It's amazing to me how many friends are suddenly intent on getting together before I move out of state. I'm being contacted by people I haven't worked with in over 20 years who have lived in Tracy for decades and now is the time they've decided it would be super great to reconnect. Really. When I send them my (very limited) available dates (which frankly I provide with trepidation because honestly, I feel pretty overwhelmed just on the natural at the moment and adding in a ton of social stuff to my over-taxed psyche and my calendar does not seem wise), we go back and forth trying to wedge in time in a very limited amount of remaining weeks. Doesn't really seem like a good thing to do - but I'm trying. I've lived here 18+ years....and other than running into these people at the grocery store now and then, I've not heard a word from any of them. Facebook friendship - it's the new normal. Little to no contact until physical contact and any chance of seeing each other goes out the window as we move to Nevada. Suddenly, time with me is the 'E' ticket - I'd be flattered except...I'm not. But it will be nice to see friends - even friends with whom there's been little contact. Renewal is good, I guess.
I spent yesterday at Thunder Valley with a friend - we usually lunch in Lodi but decided to do a change of pace. I always have issues gambling with other people - and as expected, it wasn't a ton of fun. She's what I call a 'bouncer'. $20 in, lose or win, move to another machine. For me, that's a sure fire way to put in a ton of $20s and walk away with nothing - which is pretty much what happened. Only then I got the great idea of 'playing solo' for a bit - thinking some 'long haul' machine effort might put me back to even - and that didn't happen at all, either. I came home down and gloomy.
Ahh...the life of a gambler.
The sun is shining today - a very rare occurrence in the past month - but I'm feeling low having lost an hour - stupid time change.
I should be at the office toiling away but I'm not. I have more to do that I can even wrap my head around and only two days in the office this week - but oh well. It will keep.
We are (fingers crossed) set to head up to Carson City on Wednesday - two fully loaded cars. Appointments all day Thursday and Friday with a lot of house choices to work on. We are super excited! We're also dropping off the rather large check required for our builder to start digging dirt on our lot - so we're another step closer!
I had lunch this week with my former boss and it's always a joy to spend time with him. But I have to say that he really hurt my feelings - he asked about B. but not a word about H. - and I wonder why? I mean - H. has done things that are awful - and there is still a tremendous amount of heartache, stress, sadness, anxiety - you name it, we're (still) living it. But he's my son - and if you ask about the well being and status of one of my kids, I really think you should ask about both. Otherwise, don't ask about either? It bugs me so much - I'm sure he just doesn't know what to say at times? But...really. Ask. Or just don't bring up either of my sons.
And, insult to injury - he had a horrible cold. And I woke up this morning with a super bad sore throat, headache and general malaise. Might/could be the time change? But...I think it's a cold. Dang it!
OK - off to the garage to pack up a couple boxes of stuff in preparation for our trip to our storage unit! We've had it reserved for over a month and we are finally going to get there - at least, I sure hope we will!!
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
I'm starting to think maybe I will just do a monthly post and call it what it is - whatever month we're in. Here we are winding dow...
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...
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