Awhile back, J. made lobster bisque with the little bit of leftover lobster from our Christmas in August feast. We could have made broth with the leftover shells and I did give thought to doing that but instead, J. bought a 'carton' of fish stock and we used that instead.
The blue box looks pretty much identical to the box of almond milk also in the fridge and there have been many a morning when I have come perilously close to adding fish broth to my coffee instead of almond milk. I'd like to think I'd notice the difference in the taste immediately - but here's the part that scares me the most: I'm not sure I would. My 55 year old palate is way less refined than it used to be so I'm not sure it would register. And if it did, it would be so gross.
Those are the things you have to be aware of when you are trudging downstairs in the early morning hours barely awake.
Let's see. What else is happening? This was to be the first weekend in ages that we would be home...only it turns out J. has church music tomorrow so there goes our morning. And last night, we got an email from friends who are in San Francisco for the weekend and hoping we could get together. I'd really love to see them - but I'd also really love for them to give us more notice when they are visiting and want to spend time together. It's no easy trek for us to get to San Francisco and with J. playing music at church until after 11AM tomorrow, it will be tricky. We are leaning towards meeting them in Pleasanton - they can BART there from the city and we can drive - and we'll eat at PJ Changs or The Cheescake Factory. I put considerable effort into looking for unique dining places for an early dinner on Sunday but no restaurant in the area they are staying at in the city serves dinner before 5 - and I just can't be out so late and then deal with lots of traffic getting home on a work night. Us getting to San Fran is at least 3 hours round trip and that's if everything goes perfectly. So no. We can't do dinner. I hope we figure something out.
I left work early yesterday just feeling 'bad' - sinus-y stuff happening and have no idea what to do about it. It's likely a brewing infection and I know I should get to the doctor but it irks me to have the body of a three year old with constant ear stuff happening. I'm going to get out the neti pot today and see if that helps.
I took Thursday off and spent the morning culling stuff from the garage. Boxes and boxes of 'stuff' to donation so that felt great!! Plan to do it again this coming week 'cuz I'm off most of Wednesday plus Thursday and Friday - trying to use carryover days. I shouldn't be off - but oh well. We had one day this past week with no internet - a construction crew on Hwy. 99 cut through the fiber cable and took out many county offices of ed and their surrounding districts. It worked out 'OK' 'cuz I spent the day cleaning out files and getting my desk back in order and that 8 hours of organizing wouldn't have happened without the outage.
The wedding we attended last Saturday in Sacramento was lovely - fun to see family. My favor had the winning dot on it - so we brought home the centerpiece - a fish bowl (that had floating lilies in it) along with a beta fish. H. named him Bowzer - I was going for something classier like Bentley - and he's living on our breakfast counter. He's making bubble nests like crazy, which the books say is a sign he's happy - though mateless. H. wants to take him to his room but I'm enforcing the 'no liquids in rooms with carpet' rule against his wishes. I do a lot of things against his wishes but oh well.
I did get a great set of photo booth pics with my sweet son and love them so much I wish I could get them enlarged. The last one has his sweet head on my shoulder and it's a perfect pic - and when people see it, they are so ' sweet'. Yep, he is.
Haven't heard much from son # 1 and that's typical. As the mom, my role is to remind and fret and he hates that. Though I hate noticing that he's already dipped into the savings he just added to his account via selling some of his stock - he paid us back in full (which our savings account appreciated greatly) and what was left went to his savings. Which he's living on - and no matter how much I remind him that it's not savings if you view it as usable for any purpose , he still spends.
And he wants to buy a brand new Ford F150 truck. Yeah, that's prudent. You can't live on what you make as it is so add a $400+ car payment to the mix. Heck, the payment for my Mariner was $700 for six years - I can't imagine how much a truck payment will be.
I'm the mom. So he doesn't stay in touch with me much and that's OK. I love him with all my heart and know he will figure things out on his own in his own time. It's the way growing up works.
Fresh honeydew melon, coconut milk yogurt and a piece of toast for breakfast this morning.
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Pretty Much Everyone
The list of GOP Presidential candidates continue to amaze. Basically, every one's running. Anyone can run, apparently. Anyone. It's a free-for-all of know it alls who know nothing and it would be amusing if it wasn't so scary.
Donald Trump is the leading candidate. In 100 years when this blog is archived and 'discovered', they won't know the significance of that statement - or maybe they will (because the history books will tell). If he wins, I can't imagine what will happen to this country. He's a buffoon. He's so ill-equipped to be President, it's laughable...except he's in the lead. There is no more telling statement about the status of the Great Old Party than that. I thought things couldn't possibly be any worse for the party after the Palin debacle...but I was wrong.
And I know a lot of die-hard Republicans who voted for Obama because Palin put them over the edge.
So maybe Trump is a 'good thing'. Maybe he'll drive Republicans to voting Democrat in droves. Except today in some Town Hall meeting somewhere, an ignorant bigot in the crowd opined that Muslims are dangerous; Obama is a Muslim and not an American citizen - and Trumps response was 'we'll look into a lot of things'. Really? Even McCain had the guts to set someone straight - but Trump? He's fine with people being overtly racist. He'll look into it. And I can't get over that response.
It's sad. Just so sad. I come home every night and beg J. to just shut all the crap off....'cuz I don't want to hear any of it. (J. watched the entire three hours of debates last night).
Yesterday, in a moment of total madness, I came perilously close to purchasing two tickets back to Paris in March. The fares are really good. But I just can't do it - 'cuz I remember how totally exhausted I was when we got home and how sick I ended up for two weeks plus....and I fear that will happen again, so I just can't do it. Today, I realized that it's because we've been making the trips long - if you're flying all the way to Paris, you lean towards staying more nights - and maybe it's too much. And we could spend the money on the house - interior painting is needed. I fear that, too - 'cuz there's a lot of stuff here that would need to be taken down and put back up and/or packed up and then put back - and that feels exhausting, too. But the woodwork really needs attention - 15 years is showing it's age and we still haven't painted the new stairs riser.
So we didn't purchase tickets and the only planned trip is Cancun in a little over a month. Neither of us can wait for the sand between our toes, the chaises awaiting us every morning, umbrella drinks and beers and fresh tortillas daily! And naps. I plan to take lots of naps.
This weekend, we head to Sacramento for a family wedding. We've agreed to take two cars on Saturday - J. can stay as long as he wants to visit with family (even spend the night if he wants) and H. and I can come back home after the wedding festivities are over. Most of the family in attendance is traveling to attend and they are staying at a hotel near the venue - but we're within an hour or so drive so we're not staying. And we're not kenneling Chloe so H. and I will come home.
And on the subject of H., he just got a 96% on his hardest, 'biggest' class - he is kicking serious butt in the academic department these days. He said (just now) 'High School was pretty much not caring'. And he sure is showing what he can do when he cares. He's been keeping up with his homework and reading; studied over the last three days for the test and his efforts really paid off. He is a really smart young man! and we're so proud of him. And more importantly, he's proud of himself, which is a joy to see.
Donald Trump is the leading candidate. In 100 years when this blog is archived and 'discovered', they won't know the significance of that statement - or maybe they will (because the history books will tell). If he wins, I can't imagine what will happen to this country. He's a buffoon. He's so ill-equipped to be President, it's laughable...except he's in the lead. There is no more telling statement about the status of the Great Old Party than that. I thought things couldn't possibly be any worse for the party after the Palin debacle...but I was wrong.
And I know a lot of die-hard Republicans who voted for Obama because Palin put them over the edge.
So maybe Trump is a 'good thing'. Maybe he'll drive Republicans to voting Democrat in droves. Except today in some Town Hall meeting somewhere, an ignorant bigot in the crowd opined that Muslims are dangerous; Obama is a Muslim and not an American citizen - and Trumps response was 'we'll look into a lot of things'. Really? Even McCain had the guts to set someone straight - but Trump? He's fine with people being overtly racist. He'll look into it. And I can't get over that response.
It's sad. Just so sad. I come home every night and beg J. to just shut all the crap off....'cuz I don't want to hear any of it. (J. watched the entire three hours of debates last night).
Yesterday, in a moment of total madness, I came perilously close to purchasing two tickets back to Paris in March. The fares are really good. But I just can't do it - 'cuz I remember how totally exhausted I was when we got home and how sick I ended up for two weeks plus....and I fear that will happen again, so I just can't do it. Today, I realized that it's because we've been making the trips long - if you're flying all the way to Paris, you lean towards staying more nights - and maybe it's too much. And we could spend the money on the house - interior painting is needed. I fear that, too - 'cuz there's a lot of stuff here that would need to be taken down and put back up and/or packed up and then put back - and that feels exhausting, too. But the woodwork really needs attention - 15 years is showing it's age and we still haven't painted the new stairs riser.
So we didn't purchase tickets and the only planned trip is Cancun in a little over a month. Neither of us can wait for the sand between our toes, the chaises awaiting us every morning, umbrella drinks and beers and fresh tortillas daily! And naps. I plan to take lots of naps.
This weekend, we head to Sacramento for a family wedding. We've agreed to take two cars on Saturday - J. can stay as long as he wants to visit with family (even spend the night if he wants) and H. and I can come back home after the wedding festivities are over. Most of the family in attendance is traveling to attend and they are staying at a hotel near the venue - but we're within an hour or so drive so we're not staying. And we're not kenneling Chloe so H. and I will come home.
And on the subject of H., he just got a 96% on his hardest, 'biggest' class - he is kicking serious butt in the academic department these days. He said (just now) 'High School was pretty much not caring'. And he sure is showing what he can do when he cares. He's been keeping up with his homework and reading; studied over the last three days for the test and his efforts really paid off. He is a really smart young man! and we're so proud of him. And more importantly, he's proud of himself, which is a joy to see.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
The past few weeks seem like a blur. I'm spending the morning attempting to clean my desk and am unearthing things that I should have taken care of awhile ago. Phone bill is late (paid now but a little late); never wrote the check for the pest guy; and we can't find the invitation for the wedding we are attending next Saturday. I've looked pretty much everywhere and so has J. and it's MIA. Maybe made it's way into the recycle bin accidentally? We will have to reach out to other attendees and confess our ineptness 'cuz we have no idea what time or where to go exactly -
An update to Post - AZ: I omitted my cousin in the mention of 'joy' items in the trip and I shouldn't have 'cuz we had a great time. It's just that there wasn't much 'us' time and the drama that always ensues on my side of the family complicated things more than I had anticipated. That says a lot 'cuz I knew there would be issues - always are. I messaged her and just said I was sorry for anything I may have done that upset her and she quickly wrote back and said she could have written pretty much the same message - we spent the last 18 hours of our time together walking on eggshells - something giving each of us the feeling things were amiss. They weren't. We need another vacation together and we're going to work on making that happen at some point.
I still feel raw and damaged about the weekend and the reality of all the things that play into it are hard to grapple with. And always will be. It's hard to feel like you just have to continue to self-protect over and over. That's what it is - but it's hard.
On a whim yesterday, I headed to a casino I haven't visited in a long time - had a blast. Tons of new (to me) slots and I played a really long time on their money. I hit a really good win towards the end and should have left but kept playing - and lost. But it was a fun day and I returned with money still in hand so that's good.
Today is J.'s no food day and it's hard. He doesn't want me to fix chili dogs for dinner and I'm thinking 'how will I do that since we need to eat even though you can't'. Mine was in April so I remember how hard it is..this time tomorrow, we'll be at the hospital and home soon after with him able to eat anything and everything.
The sky is overcast with smoke - there are wild fires all around us and the smoke haze has been increasing day after day. It's scary to have so many areas on fire simultaneously - man power is limited and there's not a lot of water to use to fight fires. (I don't think that's an issue but I do wonder about it). Some injuries and loss of structures (including an entire town which has suffered a devastating fire) but no deaths. Praying they can get the blazes under control soon.
I'd better get back to searching for the invite...and paying bills...and filing stuff. And then upstairs to unpack my suitcase and get things organized for the week. I'm off tomorrow but the rest of the week will be busy.
To my cousin S.: you are one of the best friends I have ever (and will ever) have. I love you and am sorry the ending of the weekend was weird.
An update to Post - AZ: I omitted my cousin in the mention of 'joy' items in the trip and I shouldn't have 'cuz we had a great time. It's just that there wasn't much 'us' time and the drama that always ensues on my side of the family complicated things more than I had anticipated. That says a lot 'cuz I knew there would be issues - always are. I messaged her and just said I was sorry for anything I may have done that upset her and she quickly wrote back and said she could have written pretty much the same message - we spent the last 18 hours of our time together walking on eggshells - something giving each of us the feeling things were amiss. They weren't. We need another vacation together and we're going to work on making that happen at some point.
I still feel raw and damaged about the weekend and the reality of all the things that play into it are hard to grapple with. And always will be. It's hard to feel like you just have to continue to self-protect over and over. That's what it is - but it's hard.
On a whim yesterday, I headed to a casino I haven't visited in a long time - had a blast. Tons of new (to me) slots and I played a really long time on their money. I hit a really good win towards the end and should have left but kept playing - and lost. But it was a fun day and I returned with money still in hand so that's good.
Today is J.'s no food day and it's hard. He doesn't want me to fix chili dogs for dinner and I'm thinking 'how will I do that since we need to eat even though you can't'. Mine was in April so I remember how hard it is..this time tomorrow, we'll be at the hospital and home soon after with him able to eat anything and everything.
The sky is overcast with smoke - there are wild fires all around us and the smoke haze has been increasing day after day. It's scary to have so many areas on fire simultaneously - man power is limited and there's not a lot of water to use to fight fires. (I don't think that's an issue but I do wonder about it). Some injuries and loss of structures (including an entire town which has suffered a devastating fire) but no deaths. Praying they can get the blazes under control soon.
I'd better get back to searching for the invite...and paying bills...and filing stuff. And then upstairs to unpack my suitcase and get things organized for the week. I'm off tomorrow but the rest of the week will be busy.
To my cousin S.: you are one of the best friends I have ever (and will ever) have. I love you and am sorry the ending of the weekend was weird.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Post AZ
Survived the trip to Arizona and that's saying something.
The Grand Canyon was spectacular and sharing the awe with B. and J. was great. Time with my aunt was lovely. The cabin was beautiful, peaceful and quiet and I did a decent job disconnecting. Thunder and lightening storms nightly and on the last day we were there, it just poured buckets for a good hour. One lightening strike so close that the thunder shook the house and was the most intense I've felt in my life. It's a really beautiful 'camp' and it was fun to be back there. It's changed a lot since we last visited (we think the kids were 2 and 4 when we were last there).
There was plenty of drama that left me feeling gutted and depressed. Much I could say but won't 'cuz it won't change a thing. At one point I thought 'OK, time for more therapy'. Biting my tongue almost in half on a regular basis.
It is what it is - and what it is is something I have no intention of doing again anytime soon. I know that's a strong statement but it's how I feel. Spending a ton of money to feel bad most of the weekend is not my thing. It feels like punishment vs. down time and life is hard enough without adding 'stuff' to it that makes it harder.
We barely made our plane out of Oakland on Thursday morning - hit traffic on every freeway and then when we entered onto 880 North thinking 'only a few more exits - we will make it', we realized that a garbage truck had dropped it's load all over multiple lanes of the freeway. If not for the amazing parking guy who followed us to our car with a minivan (so it was just us in the car and no other stops) and the curbside check in lady who said 'you guys are really late' but quickly tagged everything with 'LATE CHECK-IN' tags [bright yellow], tossed them on a rolling cart and got a guy to rush them to the plane, we wouldn't have made it. We all had to sit in the middle seats (we were the last folks on the plane) and wasted the money we paid for 'early boarding' but we got there! And so did our luggage!
I was nervous about the drive home but we made it in plenty of time for the board meeting I promised my boss I would be back for. It was a long day but it was survivable and I am so happy to be home.
I have a doctor appointment tomorrow afternoon because I had a sinus-ear thing for the entire trip and I'm still not feeling great. Not sure what my weekend holds but hoping I'm not going to be in bed 'cuz there's a ton of stuff to do.
I'm renewing my focus on 'us'. The people in this house (and the one who doesn't live here currently but used to) who bring me constant joy. Skipping on things that don't bring me joy. Less computer time. Less Facebook. More reading. More projects. More gardening. It will do my heart good to remind myself daily that the amazing people in my immediate household hold the key to my sanity and my heart and I want to focus and celebrate them and us as a family. We aren't perfect - far from it - but we love each other and stick together like glue. Who could ask for more than that?
The Grand Canyon was spectacular and sharing the awe with B. and J. was great. Time with my aunt was lovely. The cabin was beautiful, peaceful and quiet and I did a decent job disconnecting. Thunder and lightening storms nightly and on the last day we were there, it just poured buckets for a good hour. One lightening strike so close that the thunder shook the house and was the most intense I've felt in my life. It's a really beautiful 'camp' and it was fun to be back there. It's changed a lot since we last visited (we think the kids were 2 and 4 when we were last there).
There was plenty of drama that left me feeling gutted and depressed. Much I could say but won't 'cuz it won't change a thing. At one point I thought 'OK, time for more therapy'. Biting my tongue almost in half on a regular basis.
It is what it is - and what it is is something I have no intention of doing again anytime soon. I know that's a strong statement but it's how I feel. Spending a ton of money to feel bad most of the weekend is not my thing. It feels like punishment vs. down time and life is hard enough without adding 'stuff' to it that makes it harder.
We barely made our plane out of Oakland on Thursday morning - hit traffic on every freeway and then when we entered onto 880 North thinking 'only a few more exits - we will make it', we realized that a garbage truck had dropped it's load all over multiple lanes of the freeway. If not for the amazing parking guy who followed us to our car with a minivan (so it was just us in the car and no other stops) and the curbside check in lady who said 'you guys are really late' but quickly tagged everything with 'LATE CHECK-IN' tags [bright yellow], tossed them on a rolling cart and got a guy to rush them to the plane, we wouldn't have made it. We all had to sit in the middle seats (we were the last folks on the plane) and wasted the money we paid for 'early boarding' but we got there! And so did our luggage!
I was nervous about the drive home but we made it in plenty of time for the board meeting I promised my boss I would be back for. It was a long day but it was survivable and I am so happy to be home.
I have a doctor appointment tomorrow afternoon because I had a sinus-ear thing for the entire trip and I'm still not feeling great. Not sure what my weekend holds but hoping I'm not going to be in bed 'cuz there's a ton of stuff to do.
I'm renewing my focus on 'us'. The people in this house (and the one who doesn't live here currently but used to) who bring me constant joy. Skipping on things that don't bring me joy. Less computer time. Less Facebook. More reading. More projects. More gardening. It will do my heart good to remind myself daily that the amazing people in my immediate household hold the key to my sanity and my heart and I want to focus and celebrate them and us as a family. We aren't perfect - far from it - but we love each other and stick together like glue. Who could ask for more than that?
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
I'm starting to think maybe I will just do a monthly post and call it what it is - whatever month we're in. Here we are winding dow...
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...