In a moment of madness last night, after a productive day at work wherein I patted myself on the back for being as far along as I am while simultaneously writing a massive list of 'things still left to do', I decided I would load Turbo Tax 2016 and get going on our taxes.
I shockingly made it through the first sketch out with no gasps...J. thinks he heard a small one but I think I was just breathing. The two raises I've had in the past few years went straight to increasing my withholding and while I'm tempted to do the same with the upcoming raise that will appear on my February paycheck, I think I'm going to actually enjoy seeing it my paycheck every month. Our plan with that 'new' money is to increase what we send to our Schwab account every month anyway, so if I stick to that plan, the funds will be available this time next year if needed to pay the taxes. In theory, that's how it should work. I think at least the first few months will give us a little cushion which will be nice to have - then we'll start beefing up long term savings.
We were able to claim H. as a dependent again which helped - but eventually (please, God), he won't be dependent and I'll have to consider increasing withholding when that happens.
A new school semester started this past week for H. and while I wish I could report he spent his Friday and Saturday days off studying, he did not. He spent them out and about. I am irritated by that - feeling like getting off to a good start and demonstrating effort would be a better approach at this point? But it is what it is.
I say that a lot lately. I just read that an esteemed psychologist broke rules by sharing that he believes Trump is a malignant narcissist - it's incurable and the signs Trump has match perfectly to the symptoms of this condition. J.'s one absurdity a day rule isn't working too well 'cuz there are just so damn many absurdities - hour by hour - hell, minute by minute. I can't imagine why Congress isn't proceeding hastily to get this crazy person out of office - seems so clear to me - just in the first week he's been sworn in, he's acting like a mad man.
And I always say 'it is what it is' in response to whatever absurdity is being highlighted.
I feel powerless...while thinking 'we should all be out there marching or something. DO SOMETHING to show that as Americans, we are freaked out and pissed off'....
I have a thumb drive full of files and brought some reports home so I do plan to continue doing some work here at home - nice to not have to deal with unlocking gates, de-arming alarms and (inevitably) chasing kids off our property. Yesterday, five young boys with their Razor scooters were having a blast right outside my office - and they were pretty alarmed (rightly so) when I opened the door and said 'boys, you can't do that here. You are trespassing since gates are locked and the campus isn't open'. They dutifully left, climbing over the fence they tried to convince me was unlocked. Kids.
J. is making German pancakes and turkey bacon for breakfast. Last night, I said 'if I wake up early, I'll be sure you know so you can keep sleeping'. I woke up at 7 but went back to sleep, thinking 'he said for me to sleep in'. At 8:30, I got up and went out and realized his door was still closed - and opened it with a 'seriously?'. He apparently dreamed that I came in and told him I was up. Poor Chloe. She was way, WAY past her point of no return and starving.
We weren't great dog parents this morning. We will need to atone by lots of extra play time with her today...and maybe a walk. It's cold (very) but dry so we should take advantage of that while it lasts.
Sunday, January 29, 2017
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Tales of Helpers
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Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...
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