We had a great time in Reno - though at the end of Monday, I told J. 'I just want to go home'. A brutal round of slot playing that left me broke and bereft...at the casino where we were staying which made it really bad. J. tried craps and at a $10 table, also had a not so great run. Trapped in a so-so hotel with the tightest slots on the planet...it was futile. J. played golf on Tuesday so I tried again - another brutal pounding. I put so much money in that I moved up a players card level by Tuesday morning - yay! only no. An advanced level at a place I never intend to play again doesn't get me much.
Make no mistake - I know gambling will result in losing. The house is almost always ahead - otherwise, there'd be no casinos anywhere. I never mind losing if the play is fun and results in wins that keep me going - but that wasn't happening at our hotel.
Tuesday evening, we headed out of our hotel/casino and went to Atlantis for dinner - fabulous buffet! We signed up for players cards - J. hit the craps table - very excited to have found a $3 table! - and I hit the slots. We had a blast! J. ended up $145 that night and played for a really long time at a really fun table. I had great luck at slots, too - got braver as the evening went and starting betting 'full bet' no matter what. Inspired by a young man about H.'s age who cruised up to the Buffalo Gold machine next to me, bet highest bet and proceeded to win $1000 in about 10 minutes. He also confessed that he was stopping by just to try it again because he'd won $3500 on that same machine about an hour earlier.
My high bet strategy seemed to be the golden ticket at Atlantis 'cuz I played a lot and I played long.
We came home in the red but still had money that we thought we'd lose leftover so to us? that's a really great trip! We can't wait to go again. We went back there every night to play and had a blast! Our 'home' casino did get $120 more out of us this morning when we made our final play a try at the Megbucks $10.6M jackpot - which we did not hit. But we had fun trying.
Wednesday and Thursday, we did as we'd planned - looked at houses. We're pretty sure we are decided on the Reno area - though the snow part in the winter has me a bit unsure. Everyone says it's not like snow back East - unlikely to really impact us much with the exception of the need for a 4-wheel drive vehicle with snow tires - but I'm still unsure. I worry a bit about moving and then something happening to Jim - or something happening to me - and then the other is alone in Reno dealing with snow, etc. on their own.
We looked at some really incredible homes and fell in love with the builder and the various developments in Reno. So many options - we visited a few places on Wednesday that were North of Reno - not great and pretty disappointed. But on Thursday, we ventured South and viola! Tons of really nice areas that felt like 'home' to us - we loved it! So many options - we looked at an 'active adult' community - no one under 55 can live there but visitors are OK - and loved the floorplans. The HOA fees are a bit steep but then they have activities non-stop - constantly stuff to do, outings to join in on. The same builder has a 'family' neighborhood right next to the adult community and we looked there as well - lower HOA but with many of the same amenities - swimming pool, community club house, gym, tennis courts, etc. -
We have a lot to think about and things to crunch numbers on. The primary reason for considering Nevada is the appealing financial factor of no state taxes - something to consider when you are looking at long-term financial planning on quite a bit of savings that is pre-tax. I'm going to check often at the Reno school district website for jobs - 'cuz honestly, if I found a job, we'd consider moving ASAP - as crazy and hectic as that would be. Yes, we'd have to figure out what to do for H. - but if he stays on his current track, he will be finished with his A.S. by this time next year - and even if we'd signed a contract this week (which we didn't), we'd be looking at six to nine months of construction before we could move in anyway.
Lots to plan for and dream of - and while I said to J. yesterday 'this is starting to make me feel depressed', it is pretty exciting - maybe big changes ahead sooner than we thought. 'Cuz we could move with me still working - and that sounds appealing. So we'll see.
Last night, we returned to Atlantis and both used our players cards for possible comps. We scored two $20.99 buffet dinners for $3.45! Total! Wonderful food and a bargain, too!!
We arrived home to a tidy house - H. did a good job and he cleaned the kitchen, which he was very proud of. (I didn't ask why he felt the need to clean the kitchen - was too excited that he did it on his own). Great to see him and I think he was pretty lonely all week - no school this week and we left my car here but pretty much suggested we'd prefer he stay home as much as possible.
J.'s old Camry is officially totaled and we got a rather huge deposit into our checking account today. H. and J. are going to be shopping for a used car this weekend - 'cuz H. has to have a way to get to/from school. I only have one day this month when I need to drive to the County Office for a meeting so we can technically manage with only two cars - and we may do that for a bit. With a little planning, I'm sure we can manage -
We're looking for something cheap and reliable. Fingers crossed. Nothing fancy; basic transportation and we hope to spend no more than 2/3 of what we were paid out for the Camry.
We ordered pizza for dinner 'cuz we have no idea what's here and no energy to cook anything. Spoiled by nice breakfast and dinner buffets daily - we skipped lunch and would have some nuts to get us through to dinner - but we're home now and there's no one to cook but us. So pizza! Woot woot!
I am toying with possibly going to work for a bit either tomorrow or Sunday - but I'm also toying with going to Thunder Valley 'cuz the Thuderstrike Jackpot is growing and that amount would be a nice start on our 'saving for house upgrades' fund that we are officially opening NOW!
Friday, July 29, 2016
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Chloe's on Vacation Too!
J. started gathering up the supplies for Chloe's puppy spa week - food, treats, insulin, syringes and lastly, a blanket. Upon seeing the blanket, she went nuts - all excitedly whiny - I think she knew she was headed to puppy paradise with lots of fun and dogs to play with.
I think J. will return home reporting that she was reluctant to be handed off to the kennel owner ('cuz she usually is) but we get pictures and updates throughout her stay and she has a blast. She'll be home in a week filthy and exhausted - good signs of a happy time.
I feel slightly unwell today - sore throat, headache, etc. - but oh well. I'm heading to the shower and then I need to get to the bank to get funds for our trip. Also getting some funds for H. - making him a daily list of 'tasks' and he will earn money for 'house sitting' for us. I'm mainly doing that to ensure he's got some funds to use to go out to get food - 'cuz I fear without us here cooking, he will just live on chocolate milk and that's not enough calories for a guy who's struggling (still) to put on (and keep on) some weight.
I might try to wedge in a nap in early afternoon 'cuz we will be out really late and have about an hour and half drive each way. I suspect we will wish we'd just spent the night somewhere but oh well.
I think J. will return home reporting that she was reluctant to be handed off to the kennel owner ('cuz she usually is) but we get pictures and updates throughout her stay and she has a blast. She'll be home in a week filthy and exhausted - good signs of a happy time.
I feel slightly unwell today - sore throat, headache, etc. - but oh well. I'm heading to the shower and then I need to get to the bank to get funds for our trip. Also getting some funds for H. - making him a daily list of 'tasks' and he will earn money for 'house sitting' for us. I'm mainly doing that to ensure he's got some funds to use to go out to get food - 'cuz I fear without us here cooking, he will just live on chocolate milk and that's not enough calories for a guy who's struggling (still) to put on (and keep on) some weight.
I might try to wedge in a nap in early afternoon 'cuz we will be out really late and have about an hour and half drive each way. I suspect we will wish we'd just spent the night somewhere but oh well.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Vacation! Coming Soon to a Location Near You -
Holy Cow what a week....I arrived home after working all day (my vacation was to start today but didn't) and J. said 'Hilary was supposed to announce her VP selection but with the Munich thing....' and I said 'what Munich thing?'. Another mass shooting in a mall. The mind can't process it, really...another one. Over and over. What is wrong with us?
There was a major snafu at work yesterday that was discovered around the time I was going to pack up and tidy my desk in preparation for being off. Detective work, tracking down my boss and having him call me (he's on vacation this week into next), letting him know what happened and how/why. He wasn't pleased - to say the least - but I just assured him that I was going to contact the causal company and hopefully work out an agreeable solution.
Then I hung up the phone and freaked out (just for a couple seconds) 'cuz the issue was HUGE and happened on my watch.
Backup to last Tuesday at the conference 'cuz I've had stomach issues since then. Eating causes pain pretty much 'everywhere' in my gut - stomach, intestines, etc. - I'm eating as mildly as I can and hoping that the delicious but somewhat spicy sloppy joes we had on Tuesday night are the culprit...but I ate only white rice for dinner last night - and was miserable all night, pretty much.
So needless to say, yesterday's events didn't help much.
On a hugely, incredibly positive note: what a great team of people I work with these days. Once I spoke to the company and we agreed to a plan of action, my entire department jumped into action and we spent the day playing 'computer box Jenga' in one of our workrooms. Returning units back to their boxes - and we're talking > 1,000 units to rebox....no small task. Progress was made and I was so impressed with the group - full of good humor, fun and so hard working - I was impressed by all of them and we had a pretty fun day working our butts off.
And the company is bending over backwards to fix the issue - within 15 minutes of my initial conversation, I had a phone call from a higher up promising me they were going to make it right. It was an error on their end that started the snowball that's been building up for a couple weeks and he promised he will fix it - and he's driving to Tracy on Monday morning to be there for my team and help in any way he can.
J. and I have a fun weekend planned - we're going to Napa tomorrow afternoon/evening to see Ingrid Michaelson at Robert Mondavi Winery. J. has a full day of getting H. a rental car and then taking the dogarini to the puppy spa for the week. We leave for Reno/Tahoe on Monday morning and I can't wait.
Why does H.need a rental car? Because H. had ANOTHER accident and wrecked J.'s old Camry. We are still awaiting the final determination re: is it totaled or repairable. I was so angry, I couldn't speak to H. for a couple days....just irritated that he's careless and he's damaged property (ours and others) four times in the past 8 months.
On a great note, H. aced his math class - he's top of the class with a 98% - thus proving that when he puts his mind to it, he can do it. He's psyched and excited about the Fall semester and we think he's less than 10 classes away from his A.S. - which is awesome.
It's (finally) after 8PM - I've been fighting sleep since 4 - so I'm heading up to bed - not great sleep the past week and last night was almost zero sleep so I'm ready for a good rest and sleeping in a bit in the morning.
There was a major snafu at work yesterday that was discovered around the time I was going to pack up and tidy my desk in preparation for being off. Detective work, tracking down my boss and having him call me (he's on vacation this week into next), letting him know what happened and how/why. He wasn't pleased - to say the least - but I just assured him that I was going to contact the causal company and hopefully work out an agreeable solution.
Then I hung up the phone and freaked out (just for a couple seconds) 'cuz the issue was HUGE and happened on my watch.
Backup to last Tuesday at the conference 'cuz I've had stomach issues since then. Eating causes pain pretty much 'everywhere' in my gut - stomach, intestines, etc. - I'm eating as mildly as I can and hoping that the delicious but somewhat spicy sloppy joes we had on Tuesday night are the culprit...but I ate only white rice for dinner last night - and was miserable all night, pretty much.
So needless to say, yesterday's events didn't help much.
On a hugely, incredibly positive note: what a great team of people I work with these days. Once I spoke to the company and we agreed to a plan of action, my entire department jumped into action and we spent the day playing 'computer box Jenga' in one of our workrooms. Returning units back to their boxes - and we're talking > 1,000 units to rebox....no small task. Progress was made and I was so impressed with the group - full of good humor, fun and so hard working - I was impressed by all of them and we had a pretty fun day working our butts off.
And the company is bending over backwards to fix the issue - within 15 minutes of my initial conversation, I had a phone call from a higher up promising me they were going to make it right. It was an error on their end that started the snowball that's been building up for a couple weeks and he promised he will fix it - and he's driving to Tracy on Monday morning to be there for my team and help in any way he can.
J. and I have a fun weekend planned - we're going to Napa tomorrow afternoon/evening to see Ingrid Michaelson at Robert Mondavi Winery. J. has a full day of getting H. a rental car and then taking the dogarini to the puppy spa for the week. We leave for Reno/Tahoe on Monday morning and I can't wait.
Why does H.need a rental car? Because H. had ANOTHER accident and wrecked J.'s old Camry. We are still awaiting the final determination re: is it totaled or repairable. I was so angry, I couldn't speak to H. for a couple days....just irritated that he's careless and he's damaged property (ours and others) four times in the past 8 months.
On a great note, H. aced his math class - he's top of the class with a 98% - thus proving that when he puts his mind to it, he can do it. He's psyched and excited about the Fall semester and we think he's less than 10 classes away from his A.S. - which is awesome.
It's (finally) after 8PM - I've been fighting sleep since 4 - so I'm heading up to bed - not great sleep the past week and last night was almost zero sleep so I'm ready for a good rest and sleeping in a bit in the morning.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Conference Update
Wow, what a week! The conference was really amazing and while it was hard to be away from home; hard to live out of a suitcase; hard to sleep in a strange bed - it was all worth it and I'm really glad I went.
One of the main speakers shared his story towards the end of the conference - after years of a nagging cough that was never clearly diagnosed, a doctor finally did a lung scope and took samples which revealed lung cancer. This amazingly fit (tournament tennis player), never smoked a day in his life man was told he had Stage 2 lung cancer. Surgery was scheduled - but during the procedure, the surgeon felt something didn't look quite right in the tissue so he send tissue to be rushed through pathology. Twenty minutes later the results came back and the status was changed to Stage 4. The surgeon stopped the procedure and closed him back up.
The surgery was in 2014 and at the time, he wasn't sure he'd be making it to the summer workshops scheduled for 2015 - and 2016 wasn't even something he ever thought about. But he did make it on the 2015 'tour' and also made it this summer. On Tuesday, he finds out if the drug trial he's in is keeping the cancer from growing - if it isn't, he will be kicked out of the trial and there aren't many other options if that's the case.
He choked up - as did all of us - when he shared that he wasn't sure how much longer he would be sharing the journey we are all on - trying to work through how to ensure students learn. He is a masterful presenter - such wit and wisdom - and to hear him acknowledge that he isn't sure he will be doing this much longer was hard to hear.
I still feel in awe of his ability to do the work he loves in the face of his condition and the uncertainty of his future. He and his lovely wife presented all day, every day of the conference and other than a sometimes cough, we would have never known if he hadn't shared.
To have lived a life doing what you love and to be able to keep doing it even with treatments and scans and appointments galore is really amazing -
I returned home Friday and was so wiped out, I spent yesterday in my pajamas and took one of the deepest sleep naps in history. Today, I've managed to get dressed and run a couple errands and cooking chicken strips for dinner...but it's just after 7PM and I'm fighting off sleep.
Tomorrow is back to work for four days - I'm scheduled off Friday and all of the following week - and we leave for Reno on Monday.
OH - exciting news - I saw an Eventbrite notice that Ingrid Michaelson is coming to the Robert Mondavi Winery in Napa on the 23rd - and I purchased two tickets the minute I heard about the concert - so we'll be spending a nice evening in Napa next Saturday. We normally spend the night when we go to Napa but we're just going to head home. The concert ends by 9:30 so we should be able to make it home by midnight. I had so wanted to see her on her new tour but her schedule only had her at the Fillmore in San Francisco - and there's no way we are doing a standing room only venue...so I was so thrilled to see the winery concert posting and that it was reserved seating.
B. is getting settled at Ft. Campbell and enjoyed a weekend in Nashville for some down time. He is pretty sure his unit is shipping out to Afghanistan by the end of this year and we are already planning a trip to Nashville to spend time with him in October. Hoping we will also be able to go to the base and visit the museum(s) there - just to see where he's based. I've never been to Kentucky so it would be fun to visit both the base AND Nashville - two new states to my list of those I've visited.
H. has one more week of school and his final is a week from tomorrow. According to him, he's got a 90% so far - he's done very well on the quizzes and is earning high participation marks because he's been helping other students understand. Guess it's not always a bad thing to be re-taking a class for the umpteenth time. He and J. have a very full fall semester schedule sketched out....and we are really proud of H. for sticking with it.
I'm going to load the dishwasher and tidy up the kitchen and then head to bed. The minute I say I'm going to go do those things, my sweetest of the sweet husband is going to say 'I'll take care of it'. But I want to try to do what I can - exhaustion or no. There's still plenty to do around here that I absolutely do count on him to do - but I do what I can. And dishes? I can do. :-)
Thanks to my cousin for her delicious chicken strip recipe - made them again tonight and they are a huge hit around here. We plan to use leftovers in a salad tomorrow - we planned meals this week.
A list of meals and lists of work stuff litter my desk and it's time to get some sleep. Super duper hectic four days ahead in preparation for being off - which I absolutely can't wait for.
One of the main speakers shared his story towards the end of the conference - after years of a nagging cough that was never clearly diagnosed, a doctor finally did a lung scope and took samples which revealed lung cancer. This amazingly fit (tournament tennis player), never smoked a day in his life man was told he had Stage 2 lung cancer. Surgery was scheduled - but during the procedure, the surgeon felt something didn't look quite right in the tissue so he send tissue to be rushed through pathology. Twenty minutes later the results came back and the status was changed to Stage 4. The surgeon stopped the procedure and closed him back up.
The surgery was in 2014 and at the time, he wasn't sure he'd be making it to the summer workshops scheduled for 2015 - and 2016 wasn't even something he ever thought about. But he did make it on the 2015 'tour' and also made it this summer. On Tuesday, he finds out if the drug trial he's in is keeping the cancer from growing - if it isn't, he will be kicked out of the trial and there aren't many other options if that's the case.
He choked up - as did all of us - when he shared that he wasn't sure how much longer he would be sharing the journey we are all on - trying to work through how to ensure students learn. He is a masterful presenter - such wit and wisdom - and to hear him acknowledge that he isn't sure he will be doing this much longer was hard to hear.
I still feel in awe of his ability to do the work he loves in the face of his condition and the uncertainty of his future. He and his lovely wife presented all day, every day of the conference and other than a sometimes cough, we would have never known if he hadn't shared.
To have lived a life doing what you love and to be able to keep doing it even with treatments and scans and appointments galore is really amazing -
I returned home Friday and was so wiped out, I spent yesterday in my pajamas and took one of the deepest sleep naps in history. Today, I've managed to get dressed and run a couple errands and cooking chicken strips for dinner...but it's just after 7PM and I'm fighting off sleep.
Tomorrow is back to work for four days - I'm scheduled off Friday and all of the following week - and we leave for Reno on Monday.
OH - exciting news - I saw an Eventbrite notice that Ingrid Michaelson is coming to the Robert Mondavi Winery in Napa on the 23rd - and I purchased two tickets the minute I heard about the concert - so we'll be spending a nice evening in Napa next Saturday. We normally spend the night when we go to Napa but we're just going to head home. The concert ends by 9:30 so we should be able to make it home by midnight. I had so wanted to see her on her new tour but her schedule only had her at the Fillmore in San Francisco - and there's no way we are doing a standing room only venue...so I was so thrilled to see the winery concert posting and that it was reserved seating.
B. is getting settled at Ft. Campbell and enjoyed a weekend in Nashville for some down time. He is pretty sure his unit is shipping out to Afghanistan by the end of this year and we are already planning a trip to Nashville to spend time with him in October. Hoping we will also be able to go to the base and visit the museum(s) there - just to see where he's based. I've never been to Kentucky so it would be fun to visit both the base AND Nashville - two new states to my list of those I've visited.
H. has one more week of school and his final is a week from tomorrow. According to him, he's got a 90% so far - he's done very well on the quizzes and is earning high participation marks because he's been helping other students understand. Guess it's not always a bad thing to be re-taking a class for the umpteenth time. He and J. have a very full fall semester schedule sketched out....and we are really proud of H. for sticking with it.
I'm going to load the dishwasher and tidy up the kitchen and then head to bed. The minute I say I'm going to go do those things, my sweetest of the sweet husband is going to say 'I'll take care of it'. But I want to try to do what I can - exhaustion or no. There's still plenty to do around here that I absolutely do count on him to do - but I do what I can. And dishes? I can do. :-)
Thanks to my cousin for her delicious chicken strip recipe - made them again tonight and they are a huge hit around here. We plan to use leftovers in a salad tomorrow - we planned meals this week.
A list of meals and lists of work stuff litter my desk and it's time to get some sleep. Super duper hectic four days ahead in preparation for being off - which I absolutely can't wait for.
Monday, July 11, 2016
J. has spent time lately pursuing one of his favorite hobbies - hitting a small ball into round holes on grass. It's time consuming and can be expensive but he enjoys it. He had the chance to play a couple rounds with B. this visit and they had a lot of fun. I've tried the game and might be somewhat interested but...no, probably not. Maybe later.
My cousin asked in our morning Facebook chat yesterday 'so what are your plans for today' and I said 'I don't want to tell you'. But we always have full disclosure and I honestly don't keep anything from her - next to J., she's my closest friend (who happens to be a relative) - so I confessed. I was up early and headed back to Thunder Valley - fully intending to give it a final 'go' on the jackpot - and the casino 'random' jackpot that can hit any time and was over $100K. Rare are the times when I have all three factors in play: some gambling money remaining to gamble with, plus time to be up there combined with the jackpot being over $100K. So I trekked up. A nice, easy morning drive with little traffic.
I played the same machine from 9:30AM until 3PM - with two bathroom breaks. The first bathroom break was initiated by me lighting my service light and a nice guy in a suit came over. I asked 'is there someone who could watch my machine for me while I run to the restroom' (note: run is an understatement) and he said 'I will'. (Additional note: 56 year old bladders don't work well or quickly when you've held it way, way too long). I did what I could do and felt better and trekked back. The smallest bill I had was a $10 - and I didn't want to take the time to stop and wait in line at a machine to break it - so I folded it up and handed it to him as I returned and he said 'Thank you, ma'am but I'm the boss - no need to tip me. Please tip one of my amazing staff today instead'. Classy.
The waitress who brought me the Blue Moon I ordered at 12:30PM got a really nice tip and she was thrilled. I told her the story about why she was getting a generous tip - and she said 'that was really nice of him'. And my generous tip had her checking back pretty frequently....which was good and bad 'cuz I was afraid to drink too much.
The beer went right through me (of course). Thankfully, a nice lady was playing next to me - hitting bonus round after bonus round - and she watched my machine for a 2nd time -
It was a fun day and the best part was I didn't lose. I actually did win quite a bit - but I was playing for a goal and put it back....but I left the casino with $60 more than I brought to lose and to me, that's a win. It's 'fun money' for a reason. I did have a lot of fun. And I brought home the gift of the day which is a cast iron griddle. Goes well with the emergency camping set I got during my visit Th & Fri.
It's approaching 7 and the house is so quiet. I'm tempted to just call in as 'out today' - J. is heading to Monterey for his hobby with his brother and I'd love to piddle. But I'm leaving for a conference tomorrow for the rest of the week and I've got plenty to do to get me and my team ready for a week of 'no bosses anywhere'. Every admin in the district plus 30 teachers are trekking to San Jose - it will be crazy and fun.
OK - I've got to get going - piddling will have to wait until I return home around 4. :-)
My cousin asked in our morning Facebook chat yesterday 'so what are your plans for today' and I said 'I don't want to tell you'. But we always have full disclosure and I honestly don't keep anything from her - next to J., she's my closest friend (who happens to be a relative) - so I confessed. I was up early and headed back to Thunder Valley - fully intending to give it a final 'go' on the jackpot - and the casino 'random' jackpot that can hit any time and was over $100K. Rare are the times when I have all three factors in play: some gambling money remaining to gamble with, plus time to be up there combined with the jackpot being over $100K. So I trekked up. A nice, easy morning drive with little traffic.
I played the same machine from 9:30AM until 3PM - with two bathroom breaks. The first bathroom break was initiated by me lighting my service light and a nice guy in a suit came over. I asked 'is there someone who could watch my machine for me while I run to the restroom' (note: run is an understatement) and he said 'I will'. (Additional note: 56 year old bladders don't work well or quickly when you've held it way, way too long). I did what I could do and felt better and trekked back. The smallest bill I had was a $10 - and I didn't want to take the time to stop and wait in line at a machine to break it - so I folded it up and handed it to him as I returned and he said 'Thank you, ma'am but I'm the boss - no need to tip me. Please tip one of my amazing staff today instead'. Classy.
The waitress who brought me the Blue Moon I ordered at 12:30PM got a really nice tip and she was thrilled. I told her the story about why she was getting a generous tip - and she said 'that was really nice of him'. And my generous tip had her checking back pretty frequently....which was good and bad 'cuz I was afraid to drink too much.
The beer went right through me (of course). Thankfully, a nice lady was playing next to me - hitting bonus round after bonus round - and she watched my machine for a 2nd time -
It was a fun day and the best part was I didn't lose. I actually did win quite a bit - but I was playing for a goal and put it back....but I left the casino with $60 more than I brought to lose and to me, that's a win. It's 'fun money' for a reason. I did have a lot of fun. And I brought home the gift of the day which is a cast iron griddle. Goes well with the emergency camping set I got during my visit Th & Fri.
It's approaching 7 and the house is so quiet. I'm tempted to just call in as 'out today' - J. is heading to Monterey for his hobby with his brother and I'd love to piddle. But I'm leaving for a conference tomorrow for the rest of the week and I've got plenty to do to get me and my team ready for a week of 'no bosses anywhere'. Every admin in the district plus 30 teachers are trekking to San Jose - it will be crazy and fun.
OK - I've got to get going - piddling will have to wait until I return home around 4. :-)
Saturday, July 09, 2016
Homecoming Simultaneous to Departure
Had a good time playing slots a bit this morning and ended up painfully close to another major (the major jackpot trigger 'coin' dropped but not enough coins dropped to move me to the bonus round so...no major that time)...and I had to leave to see B. off.
I played next to a really nice lady and we had a lot of fun encouraging each other and rooting for each other. She commented 'does anyone ever win the major?' and I said 'I did, twice - on that machine and the one next to it'. And I told her about the couple I sat next to and she said 'YOU are the lady they talked about - they were playing here this morning and they got me trying dimes vs. pennies and said 'a nice lady told us about that option'....and she said the guy won $700 this morning!
We had such a nice time....I hated to leave.
In light of recent events - it was a stark contrast to yesterday. The lady I sat next to this morning was African American and I mention that only because of the events in the news and because yesterday, I sat next to another woman with the same skin color who refused to look at me. Wouldn't make eye contact. Turned away when I gave her a 'yay!' when she hit a bonus round. And I thought 'what the heck?'. So this morning's interaction was really what it should be - our skin colors made no difference one to the other - and we just assumed the best of each other - and enjoyed being HUMAN together. (The first lady could have just been anti-social or just not in the mood to talk - so it likely had absolutely nothing to do with our respective differences in skin color. But I did wonder - and felt ashamed that I wondered. These are crazy times....and black lives DO matter. ALL lives matter. It's sad that people have to fear having a broken tail light and being pulled over 'cuz....how crazy is that...that they have to consider those things....and I don't. Because my skin is white and theirs isn't.)
Fear and distrust and drawing inward isn't the answer. I don't know what the answer is but I know those things only exacerbate the situation -
I felt 'clenchy' the entire way home. Sad that I didn't hit that major....'cuz who wouldn't? Mostly, though, I think the 'sad' was knowing when I arrived home, B. would be leaving - and I felt choked up and clenchy the entire way home.
(Further definition: 'clenchy' is what I say about Chloe recently - she looks 'pent up; pensive....concerned.....I'm always saying 'Chloe looks clenchy this morning'....and I felt 'clenchy' with each spin of the slot this morning so now I know what I mean when I say that about her.)
I held it together until I got to the Tracy off ramp and then the water works started. I let them go until I was within a mile of the house and then I stopped 'cuz no one deserves a crying mother. I reminded myself that it's hardest on B., really - and I don't want him to leave thinking of his crying mom all the way 'home'. It's different this time - sending him off on his next adventure to a new base - knowing deployment is a very real possibility. Thinking 'not sure when we'll see him again'.....
We went to our neighbor who kindly agreed to take some pictures of the four of us - B. suggested it and I was happy he did. Got some good ones and B. put together a nice collage on Facebook which we will print and frame.
I'm so proud of him - because he's turning into a really nice man. We had a wonderful visit this time - everytime is awesome - but this time, I really noticed that I had two adult sons who had a great time together and we all had a nice time just being with each other. It was a great visit.
We hope to journey to Nashville in late September or October to see him - have credits on Southwest since we cancelled our Vegas trip -
OK - I worked in the kitchen a bit - wiped counters and table, unloaded and reloaded dishwasher. Time to get a load of laundry going. Chloe is sleeping soundly on the rug....
I played next to a really nice lady and we had a lot of fun encouraging each other and rooting for each other. She commented 'does anyone ever win the major?' and I said 'I did, twice - on that machine and the one next to it'. And I told her about the couple I sat next to and she said 'YOU are the lady they talked about - they were playing here this morning and they got me trying dimes vs. pennies and said 'a nice lady told us about that option'....and she said the guy won $700 this morning!
We had such a nice time....I hated to leave.
In light of recent events - it was a stark contrast to yesterday. The lady I sat next to this morning was African American and I mention that only because of the events in the news and because yesterday, I sat next to another woman with the same skin color who refused to look at me. Wouldn't make eye contact. Turned away when I gave her a 'yay!' when she hit a bonus round. And I thought 'what the heck?'. So this morning's interaction was really what it should be - our skin colors made no difference one to the other - and we just assumed the best of each other - and enjoyed being HUMAN together. (The first lady could have just been anti-social or just not in the mood to talk - so it likely had absolutely nothing to do with our respective differences in skin color. But I did wonder - and felt ashamed that I wondered. These are crazy times....and black lives DO matter. ALL lives matter. It's sad that people have to fear having a broken tail light and being pulled over 'cuz....how crazy is that...that they have to consider those things....and I don't. Because my skin is white and theirs isn't.)
Fear and distrust and drawing inward isn't the answer. I don't know what the answer is but I know those things only exacerbate the situation -
I felt 'clenchy' the entire way home. Sad that I didn't hit that major....'cuz who wouldn't? Mostly, though, I think the 'sad' was knowing when I arrived home, B. would be leaving - and I felt choked up and clenchy the entire way home.
(Further definition: 'clenchy' is what I say about Chloe recently - she looks 'pent up; pensive....concerned.....I'm always saying 'Chloe looks clenchy this morning'....and I felt 'clenchy' with each spin of the slot this morning so now I know what I mean when I say that about her.)
I held it together until I got to the Tracy off ramp and then the water works started. I let them go until I was within a mile of the house and then I stopped 'cuz no one deserves a crying mother. I reminded myself that it's hardest on B., really - and I don't want him to leave thinking of his crying mom all the way 'home'. It's different this time - sending him off on his next adventure to a new base - knowing deployment is a very real possibility. Thinking 'not sure when we'll see him again'.....
We went to our neighbor who kindly agreed to take some pictures of the four of us - B. suggested it and I was happy he did. Got some good ones and B. put together a nice collage on Facebook which we will print and frame.
I'm so proud of him - because he's turning into a really nice man. We had a wonderful visit this time - everytime is awesome - but this time, I really noticed that I had two adult sons who had a great time together and we all had a nice time just being with each other. It was a great visit.
We hope to journey to Nashville in late September or October to see him - have credits on Southwest since we cancelled our Vegas trip -
OK - I worked in the kitchen a bit - wiped counters and table, unloaded and reloaded dishwasher. Time to get a load of laundry going. Chloe is sleeping soundly on the rug....
Friday, July 08, 2016
Another Jackpot!
I sat down at the machine the lady next to me won the $500 minor on - and hit ANOTHER major!! $700!
I've had a great day today!! As always, it's so much more fun to win a bit vs. losing - yesterday was all losing but today? More than made up for it!!
I had my first Blue Moon before 3:30PM and my sweet hubby said (via text) 'it's 5PM in Cincinnati'!.
Love that man -
And I'm here on a Friday for a special drawing so I will meander back down at 7 for that - and then maybe again at 10 to see if I won any free play. Two separate 'events' and I hope I can stay awake until 10 to see if I won anything in the second one.
And eventually, I need to eat something....had Jim Boy tacos for lunch (so delicious) but will need to eat something before turning in for the night.
I've had a great day today!! As always, it's so much more fun to win a bit vs. losing - yesterday was all losing but today? More than made up for it!!
I had my first Blue Moon before 3:30PM and my sweet hubby said (via text) 'it's 5PM in Cincinnati'!.
Love that man -
And I'm here on a Friday for a special drawing so I will meander back down at 7 for that - and then maybe again at 10 to see if I won any free play. Two separate 'events' and I hope I can stay awake until 10 to see if I won anything in the second one.
And eventually, I need to eat something....had Jim Boy tacos for lunch (so delicious) but will need to eat something before turning in for the night.
My Husband is My Blessing
I am an introvert. There. I said it. Maybe I've said it before? Not sure. I'm a square peg trying hard to fit into a round hole all the time. I have been this way all my life. Being with people is hard for me....I mean that sincerely. It is a constant struggle to be - a constant state of my inner core co-existing with the rest of my life - because it isn't that introverts don't like people - we do. We just aren't gifted at the dynamics that enter into relationships. Or socializing. Or small talk.
Which could make marriage virtually impossible.
Not for me, though 'cuz I married a truly wonderful person who loves me for me. He doesn't try to change me or make issues of my need for solitude - he just accepts that it's the way I'm wired and focuses on being supportive of me. Not trying to force me to be anything other than who and what I am. There's no greater gift than that in a life, really - and I do realize every single day just how truly blessed I am to have found quite possibly the only person on this earth who would be OK with me being me day in and day out.
I am at Thunder Valley for one more night - arrived yesterday. I sang Christian music at the top of my lungs the entire way here and felt 'closer' to God than I have in a long time. Music is the key, I think.
Today is B,'s last full day here with us and I struggled a bit with not being home. But I am good at protecting my 'self' and I have to wedge in days off here and there when I can - and given that I had to drive to Sacramento to be at a workshop this morning, combined with two comped nights - I just couldn't resist. But there's guilt about that - wedging in a couple Majah only days, being hard on myself about this 'need' for solitude.
And then B. sends me a message 'I miss you Momma'....and my heart breaks a little.
On the way back from the conference (which by the way, I texted my boss to say I might leave at the break because the info being presented isn't earth shattering and I said if I leave, I will count it as a non-work day - an unpaid day, basically - and he wrote me back and said 'count it as a day and leave whenever you want. See you Monday'....very nice...and yes, I did leave at the break), I called J. to tell him I was feeling guilty and maybe I should pay the cancellation fee and ditch staying tonight and head home. And he said 'he's fine, honey - he's not home, he's got plans most of the day anyway...'. So I am staying. And trying not to beat myself up.
And I played slots immediately upon my return and won $1,000! So yay! I am going to be able to play more tonight AND have a couple Blue Moon drafts while doing so and then sleep like a log on the most comfortable beds in the world - and head home in the morning tomorrow to see B. and J. as they leave for the airport - and B. starts on his next great adventure at Ft. Campbell in Kentucky!
The hotel is under construction (which they do a good job of confirming at each stage of the room process) but sometimes, like right this second, it's a 'Holy Crap - I've got to get out of here'. Which is why it's even more amazing that I won 'cuz I can play a bit more than I'd planned to this afternoon - which is fun for me.
The bank of machines I was playing on got really hot - the guy next to me was playing $5 on the 1 cent denomination - so I said 'I'm going to tell you what I've discovered about these machines - if you played the same $5.00 on the 10 cent denomination, the minor and mini jackpots are ten times what they are when it's the 1 cent denomination - so you are risking the same $ but quintupling your possible wins. And sure enough - he hit the MAJOR shortly after switching to dimes and then I DID THE SAME THING about 10 minutes later on my machine. Then his girlfriend sat down at the machine on the other side of me and she hit the MINOR on the 10 cent denomination and won $500! She was ECSTATIC!
I might be a really good slot strategist. :-) That couple definitely thought so. I tried betting $5 on the dimes, though and didn't win anything - but stopped and cashed out before I put too much back -
They are jack hammering on the floor above me. I really can't quite figure out how this 'addition' is going to work -
Which could make marriage virtually impossible.
Not for me, though 'cuz I married a truly wonderful person who loves me for me. He doesn't try to change me or make issues of my need for solitude - he just accepts that it's the way I'm wired and focuses on being supportive of me. Not trying to force me to be anything other than who and what I am. There's no greater gift than that in a life, really - and I do realize every single day just how truly blessed I am to have found quite possibly the only person on this earth who would be OK with me being me day in and day out.
I am at Thunder Valley for one more night - arrived yesterday. I sang Christian music at the top of my lungs the entire way here and felt 'closer' to God than I have in a long time. Music is the key, I think.
Today is B,'s last full day here with us and I struggled a bit with not being home. But I am good at protecting my 'self' and I have to wedge in days off here and there when I can - and given that I had to drive to Sacramento to be at a workshop this morning, combined with two comped nights - I just couldn't resist. But there's guilt about that - wedging in a couple Majah only days, being hard on myself about this 'need' for solitude.
And then B. sends me a message 'I miss you Momma'....and my heart breaks a little.
On the way back from the conference (which by the way, I texted my boss to say I might leave at the break because the info being presented isn't earth shattering and I said if I leave, I will count it as a non-work day - an unpaid day, basically - and he wrote me back and said 'count it as a day and leave whenever you want. See you Monday'....very nice...and yes, I did leave at the break), I called J. to tell him I was feeling guilty and maybe I should pay the cancellation fee and ditch staying tonight and head home. And he said 'he's fine, honey - he's not home, he's got plans most of the day anyway...'. So I am staying. And trying not to beat myself up.
And I played slots immediately upon my return and won $1,000! So yay! I am going to be able to play more tonight AND have a couple Blue Moon drafts while doing so and then sleep like a log on the most comfortable beds in the world - and head home in the morning tomorrow to see B. and J. as they leave for the airport - and B. starts on his next great adventure at Ft. Campbell in Kentucky!
The hotel is under construction (which they do a good job of confirming at each stage of the room process) but sometimes, like right this second, it's a 'Holy Crap - I've got to get out of here'. Which is why it's even more amazing that I won 'cuz I can play a bit more than I'd planned to this afternoon - which is fun for me.
The bank of machines I was playing on got really hot - the guy next to me was playing $5 on the 1 cent denomination - so I said 'I'm going to tell you what I've discovered about these machines - if you played the same $5.00 on the 10 cent denomination, the minor and mini jackpots are ten times what they are when it's the 1 cent denomination - so you are risking the same $ but quintupling your possible wins. And sure enough - he hit the MAJOR shortly after switching to dimes and then I DID THE SAME THING about 10 minutes later on my machine. Then his girlfriend sat down at the machine on the other side of me and she hit the MINOR on the 10 cent denomination and won $500! She was ECSTATIC!
I might be a really good slot strategist. :-) That couple definitely thought so. I tried betting $5 on the dimes, though and didn't win anything - but stopped and cashed out before I put too much back -
They are jack hammering on the floor above me. I really can't quite figure out how this 'addition' is going to work -
Sunday, July 03, 2016
Much To Report
This week flew by at lightening speed. Having B. home leads to a lot of activity - comings and goings. This morning, he and J. played music at church - second week in a row for B. and he still has his mad drum skills. I waved his drum sticks at him and he said 'are they a wand? ' - I said 'no, these are' and pulled out the for BEAUTIFUL wands my cousin sent me - one for every house at Hogwart's School of Wizardry.....
Upon their return from church, J. made waffles and we had chicken and waffles for brunch. I made a batch of chicken strips on Friday - B. pronounced them the 'best chicken I've ever had'. The boys went back to bed - and I decided a nap was in order, too - so it's been a lovely, low-key lazy day around the homestead.
I enjoyed some of Thursday off, all of Friday off and am off tomorrow for the 4th of July holiday - so it's been nice to have some real, true down time. I've been mostly lazy but with some stuff thrown in..have made steady progress on the study but as always, it's a process. One thing leads to another and before I know it, I'm cleaning out drawers and cupboards. It will get there. It's been pretty neglected for quite awhile so it's only logical it won't be tidied from the inside out for some time.
Plans for our end of July vacation changed again - we've decided to skip Vegas and instead, are driving up to Reno with a day trip planned to Tahoe. I realized that I was sort of 'nervous' about the trip to Vegas 'cuz finding a home we absolutely love well before we're ready to make any move seems futile? I feared I would get my heart set on making the move and we're just not ready to do that quite yet. H. being the primary reasoning behind our pulling back a bit. We do plan to look at houses in Reno but that's mainly just an activity that's less expensive than slots. We're staying at the same hotel outside of town I always stayed at when I'd make my annual 'kid-free, husband-free' trip up there in the early days of our marriage - has a really nice pool - we'll spend time lounging a good chunk of each day, time gambling (some) and drive around exploring. It's a much easier drive than Vegas and far less wear and tear on our bodies.
Vegas will happen - someday.
B. will be heading home next Saturday so we're planning how to wedge in a few more things. Dinner together Wednesday night - driven by the $2 margarita nights at our new favorite Mexican place. J. and B. played golf yesterday and are planning to play again Thursday this week. And I'm spending two nights up in Lincoln - Thursday and Friday - totally free. Worked out well 'cuz I have a workshop in Sacramento on Friday morning - so I'll already be up that way and only 1/2 hour away vs. 1 1/2 hours away - and then another fun evening at the resort. Home in time on Saturday do say goodbye to B. as he treks to Nashville and then to his new duty station at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky.
It's a pensive feeling sending him off to a new place - though I know he will be fine. He's a mature 25 years old now - and he will do well. Ft. Campbell is currently the base sending troops to Afghanistan so him being deployed is a possibility. I secretly pray 'no' but he wants to go....I still pray 'no'. What will be, will be. No amount of worry or fretting will change that -
OK - back to working on the study. I've got a Goodwill box and a library box slowly gathering 'stuff' to get rid of.
Upon their return from church, J. made waffles and we had chicken and waffles for brunch. I made a batch of chicken strips on Friday - B. pronounced them the 'best chicken I've ever had'. The boys went back to bed - and I decided a nap was in order, too - so it's been a lovely, low-key lazy day around the homestead.
I enjoyed some of Thursday off, all of Friday off and am off tomorrow for the 4th of July holiday - so it's been nice to have some real, true down time. I've been mostly lazy but with some stuff thrown in..have made steady progress on the study but as always, it's a process. One thing leads to another and before I know it, I'm cleaning out drawers and cupboards. It will get there. It's been pretty neglected for quite awhile so it's only logical it won't be tidied from the inside out for some time.
Plans for our end of July vacation changed again - we've decided to skip Vegas and instead, are driving up to Reno with a day trip planned to Tahoe. I realized that I was sort of 'nervous' about the trip to Vegas 'cuz finding a home we absolutely love well before we're ready to make any move seems futile? I feared I would get my heart set on making the move and we're just not ready to do that quite yet. H. being the primary reasoning behind our pulling back a bit. We do plan to look at houses in Reno but that's mainly just an activity that's less expensive than slots. We're staying at the same hotel outside of town I always stayed at when I'd make my annual 'kid-free, husband-free' trip up there in the early days of our marriage - has a really nice pool - we'll spend time lounging a good chunk of each day, time gambling (some) and drive around exploring. It's a much easier drive than Vegas and far less wear and tear on our bodies.
Vegas will happen - someday.
B. will be heading home next Saturday so we're planning how to wedge in a few more things. Dinner together Wednesday night - driven by the $2 margarita nights at our new favorite Mexican place. J. and B. played golf yesterday and are planning to play again Thursday this week. And I'm spending two nights up in Lincoln - Thursday and Friday - totally free. Worked out well 'cuz I have a workshop in Sacramento on Friday morning - so I'll already be up that way and only 1/2 hour away vs. 1 1/2 hours away - and then another fun evening at the resort. Home in time on Saturday do say goodbye to B. as he treks to Nashville and then to his new duty station at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky.
It's a pensive feeling sending him off to a new place - though I know he will be fine. He's a mature 25 years old now - and he will do well. Ft. Campbell is currently the base sending troops to Afghanistan so him being deployed is a possibility. I secretly pray 'no' but he wants to go....I still pray 'no'. What will be, will be. No amount of worry or fretting will change that -
OK - back to working on the study. I've got a Goodwill box and a library box slowly gathering 'stuff' to get rid of.
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
I'm starting to think maybe I will just do a monthly post and call it what it is - whatever month we're in. Here we are winding dow...
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...