals are averaging $20-30 each (and I'm only eating two meals a day). Imagine a family of four doing that for 10 days? Plus hotel, entrance fees for the competitions, etc. Wow.
This trip has depleted our fun money account and it will take some time to build it back up. I'm grateful to my husband for never begrudging me this fun. He never frets about the money or suggests I play less - or not at all. Nor did he suggest I cut down my stay to 2 nights instead of 4. He lets me have the time I really need - and I love him for it.
I have worked hard at relaxing. I've checked work email very infrequently - and I have left many emails I've seen unopened 'cuz I don't want to know. I don't want to know the latest crisis...real or imagined. I don't want to read the 'serious' things that will remind me of things undone or things needing to be done. It will all keep until the 19th when I'm 'officially' back. Work will keep.
Tonight, I paid $8 for two beers at a bar in the hotel. Last night, one waitress on the casino floor took my drink order - and walked by me 5 times with my beer and never made it back to me. So tonight, I spent the money to be SURE I got a couple beers - the ultimate 'wind down' for me. It's my last night....
I can't wait to be home this time tomorrow. I'm ready to go back to whatever awaits....including wrangling two teen boys. They try my patience - but they are my soul. When I'm away from them, I truly realize how much I miss them....
And J. I always miss J. I miss him even when I'm at work...so I truly, truly miss him when I'm away and haven't seen him for days....
It's been a fun break from my 'regular life'. But I'm glad to be going home tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
I'm having a great time in Vegas getting to know my cousin D. and her husband M. and their extended family. It's been so much fun.
Yesterday, the guys went to play poker and the girls (and one guy) headed to the outlet mall. It is unbelievably huge! And of course, like most outlet malls, it was outside. Scorching heat. No breeze of any kind. There are 'misters' all over the place but they don't seem to do much - theses were too high so the water was already evaporated before it had any chance of cooling a person off. Still, we trudged through store after store in search of bargains.
I scored two small purses and one larger purse at the Dooney & Bourke outlet store - $300 retail for $138 including tax. At that price, I continued shopping and bought two small cosmetic bags, which I really need. And they threw in a beach towel! Such a deal!
It's a great group - flexible. We sat in the food court to cool off a bit and when some folks decided to go search for the Nike store, others (myself included) decided to stay put - stay out of the heat and enjoy each others company.
We took cabs to/from and let's just say that I did not enjoy the cab ride one little bit. It was all I could do not to brace myself against the dash continuously. I'm sure they are good drivers but yikes! It doesn't feel that way weaving in and out of traffic.
After a long day shopping, we headed back. Their group is staying at Treasure Island. I am at the Mirage. There is a tram that connects the two properties. And of course - after trudging in the heat for hours - my feet were so, so tired - the tram was not in service so I had to walk back to the hotel. Thankfully, a Treasure Island employee told me a short cut so it wasn't too bad. I headed straight for the shower. Had a nice dinner at BB's - fried green tomatoes and a salad with chicken strips. And a chocolate martini!
Today, my Oklahoma family leaves. I don't leave until Thursday. We went shopping 'cuz we figured that was less expensive than gambling - so I will shop a bit today. Am going to the Dooney & Bourke retail store in The Venetian mall to get my hubby a wallet for a belated Father's Day gift.
Probably some pool time today - and lots of reading time. And possibly a nap.
I miss my hubby and my kids.
Yesterday, the guys went to play poker and the girls (and one guy) headed to the outlet mall. It is unbelievably huge! And of course, like most outlet malls, it was outside. Scorching heat. No breeze of any kind. There are 'misters' all over the place but they don't seem to do much - theses were too high so the water was already evaporated before it had any chance of cooling a person off. Still, we trudged through store after store in search of bargains.
I scored two small purses and one larger purse at the Dooney & Bourke outlet store - $300 retail for $138 including tax. At that price, I continued shopping and bought two small cosmetic bags, which I really need. And they threw in a beach towel! Such a deal!
It's a great group - flexible. We sat in the food court to cool off a bit and when some folks decided to go search for the Nike store, others (myself included) decided to stay put - stay out of the heat and enjoy each others company.
We took cabs to/from and let's just say that I did not enjoy the cab ride one little bit. It was all I could do not to brace myself against the dash continuously. I'm sure they are good drivers but yikes! It doesn't feel that way weaving in and out of traffic.
After a long day shopping, we headed back. Their group is staying at Treasure Island. I am at the Mirage. There is a tram that connects the two properties. And of course - after trudging in the heat for hours - my feet were so, so tired - the tram was not in service so I had to walk back to the hotel. Thankfully, a Treasure Island employee told me a short cut so it wasn't too bad. I headed straight for the shower. Had a nice dinner at BB's - fried green tomatoes and a salad with chicken strips. And a chocolate martini!
Today, my Oklahoma family leaves. I don't leave until Thursday. We went shopping 'cuz we figured that was less expensive than gambling - so I will shop a bit today. Am going to the Dooney & Bourke retail store in The Venetian mall to get my hubby a wallet for a belated Father's Day gift.
Probably some pool time today - and lots of reading time. And possibly a nap.
I miss my hubby and my kids.
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
I'm starting to think maybe I will just do a monthly post and call it what it is - whatever month we're in. Here we are winding dow...
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...