I am completely lost in this presidential race. On the one hand, I am learning a lot. I am learning how ignorant I am about how our country actually elects the president. I didn't realize some states have a 'caucus' to decide who to nominate. And I also didn't know or have any understanding of (still, now that I DO know) what in the heck the 'super delegates' are. It's really got me lost. What happened to the good old days when people voted, and within a reasonable amount of time, it was obvious who was the delegate? It was just obvious.
Now, it's mired in controversy and angst and is splitting our party. For a Democrat, like me, it really is about having a Democrat in office. At this point, I don't particularly care which one - as long as it's not a Republican (no offense, my conservative friends and family). But we still seem so far away from even knowing who will go up against the Republican candidate - and it's JUNE today. Shouldn't we know by now? Seems like we should.
I know Hilary wants to win - but honestly, I think it would be far better for the party for her to just step aside. And as I write that, I recall hearing that she does have the most 'votes'. Which then leads me back to 'so why isn't the voting process 'enough' '. And I'm back to being totally lost again.
Yesterday, I got a call on my cell around 10AM from the lovely Bug - who was heading to Tracy to have some work done on the new car they bought out here a week or so ago. I left work for a 'break' and picked them up at the dealer and we headed to Starbucks. I was going to take them to lunch but they'd just eaten a huge breakfast - so we sat at Starbucks and chatted. It was great fun and so good for me to get to spend time with her hubby. The few times I've met him, he's been involved in other stuff - but he was pleasant company and we had a nice time chatting. It was great to see her - and great to take a break. I picked up a Subway sandwich on the way back to the office and worked the rest of the afternoon.
I also worked today - though I did return home for a brief 'nap'. One hour, fifteen minutes. Not as 'cat nap' short as I'd hoped but I am really tired and once I hit the pillow, I was out like a light.
I will do some more 'work' when I finish this post. And when I wake up early in the AM. And all day tomorrow and the days that follow, including bringing stuff home every evening. Still tons to do. I was talking to another fellow CBO who was also completely panicked - and she's at the same 'place' I am. Only then she revealed that her Board meeting is a week later than mine - so that sent me into an even deeper panic. But it's OK. It will all get done.
The boys have started summer break with sleepovers (both of them) and naps (B.). H. used some of his birthday money to order an air soft gun for the battles that will rage with his friends shortly. It came with extra 'ammo' (small, plastic balls) and protective eye wear. Good investment.
The pool is considerably cooler (low 70s) thanks to some coolish, windy weather. It's a great thing since we haven't had to turn on the air much - just open some doors and windows and keep fans on. It's a pleasant 78 degrees in here and that's manageable. Wouldn't feel comfortable if I were mopping floors or stuff like that - but I'm not, so it's fine.
We gave out allowances this afternoon and gave B. a raise. He does more chores than H. and most certainly does them more cheerily (which doesn't mean he smiles or anything - but in comparison to the responses of his angst filled brother, he's s gem) and more quickly with less constant reminding than his brother. He was very surprised and I said 'if you take on even more responsibility and do that as well, you'll be eligible for another increase in 6 months'. Kind of like a merit pay system. We'll see how it goes.
We await the 'final' report cards and already know it is not good for either. I won't go into it here - I mean, what is there to say? It saddens me that they are not more focused and driven -BOTH their parents certainly were. But they are slogging through. Always promising to do better. And yet, I know they won't. B. said he can read his entire summer project book (they both have required reading and project assignments from school during the summer) in a weekend - a clear indication that he has no intention of 'turning over a new leaf' over the summer. He'll do what he always does - as little effort as humanly possible while hoping for straight A's. Which of course, never happen. No surprise there.
H. came in this morning scolding J. for not telling him the TOP of the waffle iron was HOT - and he put his hand on it and burned it (slightly - very slightly. Hasn't uttered another word about it since it happened). THAT is reflective of how they think - they DON'T. No logic. No 'hey, it's two hot plates of metal with a hinge - I wonder if the top is hot, too'. DUH. I said 'oh, come on, H., use your head!'. That is a complete indication of what it's like around here. They are just helpless. I am seriously doubting my parenting abilities.
When I took Bug and her hubby to Starbucks, he had a quad mocha. I'm not a big fan of mocha's - but a quad skinny vanilla latte is something I can totally picture - and I see many of those in my future this week. Including the one I might go get around 4PM to get me to stay vertical until 11ish. And be able to wake up at 4:30AM again the next day.
Dinner is in the oven - roasted potatoes and a Costco roasted chicken. With salad. Yummy.
Have a great week!
Sunday, June 01, 2008
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Tales of Helpers
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