It was 50% off!! It's beautiful!!
Upon returning back to my hotel post-Venetian hotel shopping mall cruise, I quickly realized there was no way I was getting all this home in my suitcase. It was 47 pounds when I arrived - and I most definitely purchased more than 3 pounds of 'stuff ' this trip.
So, I started the day by trekking down the street to the Flamingo. I located a UPS store there and since I can see the Flamingo from my hotel room window, I knew it was within walking distance. I navigated my way through morning traffic, past people waiting in line for discount show tickets. Hadn't had coffee yet. Needed it but it was already so hot, I could hardly stand it. I looked like a tomato. I made it - and $32 later, all my items (as well as two books I brought to read but knew I wouldn't get to - needed to lighten my backpack carry on as well) were on their way back home. They will be there day after tomorrow - via ground. One state away makes it pretty fast.
Tonight is my last night in Vegas. It's been a fun trip....but I'm ready to be home. I miss my family....really miss them. I'm ready to return to my everyday, boring, wonderful life.
One of the people in my cousin's group hadn't been to Vegas in 58 years - and wow, that's a lot of change. This place has changed a lot just in the time I've been coming here - 20 or so years. The games are evolving....the slots are fast paced. The casino is FULL of penny machines. Of course, penny machines involve 25, 30, 40, 50 - up to 100 lines - and you can play 1,2,3,4,5,10,20,25, etc. per line. It adds up quickly. Makes the days of $3 dollar machines (which were way too rich for my blood and I rarely played them) seem like nothing. Now, you really can't find many of those good 'old fashioned' 3 quarter machines. Or five nickel machines. It's pennies - but hundreds of them for each play.
I played video poker for awhile - and did OK. I don't mind losing - really, I don't. I'm not losing more than I can afford to lose. I just want to play awhile while I'm losing. I don't want to go through $20 in 5 minutes - and with these new penny machines, that can happen.
I loved the Sex and the City slot machines - but it's 4 games in one. A minimum 50 cents per game - up to $2.50 per game. Yes, you can play one game - but you really won't ever win at that rate. The bonus games and 'wild' spots come fast and furious on four games - but too slowly to really win on one game. The 'losses' add up quickly.
This evening a lovely elderly lady played next to me - and she had several hundred dollars of credits on her machine. I noticed her players card message was also flashing '$680 free play' - so she was playing on the casino's money. Her family must be 'high rollers' playing somewhere - She was very sweet - though I could hardly understand a word she said.
Vegas reminds us that the United States is just one small country in a world of many other countries. I rarely heard English spoken today - there were people from all over the world here. It's interesting and fun to realize how many people love to come here from other countries. It's like Disneyland for grown ups, I think.
There were plenty of families here - this hotel is hosting some kind of national dance festival. Families have been here for close to a week - I can't imagine what they're spending for this event. Bringing a family here is an expensive proposition - my meals are averaging $20-30 each (and I'm only eating two meals a day). Imagine a family of four doing that for 10 days? Plus hotel, entrance fees for the competitions, etc. Wow.
This trip has depleted our fun money account and it will take some time to build it back up. I'm grateful to my husband for never begrudging me this fun. He never frets about the money or suggests I play less - or not at all. Nor did he suggest I cut down my stay to 2 nights instead of 4. He lets me have the time I really need - and I love him for it.
I have worked hard at relaxing. I've checked work email very infrequently - and I have left many emails I've seen unopened 'cuz I don't want to know. I don't want to know the latest crisis...real or imagined. I don't want to read the 'serious' things that will remind me of things undone or things needing to be done. It will all keep until the 19th when I'm 'officially' back. Work will keep.
Tonight, I paid $8 for two beers at a bar in the hotel. Last night, one waitress on the casino floor took my drink order - and walked by me 5 times with my beer and never made it back to me. So tonight, I spent the money to be SURE I got a couple beers - the ultimate 'wind down' for me. It's my last night....
I can't wait to be home this time tomorrow. I'm ready to go back to whatever awaits....including wrangling two teen boys. They try my patience - but they are my soul. When I'm away from them, I truly realize how much I miss them....
And J. I always miss J. I miss him even when I'm at work...so I truly, truly miss him when I'm away and haven't seen him for days....
It's been a fun break from my 'regular life'. But I'm glad to be going home tomorrow.
Beautiful ... makes we want to purchase a purse! Thanks for sharing. Hugs........ MumsiePS
Your family awaits!
Glad you had such a wonderful time and kudos to J for being such a sweetheart and letting you have this much needed time to yourself. SS
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