Sunday, May 29, 2016
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Lazy Saturday
Only it shouldn't be. Isn't. Won't be. Wishing it was. I slept in and now I'm feeling 'late' and yet not doing much towards heading out the door. But I must, really. I simply must.
The box of plants arrived from High Country Gardens just in time for it to suddenly be scorching hot...which creates an inertia issue in terms of getting outside and digging holes for things. We will because we won't let those plants die in the box - but maybe this evening. I will try to wrap up work by 5 and we can get in our grubby garden clothes and shoes and work outside for a bit.
The homestead is in repair mode. Our garbage disposal is dead and we ordered a replacement from Costco - best price out there if you can wait for it to arrive. Plumber will be here on Tuesday morning to install. Yes, I'm confident my hubby could do it himself - but no, he's not going to. No crawling under the sink, laying on his back with a wrench at weird angles. He could and he offered to but we can live another few days without a disposer and happily pay someone to save the wear and tear on his body.
We also had a pool repair guy out - the heater isn't working and that makes the spa a worthless pond. PG&E is coming out this morning to do a pressure test because the heater fires up OK - but then it goes out - not enough gas pressure in the back to keep it running. Once PG&E confirms there is pressure in the front and not the back, the pool guy will return and try to clear out the gas line - likely filled with water or something that is impeding the gas flow between the meter and the heater. Once we get that repaired, we can heat up the pool to get the chill off.
Now if we could only whack the heck out of the palm fronds hanging over our pool (shading it) from our neighbors yard. The most poorly maintained landscaping ever - I hate palms. People don't maintain them well - and they just become gangly, dead branches - and in our case, those branches are hanging over our pool, shading most of it most of the day. Grrr..
J.'s just telling me he's going to work on weeding behind the pool in preparation for planting and I will help upon returning from the salt mines. That's how work feels at the moment.
Negotiations fell apart again yesterday and the perplexing issues facing us now are making my psyche grapple with things it absolutely has no time to grapple with. I've got to get the budget done regardless of all the other stuff leaving it's wake - just trudge forward for now.
My boss and I were talking through our vacation schedule and he said (bless his heart) 'it's more important to me that you get some time off at the end of June vs. me - so you plan to be off whenever you want and just let me know the days you'll be gone. I'll plan around you this year'. Nice of him.
Alright - showering, dressing and leaving in that order. Much to do -
The box of plants arrived from High Country Gardens just in time for it to suddenly be scorching hot...which creates an inertia issue in terms of getting outside and digging holes for things. We will because we won't let those plants die in the box - but maybe this evening. I will try to wrap up work by 5 and we can get in our grubby garden clothes and shoes and work outside for a bit.
The homestead is in repair mode. Our garbage disposal is dead and we ordered a replacement from Costco - best price out there if you can wait for it to arrive. Plumber will be here on Tuesday morning to install. Yes, I'm confident my hubby could do it himself - but no, he's not going to. No crawling under the sink, laying on his back with a wrench at weird angles. He could and he offered to but we can live another few days without a disposer and happily pay someone to save the wear and tear on his body.
We also had a pool repair guy out - the heater isn't working and that makes the spa a worthless pond. PG&E is coming out this morning to do a pressure test because the heater fires up OK - but then it goes out - not enough gas pressure in the back to keep it running. Once PG&E confirms there is pressure in the front and not the back, the pool guy will return and try to clear out the gas line - likely filled with water or something that is impeding the gas flow between the meter and the heater. Once we get that repaired, we can heat up the pool to get the chill off.
Now if we could only whack the heck out of the palm fronds hanging over our pool (shading it) from our neighbors yard. The most poorly maintained landscaping ever - I hate palms. People don't maintain them well - and they just become gangly, dead branches - and in our case, those branches are hanging over our pool, shading most of it most of the day. Grrr..
J.'s just telling me he's going to work on weeding behind the pool in preparation for planting and I will help upon returning from the salt mines. That's how work feels at the moment.
Negotiations fell apart again yesterday and the perplexing issues facing us now are making my psyche grapple with things it absolutely has no time to grapple with. I've got to get the budget done regardless of all the other stuff leaving it's wake - just trudge forward for now.
My boss and I were talking through our vacation schedule and he said (bless his heart) 'it's more important to me that you get some time off at the end of June vs. me - so you plan to be off whenever you want and just let me know the days you'll be gone. I'll plan around you this year'. Nice of him.
Alright - showering, dressing and leaving in that order. Much to do -
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Achy Breaky Back
I slept wrong last night and have a huge 'ache' below the shoulder blade on my right side. Only hurts when I I've been practically robotic all day staying as still as I can. Pretty challenging considering that my days right now are juggling so many things, I barely keep it all together. If success is measured by the number of people who have come to rely on my counsel, level headed-ness and general knowledge of (seemingly) all things, then I've reached the apex of my career. I've even considering locking myself in my office - which sounded perfect - until I remember that the number one interrupting offender (my boss) has the same master key I do so...he will get in. Though at least the last couple days, he's entered somewhat sheepishly as he realizes that my workload is crushing me and it's all his fault.
We started negotiations in late April and we are finishing now - while I'm simultaneously building a budget and putting together estimated actuals. More guesstimated actuals but it's still supposed to be a projection of where this year's finances will end up. Then that ending balance feeds into your next year budget - and viola! You are supposed to estimate the actuals well so you are as close as you can be on your next year projected start balance. I only have three more weekends between now and the 'drop dead' date for this massive undertaking - and as we are close to settling with our teachers, it's looking like a lot is about to change in terms of projections - for both this year and next. It feels great to have the negotiations ending successfully - and I wish more than words can say that I could write it all down because we came perilously close to ending up in impasse - but we dodged that bullet and it looks like we're going to be OK. Fingers crossed. (Definition: in the negotiation process, impasse is when both parties have agreed they cannot come to an agreement and require a mediator. It's not something you want to do ever - but it's what our process provides for if both sides are 'at that point'. And we were...pretty darn close to that point....but we worked it all out, thank goodness).
My boss realizes that our very late start has impacted me ginormously - during what is undoubtedly the hardest, longest haul each year - in a career and years that are full of ginormously hard things that require doing. Ten years of this has at least made me pretty darn good at it all - so I know I will get it all done as I always have....but the past couple of days, as the stream of people flow in and out and I put on my 'can-do' face, I think 'geez, people...leave me the heck alone for a couple days'.
I had a nice day of escape last week - had a workshop in Sacramento on Thursday morning and went to Thunder Valley for Thursday night and Friday. Didn't win but enjoyed three Blue Moons in the comfort of the casino then had a great night's sleep. The next day, I decided to take a back roads trip through beautiful country to get to a different casino. My car's nav system insisted on keeping me on the concrete jungle freeways until I finally (FINALLY, thanks to the help of my very patient husband) convinced her that I DID NOT WANT TO GO THAT ROUTE and ended up on many long and windy roads. Passed through many little towns (Angel Camp was one) and got to experience the county fair in Angel Camp on the annual Jumping Frog Contest weekend. It was a fun ride and I kept thinking 'J. should be with me - it would be even more fun if J. were here'.
Arrived at the casino and guess what? All the computers were down. So the free play they enticed me with to get me there? Couldn't play it. Could put $ in the machine but the electronic ticket that it spit out if I cashed out? Couldn't be used in another machine. A couple hours post arrival, I went to the cashier and turned in all my tickets ($55 - big spender, huh?) and then the computers finally came back up - and I played..and didn't win hugely but recovered a little - and then I headed home. It was a nice day of fun -
And then the weekend was work. More work.
Tomorrow, I am drawing my office window blind and closing the door. I've never, ever done those things because I think it's part of my job to be available - but tomorrow, I am decidedly not available. I can't make progress with constant interruptions....starting and stopping over and over is exhausting and leads to redoing things that I need to confirm I finished.
We started negotiations in late April and we are finishing now - while I'm simultaneously building a budget and putting together estimated actuals. More guesstimated actuals but it's still supposed to be a projection of where this year's finances will end up. Then that ending balance feeds into your next year budget - and viola! You are supposed to estimate the actuals well so you are as close as you can be on your next year projected start balance. I only have three more weekends between now and the 'drop dead' date for this massive undertaking - and as we are close to settling with our teachers, it's looking like a lot is about to change in terms of projections - for both this year and next. It feels great to have the negotiations ending successfully - and I wish more than words can say that I could write it all down because we came perilously close to ending up in impasse - but we dodged that bullet and it looks like we're going to be OK. Fingers crossed. (Definition: in the negotiation process, impasse is when both parties have agreed they cannot come to an agreement and require a mediator. It's not something you want to do ever - but it's what our process provides for if both sides are 'at that point'. And we were...pretty darn close to that point....but we worked it all out, thank goodness).
My boss realizes that our very late start has impacted me ginormously - during what is undoubtedly the hardest, longest haul each year - in a career and years that are full of ginormously hard things that require doing. Ten years of this has at least made me pretty darn good at it all - so I know I will get it all done as I always have....but the past couple of days, as the stream of people flow in and out and I put on my 'can-do' face, I think 'geez, people...leave me the heck alone for a couple days'.
I had a nice day of escape last week - had a workshop in Sacramento on Thursday morning and went to Thunder Valley for Thursday night and Friday. Didn't win but enjoyed three Blue Moons in the comfort of the casino then had a great night's sleep. The next day, I decided to take a back roads trip through beautiful country to get to a different casino. My car's nav system insisted on keeping me on the concrete jungle freeways until I finally (FINALLY, thanks to the help of my very patient husband) convinced her that I DID NOT WANT TO GO THAT ROUTE and ended up on many long and windy roads. Passed through many little towns (Angel Camp was one) and got to experience the county fair in Angel Camp on the annual Jumping Frog Contest weekend. It was a fun ride and I kept thinking 'J. should be with me - it would be even more fun if J. were here'.
Arrived at the casino and guess what? All the computers were down. So the free play they enticed me with to get me there? Couldn't play it. Could put $ in the machine but the electronic ticket that it spit out if I cashed out? Couldn't be used in another machine. A couple hours post arrival, I went to the cashier and turned in all my tickets ($55 - big spender, huh?) and then the computers finally came back up - and I played..and didn't win hugely but recovered a little - and then I headed home. It was a nice day of fun -
And then the weekend was work. More work.
Tomorrow, I am drawing my office window blind and closing the door. I've never, ever done those things because I think it's part of my job to be available - but tomorrow, I am decidedly not available. I can't make progress with constant interruptions....starting and stopping over and over is exhausting and leads to redoing things that I need to confirm I finished.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Planting Marathon
There's no better way to start a Sunday work day than shopping for more landscape plants. High Country Gardens has all perennials on sale and poor J. is going to freak out when they arrive later this week. Five groupings of multiple plants to be lovingly placed in various open beds around the front and back lawns. If all of these 'take' and survive our gardener and his merry band of weed whacking help, we can consider the beds 'done' forever. Hopefully. The raised beds we lovingly installed a few years back are now just weed fests and I honestly don't know what to do with them - we pull out the growth but we aren't trying veggies anymore so....those need a little something. I have a bunch of wildflower seed here that we can try - maybe that will fill those in.
I also dreamed of putting wild flowers in the gaps between the side yard sidewalk and the fence - but Chloe has claimed those spaces for her business. In true testament to her age, she resists going anywhere near the grass these days - just can't deal with the dew and tickling on her stomach and nether regions, I guess. She's past middle age and officially older so - I guess wildflowers wouldn't be a great idea after all. And since there's no water source, hand watering up and down that area doesn't sound all that appealing anyway - so...back to where to put the wildflower seeds.
J.'s got bacon sizzling in the pan; I hear him mixing up waffle batter. A nice Sunday breakfast is also a great start to a busy day - and my busy-ness will be at my desk again (was there yesterday, too), but oh well.
We binged watch Grace and Frankie on Netflix yesterday and will finish up watching the full current season tonight. Might even re-watch them all...then we're moving on to starting (from the beginning) House of Cards. Our Sunday evening favorite shows are either done forever (missing you Good Wife) or on hiatus until next season. Sundays won't be the same without those shows to look forward to.
I need to try to get to Walmart for a quick toiletry/household item shop but that can probably wait until next weekends. Not really out of anything but running low on a few things and while J. would happily make the trip, it's easier for me to just run get what I need vs. listing and trying to explain what I need. I rarely shop these days - spoiled, I am. He gassed up my car for me at Costco yesterday and did a fairly big shop - but I realized this morning that he will need to go back 'cuz my almond milk supply is pretty low.
B. will be home in a few weeks for close to a month - and we are trying hard not to be too 'naggy' about all the things he needs to take care of related to his move to Kentucky. Cable, Internet, car insurance, cell phone, etc. - all those things that require cancelling and re-establishing. Personally, I would prefer to spend a few days - maybe even a week - in the new location in advance of when I have to show up for work to get all those things set up and worked out....but something tells me he's going to wait until the last possible moment to take care of all this stuff. And he has to arrange to get his truck from El Paso to Kentucky as well -
I try hard to just stay out of it but I suspect the month he's home is going to be a lot of 'stuff' and 'drama' related to the move. We will see. He's so excited about being home...and I think it's so sweet that at 25, there's still nowhere else he'd rather spend his down time than home. (I can't really take credit for that given that we likely won't see much of him - he will camp and spend time with friends much of his time here - ). But still...warms a mom's heart to hear how happy he is to be coming home.
That's all that's up around here - low key and quiet, pretty much. I haven't seen H. much at all and I worry about that - what is he up to all the time when he's not here? Really? 'cuz he's rarely here these days and a mom wonders.
I also dreamed of putting wild flowers in the gaps between the side yard sidewalk and the fence - but Chloe has claimed those spaces for her business. In true testament to her age, she resists going anywhere near the grass these days - just can't deal with the dew and tickling on her stomach and nether regions, I guess. She's past middle age and officially older so - I guess wildflowers wouldn't be a great idea after all. And since there's no water source, hand watering up and down that area doesn't sound all that appealing anyway - so...back to where to put the wildflower seeds.
J.'s got bacon sizzling in the pan; I hear him mixing up waffle batter. A nice Sunday breakfast is also a great start to a busy day - and my busy-ness will be at my desk again (was there yesterday, too), but oh well.
We binged watch Grace and Frankie on Netflix yesterday and will finish up watching the full current season tonight. Might even re-watch them all...then we're moving on to starting (from the beginning) House of Cards. Our Sunday evening favorite shows are either done forever (missing you Good Wife) or on hiatus until next season. Sundays won't be the same without those shows to look forward to.
I need to try to get to Walmart for a quick toiletry/household item shop but that can probably wait until next weekends. Not really out of anything but running low on a few things and while J. would happily make the trip, it's easier for me to just run get what I need vs. listing and trying to explain what I need. I rarely shop these days - spoiled, I am. He gassed up my car for me at Costco yesterday and did a fairly big shop - but I realized this morning that he will need to go back 'cuz my almond milk supply is pretty low.
B. will be home in a few weeks for close to a month - and we are trying hard not to be too 'naggy' about all the things he needs to take care of related to his move to Kentucky. Cable, Internet, car insurance, cell phone, etc. - all those things that require cancelling and re-establishing. Personally, I would prefer to spend a few days - maybe even a week - in the new location in advance of when I have to show up for work to get all those things set up and worked out....but something tells me he's going to wait until the last possible moment to take care of all this stuff. And he has to arrange to get his truck from El Paso to Kentucky as well -
I try hard to just stay out of it but I suspect the month he's home is going to be a lot of 'stuff' and 'drama' related to the move. We will see. He's so excited about being home...and I think it's so sweet that at 25, there's still nowhere else he'd rather spend his down time than home. (I can't really take credit for that given that we likely won't see much of him - he will camp and spend time with friends much of his time here - ). But still...warms a mom's heart to hear how happy he is to be coming home.
That's all that's up around here - low key and quiet, pretty much. I haven't seen H. much at all and I worry about that - what is he up to all the time when he's not here? Really? 'cuz he's rarely here these days and a mom wonders.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Future or Now?
On a whim yesterday, I took a look at job opportunities in the Clark County School District in Nevada. Lo and behold, there was an administrative job opening for a Budget Director. 12 month position and while it would be a reduction in pay over what I'm making here, at the highest step (which would take me a few years to reach), it's not much less - and I could collect my pension from my California retirement while working in Nevada - so net, it'd be a wash pretty much.
It's tempting to think of making a BIG MOVE now vs. waiting. Why not buy our retirement home now with me still working vs. staying in California? Housing won't be cheaper in Nevada six to ten years down the road (God help me, please make it six). So why not just do it now!?
I feel ready for a big change and have for awhile. Heading into my 10th anniversary in this job is a wonderful thing but for me, wanderlust just gets heightened. Something different is needed - new adventures, new places to explore. I want those things NOW not years from now.
The position closes in a week and half so I have a few days to think about it. No rush. Ha ha ha.
I think the main reason for my (now in the light of a new day) hesitation is this big adventure would also be a crap load of work - and my dear husband would bear the brunt of it. If I were to get the job, I'd be relocating ahead of him, most likely - leaving him to deal with getting the house ready; loading pods with our stuff to store until we 'land' wherever we land. While I work away and live in a one bedroom apartment awaiting all of it to be settled. I'd be lonely. He'd be lonely. And the grand adventure would turn into just a massive headache -
Better to wait when I can officially say 'I'm done working!' and then we spend time looking; visiting areas we want to live; strategically decide what goes; what gets tossed. Making it still a lot of work but spread out over more time with no rush or urgency in the making.
The years in this job really do fly by - another school year is winding down - so in a flash, I'll be ready and we'll be ready - hopefully with no dependent children requiring a bedroom
On another note: you know when you sometimes get those 'class action' documents and you scratch your head and think 'how did I get this'? A few years ago, when J. and I last visited Vegas together to celebrate his retirement, we placed phone calls to a hotel - and apparently, they recorded our phone call without our knowledge or consent. I filled out the paperwork somewhat begrudgingly, thinking 'all this stuff for probably $5' but I did it.
Yesterday, the settlement check arrived - $773.63! Yowza!! FUN MONEY SCORE!!
That cheered me right up -
It's tempting to think of making a BIG MOVE now vs. waiting. Why not buy our retirement home now with me still working vs. staying in California? Housing won't be cheaper in Nevada six to ten years down the road (God help me, please make it six). So why not just do it now!?
I feel ready for a big change and have for awhile. Heading into my 10th anniversary in this job is a wonderful thing but for me, wanderlust just gets heightened. Something different is needed - new adventures, new places to explore. I want those things NOW not years from now.
The position closes in a week and half so I have a few days to think about it. No rush. Ha ha ha.
I think the main reason for my (now in the light of a new day) hesitation is this big adventure would also be a crap load of work - and my dear husband would bear the brunt of it. If I were to get the job, I'd be relocating ahead of him, most likely - leaving him to deal with getting the house ready; loading pods with our stuff to store until we 'land' wherever we land. While I work away and live in a one bedroom apartment awaiting all of it to be settled. I'd be lonely. He'd be lonely. And the grand adventure would turn into just a massive headache -
Better to wait when I can officially say 'I'm done working!' and then we spend time looking; visiting areas we want to live; strategically decide what goes; what gets tossed. Making it still a lot of work but spread out over more time with no rush or urgency in the making.
The years in this job really do fly by - another school year is winding down - so in a flash, I'll be ready and we'll be ready - hopefully with no dependent children requiring a bedroom
On another note: you know when you sometimes get those 'class action' documents and you scratch your head and think 'how did I get this'? A few years ago, when J. and I last visited Vegas together to celebrate his retirement, we placed phone calls to a hotel - and apparently, they recorded our phone call without our knowledge or consent. I filled out the paperwork somewhat begrudgingly, thinking 'all this stuff for probably $5' but I did it.
Yesterday, the settlement check arrived - $773.63! Yowza!! FUN MONEY SCORE!!
That cheered me right up -
Monday, May 09, 2016
Sunday, May 08, 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Facebook is filled with posts about the mom's we are; the mom's we will be; the mom's we miss; the mom's we never knew; the mom's we miss every single day, not just today. It's the day we celebrate the amazing women who carry a child, give birth and parent for the rest of their lives. Pretty amazing when you think about the commitment mom's (and dad's) make upon entering the world of being a parent. It's a never ending 'job' and it's always full of more joy than not - so worth it to watch your child become a man. An adult.
I'm proud of me being a mom though I am not the best mom out there. But I'm still proud 'cuz I am a mom and that's not been an easy journey for me but we are all making it through.
J. (bless his heart) did a Facebook post last night (which I saw this morning); baked; went to McD to get me pancakes and sausage before he left for church. B. phoned yesterday to send his wishes and in lieu of a card, he said how much he appreciates all the help and support I give to him about his life choices - career, love-life, etc. . Sweet to hear him say that and at least I know that no matter what, these young men know I love them with every ounce of my being - even when I want to (and frequently do) comment on their choices.
Parenting - it's forever.
I've spent the morning chopping up old veggies for the compost bin, tidying up the desk and am hoping to work at home a bit this afternoon. It's not like the commute to my actual office is long - but there are gates to unlock and relock and alarms to de-arm and re-arm and I'd just rather not, thank you very much. And it's Mother's Day and the finance system is down most of the day anyway (coincidental to the timing of closing the prior month) so I will boot up my work laptop in a bit and work on some non-system projects.
A few days ago, in the early morning light, I noticed some movement on the chrysanthemum plant that finally bloomed - and realized there were caterpillars on the stems. I was nonchalant about it, thinking "butterflies are nice". But today, there is caterpillar poop (looks like rabbit poop but much smaller - obviously) and our plant is clearly being destroyed - so I sprayed a generous amount of insecticidal soap all over the plant. Take that, crawly, semi-cute creature that can de-leaf a plant in a matter of days! (Sorry - I should let them survive but it's pretty likely they are moths anyway so...).
B. just phoned again to say Happy Mom's Day and encouraged me to enjoy a glass of wine or a mimosa. And relax. Ha ha ha. Sure. I will. After the district's budget is done.
Now I feel guilty about the caterpillars....but that plant has never bloomed and the first time it FINALLY does, it's being destroyed. Gardening is a paradox - you create environments to attract butterflies, completely forgetting that they are caterpillars prior to butterflies and require massive amounts of fuel to transform. And the plants you've lovingly purchased, planted and tended are their fuel. Geez.
Alright - heading to shower and then try to work a bit -
I'm proud of me being a mom though I am not the best mom out there. But I'm still proud 'cuz I am a mom and that's not been an easy journey for me but we are all making it through.
J. (bless his heart) did a Facebook post last night (which I saw this morning); baked; went to McD to get me pancakes and sausage before he left for church. B. phoned yesterday to send his wishes and in lieu of a card, he said how much he appreciates all the help and support I give to him about his life choices - career, love-life, etc. . Sweet to hear him say that and at least I know that no matter what, these young men know I love them with every ounce of my being - even when I want to (and frequently do) comment on their choices.
Parenting - it's forever.
I've spent the morning chopping up old veggies for the compost bin, tidying up the desk and am hoping to work at home a bit this afternoon. It's not like the commute to my actual office is long - but there are gates to unlock and relock and alarms to de-arm and re-arm and I'd just rather not, thank you very much. And it's Mother's Day and the finance system is down most of the day anyway (coincidental to the timing of closing the prior month) so I will boot up my work laptop in a bit and work on some non-system projects.
A few days ago, in the early morning light, I noticed some movement on the chrysanthemum plant that finally bloomed - and realized there were caterpillars on the stems. I was nonchalant about it, thinking "butterflies are nice". But today, there is caterpillar poop (looks like rabbit poop but much smaller - obviously) and our plant is clearly being destroyed - so I sprayed a generous amount of insecticidal soap all over the plant. Take that, crawly, semi-cute creature that can de-leaf a plant in a matter of days! (Sorry - I should let them survive but it's pretty likely they are moths anyway so...).
B. just phoned again to say Happy Mom's Day and encouraged me to enjoy a glass of wine or a mimosa. And relax. Ha ha ha. Sure. I will. After the district's budget is done.
Now I feel guilty about the caterpillars....but that plant has never bloomed and the first time it FINALLY does, it's being destroyed. Gardening is a paradox - you create environments to attract butterflies, completely forgetting that they are caterpillars prior to butterflies and require massive amounts of fuel to transform. And the plants you've lovingly purchased, planted and tended are their fuel. Geez.
Alright - heading to shower and then try to work a bit -
Friday, May 06, 2016
Canada! Oh, Canada!
Donald Trump appears to be the Republican Presidential candidate. I can't believe it's 2016 and I'm writing those words. This isn't a joke. HE is joke...but he is apparently going to be the party's nominee.
I could write a book on all the idiotic, racist, stupid, inappropriate, immoral things the man has done and said over the years - but it's all been made public already - and still, here we are. HERE WE ARE. There are people in this country who think a racist, sexist, buffoon should be the President of our county - the leader of the free world; the leader of the most powerful nation in the world. There really are.
I feel like we are heading to some major melt-down along political lines. Like, really...I don't agree with many Republican opinions but if you aren't disrespectful towards people based on their race, religion, sexual orientation or social status, I don't honestly care what you think politically. But all of you Trump supporters? You are supporting a man who is racist. Flat out racist. Who demeans women. Who bullies people to get his way - or just because he thinks it's fun. I could go on and on but you don't need me to do that. Just listen and read and watch.
I just can't believe this is actually happening.
And I'm counting on the rest of us level headed people - including level-headed Republicans (I know you're out there!) to vote!! And avoid catastrophe. That man as President would be catastrophic for our country - making Canada look like a good retirement location.
The 2016 Presidential Election will be historical - the first woman candidate and a buffoon. It's going to be quite a race.
I could write a book on all the idiotic, racist, stupid, inappropriate, immoral things the man has done and said over the years - but it's all been made public already - and still, here we are. HERE WE ARE. There are people in this country who think a racist, sexist, buffoon should be the President of our county - the leader of the free world; the leader of the most powerful nation in the world. There really are.
I feel like we are heading to some major melt-down along political lines. Like, really...I don't agree with many Republican opinions but if you aren't disrespectful towards people based on their race, religion, sexual orientation or social status, I don't honestly care what you think politically. But all of you Trump supporters? You are supporting a man who is racist. Flat out racist. Who demeans women. Who bullies people to get his way - or just because he thinks it's fun. I could go on and on but you don't need me to do that. Just listen and read and watch.
I just can't believe this is actually happening.
And I'm counting on the rest of us level headed people - including level-headed Republicans (I know you're out there!) to vote!! And avoid catastrophe. That man as President would be catastrophic for our country - making Canada look like a good retirement location.
The 2016 Presidential Election will be historical - the first woman candidate and a buffoon. It's going to be quite a race.
Thursday, May 05, 2016
The paradox of two wonderfully restful nights of sleep earlier this week is last night's pretty sucky sleep which is so much harder handle now that I know good sleep IS possible. I felt out of it all day - sent an email to a co-worker that made no sense and re-read it when she sent it back (politely saying 'I think you mean this? not this?'..) and thought 'Cheese & rice, Majah, get it together, woman!'.
I hope for better sleep tonight and it's approaching (only) 6PM and I may be in bed by 7! It's that bad!
Sparrows are flitting about outside the window - we cleaned out all the bird feeders over the weekend and are ready to restock. I love the families we see - sparrows, blue jays, doves. It's so fun to watch them excitedly look for anything they can use in their nests and to see them fly back and forth. Tan bark is a current favorite. Some sturdy nests being created in our trees.
The weather is strange - we have heavy clouds and grey - a few sprinkles on the way home. There were lightening strikes in Oakley and Brentwood (30 miles away) so I'm wondering if we'll see the same storm.
I've arranged to be off a little early tomorrow mainly to give myself a few extra home hours given I plan to work much of the weekend. J. is playing music at church on Sunday so no fancy Mom's day breakfast - guess I'll hit the McD drive through for pancakes as I head to work. We have tickets to Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat on Sunday but H. is going to stand in for me if I'm working or (frankly) just don't feel like going. The time at home these days is so limited that there are some things I just veto - and J. and I talked about that when we bought the two tickets. Glad H. will go in my place if needed - and that's his Mom's day gift to me - go if I don't so your Dad has someone with him.
I really am sitting here struggling to stay awake - so I think I will pack it in and head upstairs. Very early but falling asleep when I feel this wiped out should result in some semblance of rest. I sure hope so. Even my early leave days are incredibly long.
I hope for better sleep tonight and it's approaching (only) 6PM and I may be in bed by 7! It's that bad!
Sparrows are flitting about outside the window - we cleaned out all the bird feeders over the weekend and are ready to restock. I love the families we see - sparrows, blue jays, doves. It's so fun to watch them excitedly look for anything they can use in their nests and to see them fly back and forth. Tan bark is a current favorite. Some sturdy nests being created in our trees.
The weather is strange - we have heavy clouds and grey - a few sprinkles on the way home. There were lightening strikes in Oakley and Brentwood (30 miles away) so I'm wondering if we'll see the same storm.
I've arranged to be off a little early tomorrow mainly to give myself a few extra home hours given I plan to work much of the weekend. J. is playing music at church on Sunday so no fancy Mom's day breakfast - guess I'll hit the McD drive through for pancakes as I head to work. We have tickets to Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat on Sunday but H. is going to stand in for me if I'm working or (frankly) just don't feel like going. The time at home these days is so limited that there are some things I just veto - and J. and I talked about that when we bought the two tickets. Glad H. will go in my place if needed - and that's his Mom's day gift to me - go if I don't so your Dad has someone with him.
I really am sitting here struggling to stay awake - so I think I will pack it in and head upstairs. Very early but falling asleep when I feel this wiped out should result in some semblance of rest. I sure hope so. Even my early leave days are incredibly long.
Wednesday, May 04, 2016
Guess What?
It's May already, that's what. Cheese & rice, where does the time go? (Cheese & Rice is my new 'swear' term. It works for so many situations).
In my head, I'm thrilled that time goes so quickly - the days just blend one into the other over and over. 15 days goes by in the blink of an eye and that's an awesome thing - considering that working many more years is in the cards for me. I should be so happy to think that years of time will evaporate quickly -
As I slog off to another long day of stuff. It's always long days of stuff. Busy-ness is great but the stuff that is the busy? Not so much, really. But oh well. Someone's got to do it.
I've been using the 4-7-8 method of lulling oneself into sleep and I have to say that it's been two nights and I feel the most rested I've felt in AGES. You can Google it - breath in through your nose slowly for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds and then out through your nose for 8 seconds. I actually can't quite do the hold for 7 or the out for 8 but doing what I can has resulted in some of the most restful sleep I've had in a long, long time. I'm not exactly bounding out of bed but I have been up way earlier, with more energy and less sleepiness than usual. The posts on Facebook tout this as a way to fall asleep more quickly - which I rarely have issues with. For me, it's just resulting in more restful, deeper sleep more quickly - and if I wake in the night, I do it again and viola! Back off to dreamland. It's awesome! I was really skeptical since I don't often have issues going to sleep - but thought it was worth a try and I just want to shout to the world "Try this, people!! You will feel SO MUCH BETTER"!
B. will arrive home around June 10th for a month - or just shy of a month. I'm thrilled while simultaneously bracing myself. The dynamic of our carefully balanced life shifts precipitously upon the arrival of The Force Known as B. .
And on that subject, Happy May the Fourth Be With You day! (Hugs to my cousin S. for enlightening me on the significance of this day).
H.'s scans and blood work are 100% OK (can't remember if I mentioned that before) so he just has to work on eating consistently, and more often. Smaller meals throughout the day. At the moment, he appears to be living on milk shakes - we go through gallons of ice cream added to the extra gallons of milk - but oh well! If it's what he needs, that's OK. I just pity his 40-ish self in the future 'cuz he's not always going to be able to eat 4 gallons of ice cream a week and get away with that. But for now, he's pretty lucky - eat whatever you want, whenever you want - to put some weight back on.
(There are some reasons we think he is struggling with eating and he's going to get some counseling, we hope. The ball is in his court to make that happen so we'll see if he does).
My second cup of coffee in my Disneyland Diamond Celebration mug is almost gone and I need to get into the shower. I've been at my desk before or close to 7 - and even made it at 6:30 one day last week - and I'm aiming for that from now until budget is done. Upon advice of my boss, I am blocking full days for budget work and closing my door and drawing my blind if I have to. Trying as hard as possible to give myself weekends as down time - and hoping to avoid the annual, overwhelming feeling of angst that usually engulfs me this time of year.
Off to the trenches! Have a great day! The power of restful sleep is truly amazing -
In my head, I'm thrilled that time goes so quickly - the days just blend one into the other over and over. 15 days goes by in the blink of an eye and that's an awesome thing - considering that working many more years is in the cards for me. I should be so happy to think that years of time will evaporate quickly -
As I slog off to another long day of stuff. It's always long days of stuff. Busy-ness is great but the stuff that is the busy? Not so much, really. But oh well. Someone's got to do it.
I've been using the 4-7-8 method of lulling oneself into sleep and I have to say that it's been two nights and I feel the most rested I've felt in AGES. You can Google it - breath in through your nose slowly for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds and then out through your nose for 8 seconds. I actually can't quite do the hold for 7 or the out for 8 but doing what I can has resulted in some of the most restful sleep I've had in a long, long time. I'm not exactly bounding out of bed but I have been up way earlier, with more energy and less sleepiness than usual. The posts on Facebook tout this as a way to fall asleep more quickly - which I rarely have issues with. For me, it's just resulting in more restful, deeper sleep more quickly - and if I wake in the night, I do it again and viola! Back off to dreamland. It's awesome! I was really skeptical since I don't often have issues going to sleep - but thought it was worth a try and I just want to shout to the world "Try this, people!! You will feel SO MUCH BETTER"!
B. will arrive home around June 10th for a month - or just shy of a month. I'm thrilled while simultaneously bracing myself. The dynamic of our carefully balanced life shifts precipitously upon the arrival of The Force Known as B. .
And on that subject, Happy May the Fourth Be With You day! (Hugs to my cousin S. for enlightening me on the significance of this day).
(There are some reasons we think he is struggling with eating and he's going to get some counseling, we hope. The ball is in his court to make that happen so we'll see if he does).
My second cup of coffee in my Disneyland Diamond Celebration mug is almost gone and I need to get into the shower. I've been at my desk before or close to 7 - and even made it at 6:30 one day last week - and I'm aiming for that from now until budget is done. Upon advice of my boss, I am blocking full days for budget work and closing my door and drawing my blind if I have to. Trying as hard as possible to give myself weekends as down time - and hoping to avoid the annual, overwhelming feeling of angst that usually engulfs me this time of year.
Off to the trenches! Have a great day! The power of restful sleep is truly amazing -
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
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Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...