I should update more regularly because there are so many things happening -
We went to Nevada on Monday - two loads for storage (two cars - we're adding lots of miles and spending money on gas but we're determined to get as much there ourselves as we can). We unloaded and J. handed me a piece of packing tape. I said 'what do you want me to do with this?' and he said 'I just wanted to give you something before I give you the update'. My immediate reaction was H. . Something up with him. But no - it was our builder (who had promised to call us on Monday) who said he had entered all the tasks into the project management software (which I guess he's never actually done before - maybe you don't do that step as a builder until you have an actual foundation to work with) - and we're looking at March. Maybe February but most likely March.
J. asked S. (builder) 'do you know of any rentals we can look at because as we said in our email, we've sold our home and are homeless at the end of October'. He said his company is also building some town homes in Carson City and there might be unit(s) there we could rent. Took a day but we were able to reach the property manager and she confirmed they had two units available on October 1. She knew with certainty that one was off the table for us because of the pets but she said she would talk to the owner about allowing all three.
We met her at the sales model and she confirmed the owner said yes to all three pets with a $500 deposit for each - fully refundable assuming no issues. We said 'yes'.
On the casino front, I placed high enough in my two rounds of play that I placed 6th overall and won $200 cash. I had a feeling I had placed in a 'cash win' category when the freeplay hadn't posted to my account by 2PM. I know it's not a huge amount but it is super cool to win cash - though it was immediately converted into freeplay since I used it to play slots! Of course I did!
Update - it's now Monday, 9/23. We just confirmed with the property management company that our application was approved. Our credit score 'was the highest we've ever seen'. Nice!! I'm about to make the online payment for first, last, $1500 in pet deposits and a few other fees. We'll get the keys on 10/4 and can start taking stuff we need to live to our interim home beginning that trip up.
Movers come tomorrow to talk through options and estimates. I'm ready to plan for them to finish packing and moving everything else - though we continue to pack and organize and are making (continued) good progress. We've got a massive amount of stuff for a charity give away, a box of hazardous waste to take to our city disposal, some metal items (old shelf, old trash cans) to take to the metal recycler and some old paints to drop off at the paint store for recycling. J. is going to work on those 'stacks' this week -
We're scheduled to head up again on Thursday and while we're both tired of the drive and exhausted with all of it, we will likely be going. We want to get a post office box and it's always fun to check on the house. It feels like it will be one of the last 'fun' weekends we'll have for a while since we'll be making multiple trips up pretty frequently as we tackle finalizing the move.
While the new owners have offered to let us rent back even into January, 2020, we've decided to make getting settled there in early November our goal. We'd rather get there and end the 'tug' of the back and forth - it is a lot of moving parts to deal with and it would all be easier to deal with when we eliminate the 3.5 hour drive each way multiple times a month. The project manager for the house wants us to start talking about outside look - and we still have to choose lighting. Our electrical walk through is (so far) scheduled for 10/31 - we won't be moved in by that date but we'll be close, we hope. (And we might be moved in by that date - we'll figure that out in the next week or so).
H. will be on a plane to Houston on Sunday, 10/20 - he is excited. He's winding down the things he needs to do to finish his DUI classes - so we'll be spending time helping him get packed up as well.
In other news, I trekked to the movie theater last night to see Downton Abbey - it was so wonderful! I think the last time I cared enough about a movie to go to the theater to see was Twilight - so it's been awhile. It was perfect in every way. I'm so glad I got to see it and can't wait to see it again a thousand times - via DVD (purchased) and/or on cable at some point.
Time to head back to the garage where I'm making an effort to match storage containers/bins to lids. From the onset of us realizing we were moving, we've tossed all containers and lid into one area/box and we're slowly making progress matching them - if they don't match, they are being recycled. I'm keeping many more than I will need but I will have a beautiful walk in pantry to organize and want to have plenty of options for how to do that - same with the laundry room.
Also time to fill up another 32 oz. of water for consumption. I'm doing at least 2-3 a day - super hot plus somewhat active requires hydration.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Friday, September 13, 2019
Received the offer on Tuesday, met with our realtor Wednesday, countered and our counter was accepted that afternoon. Close of escrow is on 10/11 and we have to be out by 10/31. We're hoping to be out at least a few days before that but we'll see.
Sold sign was added yesterday, lock box for realtor showings was removed and they picked up the stack of flyers the real estate office had made about the house. She suggested we keep a few for our 'scrapbook' - and we also saved all the pics of the house off the real estate website.
We have a lot of memories in this house and many parts of leaving are hard. But our new adventure will be amazing and we are super excited about it!!
Termite inspection happening in about an hour and the full house inspection tomorrow morning. The roof inspector will 'just show up' so we'll be ready for that as well.
J. is heading to Visalia today for a high school reunion lunch so H. and I will be manning the home front. J. will be home tomorrow afternoon.
On Monday, we will trek to Reno and Carson City for a few days with a list of things we need to take care of - including looking at apartments and visiting the boarding kennel to check it out. And getting a PO Box in Carson City so we can start having mail directed to our new home. (I don't want to change address to an apartment for a couple months and then back to the house - we'll just use a PO box to start and when we're in the house, we'll revert back to using that address and cancel the box).
We're super relieved that it sold quickly and while there was a twinge of 'damn, we should have asked a bit more' (the offer was what we asked), we are fine with just being done. The new owners have aggressively planned to release all contingencies by 9/23 so it will be a super busy ten days or so of inspections, (likely) some repairs, etc. - .
Time to get dressed to prepare for inspector arrival and then I need to work on cleaning the house. We're relieved to not have to make it spotless day after day but the new owners will be here tomorrow to accompany the inspector so we want to have it look nice. H. and I plan to stay while the inspector is here - two hours in the park on a very hot day is not appealing to either us or the dog - so we'll have them inspect the study and then we'll close the doors and hide out in here until they leave. I will attempt to get H. to watch a movie with me - fingers crossed.
UPDATE - met the new owners today - they came to accompany the inspector. The inspector arrived early - I was just stepping out of the shower when he rang the doorbell - thank goodness H. was home to answer. He (inspector) started the outside inspection. After I was dressed, I went outside and asked 'so are you expecting the new owners?'. His iPad said 'meet owner' which was me as far as he was concerned. But the family showed up - they were outside for quite a while. The inspector didn't ask them to come in with him - so I finally went outside and invited them in.
Very nice couple. Eight year old daughter. And the wife's parents who have been in America for a few months. They live in Hayward and are basically moving out here for the same reason we did: better schools. As I was talking to the wife, she said 'you can stay longer if you'd like'. I said 'well, we'd both need to talk to our husbands about that and our real estate agents, too'. Later, the husband approached me and said 'we aren't going to move here until January so you really are welcome to stay here if you'd like'.
Could it get any more perfect? Really! It's perfect. I emailed our agent and he explained the next steps - we'll let the process go through 'as is' but there is a form for the buyer to rent/lease back to former owner so that's what we'll do. Definitely through November and hopefully December if needed.
We really have no idea when our house will be done so having this extra time will be stellar. Their mortgage and taxes are more expensive than what we pay currently but not more than we'll pay for our new house so...it will be fine.
No logistics of moving to temp housing at this point. No worry about what to do with the pets. We have another month or two here to work through all that.
OH - and they bought the dining room furniture and kitchen table and chairs from us as well. They will bring cash next month and we'll just leave those pieces here when we leave. They also will keep the chaises and pool bins. (The chaises were going to be trashed so....we'll give them away).
There's really not a lot of furniture we're taking - if we keep whittling down what we have, we'll be able to get things moved up there pretty efficiently.
I am worried about winter. Traveling up there in December is troublesome. But J. said (when I called him in Visalia to share the incredible update) 'we'll just have to dodge storms'. But at this point, for all we know, we might be up there at the end of November and in our house. We'll see!
Sold sign was added yesterday, lock box for realtor showings was removed and they picked up the stack of flyers the real estate office had made about the house. She suggested we keep a few for our 'scrapbook' - and we also saved all the pics of the house off the real estate website.
We have a lot of memories in this house and many parts of leaving are hard. But our new adventure will be amazing and we are super excited about it!!
Termite inspection happening in about an hour and the full house inspection tomorrow morning. The roof inspector will 'just show up' so we'll be ready for that as well.
J. is heading to Visalia today for a high school reunion lunch so H. and I will be manning the home front. J. will be home tomorrow afternoon.
On Monday, we will trek to Reno and Carson City for a few days with a list of things we need to take care of - including looking at apartments and visiting the boarding kennel to check it out. And getting a PO Box in Carson City so we can start having mail directed to our new home. (I don't want to change address to an apartment for a couple months and then back to the house - we'll just use a PO box to start and when we're in the house, we'll revert back to using that address and cancel the box).
We're super relieved that it sold quickly and while there was a twinge of 'damn, we should have asked a bit more' (the offer was what we asked), we are fine with just being done. The new owners have aggressively planned to release all contingencies by 9/23 so it will be a super busy ten days or so of inspections, (likely) some repairs, etc. - .
Time to get dressed to prepare for inspector arrival and then I need to work on cleaning the house. We're relieved to not have to make it spotless day after day but the new owners will be here tomorrow to accompany the inspector so we want to have it look nice. H. and I plan to stay while the inspector is here - two hours in the park on a very hot day is not appealing to either us or the dog - so we'll have them inspect the study and then we'll close the doors and hide out in here until they leave. I will attempt to get H. to watch a movie with me - fingers crossed.
UPDATE - met the new owners today - they came to accompany the inspector. The inspector arrived early - I was just stepping out of the shower when he rang the doorbell - thank goodness H. was home to answer. He (inspector) started the outside inspection. After I was dressed, I went outside and asked 'so are you expecting the new owners?'. His iPad said 'meet owner' which was me as far as he was concerned. But the family showed up - they were outside for quite a while. The inspector didn't ask them to come in with him - so I finally went outside and invited them in.
Very nice couple. Eight year old daughter. And the wife's parents who have been in America for a few months. They live in Hayward and are basically moving out here for the same reason we did: better schools. As I was talking to the wife, she said 'you can stay longer if you'd like'. I said 'well, we'd both need to talk to our husbands about that and our real estate agents, too'. Later, the husband approached me and said 'we aren't going to move here until January so you really are welcome to stay here if you'd like'.
Could it get any more perfect? Really! It's perfect. I emailed our agent and he explained the next steps - we'll let the process go through 'as is' but there is a form for the buyer to rent/lease back to former owner so that's what we'll do. Definitely through November and hopefully December if needed.
We really have no idea when our house will be done so having this extra time will be stellar. Their mortgage and taxes are more expensive than what we pay currently but not more than we'll pay for our new house so...it will be fine.
No logistics of moving to temp housing at this point. No worry about what to do with the pets. We have another month or two here to work through all that.
OH - and they bought the dining room furniture and kitchen table and chairs from us as well. They will bring cash next month and we'll just leave those pieces here when we leave. They also will keep the chaises and pool bins. (The chaises were going to be trashed so....we'll give them away).
There's really not a lot of furniture we're taking - if we keep whittling down what we have, we'll be able to get things moved up there pretty efficiently.
I am worried about winter. Traveling up there in December is troublesome. But J. said (when I called him in Visalia to share the incredible update) 'we'll just have to dodge storms'. But at this point, for all we know, we might be up there at the end of November and in our house. We'll see!
Monday, September 09, 2019
Manic Monday
I fretted a bit that we only had one house showing this weekend. Our realtor says one or two a week is the norm in the current market....so I really shouldn't worry. But I do. Anxious to get 'sell house' off the list of things that need to be done before we move to Nevada.
Our slow paced Monday morning turned in to a somewhat less than mad dash to prepare for two showings - one at noon and the other between one and two. It worked out fine. When the call came about the noon showing, it was 9:45 and we all hit the deck running. Ran the vacuum, swept all the floors, dusted everything, made sure the kitchen was in good shape - gathered up Chloe, her leash and some water and headed to the park. The first showing was 45 minutes. We returned home quickly, ate lunch and got the call that the second group were 10 minutes away. They were in the house maybe 8 minutes - the realtor texted to say 'beautiful house, too many stairs'. There was an older couple and a young couple and the older gentleman was using a cane. This house is not cane friendly. "Multi-level" was the rage 19 years ago and there are stairs everywhere. Even though it has a full bedroom/bath downstairs (which we've turned in to an office but it could be turned back to a bedroom easily enough), it's still stairs up in to the kitchen. Didn't work for them. Too bad because it is a really great house for multi-generational living which happens a lot these days.
Tomorrow, J. is going to Monterey to take the cremains of his parents to a boat where they will be scattered at sea. This has been on the list of things to take care of for a very long time and I am very happy the cremains will no longer be in our closet. He has to stop at the County clerk to file some forms, then head to the boat. And since he's driving all that way, he's going to enjoy a round of golf while he's there. He'll be leaving the house at 6AM and be back 12 hours or so later. H. is off tomorrow and Wednesday so he will be able to help me if there are more showings tomorrow.
Chloe loves the park. This time, we went to the back section of the park and sat at tables there. She can wander to her hearts content and not get near the street. She walked and walked and was very hot - even though it was a very mild day - we were completely comfortable but we're not covered in thick fur. We took her home to cool down and when we went back, we made sure we had a bowl and a big bottle of water. We weren't there long enough to need it but now we have a ready set of "Chloe supplies" for future park visits. She has been sleeping like a rock since dinner - we wore her out!
I lunch with a work friend tomorrow and have a work friend dinner on Thursday. I am supposed to go to Reno this Friday for three nights but I'm going to call tomorrow and cancel. I'm not feeling it and really would rather stay home. We've got reservations at the end of the month and we will probably go then - hopeful that by that time, we'll know the house here is sold and can start sketching out a timeline.
Time for bed. I'm going to set an alarm to get up before J. leaves - to see him off and be available for Chloe - might take a nap tomorrow if I need it.
Our slow paced Monday morning turned in to a somewhat less than mad dash to prepare for two showings - one at noon and the other between one and two. It worked out fine. When the call came about the noon showing, it was 9:45 and we all hit the deck running. Ran the vacuum, swept all the floors, dusted everything, made sure the kitchen was in good shape - gathered up Chloe, her leash and some water and headed to the park. The first showing was 45 minutes. We returned home quickly, ate lunch and got the call that the second group were 10 minutes away. They were in the house maybe 8 minutes - the realtor texted to say 'beautiful house, too many stairs'. There was an older couple and a young couple and the older gentleman was using a cane. This house is not cane friendly. "Multi-level" was the rage 19 years ago and there are stairs everywhere. Even though it has a full bedroom/bath downstairs (which we've turned in to an office but it could be turned back to a bedroom easily enough), it's still stairs up in to the kitchen. Didn't work for them. Too bad because it is a really great house for multi-generational living which happens a lot these days.
Tomorrow, J. is going to Monterey to take the cremains of his parents to a boat where they will be scattered at sea. This has been on the list of things to take care of for a very long time and I am very happy the cremains will no longer be in our closet. He has to stop at the County clerk to file some forms, then head to the boat. And since he's driving all that way, he's going to enjoy a round of golf while he's there. He'll be leaving the house at 6AM and be back 12 hours or so later. H. is off tomorrow and Wednesday so he will be able to help me if there are more showings tomorrow.
Chloe loves the park. This time, we went to the back section of the park and sat at tables there. She can wander to her hearts content and not get near the street. She walked and walked and was very hot - even though it was a very mild day - we were completely comfortable but we're not covered in thick fur. We took her home to cool down and when we went back, we made sure we had a bowl and a big bottle of water. We weren't there long enough to need it but now we have a ready set of "Chloe supplies" for future park visits. She has been sleeping like a rock since dinner - we wore her out!
I lunch with a work friend tomorrow and have a work friend dinner on Thursday. I am supposed to go to Reno this Friday for three nights but I'm going to call tomorrow and cancel. I'm not feeling it and really would rather stay home. We've got reservations at the end of the month and we will probably go then - hopeful that by that time, we'll know the house here is sold and can start sketching out a timeline.
Time for bed. I'm going to set an alarm to get up before J. leaves - to see him off and be available for Chloe - might take a nap tomorrow if I need it.
Saturday, September 07, 2019
Refrigerator Work
I'm working on going through both refrigerator freezers and planning meals around what we have. Found some frozen cooked ground beef and frozen cooked Italian sausage so we're doing a Taco night and spaghetti. Also some chicken tenders for another night. I'm getting things out to thaw every couple of days. J. treks to the grocery store every couple of days anyway for milk (H. is here. He drinks more milk than anyone I've ever known) so I give him a list of the few things we'll need for each dinner I'm planning. We're not going to do huge stock up trips anymore. Eat what we have as much as we can to be as cleaned out as possible when the time comes for us to move to temporary housing.
Still have no idea when that will be but it will happen - I'm confident it will.
It's now Saturday and we jumped start our morning by getting a call for a showing at 11AM - at 9:45. I had just finished making myself an egg and hot dog breakfast sandwich on a hamburger bun. The bun and hot dog were 'use them up' items identified as I went through food this week. We scrambled to get the house squared away in a rush and left for the park just as they were all arriving.
Chloe loves going to the park - she gets to be off leash and run like crazy jumping through the tall grass. I think H. and J. are less vigilant than I was about her wanderings - which is my 'Mom-ness' vs. their 'she's fine-ness'. I just worry she'll bolt after a dog or get to close to the street and make a run for it. It's a busy street. She sniffs everywhere and tries to head for home. It was fun watching her be 'puppy-like'. Completely joy-filled.
We got back from the park about 20 minutes later (saw the realtor's car and the family's car as we started toward our car - J. uses the alarm data on his phone to know when they've left). J. went for a walk. When he returned home 30ish minutes later, he went upstairs to get showered and changed and discovered that they had turned on the fireplace in his bedroom and left it on. The room was hot!
He phoned the realtor and she said it was likely the 8 year old girl that had turned it on - it has a slight delay when it fires up so it's possible they didn't know it had been turned on.
I cleaned out my purse which required vacuuming it out. Also cleaned out (vacuumed) two tote bags we use a lot and J. is running those through the washer. Then I used Qtips and rubbing alcohol to clean the tower fan. I tried just vacuuming the dust out - which usually works - but the dust wasn't budging with the vac brush so I used cotton swabs and cotton pads with the rubbing alcohol to really get it clean.
We've cleaned surfaces in the house that haven't been cleaned in ages which feels great. We called our cleaning company to suspend services for now because we're doing all that needs to be done (and then some) to keep the house ready for showings.
Yesterday, we had a call with our builder who acknowledges that the 10/30 contract date for close of escrow won't happen. More issues with work crew and the plumber he's used for decades deciding to retire with little notice and no continuation of the plumbing company. I asked 'so will I be using my double oven for Thanksgiving or is it likely Christmas'. He said 'oh no, I'm aiming for November before the 'big snow' starts. Great. In a week, he will send us a timeline of the entire build so we'll know what will be happening when.
We feel better. But I have a sick feeling in my stomach that it's going to be later than November....and that leads to a horrible thought that we won't be in the house until next Spring. I don't want to be in temp housing for multiple quarters. One quarter, sure. More than one? No. Please. Just no.
I remind myself to stop worrying about things I can't control - take a deep breath and it will be as it will be. Everything is unfolding as it should. We aren't in control of most of it and we will be totally fine no matter what.
Next steps are to sell this house which will help us work through the timeline for when we will be out of this house and in temp housing up there.
I'm not sure why but I have felt absolutely exhausted for most of the day so I plan to head to bed early.
Also finding things that I'm just getting rid of. J. went to a local restaurant a while back to pickup takeout and they had avocado ice cream - so we tried it. It was tossed today. It wasn't awful. But it wasn't great, either. No one will ever eat it - even H. - so out it went. Also a bunch of 'smoothie' ingredients here for over a year that I'm not using. Berry mixes with kale and seeds and stuff. I'd try it but...no. I'd rather not. I tried once and that's it. I'm over it and they'll be tossed tomorrow.
Just tackling a little bit a day and looking forward to it being completely cleaned out soon.
I'm not a huge fan of sandwiches - but I'm trying to get used to them for lunch. I convinced J. that while I understand H. prefers white bread and I don't eat enough bread to buy a second loaf of something more substantial, we do need to buy white bread that has some firmness and texture. Not white bread that basically becomes mush upon adding sandwich fixings. Yesterday, I used a half of a tomato and made a delicious tomato sandwich for lunch. It was seriously scrumptious and might be a new favorite sandwich. J. bought potato bread which isn't H.'s favorite but it will have to do. Cheap white bread is just mushy and gross.
It's now Saturday and we jumped start our morning by getting a call for a showing at 11AM - at 9:45. I had just finished making myself an egg and hot dog breakfast sandwich on a hamburger bun. The bun and hot dog were 'use them up' items identified as I went through food this week. We scrambled to get the house squared away in a rush and left for the park just as they were all arriving.
Chloe loves going to the park - she gets to be off leash and run like crazy jumping through the tall grass. I think H. and J. are less vigilant than I was about her wanderings - which is my 'Mom-ness' vs. their 'she's fine-ness'. I just worry she'll bolt after a dog or get to close to the street and make a run for it. It's a busy street. She sniffs everywhere and tries to head for home. It was fun watching her be 'puppy-like'. Completely joy-filled.
We got back from the park about 20 minutes later (saw the realtor's car and the family's car as we started toward our car - J. uses the alarm data on his phone to know when they've left). J. went for a walk. When he returned home 30ish minutes later, he went upstairs to get showered and changed and discovered that they had turned on the fireplace in his bedroom and left it on. The room was hot!
He phoned the realtor and she said it was likely the 8 year old girl that had turned it on - it has a slight delay when it fires up so it's possible they didn't know it had been turned on.
I cleaned out my purse which required vacuuming it out. Also cleaned out (vacuumed) two tote bags we use a lot and J. is running those through the washer. Then I used Qtips and rubbing alcohol to clean the tower fan. I tried just vacuuming the dust out - which usually works - but the dust wasn't budging with the vac brush so I used cotton swabs and cotton pads with the rubbing alcohol to really get it clean.
We've cleaned surfaces in the house that haven't been cleaned in ages which feels great. We called our cleaning company to suspend services for now because we're doing all that needs to be done (and then some) to keep the house ready for showings.
Yesterday, we had a call with our builder who acknowledges that the 10/30 contract date for close of escrow won't happen. More issues with work crew and the plumber he's used for decades deciding to retire with little notice and no continuation of the plumbing company. I asked 'so will I be using my double oven for Thanksgiving or is it likely Christmas'. He said 'oh no, I'm aiming for November before the 'big snow' starts. Great. In a week, he will send us a timeline of the entire build so we'll know what will be happening when.
We feel better. But I have a sick feeling in my stomach that it's going to be later than November....and that leads to a horrible thought that we won't be in the house until next Spring. I don't want to be in temp housing for multiple quarters. One quarter, sure. More than one? No. Please. Just no.
I remind myself to stop worrying about things I can't control - take a deep breath and it will be as it will be. Everything is unfolding as it should. We aren't in control of most of it and we will be totally fine no matter what.
Next steps are to sell this house which will help us work through the timeline for when we will be out of this house and in temp housing up there.
I'm not sure why but I have felt absolutely exhausted for most of the day so I plan to head to bed early.
Thursday, September 05, 2019
Sweating Bullets
I spent the morning doing all types of cleaning. Bathroom, laundry room, mopped and scrubbed floors. Kept getting sidetracked by other things I noticed as I was doing 'big' things. Made progress. Felt good to move and work hard - I was dripping sweat and that's sort of 'new' for me. I hope to keep doing it 'cuz it's a decent workout.
The for sale sign went up on Friday. My friend said 'I was car pooling with E. and saw the sign. Felt happy for you guys but so sad for us. When you left, we lost a big piece of our heart and I don't think we'll ever get it back'. My heart hurts - I am so touched they miss me that much - and I definitely miss them - the friendships. And I know how I felt when my former Superintendent left and my heart felt broken for a long time. But I know organizational structure and am positive the entity will move forward regardless. I'll be a mere memory in the district's history. I think other folks are thinking about making a move and I advise them to consider doing it - life is too short to stay somewhere you're not happy. I speak from experience realizing how miserable I was now that I'm not.
I'm determined to stay close to friends and have a dinner and a lunch planned with two of them next week.
Our trip to Reno was good - we made it up there and loaded up the storage unit with more of our stuff. We visited the home site and there was a guy there (just one) working on adding the cross beams to the foundation. One guy. If one guy does each phase of the construction, we won't have a house for a year! J. did some additional exploring - I headed to my happy place. He arrived later and we had a nice dinner at Atlantis. J. headed home Saturday morning to be prepared for possible house showings.
We've had two looks at the house and are a bit disappointed to not have an offer - one family told their realtor (who told our realtor) that they loved the house. If you love it, buy it! Please! J. and H. headed with Chloe to the park during the visits and she loved getting out and about. The park grass is very 'tall' for her low belly and H. said she was 'leaping' through it - super cute. I hope we can get a video of her doing that. It's super funny.
We are on pins and needles because another interested party was waiting until her realtor returned form out of town - so we've been expecting another showing but it hasn't happened yet.
It's nerve wracking but these things take time.
In the mean time, we are getting great exercise keeping our own house spotless. Prepared to let strangers walk through it in a moment's notice.
Our house being on the market notified every moving company on the planet that we're moving - which isn't a bad thing. We've decided we will get a couple quotes from moving companies that can store things for us. I have visions of us doing the pod - and getting to our brand new house and having to wait days for the pod people to bring us our stuff. And then possibly having issues with finding moving company's to provide hourly labor to help us unload all our stuff. J. said 'we could manage in the house without our stuff'. And I reminded him 'beds? We have to have beds. Places to sit a bit'. A full-service moving company who can load up what's left, store it for some number of months and then bring it back and unload it could come in very handy. It will cost more - for sure. But we'll see - the peace of mind of knowing that we can actually get in and be settled for real with fewer moving parts is very attractive to me at this point.
The moving parts are stressing me out. My stomach is in a constant state of 'high alert' and my sleep is being interrupted by a lot of new ruminations. They will pass.
The for sale sign went up on Friday. My friend said 'I was car pooling with E. and saw the sign. Felt happy for you guys but so sad for us. When you left, we lost a big piece of our heart and I don't think we'll ever get it back'. My heart hurts - I am so touched they miss me that much - and I definitely miss them - the friendships. And I know how I felt when my former Superintendent left and my heart felt broken for a long time. But I know organizational structure and am positive the entity will move forward regardless. I'll be a mere memory in the district's history. I think other folks are thinking about making a move and I advise them to consider doing it - life is too short to stay somewhere you're not happy. I speak from experience realizing how miserable I was now that I'm not.
I'm determined to stay close to friends and have a dinner and a lunch planned with two of them next week.
Our trip to Reno was good - we made it up there and loaded up the storage unit with more of our stuff. We visited the home site and there was a guy there (just one) working on adding the cross beams to the foundation. One guy. If one guy does each phase of the construction, we won't have a house for a year! J. did some additional exploring - I headed to my happy place. He arrived later and we had a nice dinner at Atlantis. J. headed home Saturday morning to be prepared for possible house showings.
We've had two looks at the house and are a bit disappointed to not have an offer - one family told their realtor (who told our realtor) that they loved the house. If you love it, buy it! Please! J. and H. headed with Chloe to the park during the visits and she loved getting out and about. The park grass is very 'tall' for her low belly and H. said she was 'leaping' through it - super cute. I hope we can get a video of her doing that. It's super funny.
We are on pins and needles because another interested party was waiting until her realtor returned form out of town - so we've been expecting another showing but it hasn't happened yet.
It's nerve wracking but these things take time.
In the mean time, we are getting great exercise keeping our own house spotless. Prepared to let strangers walk through it in a moment's notice.
Our house being on the market notified every moving company on the planet that we're moving - which isn't a bad thing. We've decided we will get a couple quotes from moving companies that can store things for us. I have visions of us doing the pod - and getting to our brand new house and having to wait days for the pod people to bring us our stuff. And then possibly having issues with finding moving company's to provide hourly labor to help us unload all our stuff. J. said 'we could manage in the house without our stuff'. And I reminded him 'beds? We have to have beds. Places to sit a bit'. A full-service moving company who can load up what's left, store it for some number of months and then bring it back and unload it could come in very handy. It will cost more - for sure. But we'll see - the peace of mind of knowing that we can actually get in and be settled for real with fewer moving parts is very attractive to me at this point.
The moving parts are stressing me out. My stomach is in a constant state of 'high alert' and my sleep is being interrupted by a lot of new ruminations. They will pass.
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
I'm starting to think maybe I will just do a monthly post and call it what it is - whatever month we're in. Here we are winding dow...
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...