Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Clouds with Wind

This morning started off shattered.  I was up and downstairs by 5:25 and took Chloe out.  Fed her, out again and then headed to my computer with a hot cup of coffee.  Heard something shatter...and then heard something else shatter....and again...and again.  Ran into the kitchen trying to figure out what was happening - and had a moment of 'crap, I think our china hutch just tipped over'.  I saw glass on the landing and realized it was H.'s favorite heavy glass 'stein' that we got him in Cancun a few years ago.  He was on his way downstairs and dropped it.  Thankfully, it was empty and 'dry' vs. full of chocolate milk or the remains of chocolate milk.  Poor kid had tears in his eyes about the mug and had to endure the wrath of his mom who reamed him for having it upstairs.  Once again, violating the rule of 'only water' upstairs.  The carpet in his room is DESTROYED because of him taking food and drink up there - and he ignores the rule.  So he got no sympathy from me about breaking the glass 'cuz if he hadn't taken it upstairs, it wouldn't have happened.

J. got up to help 'cuz the glass went everywhere.  On every stair; in the entry way up to the landing; all over the landing; into the kitchen; down the stairs into the family room.  What a mess.  Great way to start the day for all (not).

J. took Chloe out again post clean up and came back in saying 'wish I hadn't washed my car on Monday'.  'Why?', I asked.  He replied 'it's raining' and then I heard it!  A brief, very large down pour!  It was awesome!  Stayed cloudy and cool until noonish or so - it was great to feel a little coolness in the air.

Now my weather app has the wind symbol showing and unusually, it's so windy that our satellite TV keeps losing the signal.  Survivor starts in 40 minutes and we have sporadic outages of broadcast. Dang it!

I have a workshop on the legal aspects around technology in schools and then in the office for a couple of hours at the end of the day tomorrow.  Off on Friday again!  H. was advanced $ to go to a movie with friends so he owes me work on Saturday and we are going to tackle the stairs.  He has a class on Friday (just one) so I doubt we'll get much done that day but I will try to be motivated enough to get the taping process started.

The big news is Angelina and Brad are splitsville and I'm sorry to hear that - I'd really hoped they would make it.  Rumors of him cheating with someone else - the female lead in his latest movie - and Angelina hired a private eye to prove it.

Glad Survivor is on (and wind seems to be dying down a bit).  We've been missing our regular programs and J. has been a trooper about all the Life Below Zero and baking shows I've been rewatching over and over.  Oh! and Law & Order.  Always.

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