I left work at 2PM today - not that there wasn't stuff to do 'cuz there's ALWAYS stuff to do. But it was a slow, quiet day and tomorrow is a 12+ hour day (Board meeting days always are). I needed a haircut so I left at 2 and headed to Great Clips. $13 + $2 tip. It's not fancy but short hair doesn't require much. It's pretty hard to mess it up, really. Went to Chevron to cash in my various Lotto tickets - cleaned out my purse and found some that needed to be checked. Won $9 and a $2 scratch off ticket. I turned the $9 into Mega Millions quick picks 'cuz I'm feeling lucky! And a scratcher that was not a winner. Oh well. I dreamed over the weekend that we won a lottery prize and we bought the soon-to-be vacant house next door and tore down the fence between the two. The boys lived in that house and J. and I lived here. We had access to all the luscious fruit trees in the back (lemons, peaches, grapes, cherries, plums, etc.) and they had access to the pool when they wanted. It was heaven. It's my new 'dream' - a 'compound' set up where they have their space and we have ours. And a cleaning crew for them to protect our investment. And/or frequent parental inspections with standards to be maintained or they can't live there. Doesn't it sound great??
Came home and dealt with the kids. I use the term 'dealt with' because that's what it is these days - reminding them over and over of to-do lists they have yet to touch. Oh, they helped themselves to the allowance money clipped to the note - but the 'list of things to do' was not touched by eldest son. Youngest son made a minor effort. Kids.
I baked a double batch of brownies. Also cooked spaghetti. And a pork tenderloin for tomorrow night, since I wont' be home. The spaghetti wasn't my best...used thawed sausage from the freezer and frozen meat just doesn't have the same flavor as fresh-cooked meat. But we're cleaning out the freezer little by little and using up frozen meat is imperative to the plan. Intent to return from Mexico in a month to a virtually empty freezer which we will then carefully and purposely fill up with things that we will keep better track of.
I need to go upstairs and color my hair but am in a sugar-induced coma. Brownies. Brownie batter. And some toasted marshmallow Jelly Bellies. Bad....bad.....BAD. I feel drunk. This horrible feeling is a sure sign that giving up (or significantly limiting my consumption of) sugar would be advisable. I feel absolute awful and so tired, I can barely stay awake. Time to go do my hair and head to bed.
The weather here is nuts - and I hate to write about the weather 'cuz that's what you talk about when you have nothing else to say and there's plenty to say....but the weather does deserve comments. It's mid-June and we barely topped 80 degrees today. It was overcast and windy most of the day which matches last week when it got down right cold at times. Great for the utility bills. Bad for the pool - this is the latest we've 'opened' the pool since we've had it. It's just not hot enough to want to swim. They say higher temps are heading our way later this week so we'll see. We all need to get some sun because otherwise, we will arrive in Playa del Carmen as white as sheets and quickly fry ourselves. B. got a 30 day pass to the tanning salon...he says he's gone though I notice no difference. But I don't see the kid very much...so I might not notice.
Loreal Preference 9G awaits. Gotta run. Have to allow an extra 10 minutes to 'cover stubborn grays'. Damn stubborn grays. I also need to give myself a facial and a manicure (of sorts) - since my nails have been bitten to shreds because of significant amounts of stress the past couple months. They are already on their way back....and stress is greatly reduced at least for a month or so.
To my brother-in-law B. who called earlier this evening: love you, Dude....but you are completely and solely responsible for this predicament. YOU fell in love. And YOU asked her to marry you. SHE said yes. The rest is history. As you approach your third anniversary of your first meeting, remember this: love always wins. You can't run, you can't hide. Destiny intervenes and love wins. I don't deserve any credit other than seeing the 'writing on the wall' far sooner than either of you did. Chemistry is obvious. OBVIOUS...and it will not be denied. I love you both and I'm so happy for you ...you are both deserving of happiness. Quit pinching yourselves....this is the real deal and it's so wonderful. Watching my 'big sister' fall in love is not something many sisters get to witness and it's been pure joy on my end also! Hugs to you both!
OK - upstairs to get my blondness in gear. Literally.
Monday, June 15, 2009
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

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Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...
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