We made it to Jackson. J. wakes up H. around 9AMish. Our departure time was 9:30....which we'd reminded over and over and over. H. gets PO'd at J. for 'waking me up so far before we are leaving' and then proceeds to take forever to get ready. We departed closer to 10. I should have known. H. slept most of the way there. (He's not sleeping well - takes after his mom, I guess).
The buffet was great and the play was fun. We didn't have any big wins but we had fun trying. We were a little 'late' heading home (according to H.'s schedule, anyway) but I was on a hot machine...which I had to finally just leave 'cuz H. had plans. That's the one 'hard' thing about taking the family with me and they are rushed - 'cuz a hot machine is not something to walk away from. Oh well - we all had fun and it was a nice day.
I'm also treating myself to an overnight stay on Sunday at Thunder Valley - room is free. Just a nice way to wind up the break and we have Monday off, too....so will enjoy a nice stay up there.
Tomorrow and Saturday will be puttering around the homestead. Starting 2016 with some chores.
2015 was a great year. J. had three international trips - Rome in February, Paris in March, and Playa del Carmen in October. I was with him for two of those trips and H. got to make his first trip to Europe (Rome). We also wedged in a long weekend in Arizona and visited the Grand Canyon with Brooks in September.
At work, my boss and I are getting along great and enjoying the work. There's always plenty of it and I think he and I make a great team and help offload each other if/when we can. On January 5th, the newly modernized (rebuilt, basically) school will open - the construction has taken 18 months and the finished school is absolutely beautiful. We will host a public open house on January 23rd, which coincidentally is B.'s 25th birthday. In March, we will also finish the other big construction project - a new gymnasium at one of our K-8 schools. It's been a lot of work and I have to give huge kudos to my boss because he's really been on top of every single detail.
Also in 2015, our district has started working on becoming a Professional Learning Community which is really exciting. I'm quick to say I'm not a teacher and honestly don't think I ever could be but I'm so excited to be a part of this process. The progress being made already is astounding and it's been so fun to watch light bulbs go off in people's brains as we all start to 'get' what this is all about. The process will be ongoing forever and the milestones happen sporadically and infrequently - but it will happen and it's a very exciting process to be a part of. I love how the admin team is more 'together' than we've ever been - being a good sounding board for each other and also a great support to each other. Our solidification as a team is more real this year than any other year in my tenure and it's a joy to experience. Makes work so much more fun and meaningful when you feel you are a part of a great team of people who support each other - vs. some do and some don't and many don't even try. It's been a great year at 'the office' and I am very grateful for that - since working is hard and I need to keep working for as long as I can.
H.'s health is stable though I still worry - and today, in the casino, for no apparent reason I felt an overwhelming sense of worry - and got teared up about it. Very unusual for me. There are just so many things that happen with that kid - and things trouble me. I still run a lot of 'what if' scenarios in my head - and when I think of the 'what ifs', I still feel afraid at times. No reason to think he's not fine but sometimes, logic goes out the window and pure emotion takes over. But for now, we are thankful that he's post-treatment by many months and so far, all is OK. Nothing (more) bad has happened yet - and hopefully won't. Ever. He's doing well in school - though he has to retake the math class he needs as a pre-requisite for Chemistry - and he's enjoying it - and that's a fantastic thing for a guy who's struggled with school. He likes to learn and is naturally curious so it's great he's found something he's interested in and is excited about pursuing.
B. is enjoying the Army though he's also excited about moving to a new base soon. His knee recovery is slower than he anticipated but it's going well. He has a good attitude about his job and his work and is planning to sign another 3 year contract in the next couple months. I worry about him being deployed at some point but then I have to acknowledge that's a huge part of his 'job' so it's sort of inevitable.
J. holds down the home front ensuring there is food in the pantry, clean laundry in the closets and manages the team of people we pay to help us keep this house going. We are planning to make a trip or two to Nevada in the Spring to start scoping out new homes and I'm keeping my eyes open for jobs in my field in Nevada as well. No imminent plans but if the right job came along, I think we'd move in a heart beat. I say that and then I think of moving all this 'stuff' and think 'no, let's just stay here forever'. But we won't. I'm sure we won't.
2016 will be a year of huge change for me at work - our long time payroll person is leaving the district at the end of January and my assistant is moving to be the assistant to the Superintendent. I'll return to work in January and interview for two key positions in my department - I'm excited about the chance to hire to great people to fill these really important jobs - but I'm also apprehensive. I'm trying to go into the start of the year with a positive, excited spirit about it all - but even with the two week break, I'm not sure that's how I feel about it.
Then I remind myself that how I feel about it doesn't really matter one iota 'cuz it is what it is and it's my job to make the best of it - whatever it is.
Happy New Year to my readers and my family and friends. J. and I just opened some bubbly and it's pretty delicious. I expect I will be heading to bed long before midnight but not before sharing another glass or two with my sweet husband.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Monday, December 28, 2015
Post-Christmas Miracle
A massive snow storm in El Paso dumped enough snow to have the Army cancel work today - so B. was able to stay over another night. Gave him a little more time with us and friends and another night in his own bed. He and J. left a bit ago to head for Oakland. B. gave me a big hug and said 'thanks for having me'. Huh? Of course we HAVE YOU!! Anytime. He is hoping for another visit in March of week or so - his Christmas money is going to be for a new set of clubs and he's hoping to be here in March to pick them up - his best friend works at a golf course and also works for Callaway so it's a win-win. C. will sell a set of clubs and B. will get a great discount.
Thanks to Southwest for not charging any change fees - easy switch of the flights to today instead of yesterday and no difference in fare -
I did not sleep well last night so slept in until just before B. and J. were leaving for the airport. I've got the dishwasher running and am working on regrouping around my desk. J. is heading to visit his younger brother tomorrow (returning Wednesday) so I will be holding down the fort at home. Well, with H.'s help, of course. I have lunch plans with friends in Stockton on Wednesday and other than that, not too much going on this week.
It's been raining quite a bit and it's cold and overcast today. Something happened in the back yard yesterday that involved a bird - feathers everywhere on the lawn. We suspect a cat but we're not sure.
We are considering going to Jackson for the New Years Eve/Day buffet - prime rib, whole lobsters. I'm not sure any of us will have the inertia to do that on Thursday or Friday but we are talking about it. It's a really pretty drive and it will be my last week of VIP status 'cuz I haven't been playing there as much and will not be a VIP post December 31st. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.
Thanks to Southwest for not charging any change fees - easy switch of the flights to today instead of yesterday and no difference in fare -
I did not sleep well last night so slept in until just before B. and J. were leaving for the airport. I've got the dishwasher running and am working on regrouping around my desk. J. is heading to visit his younger brother tomorrow (returning Wednesday) so I will be holding down the fort at home. Well, with H.'s help, of course. I have lunch plans with friends in Stockton on Wednesday and other than that, not too much going on this week.
It's been raining quite a bit and it's cold and overcast today. Something happened in the back yard yesterday that involved a bird - feathers everywhere on the lawn. We suspect a cat but we're not sure.
We are considering going to Jackson for the New Years Eve/Day buffet - prime rib, whole lobsters. I'm not sure any of us will have the inertia to do that on Thursday or Friday but we are talking about it. It's a really pretty drive and it will be my last week of VIP status 'cuz I haven't been playing there as much and will not be a VIP post December 31st. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Safety and Wilderness
Found a new show on National Geographic channel - Life Below Zero. Various families/people making a home in the Alaska wilderness. These are hard core survivalists - skilled in hunting, surviving in dangerous, harsh conditions. It's fun to see the challenges they face and how they handle it. My only complaint is that there are so many sets of people to follow, the episodes feel truncated - little snips of each instead of more detail on a few. There was a marathon on all day yesterday and I didn't remember that I had taped episodes until the day was almost over. Nice way to wind down the evening.
One of the unique Christmas presents exchanged on Friday was B.'s gift to H - a CAT. Combat Application Tourniquet. B.'s explanation was 'you are out in the middle of nowhere shooting with your friends - you should have this in case an accident occurs.' We all marveled at his thinking - and his intent was to protect his brother and his friends. And we all had a good laugh at 'the most unusual gift ever'. 'What did you get for Christmas, H.?' 'A tourniquet'. We all laughed a lot -
Here's what it looks like. (Colors may vary - there is no red on H.'s).
B.'s friends stayed for quite awhile - watched movies. After those friends left, he headed over to another friends house to spend time with him. His departure is less than 24 hours away and I know he's struggling with the briefness of the stay this time.
Goodbyes are always hard. Always have been and always will be. He heads to Louisiana for training and then he's making arrangements to move to a base in Kentucky - not sure when that's happening but could be before Spring. Hopefully, he'll like Kentucky more than El Paso.
Feels good to still have nine days ahead - we have Monday, 1/4, off also - which is really great! I'm trying not to revel in it too much 'cuz B. is back at work early Monday morning - and he won't get into El Paso until after midnight - so it's going to be a hard morning/day no matter what.
One of the unique Christmas presents exchanged on Friday was B.'s gift to H - a CAT. Combat Application Tourniquet. B.'s explanation was 'you are out in the middle of nowhere shooting with your friends - you should have this in case an accident occurs.' We all marveled at his thinking - and his intent was to protect his brother and his friends. And we all had a good laugh at 'the most unusual gift ever'. 'What did you get for Christmas, H.?' 'A tourniquet'. We all laughed a lot -
Here's what it looks like. (Colors may vary - there is no red on H.'s).
B.'s friends stayed for quite awhile - watched movies. After those friends left, he headed over to another friends house to spend time with him. His departure is less than 24 hours away and I know he's struggling with the briefness of the stay this time.
Goodbyes are always hard. Always have been and always will be. He heads to Louisiana for training and then he's making arrangements to move to a base in Kentucky - not sure when that's happening but could be before Spring. Hopefully, he'll like Kentucky more than El Paso.
Feels good to still have nine days ahead - we have Monday, 1/4, off also - which is really great! I'm trying not to revel in it too much 'cuz B. is back at work early Monday morning - and he won't get into El Paso until after midnight - so it's going to be a hard morning/day no matter what.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
And Just This Minute
B. showed up with two friends in tow. Totally fine - welcome any time.
Though me being dressed without bed head would have been preferable.
J. rescued me with clothes and a comb to fix my hair.
Geez. Young adults -
Though me being dressed without bed head would have been preferable.
J. rescued me with clothes and a comb to fix my hair.
Geez. Young adults -
I am in my heaviest coat - Sherpa-like - and am absolutely freezing. Just opened the email from PG&E and our heating bill this month is more than double what it was this time last year. Guess I should be glad that it's colder - much colder - 'cuz there's snow on the Sierras and that's a very good thing. We're freezing here in Tracy so yeah! Hot tea all day, warming from the inside out.
I've been a lazy-bones today. Just enjoying a low-key day of not much and it's lovely. The boys are playing their new games and it's been a quiet, relaxing day - plenty of leftovers to nosh on and not much inertia required.
Though I should go do some more cookie icing and get another batch in the oven. The 'border' and 'flood' technique worked pretty well, but I will make my border icing a little thicker next time. And I'm not sure how to make the icing really 'bright white' - King Arthur used to have white food coloring but I can't find it so I have to settle for slightly off white borders. Guess I could throw out all convention and line the trees with red borders and then green? I'll give it a try. The cookies are a lot of work but they are delicious and they disappear pretty quickly once they are iced. So someone likes them.
Whenever B. is home, I think he ends up feeling 'down' a bit. Home is home and he longs for it when he's not here - but when he is here, it seems like he's out of sorts. Picks 'fights' about stupid things - like last night, he pronounced that he wants the art work that is in the upstairs hallways taken down - all the pictures he (and H.) drew as kids that I had lovingly framed. He 'can't stand' the clown he drew and it must be gone, now. 'I'm not a kid anymore'. Right. I know. He says 'there should be pictures of now - of me now'. I have some pics he had done for Mom's day so I will try to get one framed and up on a wall somewhere.
When I framed all that art work and put it up, a professor at the college I worked at said 'that is the most amazing thing for kids' self esteem - to see their art work importantly displayed in the home they share with their parents'. So I've kept it up 'cuz it's something I love and cherish. If I take them all down, what will I do with them? I'm not even sure I can 'unframe' and reuse the frames for anything else without taking it all to Michael's and paying to have things redone.
B. is transitioning into being a man vs. a young man or boy and I think it shows. That struggle with wanting to stay where you were while simultaneously detesting everything about where you were AND where you are. Feeling 'lost' and/or in the middle of wherever and not being entirely sure about any of it. There are moments with him that are pure joy every time he's home - but more often than not, there are moments when he's here that are just challenging. Him challenging everything. Every little thing. It's exhausting. I love having him home - but this time, I'm grateful that I still have some days off post-visit. I need the break -
(Nothing in this post detracts from a perfect Christmas and many, many lovely, love-filled, fun-filled moments with that young man. He is a stellar person....even when he's driving me bonkers).
I've been a lazy-bones today. Just enjoying a low-key day of not much and it's lovely. The boys are playing their new games and it's been a quiet, relaxing day - plenty of leftovers to nosh on and not much inertia required.
Though I should go do some more cookie icing and get another batch in the oven. The 'border' and 'flood' technique worked pretty well, but I will make my border icing a little thicker next time. And I'm not sure how to make the icing really 'bright white' - King Arthur used to have white food coloring but I can't find it so I have to settle for slightly off white borders. Guess I could throw out all convention and line the trees with red borders and then green? I'll give it a try. The cookies are a lot of work but they are delicious and they disappear pretty quickly once they are iced. So someone likes them.
Whenever B. is home, I think he ends up feeling 'down' a bit. Home is home and he longs for it when he's not here - but when he is here, it seems like he's out of sorts. Picks 'fights' about stupid things - like last night, he pronounced that he wants the art work that is in the upstairs hallways taken down - all the pictures he (and H.) drew as kids that I had lovingly framed. He 'can't stand' the clown he drew and it must be gone, now. 'I'm not a kid anymore'. Right. I know. He says 'there should be pictures of now - of me now'. I have some pics he had done for Mom's day so I will try to get one framed and up on a wall somewhere.
When I framed all that art work and put it up, a professor at the college I worked at said 'that is the most amazing thing for kids' self esteem - to see their art work importantly displayed in the home they share with their parents'. So I've kept it up 'cuz it's something I love and cherish. If I take them all down, what will I do with them? I'm not even sure I can 'unframe' and reuse the frames for anything else without taking it all to Michael's and paying to have things redone.
B. is transitioning into being a man vs. a young man or boy and I think it shows. That struggle with wanting to stay where you were while simultaneously detesting everything about where you were AND where you are. Feeling 'lost' and/or in the middle of wherever and not being entirely sure about any of it. There are moments with him that are pure joy every time he's home - but more often than not, there are moments when he's here that are just challenging. Him challenging everything. Every little thing. It's exhausting. I love having him home - but this time, I'm grateful that I still have some days off post-visit. I need the break -
(Nothing in this post detracts from a perfect Christmas and many, many lovely, love-filled, fun-filled moments with that young man. He is a stellar person....even when he's driving me bonkers).
Christmas, 2015 was perfection. Simple and quick but just perfect. The day passed with cookie making, cheese cracker making (the cheese straws were easier to make just flattening out scoops of the dough and flattening them vs. the whole cookie press squeezing out long strings process) and dinner. Prime rib, au gratin potatoes, green bean casserole, pop overs, red wine, sparkling cider, and berry pie for dessert. Even the lack of a puppy couldn't mar the day - it was awesome!
This morning, I turned the leftover popover batter into maple bacon popovers and they are scrumptious. I always wish I had a true popover pan but resist purchasing a set 'cuz I make popovers once or twice a year and storing the pans seems silly. Muffin tins work well but they will never be the highest popovers...no one here notices and they are gobbled up regardless of their size. Even pulled out the REAL maple syrup as a post-Christmas treat this morning.
We'll pass the time today re-organizing and putting things away and continuing the culling out we always do at year-end. We have a bunch of furniture things that we want to get rid of but it's hard to find someone that will come pick them up. J. confessed that he was saving things 'for when the boys get their own place someday' - but having a room upstairs full of things we aren't using seems silly and the boys can buy their own darn furniture when the time comes. And I'm suggesting to H. that he use the (hopefully soon) emptier room as a game/sitting room and keep his bedroom as his sleep space. He's having issues sleeping so I'm hoping separating his 'living' space from his 'sleep' space will help. Sort of like an apartment only without the rent, utilities, food, etc. one normally associates with living in your own place.
B. has been spending time with friends so I'm not sure how much we'll see him today and tomorrow. It's to be expected - a very quick visit with him trying to wedge in as much as he can in the few days he's here.
Beautiful, clear, sunny day here again -
This morning, I turned the leftover popover batter into maple bacon popovers and they are scrumptious. I always wish I had a true popover pan but resist purchasing a set 'cuz I make popovers once or twice a year and storing the pans seems silly. Muffin tins work well but they will never be the highest popovers...no one here notices and they are gobbled up regardless of their size. Even pulled out the REAL maple syrup as a post-Christmas treat this morning.
We'll pass the time today re-organizing and putting things away and continuing the culling out we always do at year-end. We have a bunch of furniture things that we want to get rid of but it's hard to find someone that will come pick them up. J. confessed that he was saving things 'for when the boys get their own place someday' - but having a room upstairs full of things we aren't using seems silly and the boys can buy their own darn furniture when the time comes. And I'm suggesting to H. that he use the (hopefully soon) emptier room as a game/sitting room and keep his bedroom as his sleep space. He's having issues sleeping so I'm hoping separating his 'living' space from his 'sleep' space will help. Sort of like an apartment only without the rent, utilities, food, etc. one normally associates with living in your own place.
B. has been spending time with friends so I'm not sure how much we'll see him today and tomorrow. It's to be expected - a very quick visit with him trying to wedge in as much as he can in the few days he's here.
Beautiful, clear, sunny day here again -
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Not a Puppy
J. and I trekked to Winco early this morning and did the big shop to get us through the next week or so. I really didn't want to do it alone after my haircut yesterday so we postponed until today. It was cloudy and overcast and not raining on the way there, but was apparently raining most of the time we were in the store. And putting groceries in the car. And driving home. And unloading all the groceries. As soon as everything was inside, the rain stopped.
On the way home, the traffic was becoming impressively awful and J. mentioned he still had an errand to run. I chastised him - with lots of sexist comments about how men put things off and that it seriously wasn't worth going out in the rain and traffic at this point - it's Christmas Eve Day and really? You want to go out in this mob and weather for something?
He said 'well, OK, if you're OK with me not getting you a puppy'. And I screamed 'A puppy? You're getting me a puppy? Of course it's worth it FOR A PUPPY!!'.
Only he's not getting me a puppy and now he's never going to hear the end of it. The only thing I can say is that he is graciously dealing with all the jabs I'm giving him for getting my hopes up - and that he is seriously grateful that I'm not telling H. that he joked about getting us a puppy...'cuz that kid is relentless and has wanted a puppy or a kitten for FOREVER.
(I know J. is right - last thing we need is another dog. Or a cat. But still....that would have been the perfect present 'cuz even if you think you don't want a pet, you will immediately fall in love at first sight).
I baked a frozen berry pie for tomorrow; made sugar cookie dough that's chilling in the fridge and we have cheese straws in the oven. I couldn't have done the cheese straws without J.'s help 'cuz the dough is so stiff, it's impossible to squeeze out easily. Maybe I will cut back on the flour though I followed the recipe. It's firm but takes a lot of strength to get it out of the bag.
I just thought of this: maybe we'll dig out the cookie gun and put the dough in there - cheese crackers instead of 'straws'.
Dinner is short ribs and mashed potatoes. Plenty of libations here as well - spiked egg nog!
On the way home, the traffic was becoming impressively awful and J. mentioned he still had an errand to run. I chastised him - with lots of sexist comments about how men put things off and that it seriously wasn't worth going out in the rain and traffic at this point - it's Christmas Eve Day and really? You want to go out in this mob and weather for something?
He said 'well, OK, if you're OK with me not getting you a puppy'. And I screamed 'A puppy? You're getting me a puppy? Of course it's worth it FOR A PUPPY!!'.
Only he's not getting me a puppy and now he's never going to hear the end of it. The only thing I can say is that he is graciously dealing with all the jabs I'm giving him for getting my hopes up - and that he is seriously grateful that I'm not telling H. that he joked about getting us a puppy...'cuz that kid is relentless and has wanted a puppy or a kitten for FOREVER.
(I know J. is right - last thing we need is another dog. Or a cat. But still....that would have been the perfect present 'cuz even if you think you don't want a pet, you will immediately fall in love at first sight).
I baked a frozen berry pie for tomorrow; made sugar cookie dough that's chilling in the fridge and we have cheese straws in the oven. I couldn't have done the cheese straws without J.'s help 'cuz the dough is so stiff, it's impossible to squeeze out easily. Maybe I will cut back on the flour though I followed the recipe. It's firm but takes a lot of strength to get it out of the bag.
I just thought of this: maybe we'll dig out the cookie gun and put the dough in there - cheese crackers instead of 'straws'.
Dinner is short ribs and mashed potatoes. Plenty of libations here as well - spiked egg nog!
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Flight Delays and Burning Fuel Overhead
B. notified us that already, his first flight is delayed an hour. "Check the news", he said.
Turns out Southwest Flight 382 made an emergency landing at Oakland this morning, after doing this for four hours. Ironic since that 'triangle' space just to the left from the 'circling' is known as The Tracy Triangle - so his future flight was over us for a long time, burning fuel. Landing gear issues. Thankfully, everyone is OK and the flight landed safely. And B. being delayed is a small price to pay for the safety of the passengers and crew aboard the flight.
I've done a couple work things that couldn't wait. Heading out to Winco shortly and sending J. to Costco - we've done some quasi-meal planning - have to say quasi 'cuz we know with certainty B. will be out and about a fair amount. He is planning to have friends over on Saturday so I'm planning some finger foods - spinach/artichoke dip, cheese straws and some cookies and other sweets. And lots of beer. :-)
J. told me that B. wanted to surprise me by being early - but J. thought he wouldn't be able to pull it off. (I think he could have - but oh well). It was still a sweet thought.
Sunny and clear today - huge windstorm blew off most of the remaining leaves from our trees, so consequently, the pool and spa are a mess. Good thing it's Wednesday 'cuz the pool guy should be here today. Hopefully.
Turns out Southwest Flight 382 made an emergency landing at Oakland this morning, after doing this for four hours. Ironic since that 'triangle' space just to the left from the 'circling' is known as The Tracy Triangle - so his future flight was over us for a long time, burning fuel. Landing gear issues. Thankfully, everyone is OK and the flight landed safely. And B. being delayed is a small price to pay for the safety of the passengers and crew aboard the flight.
I've done a couple work things that couldn't wait. Heading out to Winco shortly and sending J. to Costco - we've done some quasi-meal planning - have to say quasi 'cuz we know with certainty B. will be out and about a fair amount. He is planning to have friends over on Saturday so I'm planning some finger foods - spinach/artichoke dip, cheese straws and some cookies and other sweets. And lots of beer. :-)
J. told me that B. wanted to surprise me by being early - but J. thought he wouldn't be able to pull it off. (I think he could have - but oh well). It was still a sweet thought.
Sunny and clear today - huge windstorm blew off most of the remaining leaves from our trees, so consequently, the pool and spa are a mess. Good thing it's Wednesday 'cuz the pool guy should be here today. Hopefully.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Winter Solstice
An entire week has transpired - the long work week moved quickly enough and here we are 4 full days into Winter Break, 2015 -
I've spent time working today and feel irritated at the things and people beckoning me. I shouldn't - I don't have the kind of job that being off is every really 'off' but it's hard when I'm in the mood to 'forget all about it' and can't. Hopefully, soon. One of our major construction projects is winding down and there are some last minute things that need tending -
Good news! B. was able to change his flight and will be landing in Oakland at 6:30PM TOMORROW - a day ahead of his previous arrival. While I doubt he will be home much of that 'extra' time, it's still great to have him home and to avoid having to be on the roads on Christmas eve to retrieve him. He is excited and so are we!
J. just headed upstairs to begin the massive undertaking known as wrapping. My room is a shambles 'cuz I've been brutally cleaning out my clothes. I've tried on many, many pairs of pants and have three piles: keep and fit well; keep and need alterations and donate. My goal is to have only pants that I can wear happily and by the looks of it, I shouldn't need pants for the rest of my life, once I get the alterations done.
Tomorrow, we need to do a big WinCo shop to have plenty of food on hand. We've only planned Christmas Dinner so far - but we bought some short ribs and langostino at Costco so will make those two dinners.
The weather is chilly and overcast - and we've had some rain, which is great!
Our cleaning lady dropped by some tamales this morning!! so dinner is done!!
I've spent time working today and feel irritated at the things and people beckoning me. I shouldn't - I don't have the kind of job that being off is every really 'off' but it's hard when I'm in the mood to 'forget all about it' and can't. Hopefully, soon. One of our major construction projects is winding down and there are some last minute things that need tending -
Good news! B. was able to change his flight and will be landing in Oakland at 6:30PM TOMORROW - a day ahead of his previous arrival. While I doubt he will be home much of that 'extra' time, it's still great to have him home and to avoid having to be on the roads on Christmas eve to retrieve him. He is excited and so are we!
J. just headed upstairs to begin the massive undertaking known as wrapping. My room is a shambles 'cuz I've been brutally cleaning out my clothes. I've tried on many, many pairs of pants and have three piles: keep and fit well; keep and need alterations and donate. My goal is to have only pants that I can wear happily and by the looks of it, I shouldn't need pants for the rest of my life, once I get the alterations done.
Tomorrow, we need to do a big WinCo shop to have plenty of food on hand. We've only planned Christmas Dinner so far - but we bought some short ribs and langostino at Costco so will make those two dinners.
The weather is chilly and overcast - and we've had some rain, which is great!
Our cleaning lady dropped by some tamales this morning!! so dinner is done!!
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
I left work at 2PM yesterday - a little extra time to get some things taken care of. J. and I went to the mall and I got to drive the new car. It's pretty awesome. I accidentally creeped a little into the next lane (no cars there) and it beeped to tell me. It also has a blind spot sensor and lights up on the side mirrors if there is someone in your blind spot. So many gadgets. I think he spent most of the day reading his manual and I can't blame him 'cuz there are still many, many buttons that we have no idea about. The car will come pretty close to driving itself - it slows and brakes when it senses the traffic ahead slowing and braking. It feels 'bizarre' to me and I am a teeny bit worried that J. will get so used to not thinking while he's driving, he will have issues when he's driving a 'normal' car. Hopefully today, he will set up the garage door opener.
Did a huge See's candy shop for work then came home and attempted to bake scones and palmiers. The scones didn't go so well - tried to shortcut and use a mix (I know! What was I thinking? Scratch is always best) - and the first batch burned on the bottom. We salvaged about a dozen. The palms turned out pretty well. I've got goodies for Cabinet this morning which was the goal - and See's for every building - my 'gift' to one and all.
Tonight is our district office Christmas party which is always tons of fun. I'm dressed in my one holiday shirt that I wear once a year.
Wishing it were Friday instead of Tuesday. Friday will come soon enough.
Did a huge See's candy shop for work then came home and attempted to bake scones and palmiers. The scones didn't go so well - tried to shortcut and use a mix (I know! What was I thinking? Scratch is always best) - and the first batch burned on the bottom. We salvaged about a dozen. The palms turned out pretty well. I've got goodies for Cabinet this morning which was the goal - and See's for every building - my 'gift' to one and all.
Tonight is our district office Christmas party which is always tons of fun. I'm dressed in my one holiday shirt that I wear once a year.
Wishing it were Friday instead of Tuesday. Friday will come soon enough.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Car Experience
We headed to Modesto Toyota yesterday - arrived at the pre-arranged time of 1PM. The sales guy wasn't in yet - he had said he had an appointment - so his boss greeted us. They brought up the car and we took our first look. Then the sales guy arrived. It was the easiest car buying experience ever. We'd already negotiated the price and from start to finish, I was out of there in two hours. All the signing was done electronically - the finance guy's desk was a 'screen' complete with special pens. We signed highlighted areas and he could rotate the document for each of us to sign more easily. It was amazing - the only paper copies of anything were the DMV 'cuz they are not that tech savvy yet.
The finance guy said 'with your credit scores, you two could buy as many cars as you want today'. Ha ha ha. Someday, it would be fun to do a Christmas surprise for the boys - there was a 4-door Tundra there that H. would absolutely love - but that day is not this year - not yet.
J. loves the car. I think we're going to go run an errand and I will drive it - but I'm nervous. It's just so pretty and new - he was 'upset' that it was getting wet today (it's been raining!) so heaven help the person who gets the first door ding. It's also incredibly tech-filled - so it will take some learning just to figure things out. It's got all kinds of 'systems' in it - very much the perfect car for J. - it will keep him busy for a long time.
I'm still in my PJ's and though I know I need to get dressed (if we're going to run that errand), it's so cold, I don't want to. I dread getting wet and then cold while drying off. Brrrr.
I did go out last night and ran two errands - feeling very accomplished for making time for a post-dark trip to the mall and the grocery. Christmas prep is winding down little by little - just wrapping and some additional organizing to do. And a massive grocery shop but I think we will do that together next weekend. Saturday evening is a great time to Winco shop 'cuz it was virtually empty!
No meetings tomorrow but Tuesday-Friday are meeting filled. Hoping the week goes quickly - I'm sure it will. This time next week, I'll be looking at two full weeks off and that's going to be blissful. As it always is - I looked into a job at our County Office not too long ago and while I thought the job would be a good fit and fun for me, one of the negatives is there are no closure days at Christmas for them - you can be off, but many of your co-workers (people I would supervise) wouldn't be, necessitating me to be there, too - and adding other days I would need to work to offset any days off I took at Christmas. I'd get Christmas and New Years eve and day of - but that's it. I'd really miss the full two weeks where you know you aren't getting behind 'cuz there's no one else working.
Very blessed with a job with this kind of time off -
Meal planning, wrapping, house tidying - all on the agenda this week. Christmas is getting close!
The finance guy said 'with your credit scores, you two could buy as many cars as you want today'. Ha ha ha. Someday, it would be fun to do a Christmas surprise for the boys - there was a 4-door Tundra there that H. would absolutely love - but that day is not this year - not yet.
J. loves the car. I think we're going to go run an errand and I will drive it - but I'm nervous. It's just so pretty and new - he was 'upset' that it was getting wet today (it's been raining!) so heaven help the person who gets the first door ding. It's also incredibly tech-filled - so it will take some learning just to figure things out. It's got all kinds of 'systems' in it - very much the perfect car for J. - it will keep him busy for a long time.
I'm still in my PJ's and though I know I need to get dressed (if we're going to run that errand), it's so cold, I don't want to. I dread getting wet and then cold while drying off. Brrrr.
I did go out last night and ran two errands - feeling very accomplished for making time for a post-dark trip to the mall and the grocery. Christmas prep is winding down little by little - just wrapping and some additional organizing to do. And a massive grocery shop but I think we will do that together next weekend. Saturday evening is a great time to Winco shop 'cuz it was virtually empty!
No meetings tomorrow but Tuesday-Friday are meeting filled. Hoping the week goes quickly - I'm sure it will. This time next week, I'll be looking at two full weeks off and that's going to be blissful. As it always is - I looked into a job at our County Office not too long ago and while I thought the job would be a good fit and fun for me, one of the negatives is there are no closure days at Christmas for them - you can be off, but many of your co-workers (people I would supervise) wouldn't be, necessitating me to be there, too - and adding other days I would need to work to offset any days off I took at Christmas. I'd get Christmas and New Years eve and day of - but that's it. I'd really miss the full two weeks where you know you aren't getting behind 'cuz there's no one else working.
Very blessed with a job with this kind of time off -
Meal planning, wrapping, house tidying - all on the agenda this week. Christmas is getting close!
Friday, December 11, 2015
Christmas Miracle
First, I have to tell you how I finally talked to B. and he said 'Mom, have you talked to Dad?' 'Yes, I have - I know it's pretty likely you won't be home for Christmas'. 'I'm sorry, Mom'. 'It's OK, honey. I'm already thinking of getting stuff ready to ship'. 'What? You're going to send me stuff'? I said 'of course I am, honey!'. He said 'that's really great Mom, thank you!'.
Did he really think if he wasn't physically here that Christmas was cancelled? The excitement and joy in his voice upon realizing that I would be sending him stuff was so sweet.
And I spent the next couple days plotting and planning and had a zillion ideas which led to a huge to-do list for this weekend. A teeny bit stress inducing but I was up for it - baking cookies, making fudge and wrapping everything I could to ship. Did find a plan for a flat tree - which I will tuck away for another time. I was even ready to take pictures of things I couldn't ship (glass bottled Coca-Cola's - a Christmas tradition) and then attach an envelope with $ in it for him to go to the store and get them.
It's been a long week - with a surprise announcement late yesterday - that my Payroll person is retiring after 16 years with the district. I'm strangely exhilarated and excited about the change while simultaneously being disappointed that she failed to give more notice (something she always said she intended to do). But oh well. No one is indispensable and we can make it work. And I'm sort of excited because now I have two positions open and the opportunity to hire people myself (vs. inheriting them) is appealing.
J.'s car will be ready to be picked up tomorrow at 1PM so we will be spending our Saturday afternoon at Modesto Toyota and spending a fortune. J.'s new Camry hybrid should be in the driveway by 5, I hope.
And then....late afternoon - I see J. on Facebook briefly and he messaged me 'B.'s pass was approved - he's coming home for Christmas'! Yeah!! So, so thrilled about that - and just like that, the weekend freed up tremendously -
So happy he will be home - I'll have to tuck all my ideas away for when he actually isn't home for a Christmas. He will be 25 in January so it's bound to happen at some point.
Beer in hand; burgers and fries cooking in the kitchen; Amazing Race finale tonight. It's going to be a great weekend -
Did he really think if he wasn't physically here that Christmas was cancelled? The excitement and joy in his voice upon realizing that I would be sending him stuff was so sweet.
And I spent the next couple days plotting and planning and had a zillion ideas which led to a huge to-do list for this weekend. A teeny bit stress inducing but I was up for it - baking cookies, making fudge and wrapping everything I could to ship. Did find a plan for a flat tree - which I will tuck away for another time. I was even ready to take pictures of things I couldn't ship (glass bottled Coca-Cola's - a Christmas tradition) and then attach an envelope with $ in it for him to go to the store and get them.
It's been a long week - with a surprise announcement late yesterday - that my Payroll person is retiring after 16 years with the district. I'm strangely exhilarated and excited about the change while simultaneously being disappointed that she failed to give more notice (something she always said she intended to do). But oh well. No one is indispensable and we can make it work. And I'm sort of excited because now I have two positions open and the opportunity to hire people myself (vs. inheriting them) is appealing.
J.'s car will be ready to be picked up tomorrow at 1PM so we will be spending our Saturday afternoon at Modesto Toyota and spending a fortune. J.'s new Camry hybrid should be in the driveway by 5, I hope.
And then....late afternoon - I see J. on Facebook briefly and he messaged me 'B.'s pass was approved - he's coming home for Christmas'! Yeah!! So, so thrilled about that - and just like that, the weekend freed up tremendously -
So happy he will be home - I'll have to tuck all my ideas away for when he actually isn't home for a Christmas. He will be 25 in January so it's bound to happen at some point.
Beer in hand; burgers and fries cooking in the kitchen; Amazing Race finale tonight. It's going to be a great weekend -
Wednesday, December 09, 2015
The US Army Wrecked Christmas
Not really....but sort of.
B. won't be home for Christmas. I'm pretty sure it was highly unlikely from the start that B. would be home for Christmas - but he was hoping for a Christmas miracle and held onto that hope vehemently, refusing to consider any other possibility. But his pass request was immediately declined.
He is broken hearted - so I'm trying hard not to be. It's a mom's duty to hold their crap in check while their child work's through their own - but it's hard. I've got to regroup around getting things wrapped and shipped ASAP, so he'll have things there at Christmas. Do I ship all the stocking stuffer stuff, including chocolate? Will it all melt? Guess I'll put it in Ziploc bags and hope for a cold front all the way to El Paso.
And then I have to smack myself over the head and continue planning all the same fun and festivities we had planned for four - only now it's three.
While simultaneously wishing we could just head to Arby's and skip the prime rib, popovers, augratin potatoes and other stuff planned for Christmas dinner.
We will continue to make it a very, merry Christmas - and we will Skype on Christmas morning! B. will be live via iPad and we will make a morning of it no matter what!
It was inevitable that one day, the boys wouldn't both be home for Christmas - and that day is approaching. A huge adjustment for all of us -
I've got a hugely busy weekend ahead getting his stuff ready to send off to the UPS store on the base in time for him to pick it up and have it there by Christmas. And coming up with an idea to send him a 'flat' Christmas tree. I could send one from Jackson Perkins or a place like that, but guess what? He's on maneuvers in Louisiana for the next 10 days -
Heading to Pinterest.
B. won't be home for Christmas. I'm pretty sure it was highly unlikely from the start that B. would be home for Christmas - but he was hoping for a Christmas miracle and held onto that hope vehemently, refusing to consider any other possibility. But his pass request was immediately declined.
He is broken hearted - so I'm trying hard not to be. It's a mom's duty to hold their crap in check while their child work's through their own - but it's hard. I've got to regroup around getting things wrapped and shipped ASAP, so he'll have things there at Christmas. Do I ship all the stocking stuffer stuff, including chocolate? Will it all melt? Guess I'll put it in Ziploc bags and hope for a cold front all the way to El Paso.
And then I have to smack myself over the head and continue planning all the same fun and festivities we had planned for four - only now it's three.
While simultaneously wishing we could just head to Arby's and skip the prime rib, popovers, augratin potatoes and other stuff planned for Christmas dinner.
We will continue to make it a very, merry Christmas - and we will Skype on Christmas morning! B. will be live via iPad and we will make a morning of it no matter what!
It was inevitable that one day, the boys wouldn't both be home for Christmas - and that day is approaching. A huge adjustment for all of us -
I've got a hugely busy weekend ahead getting his stuff ready to send off to the UPS store on the base in time for him to pick it up and have it there by Christmas. And coming up with an idea to send him a 'flat' Christmas tree. I could send one from Jackson Perkins or a place like that, but guess what? He's on maneuvers in Louisiana for the next 10 days -
Heading to Pinterest.
Tuesday, December 08, 2015
Tuesday Break
Managed to wedge in a little mid-day time at home...clear calendar and board meeting tonight (seriously long day) so was glad to see I could manage to take a little time away from the office. I do this rarely - can't always make it happen - but am always amazed when I DO make it happen how quickly an hour and half flies by. I'm winding down my down time and heading back soon.
We had a nice office lunch to celebrate a 21st anniversary for one of our employees - and then quickly realized that there were two other employees who passed the 20 year mark and there was no lunch held specially for them. I always think of those 'issues' when I get invites to things like these - but I'm trying to let HR be HR - and if they don't realize that that may have just hurt two other people's feelings (that their anniversary passed without much notice), oh well. We all had a very fun time - tons of laughing (which felt really good - at work and mid-day) and we all commenced/confirmed the count down to break. The person we were celebrating is actually retiring at the end of January so we weren't sure what break she was counting down to...but she's excited about Winter Break, too.
And then February forward will be always Winter Break.
I might try to take a day off - either tomorrow or Monday - 'cuz at some point, we really do need to bite the bullet and buy a car. It's so complicated...I'm really starting to think this 'program' through the insurance company is more pain than it's worth - $1,000 more for what we want vs. saving $1,000 trying to use the one dealer we can use who can't seem to get the car J. wants on the lot any time soon. It's starting to feel really ridiculous to me and feedback required to CSAA 'cuz the idea and concept are nice but the actual experience isn't.
I'm glad that my week is both full and busy but not crazily scheduled to the hilt - a little flexibility is good while still being busy enough that time doesn't drag.
At least time isn't dragging any more than time usually drags...counting down to 4PM and then counting down to the weekend. Week after week after week. Month after month after month. You know what comes next. :-)
It's threatening rain here but Sunday's forecasted rain never materialized and we turned off the sprinklers for nothing. It's cloudy and chilly but sure doesn't look like rain. Yes, I'm saying all this to let the rain God's prove me wrong - pour buckets, rain Gods 'cuz we're ready, willing and able to accommodate days and days of moisture. And drop tons of snow up north while you're at it!
OK - sadly, I do need to get going back to the office. It will be a long day but returning home will eventually be happening.
We had a nice office lunch to celebrate a 21st anniversary for one of our employees - and then quickly realized that there were two other employees who passed the 20 year mark and there was no lunch held specially for them. I always think of those 'issues' when I get invites to things like these - but I'm trying to let HR be HR - and if they don't realize that that may have just hurt two other people's feelings (that their anniversary passed without much notice), oh well. We all had a very fun time - tons of laughing (which felt really good - at work and mid-day) and we all commenced/confirmed the count down to break. The person we were celebrating is actually retiring at the end of January so we weren't sure what break she was counting down to...but she's excited about Winter Break, too.
And then February forward will be always Winter Break.
I might try to take a day off - either tomorrow or Monday - 'cuz at some point, we really do need to bite the bullet and buy a car. It's so complicated...I'm really starting to think this 'program' through the insurance company is more pain than it's worth - $1,000 more for what we want vs. saving $1,000 trying to use the one dealer we can use who can't seem to get the car J. wants on the lot any time soon. It's starting to feel really ridiculous to me and feedback required to CSAA 'cuz the idea and concept are nice but the actual experience isn't.
I'm glad that my week is both full and busy but not crazily scheduled to the hilt - a little flexibility is good while still being busy enough that time doesn't drag.
At least time isn't dragging any more than time usually drags...counting down to 4PM and then counting down to the weekend. Week after week after week. Month after month after month. You know what comes next. :-)
It's threatening rain here but Sunday's forecasted rain never materialized and we turned off the sprinklers for nothing. It's cloudy and chilly but sure doesn't look like rain. Yes, I'm saying all this to let the rain God's prove me wrong - pour buckets, rain Gods 'cuz we're ready, willing and able to accommodate days and days of moisture. And drop tons of snow up north while you're at it!
OK - sadly, I do need to get going back to the office. It will be a long day but returning home will eventually be happening.
Sunday, December 06, 2015
Busy Sunday
Last night, I took a Melatonin + before bed. The plus is L-theanine which I had read about as something to add to get better quality sleep. I could only find it 'with' Melatonin, which I've tried before for better sleep. Whatever I read convinced me that L-theanine was going to solve all my bodily issues, so I bought it.
It may have worked - in that I slept in until 9:30AM this morning which is very, VERY late for me. I vaguely recall waking around 7 and thinking 'I should get up' but then I thought 'J. can't be the one doing the dog this morning if you get up before him'. (It's stupid, I know - but I covet just one day of the week when I'm not the one getting her outside, feeding her, getting her outside again, rewarding her with her 1/2 biscuit per day for having completed her morning routine successfully and then getting her to settle in her burrow so I can commence my morning routine: coffee, more coffee, Facebook time, budgeting and banking (for home, not work) and finally, getting myself ready to head out the door). It's silly, but I wanted just one day where it wasn't me tending to her morning needs - when I'm barely awake and it's cold -
Anyway - I guess I succeeded 'cuz I woke pretty close to mid-morning, which made the day fly by. However, I also had trouble falling asleep - tossed and turned until midnight was approaching so I think that late night made sleeping in that late not really all that late considering when I fell asleep.
J. and I headed out to the mall to get some shopping off our list. He headed to the 'newish' sports store and I headed for Target. We got quite a few things off the list - and added a few things not on the list that are now plugged into the spreadsheet. We planned to head to another store at the other end of the mall and then the grocery store across the street - but we gave up after finishing at Target. It was close to 70 here today - lovely and clear when rain had been forecasted. (We were so confident there would be rain, we turned off the sprinklers). I was so warm (having dressed in many wintery layers), I couldn't imagine trekking to Winco and loading up groceries there - and I had chocolate in the car (stockings) and didn't want things to melt. So we headed home.
For H., we went through the new Dunkin Donuts drive through and brought home a dozen donuts. I felt terribly guilty about doing this - there is a locally owned donut shop in the strip mall where Dunkin is located and there's been a 'movement' around town to boycott Dunkin and go to the locally owned store instead. Thankfully (for them), Dunkin Donuts aren't really all that good - so we won't be going there much. The donuts felt and tasted greasy - not at all what we were expecting.
I feel apprehensive about work this week - no particular reason. Just lots going on. One of the departments I supervise will be undergoing an audit by the State in February and we have quite a few things to work through this week to finalize the 'prep' for the audit. The director of the department is new in this role so it's working through a lot of little things with her - helping her think through the way to approach things and then guiding her through the completion. It's time consuming - and I had to put her off quite a bit this past week 'cuz board prep nearly killed me.
Far fewer meetings and no board prep should make getting caught up and assisting her with the projects she needs to do should make things easier this week. I sure hope so.
Two weeks until the break and I can hardly wait -
It may have worked - in that I slept in until 9:30AM this morning which is very, VERY late for me. I vaguely recall waking around 7 and thinking 'I should get up' but then I thought 'J. can't be the one doing the dog this morning if you get up before him'. (It's stupid, I know - but I covet just one day of the week when I'm not the one getting her outside, feeding her, getting her outside again, rewarding her with her 1/2 biscuit per day for having completed her morning routine successfully and then getting her to settle in her burrow so I can commence my morning routine: coffee, more coffee, Facebook time, budgeting and banking (for home, not work) and finally, getting myself ready to head out the door). It's silly, but I wanted just one day where it wasn't me tending to her morning needs - when I'm barely awake and it's cold -
Anyway - I guess I succeeded 'cuz I woke pretty close to mid-morning, which made the day fly by. However, I also had trouble falling asleep - tossed and turned until midnight was approaching so I think that late night made sleeping in that late not really all that late considering when I fell asleep.
J. and I headed out to the mall to get some shopping off our list. He headed to the 'newish' sports store and I headed for Target. We got quite a few things off the list - and added a few things not on the list that are now plugged into the spreadsheet. We planned to head to another store at the other end of the mall and then the grocery store across the street - but we gave up after finishing at Target. It was close to 70 here today - lovely and clear when rain had been forecasted. (We were so confident there would be rain, we turned off the sprinklers). I was so warm (having dressed in many wintery layers), I couldn't imagine trekking to Winco and loading up groceries there - and I had chocolate in the car (stockings) and didn't want things to melt. So we headed home.
For H., we went through the new Dunkin Donuts drive through and brought home a dozen donuts. I felt terribly guilty about doing this - there is a locally owned donut shop in the strip mall where Dunkin is located and there's been a 'movement' around town to boycott Dunkin and go to the locally owned store instead. Thankfully (for them), Dunkin Donuts aren't really all that good - so we won't be going there much. The donuts felt and tasted greasy - not at all what we were expecting.
I feel apprehensive about work this week - no particular reason. Just lots going on. One of the departments I supervise will be undergoing an audit by the State in February and we have quite a few things to work through this week to finalize the 'prep' for the audit. The director of the department is new in this role so it's working through a lot of little things with her - helping her think through the way to approach things and then guiding her through the completion. It's time consuming - and I had to put her off quite a bit this past week 'cuz board prep nearly killed me.
Far fewer meetings and no board prep should make getting caught up and assisting her with the projects she needs to do should make things easier this week. I sure hope so.
Two weeks until the break and I can hardly wait -
Still feeling on pins and needles about Christmas 'cuz as of this writing, B.'s 4-day pass is not approved. From what I can gather, he is one of a very few people in his unit who may have any time off at Christmas - and he had to exchange Thanksgiving for Christmas as well. But he still isn't confirmed for his Christmas Eve morning arrival.
The work week went by quickly enough - it was incredibly busy and long and I was so, so ready for the weekend by the time Friday arrived.
It's official - my amazing assistant C. is going to be the assistant to the Superintendent at the start of the year. My best friend G. is retiring at the end of January and C. will replace her. I convince myself it's a 'win-win' - C. is moving to a new role but still in our district and she will be awesome in that new role of supporting my boss as she has been for me. And we aren't losing her as an employee, which we might have if this job hadn't become available. She is divorcing and she needs more money - so it worked out well.
I am depressed about it - finding someone to help me is the easy part. Finding someone to fit into the merry band of quirky people I work with is another. I convinced HR that it would be better to go ahead and post the job but not interview until after we're back from Winter Break in January. We could have rushed through the process and interviewed the last couple days we are there this month, but I told HR 'I will spend my entire two weeks off fretting about how it's going to go' - and I'd really rather just hire someone in January and enjoy my two weeks off. She agreed - so that's the plan. My boss is adamant that we find someone to fill that job ASAP 'cuz he doesn't want me to be without support - and I totally agree. But I'd rather go slow and find the right person vs. rushing to find a body.
Tomorrow, I have a list of things to do - a couple of errands to run. I keep saying I'm going to work on culling out and cleaning my room but I just never feel like I have the intertia to do that. J. helped me move some of my summer clothes into the playroom and move my winter clothes into my bedroom closet. The playroom is absolutely freezing (it's over the garage) and I dread going in there at 5AM daily to find what I'm wearing to work.
I need to clean the room, though, 'cuz my sinuses are acting up again and I feel like the room is killing me. Need to move everything away from the walls, vacuum under and behind and do a good job on the edges. And blinds, lampshades and the tops of the high armoire that I can't reach.
H. had a newly scheduled oncology appointment to follow-up on his swallow study. He says he's having trouble (and discomfort) swallowing so they did a study where they film him swallowing barium. The study was totally normal and his blood work was, too! Whew. He had lost quite a bit of weight but he gained some back so now, we just have to keep reminding him to make time to eat and to take the time to fix something decent. I don't expect him to eat Paleo or totally 'clean' - he's 22 and that's not realistic. But I wish he would try to find things that are reasonably nutritious and then be willing to take the time to cook them. Otherwise, he lives on cereal, chocolate milk and frozen corn dogs. There's a wide variety of food here - not that he's ever noticed.
He and J. put the lights and decorations up outside today and J. has the tree out of the box, lights added and ready for ornaments. We're drinking Swiss Miss cocoa in the Keurig and soon will add hot cider to the winter beverage selection. It's feeling festive and the weather is cooperating 'cuz it's really cold.
One week down, two to go. Board meeting Tuesday. It will be really hard to have the board meeting and then realize we still have the rest of the week PLUS another full week - usually, the timing is that after the board meeting, we finish that Friday and we're on break. The calendar just didn't work out that way this year - bummer.
The work week went by quickly enough - it was incredibly busy and long and I was so, so ready for the weekend by the time Friday arrived.
It's official - my amazing assistant C. is going to be the assistant to the Superintendent at the start of the year. My best friend G. is retiring at the end of January and C. will replace her. I convince myself it's a 'win-win' - C. is moving to a new role but still in our district and she will be awesome in that new role of supporting my boss as she has been for me. And we aren't losing her as an employee, which we might have if this job hadn't become available. She is divorcing and she needs more money - so it worked out well.
I am depressed about it - finding someone to help me is the easy part. Finding someone to fit into the merry band of quirky people I work with is another. I convinced HR that it would be better to go ahead and post the job but not interview until after we're back from Winter Break in January. We could have rushed through the process and interviewed the last couple days we are there this month, but I told HR 'I will spend my entire two weeks off fretting about how it's going to go' - and I'd really rather just hire someone in January and enjoy my two weeks off. She agreed - so that's the plan. My boss is adamant that we find someone to fill that job ASAP 'cuz he doesn't want me to be without support - and I totally agree. But I'd rather go slow and find the right person vs. rushing to find a body.
Tomorrow, I have a list of things to do - a couple of errands to run. I keep saying I'm going to work on culling out and cleaning my room but I just never feel like I have the intertia to do that. J. helped me move some of my summer clothes into the playroom and move my winter clothes into my bedroom closet. The playroom is absolutely freezing (it's over the garage) and I dread going in there at 5AM daily to find what I'm wearing to work.
I need to clean the room, though, 'cuz my sinuses are acting up again and I feel like the room is killing me. Need to move everything away from the walls, vacuum under and behind and do a good job on the edges. And blinds, lampshades and the tops of the high armoire that I can't reach.
H. had a newly scheduled oncology appointment to follow-up on his swallow study. He says he's having trouble (and discomfort) swallowing so they did a study where they film him swallowing barium. The study was totally normal and his blood work was, too! Whew. He had lost quite a bit of weight but he gained some back so now, we just have to keep reminding him to make time to eat and to take the time to fix something decent. I don't expect him to eat Paleo or totally 'clean' - he's 22 and that's not realistic. But I wish he would try to find things that are reasonably nutritious and then be willing to take the time to cook them. Otherwise, he lives on cereal, chocolate milk and frozen corn dogs. There's a wide variety of food here - not that he's ever noticed.
He and J. put the lights and decorations up outside today and J. has the tree out of the box, lights added and ready for ornaments. We're drinking Swiss Miss cocoa in the Keurig and soon will add hot cider to the winter beverage selection. It's feeling festive and the weather is cooperating 'cuz it's really cold.
One week down, two to go. Board meeting Tuesday. It will be really hard to have the board meeting and then realize we still have the rest of the week PLUS another full week - usually, the timing is that after the board meeting, we finish that Friday and we're on break. The calendar just didn't work out that way this year - bummer.
Saturday, December 05, 2015
Requires Definition?
On the heels of the tragedy in Paris last month, a new tragedy in San Bernardino. Much closer to home. Some of our family were in lock down all day at their schools (where they work). They are all fine. Scary to have something of this magnitude closer than close to people we love.
There's a map floating around Facebook showing the location of mass shootings in the US this year.
And a debate over what 'qualifies' as a 'mass shooting'. We have to have a definition of what is considered 'mass' shooting. I'll let that sink in a minute.
We have to define a magnitude of death that qualifies as 'mass'.
What the hell are we becoming, world?
Both of those incidents are not only mass shootings, they are considered 'terrorist' in nature. Extremists killed people - no other reason. They believe in their reason so zealously, they were willing to kill for it. And die for it.
And Facebook lights up with the gun control debates....and I just 'hide' all the posts 'cuz I'm sick of it. Something has changed - I've been on this earth 55 1/2 years and I didn't grow up hearing about mass shootings. Maybe they happened? I doubt my parents ever imagined a world where guns cause so much pain and death. Something is different. Can people get guns more easily? There are still laws about that - permits required and such. But what is happening in our world isn't about a woman wanting a small hand gun to keep in her purse for protection or a hunter wanting the latest state-of-the-art rifle for shooting. Or even about a guy living in a home on property that he wants to protect in the event of intrusion.
What is happening is way, way beyond that - it's people able to acquire masses of weapons and ammunition using high speed rifles and inflicting rapid, high power, dozens of rounds in minutes. Seconds, even.
You can debate all you want about 'bad people kill people, guns don't'....but the thing is: bad people ARE out there...and when it's easier for them to get armed to the hilt and live the things they fantasize about doing to other people, they will do it. They are doing it. And it's got to be stopped.
Sure, you may be thinking 'they'll just blow themselves up and take others with them' - that happened yesterday in Africa. I know we can't stop bad people from doing harm. I know that. Someone convinced that killing others is what they are on earth to do will do just that. And we can't stop that. We can't stop the situations and ideals and influences that lead to that. Our world is full of hate - and hate is hard to stop.
But could we possibly make it harder for them to arm themselves in ways that are only intended to slaughter as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time? Could we consider doing that? No one needs a high power rifle and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. No one.
Let's be like Australia - make all guns illegal. It's extreme. But it's time to get extreme.
Prayers for Paris and San Bernardino. And Africa. Prayers for our world.
I debate over publishing or not. I know guns aren't the root cause of the issue. Deranged, extremist people justifying their actions in the name of whatever they can use to rationalize the terror they inflict are the cause. I'm not sure there's anything anyone can do about that -
But I can pray. And I will.
There's a map floating around Facebook showing the location of mass shootings in the US this year.
And a debate over what 'qualifies' as a 'mass shooting'. We have to have a definition of what is considered 'mass' shooting. I'll let that sink in a minute.
We have to define a magnitude of death that qualifies as 'mass'.
What the hell are we becoming, world?
Both of those incidents are not only mass shootings, they are considered 'terrorist' in nature. Extremists killed people - no other reason. They believe in their reason so zealously, they were willing to kill for it. And die for it.
And Facebook lights up with the gun control debates....and I just 'hide' all the posts 'cuz I'm sick of it. Something has changed - I've been on this earth 55 1/2 years and I didn't grow up hearing about mass shootings. Maybe they happened? I doubt my parents ever imagined a world where guns cause so much pain and death. Something is different. Can people get guns more easily? There are still laws about that - permits required and such. But what is happening in our world isn't about a woman wanting a small hand gun to keep in her purse for protection or a hunter wanting the latest state-of-the-art rifle for shooting. Or even about a guy living in a home on property that he wants to protect in the event of intrusion.
What is happening is way, way beyond that - it's people able to acquire masses of weapons and ammunition using high speed rifles and inflicting rapid, high power, dozens of rounds in minutes. Seconds, even.
You can debate all you want about 'bad people kill people, guns don't'....but the thing is: bad people ARE out there...and when it's easier for them to get armed to the hilt and live the things they fantasize about doing to other people, they will do it. They are doing it. And it's got to be stopped.
Sure, you may be thinking 'they'll just blow themselves up and take others with them' - that happened yesterday in Africa. I know we can't stop bad people from doing harm. I know that. Someone convinced that killing others is what they are on earth to do will do just that. And we can't stop that. We can't stop the situations and ideals and influences that lead to that. Our world is full of hate - and hate is hard to stop.
But could we possibly make it harder for them to arm themselves in ways that are only intended to slaughter as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time? Could we consider doing that? No one needs a high power rifle and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. No one.
Let's be like Australia - make all guns illegal. It's extreme. But it's time to get extreme.
Prayers for Paris and San Bernardino. And Africa. Prayers for our world.
I debate over publishing or not. I know guns aren't the root cause of the issue. Deranged, extremist people justifying their actions in the name of whatever they can use to rationalize the terror they inflict are the cause. I'm not sure there's anything anyone can do about that -
But I can pray. And I will.
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