Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Baby steps. Teeny tiny baby steps. That's my 'new' fitness routine.

The past few evenings, I've taken the dogs out back and jogged in place. And after I 'warm up' by jogging in place, I jog a bit from the yard to the front gate and back again. Chloe follows me quietly toward the gate and as soon as I make the turn to come back toward the yard, she pauses just a second and then runs full tilt for all she's worth back down the side yard concrete, onto the grass, makes the turn around the tree in the back and heads around again the the yard - still at full speed. We call her torpedo dog - and when she makes the turn to head back towards the yard from the gate, she runs 'in place' for a second or two until her paws catch up with the pavement and traction sets in and she actually starts moving. Like a cartoon. It's so funny. And then she and Dani wrestle in the yard for a bit longer.

I know it's not much. It's not a 'real' work out. But it's something. And I have to start somewhere. It's easy, it's quick, it's amusing (thanks to the dogs) and they smile at me like it's the greatest thing ever. And any movement is better than none. So I'm 'doing it' and hope to be soon jogging around the block. Then around the neighborhood, etc. Step by step. Little by little. It's better than not trying. And as simple as it is, I'm already starting to 'feel' better. It's a slight 'change' but it's there.

Today was a good day at work. Made 'progress' on a huge 'challenge' that has now been removed. So that feels good. AND I received another dose of positive feedback from a different administrator - and that felt really good. She called to say she liked me, liked my style, appreciated the communication and was glad I was there. AND glad that I was making progress on some of my world's challenges. So it was a good day. Still no positive words from my boss - but oh well.

I head up to Yolo county for a CBO class tomorrow. Last time, in March, I drove up the night before - but I didn't sleep much anyway..so I figured I'll sleep here, leave really early (because it should only be about an hour and half drive but any accident in or near Sacramento and it could take twice that) and if I get there in plenty of time, which I probably will, I'll go get a light breakfast somewhere before the class starts. There are a lot of Starbucks between here and Woodland so I'll be OK.

Tomorrow evening is H.'s confirmation banquet. He will be confirmed this Sunday at 11AM and we've been invited to C. and K. (friends of B. & H.) house to celebrate with them after. K. is being confirmed also. It will be a fun day. And, God willing, I will not feel compelled to work this weekend, though I probably should and may end up having to. But I'm going to try not to.

Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite. Eeek! Eeek!

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