Days fly by rapidly - one after another - on repeat. I rarely feel bored but sometimes I do. Remind myself there's always plenty to do. Add some additional self care stuff - exercise, walk, read. Retirement has provided the gift of time - so now my morning routine includes skin care that I never made time for while working. Not sure it's helping much but I feel like it is so....I don't think I look like I'm 59.75 but I am.
We finally settled on a front door color - it will be a pop of color in an otherwise earth toned color palette for the outside of the house. We stopped by yesterday after going to the paint store for color swatches and the heaters were running - that's a pre-step to the drywall taping and mudding that will happen soon. J. noticed the heat vent in his bathroom had no heated air blowing from it so he sent a message to the foreman. (I'm sure the foreman wishes we'd never met him and gotten his contact info at times - but we're glad to be able to check and question things as we see them. He is a very nice guy and always politely replies 'I'll check on that'. He thinks it's a bad baffle). (Heat systems here have baffles that allow the system to direct air more specifically than just 'on or off'). Baffles close off sections of the house so you're heating occupied areas vs. everywhere.
Baffles are baffling. Really. All the zones create so much complexity - but we'll get the hang of it eventually.
H.'s car was finished in record time so yay for that - he's glad to have wheels again. He phoned last night to mention that he talked to a guy who works for a mortgage company and the guy told H. to give him a call - they are hiring. H. wanted to know what I thought - I Googled the company and it's legit (and fairly large). I found the guy's name on the staff list - he's a loan officer - so I let H. know that he may or may not be the person who makes hiring decisions - but couldn't hurt to try. Fingers crossed - maybe he'll get his foot in the door of something he enjoys doing. Gas station work is not going to work long term.
B. is already preparing for his next thing - he's been asked by 'Big Army' to do a recruiting stint - it's pretty much required of anyone wanting to further advance their career. B. is getting super excited about it because he's hoping he can return to California or come to Nevada to recruit - they often try to send you back to where you grew up or close to it. He starts recruitment training in mid-October and will likely have the entire month of December off - and a week in October as well. We're hoping we can wedge in a family trip to Disneyland - hopefully, with H. too! October is a great time to go before the holiday crowds start.
I'm heading to Atlantis tomorrow for a couple nights - joined by J. on Saturday most likely - I haven't spent the night there in a while and I enjoy the feeling of a 'get away'. The play has been bad there the past week or so - everyone's talking about it (who plays there regularly). They are clearly altering the 'looser slots' because they've removed any reference to that from their promotional signage and ads. They've even reduced the amount of paper towels that come out of the bathroom now, instead of one or two towels doing the trick, you have to request three to four - silly. They're not going to save any paper and they're pissing off their guests.
Gambling is a strange hobby and my mind is shifting away from making it a regular thing. Oh, I'll still drive to Reno weekly for free play - I'm in for that. But I plan to turn it into whatever real cash I can and then save that up to add to other budget - and then play monthly or so with wild abandon. Maybe. I've witnessed things as a 'player' that give me pause and it has me regrouping a bit. Spouses being abusive towards each other over who has what money and who's winning vs. losing. (Not my spouse! In case you wondered). Casino hosts or staff rushing to get a players card for a player who may have some cognitive issues that inhibit their ability to understand what they're doing and the consequences of putting more money in . Then seeing the person who accompanied the new player into the casino give them grief for getting a card - I almost interjected 'he really didn't want one but they kept insisting so....'. Poor guy.
I know gambling is what funds the state - and we've noticed Nevada has way more police presence than California. Lots of community events. Great facilities all around. I'll continue to do my part to 'pay our state taxes' [via a slot machine] but living here has put a different spin on the play - and I'm working through that a bit these days.
I'm heading out to run some errands. J. is playing golf for the 2nd time this week. He's enjoying the golf club he joined and the discounts they get for rounds of golf can't be beat! He's playing the course we'll be living on in a few months - I can't wait to wave at him when he's on the 9th from our back yard. Soon - very soon!
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
It's Been Decades Since I've
I cast my ballot in early voting for the Presidential primary election. We waited in line about an hour to vote - and J. (bless his heart) waited with me - he couldn't vote today because he will be a volunteer working the caucus on Saturday.
I haven't waited in line to vote for decades. And there were no voter booths. Not much 'private' about it. It's a paper ballot where you black in an oval for your 1st, 2nd, 3rd choices (required) and your 4th and 5th as well if you'd like (those are optional). The ballot is then handed to a person with an i-Pad and they enter information into the voter system. Then you hand your completed ballot to another person (after the iPad person has finished what they do with it) and this last person hand writes your ballot control numbers into a ledger.
Then you finally put your paper ballot in a cardboard ballot box. (I haven't had to put a vote into a cardboard box since high school. Or maybe even 8th grade - student body elections.)
It's a mystery of a process but we'll figure it out. And J. is super excited - he had a two hour conference call training this evening and has to report at 8:30AM on Saturday (and the caucus doesn't start until 11AM).
On Sunday, I drove to Auburn, CA and spent a lovely few hours with my friend C. . We talked non-stop and when we realized it was 1PM and we'd been there since 10AM, we were both shocked. Time always flies when we're catching up - and this was our first in person visit since J. and I moved to Nevada. The drive was beautiful - crystal clear skies, snow on the ground and mountains but nothing on the roads. Made it easily in 2 hours and we both pulled into the restaurant parking lot at the exact same time! It was a really fun day and mini road trip.
The house has the first coat of stucco outside and the HVAC crew was there today installing the unit. Drywall is installed - they will use the heater (once installed) to warm the house before they start taping and mudding the drywall.
We're trying to figure out the color we want for the front door. We don't actually have samples of the outdoor colors we've chosen so it makes it pretty hard to figure out what to choose for the door. There are some pretty strange color combos on the existing golf course houses....the house we used for our outdoor color scheme has a pinkish-salmonish door which looks awful (to me). So I know we're not doing that.
H.'s car repair is in process. We authorized some expense for them to check and flush the transmission and a few other minor things (inside air filters, for example). They expect to be finished later this week. H. has been borrowing the cars of his roommates, walking, biking and taking Lyft on occasion if his shift starts super early, ends super late or if there's super bad weather.
B. texted me at 10:15 PM last night 'you still up?'. I replied yes and we 'chatted' via Messenger for quite a while. He's had a hard day at work and needed to talk through some things - overthinking his Myers Briggs profile and questioning a lot of things about himself. I remember how Myers Briggs makes your weaknesses seem defining. He hadn't just taken it - I think he revisited it after the day he'd had with all sorts of situations that were hard. He truly deals with a lot of things that are so out of the ordinary - the type of work he's doing - supervising groups and making sure people do what is expected, the way it needs to be done, in a huge bureaucracy with all sorts of nuances and layers.
H.'s car repair is in process. We authorized some expense for them to check and flush the transmission and a few other minor things (inside air filters, for example). They expect to be finished later this week. H. has been borrowing the cars of his roommates, walking, biking and taking Lyft on occasion if his shift starts super early, ends super late or if there's super bad weather.
B. texted me at 10:15 PM last night 'you still up?'. I replied yes and we 'chatted' via Messenger for quite a while. He's had a hard day at work and needed to talk through some things - overthinking his Myers Briggs profile and questioning a lot of things about himself. I remember how Myers Briggs makes your weaknesses seem defining. He hadn't just taken it - I think he revisited it after the day he'd had with all sorts of situations that were hard. He truly deals with a lot of things that are so out of the ordinary - the type of work he's doing - supervising groups and making sure people do what is expected, the way it needs to be done, in a huge bureaucracy with all sorts of nuances and layers.
Keeping people safe is the highest priority of any job - right? He's got a lot of challenging things coming up and I'm really so proud of how he's thinking things through. I told him 'the fact that you're thinking about today's events in combination with revisiting a test you took years ago to try to figure out what you could re-tool about the day - that says a lot'.
One of the things I always got positive feedback on from various bosses was my ability to 'self-correct'. When I was letting my ego overshadow what I knew to be the right thing to do - or while I was struggling to figure something out, I'd listen to advice given and then I'd fix it. Or I'd fix it on my own sans advice. B. said 'the personality type I am is the same one as Gordon Ramsey'. I said 'but Gordon Ramsey is an ass, B. - you aren't. Gordon Ramsey is all ego and would never even consider using a tool like Myers Briggs to figure out how to be a better leader'.
Leadership is hard. Leading and managing people is very hard. Hopefully, you keep learning and keep improving - and I'm sure B. will.
As we wound down the conversation, he said 'on a lighter note, when I move to recruiting I'll have 30 days leave before I report - how does a family trip to Disneyland sound?' I said 'sounds great! Start saving money!'. He said "I could cover the room for me and H.' I said we'd have to see if H. could come - airfare and time off makes him getting there super expensive. But we'll see. J. and I have actually been talking about Disneyland.
We're watching "The Outsider" on HBO. It's a Steven King story which by definition makes it creepy. But it is a really great series. J. is previewing the episodes for me so I don't have to fret through each one - suspense filled and a bit creepy.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Feeling Lucky
J. and I headed to Atlantis last night to have dinner at The Steakhouse. We've never eaten there before and had been saving it for a special treat. It was SO DELICIOUS! Superb from start to finish with impeccable service to boot! We brought home tons of leftovers.
We declared the evening a 'date night' and gave ourselves permission to take some play money out of checking - mine was gone in a flash but I had other fun money so I continued to play a bit. I moved to a new machine (with the highest major) and played. I was ready to leave - not winning and worrying about losing (losing is so not fun) - but a friend who had been there earlier was encouraging her brother 'be patient. You just have to be patient'. So I stayed.
I hit the Major on a 2 cent denomination dollar bet - so yay! A big win right before dinner!
I went back to Atlantis today for free play and did really well again today. Turned free play into $300 cash which let me play for a bit. The friend who was encouraging patience last night was there again today so I let her know that she helped me score the major - she was so glad I told her. (She is a VERY high roller - very nice lady). Today, she came over and said 'M., I was saving the machine next to me for my hubby but he's not coming - I know you love it so come play'. We had a great time and the machine was pretty kind to me - and then on the way out for the day, I decided to do a little (more) play on the machine that I'd played free play on - and on the second spin, I hit a bonus that paid over $800! Wow! What a fun day!
(I've actually hit a major or huge hits four times since February 1st so it's been a really great run. Hope it keeps up).
I've been working around the house a bit and finally took time to gather up all the tax documents we've received and get things in folder. Still miles away from trying to do taxes - though I should - but we've got plenty of other things going on to keep us busy.
Our house is getting closer - drywall will be installed by the end of this week and then the taping and mudding will start. Before we know it, there will be floors, then cabinets, lights, ceiling fans, paint. Still no confirmed date's looking like a house and we get more excited every time we visit.
H.'s car disaster improved a bit when we decided to tow the car to his local Hyundai dealership. And miracle of miracles - they are going to replace the engine and cover the cost 100%. The car has 160K miles on it - it's technically out of warranty - but the head mechanic at the dealership said he would check with the corporate warranty folks - and they agreed to cover it. They won't pay for a rental but wow! Saving us $4-5K is extraordinary and we're so relieved. H. is walking or riding a bike to work. He will use Lyft occasionally if it's raining but he will make it work.
Upon returning home last night, we stayed up until close to 11PM - rare for me. We had left the downstairs heat on (accidentally) - and most of the heat comes out of the vents at the top of the stairs - so the upstairs was pretty warm. My room was a balmy 80 degrees. I slept in a tank and boy shorts and still had to open the window a smidge in the middle of the night to cool it down enough to sleep.
I'm ready for a better night's sleep tonight - weather has been so lovely - it was nice to have some fresh air.
We declared the evening a 'date night' and gave ourselves permission to take some play money out of checking - mine was gone in a flash but I had other fun money so I continued to play a bit. I moved to a new machine (with the highest major) and played. I was ready to leave - not winning and worrying about losing (losing is so not fun) - but a friend who had been there earlier was encouraging her brother 'be patient. You just have to be patient'. So I stayed.
I hit the Major on a 2 cent denomination dollar bet - so yay! A big win right before dinner!
I went back to Atlantis today for free play and did really well again today. Turned free play into $300 cash which let me play for a bit. The friend who was encouraging patience last night was there again today so I let her know that she helped me score the major - she was so glad I told her. (She is a VERY high roller - very nice lady). Today, she came over and said 'M., I was saving the machine next to me for my hubby but he's not coming - I know you love it so come play'. We had a great time and the machine was pretty kind to me - and then on the way out for the day, I decided to do a little (more) play on the machine that I'd played free play on - and on the second spin, I hit a bonus that paid over $800! Wow! What a fun day!
(I've actually hit a major or huge hits four times since February 1st so it's been a really great run. Hope it keeps up).
I've been working around the house a bit and finally took time to gather up all the tax documents we've received and get things in folder. Still miles away from trying to do taxes - though I should - but we've got plenty of other things going on to keep us busy.
Our house is getting closer - drywall will be installed by the end of this week and then the taping and mudding will start. Before we know it, there will be floors, then cabinets, lights, ceiling fans, paint. Still no confirmed date's looking like a house and we get more excited every time we visit.
H.'s car disaster improved a bit when we decided to tow the car to his local Hyundai dealership. And miracle of miracles - they are going to replace the engine and cover the cost 100%. The car has 160K miles on it - it's technically out of warranty - but the head mechanic at the dealership said he would check with the corporate warranty folks - and they agreed to cover it. They won't pay for a rental but wow! Saving us $4-5K is extraordinary and we're so relieved. H. is walking or riding a bike to work. He will use Lyft occasionally if it's raining but he will make it work.
Upon returning home last night, we stayed up until close to 11PM - rare for me. We had left the downstairs heat on (accidentally) - and most of the heat comes out of the vents at the top of the stairs - so the upstairs was pretty warm. My room was a balmy 80 degrees. I slept in a tank and boy shorts and still had to open the window a smidge in the middle of the night to cool it down enough to sleep.
I'm ready for a better night's sleep tonight - weather has been so lovely - it was nice to have some fresh air.
Tuesday, February 04, 2020
When we first moved to the town house rental, we had a lot of issues with controlling the room temperatures via the thermostats. The upstairs was frequently a balmy 80+ degrees - we ended up mostly turning off all the heat. We'd turn on the upstairs heat before bed to take the chill off the rooms but turn it off so it wouldn't run all night.
It's been in the high teens in the nights here lately and we've discovered just how much better we sleep if we go ahead and leave the heat on upstairs all night. I know that seems silly - of course, we should run the heater all night - but we hadn't been until this week.
We both slept in HUGELY this morning - J. was up around 8 and I was up around 8:30 and it just felt so good to sleep hours at a stretch.
Maybe our night wakings were related to just not being toasty warm enough -
And our utility bills are incredibly reasonable - $55 for electricity (including running the electric space heater we have in the living room because the 'baffles' of our HVAC aren't working all that well and most of the heat from the downstairs is blowing out of the upstairs vents) and $75 for natural gas. Wow! What an amazing difference in comparison to PG&E in California where our bill was way higher - and that included having mostly solar in place of electricity through PG&E.
Another thing we love about Nevada - you're not being price gouged based on weather - you need heat? Do it! Be comfy and cozy and not broke!
I'm heading to the lab to do my blood work and J. is going to do his daily visit to the house - combined with a bunch of other stops he's making. We live in a caucus state (WHOA!) so he's going to stop by a candidate's office and ask about the process of being a part of the caucus - right up his alley.
We finished the last available season of "Goliath" and anxiously await Season 4 (which sadly will be the last season, apparently. I'm hoping they reconsider but I suspect they are killing off a major character so....). All good things must come to an end.
I have free play at Atlantis this week (twice) so I will likely head there tomorrow. OH - I also won the final game score 'square' on the 'pool' board at the Super Bowl event - so I earned $100 in free play from that as well - which got loaded to my card yesterday before I headed home but I saved it to combine with the $100 in free play I'll get this week. I MIGHT even save tomorrow's free play to add to (the upcoming) Saturday free play - I'd have $300 total and that's a pretty good run on a machine. My only regret is that Atlantis doesn't allow free play on the Dragon Links which is my fave machine. But I can usually turn free play into real cash and then take that cash and play Dragon Links's OK.
It's been in the high teens in the nights here lately and we've discovered just how much better we sleep if we go ahead and leave the heat on upstairs all night. I know that seems silly - of course, we should run the heater all night - but we hadn't been until this week.
We both slept in HUGELY this morning - J. was up around 8 and I was up around 8:30 and it just felt so good to sleep hours at a stretch.
Maybe our night wakings were related to just not being toasty warm enough -
And our utility bills are incredibly reasonable - $55 for electricity (including running the electric space heater we have in the living room because the 'baffles' of our HVAC aren't working all that well and most of the heat from the downstairs is blowing out of the upstairs vents) and $75 for natural gas. Wow! What an amazing difference in comparison to PG&E in California where our bill was way higher - and that included having mostly solar in place of electricity through PG&E.
Another thing we love about Nevada - you're not being price gouged based on weather - you need heat? Do it! Be comfy and cozy and not broke!
I'm heading to the lab to do my blood work and J. is going to do his daily visit to the house - combined with a bunch of other stops he's making. We live in a caucus state (WHOA!) so he's going to stop by a candidate's office and ask about the process of being a part of the caucus - right up his alley.
We finished the last available season of "Goliath" and anxiously await Season 4 (which sadly will be the last season, apparently. I'm hoping they reconsider but I suspect they are killing off a major character so....). All good things must come to an end.
I have free play at Atlantis this week (twice) so I will likely head there tomorrow. OH - I also won the final game score 'square' on the 'pool' board at the Super Bowl event - so I earned $100 in free play from that as well - which got loaded to my card yesterday before I headed home but I saved it to combine with the $100 in free play I'll get this week. I MIGHT even save tomorrow's free play to add to (the upcoming) Saturday free play - I'd have $300 total and that's a pretty good run on a machine. My only regret is that Atlantis doesn't allow free play on the Dragon Links which is my fave machine. But I can usually turn free play into real cash and then take that cash and play Dragon Links's OK.
Monday, February 03, 2020
Super Bowl LIV
I think we've added a second Atlantis tradition to our list - the Super Bowl bash was a blast and we're really glad we went. I spent Saturday night at the hotel - got us registered. Had a lot of fun playing though I lost. I decided to go eat dinner and then on the way back to my room, passing my favorite machines, I decided to try a little bit of play. Proceeded to play for hours and left with ten times what I started with - so my earlier losses were (more than) covered.
At some point, I realized that while I had the schedule of events flyer for Sunday's events (which had been given to me in a business envelope with my name on it), I did not have the envelope - which had our two wrist bands and a raffle ticket. I went up to the room - thinking I'd just taken the enveloped out of my purse - but then I was pretty sure I'd taken the flyer out while I was eating dinner. I raced back to the restaurant but they said they didn't find it when they cleared the dishes.
My casino host had come by while I was playing (after dinner) and I had mentioned 'I'm a little worried 'cuz I just looked in my purse and I don't have the envelope'. Upon confirming I didn't have it, I phoned her. She said she'd take care of getting us replacements when she came in at 1PM on Sunday.
She came through - though the 'special events' people were not happy, she said. Guess there were a lot of people who had 'lost' their wrist bands - pretty sure people were asking for extras. But she assured them we truly had lost ours, there were only two of us attending and got us another set.
It was a fun day - I'm usually not that in to football but when you're in a huge ballroom with hundreds of people, big screens everywhere enjoying good food and fun, it's a pretty fun game to watch.
I think we'll be attending annually.
On the house front, we've finalized the lighting selections and our ceiling fans. We'd arrived at the lighting place a bit early and saw a fan we sort of liked - and one of the staff (not our consultant) came over and said 'we have that fan in our house and we absolutely love it'. She brought us out the remote and showed us how it works - has six speeds (instead of the usual high and low). We loved the look of it - the light is 'flush' mounted so it's a really sleek look. There were catalogs on the table where we were sitting so I found the fan specs and confirmed we could get it in brushed nickel - so done! That was the one thing we hadn't really decided on and our consultant had said 'don't worry - we'll look for fans together' - but we were able to cross that off the list right away. The rest of the visit was just reconfirming the things we'd already agreed to via email - a pretty quick meeting.
H. has had some major events this past week. On our way to the lighting appointment, he phoned to say his car wouldn't start. We were picturing him in his driveway not being able to get it to start but he had actually been driving when it stopped dead - and wouldn't restart. We checked and confirmed/realized that he didn't have Triple AAA roadside service anymore - so he found a mechanic (a neighbor recommended) and they towed his car to their shop. They did a preliminary look and it wasn't the starter - the motor was dead. They gave an initial expense of $1,300 because in order to see if it was the engine, they'd have to remove the transmission and the engine - yikes. If it was the engine, the estimate was $3,500-$5,000 to possibly replace the engine. The car's been sitting there since - until today.
J. contacted a Hyundai dealership near H. and explained what had happened. The mechanic told J. that it was very likely the engine would be covered by warranty and suggested he have the car towed to them. That happened today and hopefully, we'll have confirmation in a day or two that the car will be repaired as a warranty repair. That's the good news. The bad news? Hyundai is replacing so many engines these days they are having a shortage of parts - so the repair will take 30-90 days. H.'s job is 1.75 miles from where he lives so technically, he could ride a bike. Or even walk. We'll figure something out. He's been working 40-50 hours a week so that's good.
I'm looking forward to trekking to Auburn in a couple weeks to meet my friend C. for brunch. We've been keeping in touch via phone, email and text but we are really glad to have found a day we think we can share a meal live and in person. We'll have to see what the weather looks like - I don't mind driving down the hill with snow all around but I don't really want to drive in a snowstorm. So we'll adjust as/if needed. But I'm hoping for a beautiful clear day for a quick road trip. I'm so grateful to have a friend who works equally as hard as I do about keeping in touch.
We're currently binge watching an Amazon Original series "Goliath". We're in the third season and it's a wild, twisting, crazy ride - great show.
I'm pretty sure we have an entire week of 'no commitments'. No meetings we have to do related to the house. No doctor visits scheduled. OH, I do have to run to the lab tomorrow for some blood work - I had a 'cyber doc' appointment - saw a Physician's Assistant (who was actually in Utah) who did a thorough workup and exam with the help of a medical assistant in the exam room with me. Who knew they have blue tooth stethoscopes? I need to get the labs done and then he'll see if there are any 'next steps' needed. Hopefully not. The good thing is that now I can call that medical group if/when I need an appointment and be seen - 'cuz I really don't like going to Urgent Care.
Driving home this morning from Reno, my car had ice crystals on it that looked exactly like small diamonds. It was very cold and there was fresh snow on the mountains - but crystal clear and beautiful.
At some point, I realized that while I had the schedule of events flyer for Sunday's events (which had been given to me in a business envelope with my name on it), I did not have the envelope - which had our two wrist bands and a raffle ticket. I went up to the room - thinking I'd just taken the enveloped out of my purse - but then I was pretty sure I'd taken the flyer out while I was eating dinner. I raced back to the restaurant but they said they didn't find it when they cleared the dishes.
My casino host had come by while I was playing (after dinner) and I had mentioned 'I'm a little worried 'cuz I just looked in my purse and I don't have the envelope'. Upon confirming I didn't have it, I phoned her. She said she'd take care of getting us replacements when she came in at 1PM on Sunday.
She came through - though the 'special events' people were not happy, she said. Guess there were a lot of people who had 'lost' their wrist bands - pretty sure people were asking for extras. But she assured them we truly had lost ours, there were only two of us attending and got us another set.
It was a fun day - I'm usually not that in to football but when you're in a huge ballroom with hundreds of people, big screens everywhere enjoying good food and fun, it's a pretty fun game to watch.
I think we'll be attending annually.
On the house front, we've finalized the lighting selections and our ceiling fans. We'd arrived at the lighting place a bit early and saw a fan we sort of liked - and one of the staff (not our consultant) came over and said 'we have that fan in our house and we absolutely love it'. She brought us out the remote and showed us how it works - has six speeds (instead of the usual high and low). We loved the look of it - the light is 'flush' mounted so it's a really sleek look. There were catalogs on the table where we were sitting so I found the fan specs and confirmed we could get it in brushed nickel - so done! That was the one thing we hadn't really decided on and our consultant had said 'don't worry - we'll look for fans together' - but we were able to cross that off the list right away. The rest of the visit was just reconfirming the things we'd already agreed to via email - a pretty quick meeting.
H. has had some major events this past week. On our way to the lighting appointment, he phoned to say his car wouldn't start. We were picturing him in his driveway not being able to get it to start but he had actually been driving when it stopped dead - and wouldn't restart. We checked and confirmed/realized that he didn't have Triple AAA roadside service anymore - so he found a mechanic (a neighbor recommended) and they towed his car to their shop. They did a preliminary look and it wasn't the starter - the motor was dead. They gave an initial expense of $1,300 because in order to see if it was the engine, they'd have to remove the transmission and the engine - yikes. If it was the engine, the estimate was $3,500-$5,000 to possibly replace the engine. The car's been sitting there since - until today.
J. contacted a Hyundai dealership near H. and explained what had happened. The mechanic told J. that it was very likely the engine would be covered by warranty and suggested he have the car towed to them. That happened today and hopefully, we'll have confirmation in a day or two that the car will be repaired as a warranty repair. That's the good news. The bad news? Hyundai is replacing so many engines these days they are having a shortage of parts - so the repair will take 30-90 days. H.'s job is 1.75 miles from where he lives so technically, he could ride a bike. Or even walk. We'll figure something out. He's been working 40-50 hours a week so that's good.
I'm looking forward to trekking to Auburn in a couple weeks to meet my friend C. for brunch. We've been keeping in touch via phone, email and text but we are really glad to have found a day we think we can share a meal live and in person. We'll have to see what the weather looks like - I don't mind driving down the hill with snow all around but I don't really want to drive in a snowstorm. So we'll adjust as/if needed. But I'm hoping for a beautiful clear day for a quick road trip. I'm so grateful to have a friend who works equally as hard as I do about keeping in touch.
We're currently binge watching an Amazon Original series "Goliath". We're in the third season and it's a wild, twisting, crazy ride - great show.
I'm pretty sure we have an entire week of 'no commitments'. No meetings we have to do related to the house. No doctor visits scheduled. OH, I do have to run to the lab tomorrow for some blood work - I had a 'cyber doc' appointment - saw a Physician's Assistant (who was actually in Utah) who did a thorough workup and exam with the help of a medical assistant in the exam room with me. Who knew they have blue tooth stethoscopes? I need to get the labs done and then he'll see if there are any 'next steps' needed. Hopefully not. The good thing is that now I can call that medical group if/when I need an appointment and be seen - 'cuz I really don't like going to Urgent Care.
Driving home this morning from Reno, my car had ice crystals on it that looked exactly like small diamonds. It was very cold and there was fresh snow on the mountains - but crystal clear and beautiful.
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
I'm starting to think maybe I will just do a monthly post and call it what it is - whatever month we're in. Here we are winding dow...
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...