I had no idea what that acronym stood for when I saw it on Facebook a few days ago - an acquaintance posting that she couldn't wait for SOTU. ??. Had no idea. I didn't watch most of it and I have no excuse except to say that I'm just sick of 'the divide'. So I avoid watching anything political 'cuz where we are now re: our 'party affiliations' and alignments makes me sick. Physically sick.
I think President Obama is doing an admirable job but he won't ever get any credit for it.
And I had lunch Tuesday with someone in the health insurance industry who bad mouths the Affordable Healthcare Act constantly. This same person stood in a room a few years back and said vehemently 'there is no way this will ever be enacted - mark my words - no way'.
She was wrong. And I'm one Democrat who thinks affordable healthcare for ALL is something to smile about.
Sure, as an 'employer', there's a lot to it that adjusts the way we do things regarding health benefits. But oh well. Small price to pay (as an employer) to ensure everyone has access. And I'm a firm believer in supply and demand economics and the costs of healthcare are and will continue to come down. Give it time. Five years from now, we'll all be scratching our heads trying to remember what all the fuss was about.
Well, some of you will - I'll probably be too old to remember much of anything by that point.
Yesterday was a drama filled day at work and it's one of those post-drama mornings where I'd like to just enter my building, go into my office, close the door and be left alone to get the massive amount of stuff done that I couldn't work on 'cuz I was dealing with all the drama. More drama will ensue today as I address the drama with those that need addressing and quite possibly, one or two folks or going to see a side of Majah that doesn't come out often.
I thought today was my friend J.'s birthday 'cuz I thought Monday was the 28th - so I've gained an entire day! And tomorrow is her birthday - so this will be slightly early greetings for her on her pre-special day!
My cousin S. and I are like ships passing in the night and I miss hearing from her...and then secretly pray there isn't family drama ensuing that is altering our relationship 'cuz that would truly be my tipping point. She's one of my best friends and not having her to commiserate with about things great and small would do me in. So there. (Hi, S!).
I did the annual 'sketch out our taxes' over the past couple evenings - which of course (as expected) made me wish we hadn't/weren't spending money on the Europe trip. Or the Mexico trip. Or eating. Or keeping warm. But then my wonderful husband said he'd be fine with making a retirement savings withdrawal this year to pay the taxes - it truly has been an 'extraordinary' year with severance, social security, unemployment and pension income. All blessings for sure but eee gads the havoc unleashed on our tax bill is super-dee-duper extraordinary.
And I'm getting the first ongoing raise at work we've had in a very long time and am now officially resigned to turning over that raise to the IRS monthly vs. seeing any increase in take home pay 'cuz I'd rather just bite the bullet now vs. coming up with money next year. No more annual bonuses to take the edge off tax time - just good ol' Majah working her heart out to pay the tax man.
And (ta da!) neither of our children are considered dependents anymore - since H. isn't in school full time, us supporting him doesn't 'count' anymore - so that helped his tax situation considerably while we took a hit.
No space station this morning....my neck is thankful for the break. It's Wednesday and it feels like it should be Friday and then I think 'you have no weekends off between now and Europe anyway so what difference does what day of the week it is make'? It's all work, all the time for the next month -
I'm really starting to enjoy my new boss - he's a good guy. He's learning and he's 'new' but he's got a good head on his shoulders and we are starting to realize we think alike about most things - which is helpful. We always remind each other 'if we're not pissing each other off now and then, one of us isn't doing their job' 'cuz that's the nature of Sups vs. CBO. We're getting to know each other in his new role (he was a peer for a long time) and it's starting to 'gel' pretty well and I'm so relieved about that...
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Two mornings in a row find me up early enough to look upward and catch the ISS cruising overhead. There's always a moment (or two) where every star in the sky appears to be moving. My inner ears don't appreciate me tilting my head back as far as possible and looking skyward and I stand there vulnerable, cold and slightly nauseous. Darting here and there convinced it's 'that one'....or 'no, this one'. Then I'm convinced that I should go out front 'cuz the trees in the backyards (ours and others) are likely blocking my view - but I'm not going to stand out in the middle of my driveway or the sidewalk in my PJ's looking up for minutes on end.
It could end up on the front page of the paper and nothing good ever comes from those photo ops.
THERE - saw it! Yeah! Feel like one thing is already crossed off my list - and that will be the easiest accomplishment of all today, for sure.
My meeting free day quickly filled with meetings. Ugh. I dislike that when it happens but it happens.
I took the weekend off (entirely) and pronounced that this will be the last weekend off between now and Europe. I switched around the timing of some things that gave me the chance to have one more weekend to myself - and enjoyed every minute of it. Even the leisurely WalMart shop for our monthly list of necessities felt like a treat. Got two new nail colors I love - and am pleased as punch to actually have nails long enough to polish. Take that, stress!
J. is doing a fantastic job of outlining our daily itinerary for our trip. He's learning all about public transit in the cities we will visit and ensuring that we make the most of our limited time in each city. I am psyching up (and somewhat resigning myself) to be completely exhausted but it's OK. This is a big deal and a trip we plan to make every minute of - so I'm totally up for the challenge. It will be loads of fun and my hubby is the best travel buddy a girl could ask for. I can't wait for the trip!!
This has been a remarkably dry winter which is very bad for the water supply. It's looking like we will be on some sort of water rationing this Spring - snow pack virtually non-existent. We had one really good day of rain and other than that, it's been dry as a bone here. Very cold (for us) but dry. We need rain.
Off to work!
It could end up on the front page of the paper and nothing good ever comes from those photo ops.
THERE - saw it! Yeah! Feel like one thing is already crossed off my list - and that will be the easiest accomplishment of all today, for sure.
My meeting free day quickly filled with meetings. Ugh. I dislike that when it happens but it happens.
I took the weekend off (entirely) and pronounced that this will be the last weekend off between now and Europe. I switched around the timing of some things that gave me the chance to have one more weekend to myself - and enjoyed every minute of it. Even the leisurely WalMart shop for our monthly list of necessities felt like a treat. Got two new nail colors I love - and am pleased as punch to actually have nails long enough to polish. Take that, stress!
J. is doing a fantastic job of outlining our daily itinerary for our trip. He's learning all about public transit in the cities we will visit and ensuring that we make the most of our limited time in each city. I am psyching up (and somewhat resigning myself) to be completely exhausted but it's OK. This is a big deal and a trip we plan to make every minute of - so I'm totally up for the challenge. It will be loads of fun and my hubby is the best travel buddy a girl could ask for. I can't wait for the trip!!
This has been a remarkably dry winter which is very bad for the water supply. It's looking like we will be on some sort of water rationing this Spring - snow pack virtually non-existent. We had one really good day of rain and other than that, it's been dry as a bone here. Very cold (for us) but dry. We need rain.
Off to work!
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Shake it Up
The last time I changed the look of the blog was a Hawaii vacation many moons ago.
I was just thinking this morning....OK....wait.....
Heading to the County Office of Ed this morning and arrived at 'my' Starbucks. Witnessed an incredibly long line in the drive through - but this is THE fastest SB drive through ever so I didn't have a qualm in the world with entering the line. 5 minutes turned to 7 turned to 10....the line was incredibly slow today. I wasn't worried and spent idle time finally (after 5.5 years of owning my car and driving it most days) programming the 'quick dial' buttons on my blue tooth phone thingy. Still many more 'slots' to program but I can now dial home or work with one button! I spent more time gazing at the buildings concrete walls and marveling at the 7 five gallon soy sauce buckets outside the Chinese place next to Starbucks. That's a lot of soy sauce....
So....back to Hawaii.....I was thinking of our Hawaii trips this morning and contemplating why I truly don't enjoy Hawaii much. Nothing to do but drive to places that are horribly expensive and do more spending of money - shopping, eating. Beaches were nice but there weren't really that many that were easy to get to (and therefore enjoy). Mexico is the opposite of all that. Give the kids $20 for fish tacos and beer and they're happy as clams for a few hours. They can walk the beach or town...get in the water or not....swim in the pool. I just love the 'freeness' of Mexico vs. Hawaii which just felt like forcing a vacation to happen 'cuz it wouldn't happen on it's own. Hawaii is beautiful...but so is Mexico.
I think the decal of Hawaiian flowers on the car in front of me made me think of it.
I finally got to the line - resisted ordering petite vanilla scones and then caved when I finally got to the window and ordered them (thus becoming one of 'those' people who hold up the line by messing with the order when they get to the window). A latte and iced tea to get me through a long meeting and the drive back to the office.
Tomorrow is an all day meeting to hopefully settle contracts for 13-14. Fingers crossed. For me, once agreement is reached starts a clock of activities which will result in me working dozens of days straight to get stuff done. Public disclosures wait for no one.
H. has exceeded 100% productivity for multiple days and is seriously kicking butt. He is being 'rewarded' with two weeks in a row of 40 hours! Woo hoo! AND he may be considered for a trainer position which is a better schedule and more money. He is seriously good at what he's doing and I'm so happy for him. It's so great to see him feel proud of what he's accomplished...for me, I've been especially happy to see him work through anxiety and self doubt and come out at the other end having overcome obstacles and do what needs doing!
Two days of the four day week done - I am beat...time for sleep. Morning will be early 'cuz I brought home a couple 'must do' things for tomorrow and I'm too tired to even consider crunching numbers. Sleep and number crunching can happen in the early morning accompanied by coffee.
Tomorrow is B.'s 23rd birthday. I texted him (another thing I did in the drive through line) 'Happy almost birthday' and was so glad to be able to do that. Last year, he was in Basic Training and no mention of his birthday was allowed lest he be tortured by other soldiers. He has no official plans for his birthday - but we will send greetings via text and FB in the morning first thing!!
I was just thinking this morning....OK....wait.....
Heading to the County Office of Ed this morning and arrived at 'my' Starbucks. Witnessed an incredibly long line in the drive through - but this is THE fastest SB drive through ever so I didn't have a qualm in the world with entering the line. 5 minutes turned to 7 turned to 10....the line was incredibly slow today. I wasn't worried and spent idle time finally (after 5.5 years of owning my car and driving it most days) programming the 'quick dial' buttons on my blue tooth phone thingy. Still many more 'slots' to program but I can now dial home or work with one button! I spent more time gazing at the buildings concrete walls and marveling at the 7 five gallon soy sauce buckets outside the Chinese place next to Starbucks. That's a lot of soy sauce....
So....back to Hawaii.....I was thinking of our Hawaii trips this morning and contemplating why I truly don't enjoy Hawaii much. Nothing to do but drive to places that are horribly expensive and do more spending of money - shopping, eating. Beaches were nice but there weren't really that many that were easy to get to (and therefore enjoy). Mexico is the opposite of all that. Give the kids $20 for fish tacos and beer and they're happy as clams for a few hours. They can walk the beach or town...get in the water or not....swim in the pool. I just love the 'freeness' of Mexico vs. Hawaii which just felt like forcing a vacation to happen 'cuz it wouldn't happen on it's own. Hawaii is beautiful...but so is Mexico.
I think the decal of Hawaiian flowers on the car in front of me made me think of it.
I finally got to the line - resisted ordering petite vanilla scones and then caved when I finally got to the window and ordered them (thus becoming one of 'those' people who hold up the line by messing with the order when they get to the window). A latte and iced tea to get me through a long meeting and the drive back to the office.
Tomorrow is an all day meeting to hopefully settle contracts for 13-14. Fingers crossed. For me, once agreement is reached starts a clock of activities which will result in me working dozens of days straight to get stuff done. Public disclosures wait for no one.
H. has exceeded 100% productivity for multiple days and is seriously kicking butt. He is being 'rewarded' with two weeks in a row of 40 hours! Woo hoo! AND he may be considered for a trainer position which is a better schedule and more money. He is seriously good at what he's doing and I'm so happy for him. It's so great to see him feel proud of what he's accomplished...for me, I've been especially happy to see him work through anxiety and self doubt and come out at the other end having overcome obstacles and do what needs doing!
Two days of the four day week done - I am beat...time for sleep. Morning will be early 'cuz I brought home a couple 'must do' things for tomorrow and I'm too tired to even consider crunching numbers. Sleep and number crunching can happen in the early morning accompanied by coffee.
Tomorrow is B.'s 23rd birthday. I texted him (another thing I did in the drive through line) 'Happy almost birthday' and was so glad to be able to do that. Last year, he was in Basic Training and no mention of his birthday was allowed lest he be tortured by other soldiers. He has no official plans for his birthday - but we will send greetings via text and FB in the morning first thing!!
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Not Bad
I said quinoa isn't bad three times in one paragraph.
So perhaps it's bad.
All I know is: it is a Weight Watcher 'free' food - you can eat as much as you want any time you want. Which makes it a good food.
It's just teeny tiny bits, though, so it's hard to feel satisfied eating teeny tiny bits of anything.
So 'bad' or not, we'll be eating a lot of it around here. Except H. 'cuz he's not watching what he eats.
Only today is a total cheat day 'cuz for the football games, we made the Pioneer Woman's cheese dip and biscuits and gravy. Three bad things out of the fridge.
There are 21 meals and 14 snacks in a week and a cheat now and then will happen. Even if we average a 50% 'bad' ratio of 'clean' meals to not, we will be far ahead of where we've been. And for me, I won't want to cheat much once I get past the crazy first days of craving everything in sight.
B. texted 'I just made myself some coffee!' - excited about his new $7.99 coffee maker. 4 cup. He was thinking about buying the same one we have here at home but I told him it's way more expensive and if Dad and I were to buy another coffee maker today, we would not choose that same model. We'd go back to a drip with a coffee carafe or pot vs. the single cup drip we have. Or a Keurig. We'd love a Keurig.
First, though, we have to use all the coffee beans we have - and that will take awhile 'cuz we stocked up when the organic whole bean was on coupon at Costco a few months back.
J. is enjoying football and I'm starting to watch House of Cards on Netflix. These Netflix series are really crazy good - and I love that they can be watched anywhere courtesy of the iPad.
J.'s going to call The Dish this week to see what our options are re: paring down the expense of our monthly cable. We love The Dish - but we pay a fortune for a lot of channels we never watch and every month, the payment amount 'for TV' irritates me. Sure, I love the DVR's that help us record a ton of stuff to watch at our leisure but there are a zillion movie channels we pay for that we don't watch. We watch if we see a movie we're interested in as we channel surf but we never see if a movie is on via a search. We just 'happen' upon them. And with Netflix, we can pretty much see any movie we want whenever we want - so why keep paying?
We'll see - we've tried to pare it down before with little success. All their crazy 'packages' tied to each other. Still, I love The Dish more than any cable company we've ever had - they have great service and we've never had any issues.
H. headed off to work - his schedule changing this week to 4 days in a row (poor baby). He's excited about the great checks and so far (knock on wood) has managed to actually put money in savings and leave it there.
I want to drive to Walnut Grove tomorrow to check out the little house - so will probably try to get up pretty early and head to work. I have a couple 'must do' items that can't wait until Tuesday - 'cuz Tuesday is meetings pretty much all day long.
At least it's a four day work week....
So perhaps it's bad.
All I know is: it is a Weight Watcher 'free' food - you can eat as much as you want any time you want. Which makes it a good food.
It's just teeny tiny bits, though, so it's hard to feel satisfied eating teeny tiny bits of anything.
So 'bad' or not, we'll be eating a lot of it around here. Except H. 'cuz he's not watching what he eats.
Only today is a total cheat day 'cuz for the football games, we made the Pioneer Woman's cheese dip and biscuits and gravy. Three bad things out of the fridge.
There are 21 meals and 14 snacks in a week and a cheat now and then will happen. Even if we average a 50% 'bad' ratio of 'clean' meals to not, we will be far ahead of where we've been. And for me, I won't want to cheat much once I get past the crazy first days of craving everything in sight.
B. texted 'I just made myself some coffee!' - excited about his new $7.99 coffee maker. 4 cup. He was thinking about buying the same one we have here at home but I told him it's way more expensive and if Dad and I were to buy another coffee maker today, we would not choose that same model. We'd go back to a drip with a coffee carafe or pot vs. the single cup drip we have. Or a Keurig. We'd love a Keurig.
First, though, we have to use all the coffee beans we have - and that will take awhile 'cuz we stocked up when the organic whole bean was on coupon at Costco a few months back.
J. is enjoying football and I'm starting to watch House of Cards on Netflix. These Netflix series are really crazy good - and I love that they can be watched anywhere courtesy of the iPad.
J.'s going to call The Dish this week to see what our options are re: paring down the expense of our monthly cable. We love The Dish - but we pay a fortune for a lot of channels we never watch and every month, the payment amount 'for TV' irritates me. Sure, I love the DVR's that help us record a ton of stuff to watch at our leisure but there are a zillion movie channels we pay for that we don't watch. We watch if we see a movie we're interested in as we channel surf but we never see if a movie is on via a search. We just 'happen' upon them. And with Netflix, we can pretty much see any movie we want whenever we want - so why keep paying?
We'll see - we've tried to pare it down before with little success. All their crazy 'packages' tied to each other. Still, I love The Dish more than any cable company we've ever had - they have great service and we've never had any issues.
H. headed off to work - his schedule changing this week to 4 days in a row (poor baby). He's excited about the great checks and so far (knock on wood) has managed to actually put money in savings and leave it there.
I want to drive to Walnut Grove tomorrow to check out the little house - so will probably try to get up pretty early and head to work. I have a couple 'must do' items that can't wait until Tuesday - 'cuz Tuesday is meetings pretty much all day long.
At least it's a four day work week....
Little House
My domestic goddess is in full swing.....I feel like Ma on Little House on the Prairie making the most of every resource available.
Of course, Ma didn't spend $300 at Costco yesterday on food and supplies - which then led to a reorganization of the fridge. Realized there were cranberries in there from Thanksgiving (forgot to make the sauce) so used them to make cranberry bread. Pretty good though H. isn't a big fan unfortunately so now J. and I have to figure out what to do with a loaf and a half of cranberry bread.
We also had a roasted chicken for dinner and instead of tossing the bones, I used them to make homemade broth - adding in celery and carrots that were a tad past their prime and simmered it for quite awhile. Some garlic and onion powder and other spices and it's not bad. Used it this morning to make a big batch of quinoa which I will eat all week for lunch. It's not bad. I think I might like brown rice more but that may be just 'cuz I'm more 'used to' brown rice. Qinoa isn't bad - it's just different.
Have a quart of broth in a mason jar for later this week.
I watched the first season of Orange is the New Black on Netflix so add another series I am completely hooked on to the long list. Love the iPad which makes it possible to watch in any room - so even while chopping and mixing and cooking, I still was able to watch.
I've been on the phone off and on with B. this morning as he shops for his kitchen needs. He also asked for advice in preparing Talapia - guess he's trying a new eating regime. Good thing he phoned 'cuz he was buying baking dishes and I reminded him to get pot holders, a couple dish towels, a dish cloth, some 409 for cleaning the counters and dish soap for washing dishes.
Wishing I was there to help with the 'set up' of what is essentially a first apartment. Reminding him that all the stuff he's buying is going to have to be packed up and schlepped with him forever - though I secretly think 'I have a feeling most will be left behind but that's OK. We're doing our part for the next soldier living in that kitchen'.
I don't tell B. that 'cuz if he thinks he won't someday be schlepping that stuff, he will go crazy. We are helping with $ to set up the kitchen (like we did for H. - all of that stuff is in plastic Costco bins in our garage awaiting H.'s move to his own place someday).
And on that note, I want to congratulate H. 'cuz the grocer he works for did a round of layoffs and H. wasn't one of them. And then his supervisor let him know there would be another round of layoffs shortly and he didn't want H. to worry 'cuz that wouldn't be him, either. They have noticed his hard, hard work at getting up to standard in the cold warehouse and he is reassured that he's 'safe' for now.
He posted on Facebook that he looks forward to a $150K Mercedes in his future. Yeah, right. I resisted and did not post back 'how about you get your own apartment and pay for your own room and board before you buy a ridiculously expensive car that you can't afford to insure or maintain?' I sure wanted to post that - but I didn't. His car needs $1K in maintenance at the moment - which he does not have - so hello to another loan from the parentals.
A friend at work mentioned she and her hubby were loaning to their daughter and she said 'we know we will never get it back'. She said 'you are the same with your kids, right?' I said 'no, we're not. A loan is a loan. We have a spreadsheet and the only 'gift' to loans is we don't charge interest. (B.'s truck loan has interest 'cuz it's a car). Otherwise, we will happily assist in fronting funds as needed - but it is not a gift. Repayment required.
J. is home from church and eating lunch - we're heading to Winco for more stocking up - primarily for H. who requires a steady supply of frozen waffles and french bread pizzas.
Tomorrow is a holiday but I plan to go in for a chunk of the day. Tuesday is construction meetings and board meeting day so LONG....
Went to Sacto on Friday and enjoyed hearing the first good news education finance in our state has had in a really long time - there will actually be a huge improvement next year and that's the first time as a CBO I've heard 'new money'. So yeah!
And..finally. There is a little cottage for sale in Walnut Grove (no joke! Same name as the town on the Little House show) - a small, delta town about an hour north. It is the cutest little place and I think it would be an amazing getaway place. I really want to buy it - seriously. I want to cash in some retirement savings and make them a cash offer - and enjoy a peaceful 'off the grid' type place to retreat to on the weekends. J. is less enthused but we may drive up there tomorrow for a looksie. A 'little house' like those I dream about - in a really cute little river/delta town. It sounds perfect and it's something we could totally 'do'. Really, we could.
I also secretly think that having a place like that in our arsenal of places provides me more job opportunities - I could expand my search further north knowing I have a place to stay that's an hour closer to potential future employment than here. Not that I'm leaving my job but you never know. I keep my options open -
OK - time to do a Winco shop now. Less expensive than yesterday's stock up (laundry supplies cost a fortune!) and will ensure H. is fed this week.
Of course, Ma didn't spend $300 at Costco yesterday on food and supplies - which then led to a reorganization of the fridge. Realized there were cranberries in there from Thanksgiving (forgot to make the sauce) so used them to make cranberry bread. Pretty good though H. isn't a big fan unfortunately so now J. and I have to figure out what to do with a loaf and a half of cranberry bread.
We also had a roasted chicken for dinner and instead of tossing the bones, I used them to make homemade broth - adding in celery and carrots that were a tad past their prime and simmered it for quite awhile. Some garlic and onion powder and other spices and it's not bad. Used it this morning to make a big batch of quinoa which I will eat all week for lunch. It's not bad. I think I might like brown rice more but that may be just 'cuz I'm more 'used to' brown rice. Qinoa isn't bad - it's just different.
Have a quart of broth in a mason jar for later this week.
I watched the first season of Orange is the New Black on Netflix so add another series I am completely hooked on to the long list. Love the iPad which makes it possible to watch in any room - so even while chopping and mixing and cooking, I still was able to watch.
I've been on the phone off and on with B. this morning as he shops for his kitchen needs. He also asked for advice in preparing Talapia - guess he's trying a new eating regime. Good thing he phoned 'cuz he was buying baking dishes and I reminded him to get pot holders, a couple dish towels, a dish cloth, some 409 for cleaning the counters and dish soap for washing dishes.
Wishing I was there to help with the 'set up' of what is essentially a first apartment. Reminding him that all the stuff he's buying is going to have to be packed up and schlepped with him forever - though I secretly think 'I have a feeling most will be left behind but that's OK. We're doing our part for the next soldier living in that kitchen'.
I don't tell B. that 'cuz if he thinks he won't someday be schlepping that stuff, he will go crazy. We are helping with $ to set up the kitchen (like we did for H. - all of that stuff is in plastic Costco bins in our garage awaiting H.'s move to his own place someday).
And on that note, I want to congratulate H. 'cuz the grocer he works for did a round of layoffs and H. wasn't one of them. And then his supervisor let him know there would be another round of layoffs shortly and he didn't want H. to worry 'cuz that wouldn't be him, either. They have noticed his hard, hard work at getting up to standard in the cold warehouse and he is reassured that he's 'safe' for now.
He posted on Facebook that he looks forward to a $150K Mercedes in his future. Yeah, right. I resisted and did not post back 'how about you get your own apartment and pay for your own room and board before you buy a ridiculously expensive car that you can't afford to insure or maintain?' I sure wanted to post that - but I didn't. His car needs $1K in maintenance at the moment - which he does not have - so hello to another loan from the parentals.
A friend at work mentioned she and her hubby were loaning to their daughter and she said 'we know we will never get it back'. She said 'you are the same with your kids, right?' I said 'no, we're not. A loan is a loan. We have a spreadsheet and the only 'gift' to loans is we don't charge interest. (B.'s truck loan has interest 'cuz it's a car). Otherwise, we will happily assist in fronting funds as needed - but it is not a gift. Repayment required.
J. is home from church and eating lunch - we're heading to Winco for more stocking up - primarily for H. who requires a steady supply of frozen waffles and french bread pizzas.
Tomorrow is a holiday but I plan to go in for a chunk of the day. Tuesday is construction meetings and board meeting day so LONG....
Went to Sacto on Friday and enjoyed hearing the first good news education finance in our state has had in a really long time - there will actually be a huge improvement next year and that's the first time as a CBO I've heard 'new money'. So yeah!
And..finally. There is a little cottage for sale in Walnut Grove (no joke! Same name as the town on the Little House show) - a small, delta town about an hour north. It is the cutest little place and I think it would be an amazing getaway place. I really want to buy it - seriously. I want to cash in some retirement savings and make them a cash offer - and enjoy a peaceful 'off the grid' type place to retreat to on the weekends. J. is less enthused but we may drive up there tomorrow for a looksie. A 'little house' like those I dream about - in a really cute little river/delta town. It sounds perfect and it's something we could totally 'do'. Really, we could.
I also secretly think that having a place like that in our arsenal of places provides me more job opportunities - I could expand my search further north knowing I have a place to stay that's an hour closer to potential future employment than here. Not that I'm leaving my job but you never know. I keep my options open -
OK - time to do a Winco shop now. Less expensive than yesterday's stock up (laundry supplies cost a fortune!) and will ensure H. is fed this week.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Congrats to my retired hubby on his first raise! His Social Security check is $35 more now! Retirement is awesome!
Son #1 also got a raise - he is officially in his 2nd year as an Army soldier. His rank might change this year, too, which is another raise.
B. called on Sunday evening (and because of the time difference, he always [ALWAYS] calls right as we are eating dinner). I was so hungry - worked all day and ate nuts and berries vs. a real lunch - I stood at the kitchen counter shoveling food in my mouth as J. talked to him a bit. Then we talked. He's doing OK. I think three weeks off and returning to his 'real world' is a bit of a shock but he sounded good.
He thought he would get his annual clothing allowance on his check but it's not there yet. Maybe next check. He needs jeans badly -
H. also got a huge check - worked 40 hours last week and his paycheck rewarded him for the effort. He's working 40 hours this week, too - and finally finished paying his $50 a week union membership fee - so hopefully, he can put some in savings?
I'm heading to shower shortly and it's only 5AM. I've been up and in early as much as I can and also brought work home last night (and actually did it). Board prep weeks are always hard and a week full of meetings sure complicates things. It's getting done, though and I'm hopeful I will feel like a weekend off is do-able.
And it's a three day weekend so at the very least, three days of sleeping in a bit!
J. went to San Francisco yesterday to close out our safe deposit box. We've had it for years - he opened it before we even met (so that's 25 years +). We were able to open one at a branch here in town so now we'll be able to use it for passports, etc. - and the stacks of cash we have lying around. Hah! That's a joke.... He had lunch with a friend who travels a lot and gave us some tips for Paris. I would have loved to join him for a leisurely day of city stuff but it wasn't possible. J. originally planned to see our financial adviser but he (the finance guy, not J.) broke his foot and had surgery so J. had to reschedule.
Off to the races!
Son #1 also got a raise - he is officially in his 2nd year as an Army soldier. His rank might change this year, too, which is another raise.
B. called on Sunday evening (and because of the time difference, he always [ALWAYS] calls right as we are eating dinner). I was so hungry - worked all day and ate nuts and berries vs. a real lunch - I stood at the kitchen counter shoveling food in my mouth as J. talked to him a bit. Then we talked. He's doing OK. I think three weeks off and returning to his 'real world' is a bit of a shock but he sounded good.
He thought he would get his annual clothing allowance on his check but it's not there yet. Maybe next check. He needs jeans badly -
H. also got a huge check - worked 40 hours last week and his paycheck rewarded him for the effort. He's working 40 hours this week, too - and finally finished paying his $50 a week union membership fee - so hopefully, he can put some in savings?
I'm heading to shower shortly and it's only 5AM. I've been up and in early as much as I can and also brought work home last night (and actually did it). Board prep weeks are always hard and a week full of meetings sure complicates things. It's getting done, though and I'm hopeful I will feel like a weekend off is do-able.
And it's a three day weekend so at the very least, three days of sleeping in a bit!
J. went to San Francisco yesterday to close out our safe deposit box. We've had it for years - he opened it before we even met (so that's 25 years +). We were able to open one at a branch here in town so now we'll be able to use it for passports, etc. - and the stacks of cash we have lying around. Hah! That's a joke.... He had lunch with a friend who travels a lot and gave us some tips for Paris. I would have loved to join him for a leisurely day of city stuff but it wasn't possible. J. originally planned to see our financial adviser but he (the finance guy, not J.) broke his foot and had surgery so J. had to reschedule.
Off to the races!
Monday, January 13, 2014
Monday, Monday
I now have the song in my head.....Monday, Monday (na naa na na na na)....
Starting the week off with a funny. I feel late - I'm not late but I feel late. I rush upstairs post shower; gather what I plan to wear. Come down stairs and turn on the iron. I notice 'damn, there are no socks in my shoes - I forgot socks. Crap. I have to run back upstairs to get socks'.....grumble grumble...grrr.....
They are on my feet.
Ha ha ha ha ha.....
Happy Monday to all -
Starting the week off with a funny. I feel late - I'm not late but I feel late. I rush upstairs post shower; gather what I plan to wear. Come down stairs and turn on the iron. I notice 'damn, there are no socks in my shoes - I forgot socks. Crap. I have to run back upstairs to get socks'.....grumble grumble...grrr.....
They are on my feet.
Ha ha ha ha ha.....
Happy Monday to all -
Friday, January 10, 2014
5 Minute Post
Has to be five minutes 'cuz I've enjoyed a leisurely (for me) morning. Decided to leave for a meeting in Stockton from home vs. getting up super early and going to my office first....but knowing I have more time led to killing time (unloaded dishwasher; emailed traveling hubby a couple times; read more news on Yahoo, etc.) so now I am rushed as can be. AND I'm not going to McDonald's for my morning tea (Starbucks on the road to the meeting) so I have to do my makeup before leaving, too!
J. has been in Tulare visiting his brother and nieces and returns home today. Yeah! I miss that man.
Life with H. has been interesting and I have a pic I will post later of something he invented that looks delicious. Never mind that the pic I took was me retrieving the half eaten creation from the sink and going 'wow, that looks really yummy'. So I took a pic. That's what bloggers do.
I did see the Space Station cruise overhead this morning (5:36AM appearing S disappearing ENE). I missed it yesterday. Mornings alone mean I iron my clothes myself (I know! Really, how do I survive?). I just ran out of time yesterday and totally missed it. Today, I didn't! Yeah me!
H. had the TV in the family room on last night and I got sucked in to watching War of the Worlds - Tom Cruise (I'm not a fan really) and Dakota Fanning (am a fan of hers). Surprised that it mildly disturbed me but I watched anyway - even without my big, strong husband around to help me through the scary parts. Invested two hours in the movie - and thought it just ended with a thud. Like huh? All that? And then this? I even went to imdb.com to read the plot summary thinking I missed something - but no. The ending really was that stupid.
OK - that's it. Time to get moving here 'cuz I need to be on the road in an hour.
Happiest of Fridays to you - I'd shout out yeah to a weekend but I'm working all (ALL) weekend. Next week is meetings every day out of the office AND it's a board prep week - so that's not going to go well. Long days ahead and I'd rather get stuff done this weekend so I hopefully won't have to work into late evenings all next week to get stuff wrapped up.
J. has been in Tulare visiting his brother and nieces and returns home today. Yeah! I miss that man.
Life with H. has been interesting and I have a pic I will post later of something he invented that looks delicious. Never mind that the pic I took was me retrieving the half eaten creation from the sink and going 'wow, that looks really yummy'. So I took a pic. That's what bloggers do.
I did see the Space Station cruise overhead this morning (5:36AM appearing S disappearing ENE). I missed it yesterday. Mornings alone mean I iron my clothes myself (I know! Really, how do I survive?). I just ran out of time yesterday and totally missed it. Today, I didn't! Yeah me!
H. had the TV in the family room on last night and I got sucked in to watching War of the Worlds - Tom Cruise (I'm not a fan really) and Dakota Fanning (am a fan of hers). Surprised that it mildly disturbed me but I watched anyway - even without my big, strong husband around to help me through the scary parts. Invested two hours in the movie - and thought it just ended with a thud. Like huh? All that? And then this? I even went to imdb.com to read the plot summary thinking I missed something - but no. The ending really was that stupid.
OK - that's it. Time to get moving here 'cuz I need to be on the road in an hour.
Happiest of Fridays to you - I'd shout out yeah to a weekend but I'm working all (ALL) weekend. Next week is meetings every day out of the office AND it's a board prep week - so that's not going to go well. Long days ahead and I'd rather get stuff done this weekend so I hopefully won't have to work into late evenings all next week to get stuff wrapped up.
Wednesday, January 08, 2014
More Random Stuff
- The last of the Pepperidge Farm cookies I treated us (me, mainly) with for the break are officially gone. No more treat of a couple (or a few. OK - four. Sometimes five. Jeez. Do we have to be so specific?) and a glass of milk each night. They are gone. Tonight, I enjoyed them instead of garlic bread with lasagna - so I don't feel too guilty.
- There is a shortage of Velveeta....which six months ago wouldn't have even been a link on the news I would read but now? Thanks to Pioneer Woman's Chili Cheese Dip recipe? We always have a block of that stuff in the fridge these days 'cuz you never know when you are going to want cheese dip.
- We looked for the 'white' version of Velveeta for a holiday version of the dip and had no luck finding it anywhere at any store we checked in. Bummer.
- When we go to Winco next time, we're going to buy another block (or two) to have on hand. A shortage is not a good thing.
- I never imagined I would go on and on about Velveeta.
- My car radio is tuned to our area's country music station post-B. visit. I leave it there 'cuz it makes me think of him. I like some of the songs, even - so I think I'm adding it to the station buttons. When I need a quick 'B. fix', a country song will do that for me.
- J. has church music practice tonight - unexpectedly since they called to ask him to play this Sunday 20 minutes before rehearsal started.
- He's also gone tomorrow and Thursday nights.
- I'm going to start working on some 'stuff' I lugged home. I lugged it home last night, too, but Downton Abbey took over and then sleep beckoned.
- I didn't get in to the office until after 8 (!) this morning - got into other stuff around here and didn't realize how late it was. It was apparently very late for me 'cuz my entire office was abuzz about 'is she OK? Where is she?'. I am usually early. Sometimes not.
- I was 2 minutes late for a staff meeting also - it started at 8:45 and I lost track of time again once I got in the office and was getting settled.
- I am out of the office the remaining mornings this week and 4 mornings next week. January is a heavy 'quarterly' meeting month and boy, howdy, my calendar is a train wreck. Looks like I'll be doing my massive project list and other general tasks on weekends for awhile. It's OK. I knew this would happen. It happens every year.
- I haven't seen H. in a couple days 'cuz his work schedule is the opposite of mine. I hope to see him tomorrow if I cruise home for lunch briefly. Maybe I will offer to meet him for lunch somewhere if he's awake by then.
- The Dawn Power Dissolve soap and the Jet Blue spot preventer under the kitchen sink look remarkably the same. I know this because I once put Dawn in the Jet Blue dispenser in the dishwasher. Suds Lock over and over and over. Now, I don't store the two bottles near each other and still double and triple check any time I refill Jet Dry. Dish soap in a dishwasher is not a good thing.
- I just cleared two empty cans, one empty water bottle, a coffee mug and a tumbler from my husband's desk. At least I know where the kids get it from.
- I've been tidying around a bit and Chloe stares at me with her head tilted to the side. Guess me moving this much isn't the norm? But it will be.
- J. washed the outfit I wore yesterday already - which means I will have to remind myself that I already wore it this week lest I wear it again. It is a favorite. I will reach for it as soon as it's back in my closet. Gotta love a man who has clothes back in the closet in less than 24 hours after they were worn.
- It's morning now! Happy Wednesday.
Tuesday, January 07, 2014
Sometimes, I regret that I started blogging so late in my sons lives 'cuz I missed out on recording all the amazing, funny, sweet things they did in their baby days. Then I remember there were a lot of other things in those days that are probably best left not recorded. So it's all good.
But I want to remember this Facebook post of H.'s so I will record it here for all posterity.
His Facebook status three hours ago (around the time he got home from work):
Sometimes when things get stressful I sit back and think: "you know there's as many as 11 alternate dimensions each with its own unique laws and forces of nature playing out all around us in realms we can't even perceive." And then I immediately find serenity in the insignificance of any of my trials or tribulations.
He is a deep thinker. He really is.
He's also watching and reading a lot of strange 'alternate dimension' stuff. But I love that he's curious and inquisitive and questions things.
I survived the first day back (not too painful other than the getting up part). More kudos to my sweet hubby who got up early with me 'cuz there were some strange animal noises coming from our backyard at 5:15AM yesterday (and one crazy dog ready to go out and make a lot of noise about the ruckus). Two cats sitting on opposite corners of the fence (a few feet apart) having a discussion. Low and howly with periodic cries that sounded like a wounded animal. Or a baby. I called for reinforcements and J. came down to check it out and shoo them away. Chloe still went nuts but at least I didn't have to find a hurt animal. It sure sounded like something was hurt....but cats are like that.
One meeting today then hitting my project stack hard.
J. is traveling to Visalia tomorrow for a couple nights - visiting his brother and nieces and connecting with some high school acquaintances.
Chloe will be kenneled more during the day than she has been in a long time - though I am scheduling lunches at home those two days so I can come home and give her a break. Maybe even take her for a quick walk.
B. made it back to base and had a hard first day back. He left his mustache unshaved and took a lot of razzing for it. And their PT was a run in the early morning hours and he almost puked after - hadn't run in a long time and carrying a few extra pounds from the holidays. Me too. The extra pounds. Not the running and almost retching.
Downton Abbey Episode 1 was stellar! Can't wait for next week's! I couldn't wait to get home last night to watch it and was so glad J. wanted to watch football so I could watch it in here and savor every moment. Not that J. wouldn't have been OK with me watching it but he loves football and I love Downton - so it was a win-win of great TV last night for us both. Just in separate rooms.
Alright - time to get this show on the road.
But I want to remember this Facebook post of H.'s so I will record it here for all posterity.
His Facebook status three hours ago (around the time he got home from work):
Sometimes when things get stressful I sit back and think: "you know there's as many as 11 alternate dimensions each with its own unique laws and forces of nature playing out all around us in realms we can't even perceive." And then I immediately find serenity in the insignificance of any of my trials or tribulations.
He is a deep thinker. He really is.
He's also watching and reading a lot of strange 'alternate dimension' stuff. But I love that he's curious and inquisitive and questions things.
I survived the first day back (not too painful other than the getting up part). More kudos to my sweet hubby who got up early with me 'cuz there were some strange animal noises coming from our backyard at 5:15AM yesterday (and one crazy dog ready to go out and make a lot of noise about the ruckus). Two cats sitting on opposite corners of the fence (a few feet apart) having a discussion. Low and howly with periodic cries that sounded like a wounded animal. Or a baby. I called for reinforcements and J. came down to check it out and shoo them away. Chloe still went nuts but at least I didn't have to find a hurt animal. It sure sounded like something was hurt....but cats are like that.
One meeting today then hitting my project stack hard.
J. is traveling to Visalia tomorrow for a couple nights - visiting his brother and nieces and connecting with some high school acquaintances.
Chloe will be kenneled more during the day than she has been in a long time - though I am scheduling lunches at home those two days so I can come home and give her a break. Maybe even take her for a quick walk.
B. made it back to base and had a hard first day back. He left his mustache unshaved and took a lot of razzing for it. And their PT was a run in the early morning hours and he almost puked after - hadn't run in a long time and carrying a few extra pounds from the holidays. Me too. The extra pounds. Not the running and almost retching.
Downton Abbey Episode 1 was stellar! Can't wait for next week's! I couldn't wait to get home last night to watch it and was so glad J. wanted to watch football so I could watch it in here and savor every moment. Not that J. wouldn't have been OK with me watching it but he loves football and I love Downton - so it was a win-win of great TV last night for us both. Just in separate rooms.
Alright - time to get this show on the road.
Sunday, January 05, 2014
Just Stuff
Just things I've thought of over the break....
- I took the Downton Abbey character quiz and I am Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess. She's pretty spunky and has a quick wit so I'm pleased with that 'match' in terms of her personality.
- Santa brought Whoppers for our stockings. They are best eaten by letting the chocolate melt off and then continuing the 'no chewing' approach until the delicious malt ball just dissolves....repeat until you've eaten the whole (thankfully small) box. You will feel guilty but will rationalize it's only once a year that this happens - and then you will admonish yourself not to keep them around 'cuz you can't resist.
- We made a traditional New Years Southern dinner - Hoppin John, collard greens and corn bread (from scratch!). Delicious! Black eyed peas are supposedly to bring prosperity in the New Year.
- I put makeup on yesterday for the first time in two weeks. Every time I walked by a mirror, I was surprised at the person looking back at me. It's amazing what a little powder, eye shadow and mascara can do for a face!
- We keep finding presents we forgot to wrap under the tree. First, the Jack Black shave kits I bought for the boys in October. Then a hot cocoa set we found at WalMart. Clearly, it was a mistake to not keep up on our spreadsheet list of gifts. We will do better next year. The boys are flexible and don't seem to mind, thank goodness.
- I/we've enjoyed Starbucks pretty much every day of the break (skipped just a couple, I think). Thanks to my sons for blessing me with SB giftcards - 'cuz they are guaranteed to be used and enjoyed and shared. Egg nog and Caramel Brulee Lattes are the current fave. And my usual Trenta black iced tea as well. Nothing says Winter Break like a well used Starbucks card.
- I've scratched off my 2nd round of scratchers and am ready to go from place to place cashing them in and procuring more. No out of pocket funds at this point - just cashing in winners for more chances. Hope. It's all about hope.
- You've Got Mail is on again - which makes me happy.
- I re-watched Season 3 of Downton Abbey the last two nights in preparation for the Season 4 debut this Sunday. It's on until 11PM and there's no way I can stay up that late on a work night - so I will tape it and watch it Monday evening. Can't wait!! Though I've read all the episode summaries on BBC America so I feel well prepared for the shockers that await us this year. There are always shockers.
- It's been a couple days since the above items were listed...it's the night before the first day back at work. Yeah, it sucks.
- Hubby deserves Father of the Year for arising at 6:30AM yesterday to get an appointment for H. . Glad he went - bad (BAD) sinus infection. A different antibiotic and some cough syrup for nights so he can sleep. Also a note for his absence at work on Friday. He is pretty sick - poor guy.
- And another Father of the Year nomination for driving B. to the airport early this morning. I got up early too - and was very grateful to have the time here alone to cry my eyes out - and get some work stuff done.
- We've been enjoying hot tea with honey and lemon most afternoons. Herbal tea (caffeine free). Warming, comforting and soothing to sore throats, stuffy heads and those seeking warmth. I'm planning to take some teabags to work tomorrow to continue my new afternoon treat. A pick me up as the afternoon wanes - 'cuz if it's anything like today, I will be in desperate need of a nap and (obviously while working) not taking one.
- H. is putting together some Hobbit Lego sets that are pretty cool. Goes well with the Hobbit Pez dispenser set he got for Christmas. (Another forgotten Christmas item - see # 5). It's the Christmas that keeps on giving.
- B. took my spare car keys with him to Texas so here's hoping I don't misplace my keys 'cuz there will be no spare until he mails them back. They aren't keys we can duplicate and a new one is over $300. I'll wait for him to mail them back and be extra super careful (and hopefully less ditzy).
- We found a brand new bottle of Jack Daniels in the freezer. He was going to put it in his suitcase but I think he ran out of room.
- He also left a great selection of beers including Stella Artois and some lagers that look delicious. A beer when I get home tomorrow after the first long day back will be very nice.
- Flight Aware is neat - he was delayed departing Oakland a bit and then delayed again in Phoenix. He had a visit with his Aunt while in Phoenix - a nice way to pass the time.
- Hubby is out of town a couple nights this week visiting family in Visalia area. I will miss him. H. is home though working at least one of those nights.
- Christmas is all packed up for the year. We thought of going through all the lights we didn't use this year - but I hate to toss perfectly good lights. Ultimately, I'd like to put some white lights around the patio cover outside - so maybe we'll tackle that when the weather is warmer.
20 random things to end the break with. Happy Monday in a few short hours.
Wistfully singing (silently) Leaving on a Jet Plane as B. heads back to Ft. Bliss. Feeling like I should have taken a few days off this coming week to give myself a little time for 'emotions' that feel incredibly close to the surface right now.
Then I realize that this might be our holidays for the rest of forever - visits that are jammed with a little drama; lots of comings and goings; time creeping by more quickly than I can fathom.
Just when I think my emotions are in check quite well - I'm 53 years old and there isn't much that gets me teary anymore - I prove that theory wrong by spending most of the early morning hours crying. And relieved that I didn't go to the airport with him 'cuz subjecting him to all my emotions only make his harder on him, too. Leavings are hard on all of us - not just me and J. and I have to constantly remind myself of that, lest I torture the young man with my grief at his departure.
(J. said 'well, that's a significant change from the the end of the first week when you couldn't wait for him to leave'. I replied 'he makes me crazy sometimes. He's a jerk sometimes. But he's still my son and I don't know when I'm going to see him again - and that makes me sad). He could return tomorrow and piss me off again and I'd be ready for him to go back home - but when he's leaving for home, it's always going to be hard to see him go. It's always going to be hard that he doesn't call this home anymore - and his 'home' is a base that may frequently change. He's a nomad, really - and that's hard for him to deal with to.
Home ain't home anymore. Olivia Newton John sang that in the 70's. It was hard for me to learn that as a young adult and now it's hard watching my oldest son learn that as a young adult. There will always be space for him here but this is not home for him these days.
We enjoyed a really wonderful family dinner at a very nice restaurant and spent a nice evening. B. left everything to the last minute (as is his way - he comes by that naturally on his maternal side, I believe since I'm cramming in a ton of work related stuff today since I did nothing on any of it during the entire break) so it was a wild evening.
We talked through his budget - trying to help him visualize his actual vs. his fantasy. He talks about a new car (someday) and other 'wants'. And he still owes us money which he can't really pay back at the moment - he eats out a lot so we talked about why. Turns out the full kitchen he has in his 'barracks apartment' doesn't actually have any cooking equipment. No dishes. No pots and pans. So we raided the boxes of 'stuff' from H.'s apartment and he borrowed a suitcase and took some stuff 'home' with him. He doesn't mind eating in - makes great fried egg sandwiches and loves chicken breasts sauteed in EVO. He just didn't have any equipment to do that with and didn't want to spend the money on it. We sent him back with some pots and pans and I told him to call me when he's at the Px next time and we can help him get a dish rack; plates; fry pans; etc. just like we did for H.'s apartment.
I'm hoping we can make a long weekend trip to El Paso in April....share our Europe pics and trip with him; see where he is and see that base. Making plans to see him soon will help 'cuz that's what's really got me flummoxed - we have no idea when we will see him in person again. Last year as he enlisted, we knew we would visit him in April. It was 'for sure'. This year, we have no idea when his next leave will be and/or if he'll be able to travel to see us.
The not knowing is very hard.
It's approaching 1PM and I still have work stuff to take care of. I brought home my 'stacks' of stuff and have been steadily weeding through stuff - culling so that's what's left is either to be filed; to be done; or recycle/shred. It's working. It will be nice to return with less clutter...and the culling has me making lists, prioritizing and strategizing on what I can delegate out in chunks to help get some big projects done quickly. Like in a week. 'Cuz I didn't do them over the break.
At the start of 17 days off, it always seems completely reasonable to think 'I'll do an hour or two a day and plow through so much stuff'. Then the days tick off one by one - and you think 'tomorrow'. Or 'there's still plenty of time left'.
It's over. The break is over. It's a joy to have it - and I realize it's not something folks get in most jobs. It's a blessing to have this block of time to spend with family....and enjoy time to do not much of anything if you're not inclined to.
I will post some pics of B. - his farewell photo (a new favorite) and a pic of his tattoo - in a couple days.
Even just typing that makes the lump in my throat return.
Friday, January 03, 2014
Saran Wrapped Tattoo
No pics - yet. Maybe tomorrow.
For now, it's HUGE and it's bleeding and I can't believe he did it. He didn't start with a small, 'starter' tattoo. He started with a fairly large one on his right upper arm.
He and his friend are eating homemade lasagna. Not sure what they will do after they finish eating. He has to wait a few hours and then he can take off the 'saran wrap' that's covering the tat.
On a good note - his friend is very nice -
I'm glad he had the tat done a couple days before he leaves 'cuz I think the healing process is going to be hard to deal with.
It will definitely be hard on the Mom watching.....
For now, it's HUGE and it's bleeding and I can't believe he did it. He didn't start with a small, 'starter' tattoo. He started with a fairly large one on his right upper arm.
He and his friend are eating homemade lasagna. Not sure what they will do after they finish eating. He has to wait a few hours and then he can take off the 'saran wrap' that's covering the tat.
On a good note - his friend is very nice -
I'm glad he had the tat done a couple days before he leaves 'cuz I think the healing process is going to be hard to deal with.
It will definitely be hard on the Mom watching.....
Almost Over
Only two days to go....two short days. Damn. The break stretches out like a long, beautiful slide into bliss and then just as quickly gives way to partial panic and a lump in the throat that will not abate...as the end draws near.
B. took me out for breakfast today - guess it's sort of our thing. He shared what his next goal is. He was quiet...and clearly sad about his Sunday departure. I feel sad too. Like last year, it's hard sending him off - but unlike last year, we have absolutely no time frame for when we will see him again. No planned visit for a graduation; no promise of weekend trips for any of us. We hope to visit El Paso for a long weekend sometime but then our travel schedule is pretty full with our stuff - so who knows.
Even with some of the drama of the visit, it's hard thinking about him leaving....though I know he must. I cleared it with him that I'm not planning to go to the airport Sunday. Primarily 'cuz I haven't worked a lick this break and I have two days to cram in as much as possible (though I secretly think 'screw it. What gets done will get done'). But also mainly 'cuz I think I might be overly emotional in his departure and I don't want to put either of us through that.
In 40 minutes, he's getting a tattoo and he will return to the house with a new friend (young lady) who will be staying overnight. With him. In his room. She is stationed at Travis Air Force Base (near here but a long drive) and she's off work tomorrow - so she will stay here. She (or he) may sleep on the couch - or the floor - or with him in his bed if so inclined. They are adults so I'm letting go and leaving it be.
A co-worker sent me a text and I was so glad to hear from her - we are already planning lunch on Monday and acknowledged that will likely be the highlight of both our days. She and I have had some drama lately - including a couple weeks where we stayed away from each other. But in the end, we are in it together and work hard at supporting each other through thick and thin. There's been a lot of thick and thin lately. And more to come.
My cell phone has steadily chimed a stream of emails that require 'action' and I'm already so sick of 'action', I can't fathom how hard actually returning is going to be. I always feel sad and a little depressed when the break ends but it is really hard this year. There's nothing to look forward to at work - no fun. Just wheels spinning and so much stuff to nail down.
It will be OK. It always is.
B. also spent quality time with J. today - they went to a movie - B. is jamming in parental time in the last couple days. Maybe we should be 'mad' at being the last thing he thinks of - but I'm not. I think it highlights how it's hard(est) for him, I think - to be home but know this isn't really home anymore and that he's likely always visiting. We pretty much left him to his own schedule - and he put 700 miles on my car so there's plenty of 'evidence' that he's been spending a lot of time not here. He's visited friends, made new friends (the female friend is someone he met at a party while here this trip). He's had a great time and that's what matters most.
It's back to reality for him, too - to the somewhat boring, regimented, scheduled life of a soldier. I think he's struggling with that as much as leaving us. He chose that life - but the excitement isn't exactly happening for him thus far. (Fine with me that there's no excitement but soldiers don't feel that way. I get it but I'm still secretly grateful he's not being deployed).
I'm heading into the kitchen to whip up a homemade lasagna for dinner. And if time permits, an easy berry cobbler - using the blueberries in the freezer. We're in living off the land mode for awhile - Christmas is a major budget adjustment on our new retirement income.
I'm drinking 'stress reducing' tea - with lemon and honey. It's caffeine free. Not feeling it but it's warm and comforting.
H. called in sick today and we're taking him to the Saturday clinic in the morning. He's still really congested; feels 'flu-y' and is staying home. No going out if he called in sick to work. He actually sat with me and watched one of the original Law & Orders - we are loving these early shows. We didn't watch the show in the 90's (I had two little babies and a job that required commuting and lots of travel) so we're catching up. Chris Noth 25 years ago was still an incredibly handsome, engaging actor - long before he became Mr. Big in Sex and the City.
Off to cook - thanks to all who read the drivel I write - and to those that always offer steady support. I am grateful to have amazing people in my life.....
B. took me out for breakfast today - guess it's sort of our thing. He shared what his next goal is. He was quiet...and clearly sad about his Sunday departure. I feel sad too. Like last year, it's hard sending him off - but unlike last year, we have absolutely no time frame for when we will see him again. No planned visit for a graduation; no promise of weekend trips for any of us. We hope to visit El Paso for a long weekend sometime but then our travel schedule is pretty full with our stuff - so who knows.
Even with some of the drama of the visit, it's hard thinking about him leaving....though I know he must. I cleared it with him that I'm not planning to go to the airport Sunday. Primarily 'cuz I haven't worked a lick this break and I have two days to cram in as much as possible (though I secretly think 'screw it. What gets done will get done'). But also mainly 'cuz I think I might be overly emotional in his departure and I don't want to put either of us through that.
In 40 minutes, he's getting a tattoo and he will return to the house with a new friend (young lady) who will be staying overnight. With him. In his room. She is stationed at Travis Air Force Base (near here but a long drive) and she's off work tomorrow - so she will stay here. She (or he) may sleep on the couch - or the floor - or with him in his bed if so inclined. They are adults so I'm letting go and leaving it be.
A co-worker sent me a text and I was so glad to hear from her - we are already planning lunch on Monday and acknowledged that will likely be the highlight of both our days. She and I have had some drama lately - including a couple weeks where we stayed away from each other. But in the end, we are in it together and work hard at supporting each other through thick and thin. There's been a lot of thick and thin lately. And more to come.
My cell phone has steadily chimed a stream of emails that require 'action' and I'm already so sick of 'action', I can't fathom how hard actually returning is going to be. I always feel sad and a little depressed when the break ends but it is really hard this year. There's nothing to look forward to at work - no fun. Just wheels spinning and so much stuff to nail down.
It will be OK. It always is.
B. also spent quality time with J. today - they went to a movie - B. is jamming in parental time in the last couple days. Maybe we should be 'mad' at being the last thing he thinks of - but I'm not. I think it highlights how it's hard(est) for him, I think - to be home but know this isn't really home anymore and that he's likely always visiting. We pretty much left him to his own schedule - and he put 700 miles on my car so there's plenty of 'evidence' that he's been spending a lot of time not here. He's visited friends, made new friends (the female friend is someone he met at a party while here this trip). He's had a great time and that's what matters most.
It's back to reality for him, too - to the somewhat boring, regimented, scheduled life of a soldier. I think he's struggling with that as much as leaving us. He chose that life - but the excitement isn't exactly happening for him thus far. (Fine with me that there's no excitement but soldiers don't feel that way. I get it but I'm still secretly grateful he's not being deployed).
I'm heading into the kitchen to whip up a homemade lasagna for dinner. And if time permits, an easy berry cobbler - using the blueberries in the freezer. We're in living off the land mode for awhile - Christmas is a major budget adjustment on our new retirement income.
I'm drinking 'stress reducing' tea - with lemon and honey. It's caffeine free. Not feeling it but it's warm and comforting.
H. called in sick today and we're taking him to the Saturday clinic in the morning. He's still really congested; feels 'flu-y' and is staying home. No going out if he called in sick to work. He actually sat with me and watched one of the original Law & Orders - we are loving these early shows. We didn't watch the show in the 90's (I had two little babies and a job that required commuting and lots of travel) so we're catching up. Chris Noth 25 years ago was still an incredibly handsome, engaging actor - long before he became Mr. Big in Sex and the City.
Off to cook - thanks to all who read the drivel I write - and to those that always offer steady support. I am grateful to have amazing people in my life.....
Wednesday, January 01, 2014
Happy New Year
Once again, Nashville provides the perfect music to celebrate this day.
Blessed to have:
A Life That's Good
[feat. Lennon & Maisy]
Sittin' here tonight,
By the fire light,
it reminds me I already have more than I should.
I don't need fame, no one to know my name,
at the end of the day,
lord I pray, I have a life that's good.
Two arms around me, heaven to ground me,
and a family that always calls me home,
Four wheels to get there, enough love to share
and a sweet sweet sweet song
At the end of the day,
lord I pray ,
I have a life that's good.
Sometimes I'm hard on me,
When dreams don't come easy,
I wanna look back and say,
I did all that I could,
Yeah at the end of the day, Lord I pray,
I have a life that's good.
Two arms around me, heaven to ground me,
and a family that always calls me home,
Four wheels to get there, enough love to share
and a sweet sweet sweet song
(Music Plays)
(Repeat x 2)
at the end of the day, Lord I pray
I have a life that's good
Thankful for so many blessings at the start of another year.
Blessed to have:
A Life That's Good
[feat. Lennon & Maisy]
Sittin' here tonight,
By the fire light,
it reminds me I already have more than I should.
I don't need fame, no one to know my name,
at the end of the day,
lord I pray, I have a life that's good.
Two arms around me, heaven to ground me,
and a family that always calls me home,
Four wheels to get there, enough love to share
and a sweet sweet sweet song
At the end of the day,
lord I pray ,
I have a life that's good.
Sometimes I'm hard on me,
When dreams don't come easy,
I wanna look back and say,
I did all that I could,
Yeah at the end of the day, Lord I pray,
I have a life that's good.
Two arms around me, heaven to ground me,
and a family that always calls me home,
Four wheels to get there, enough love to share
and a sweet sweet sweet song
(Music Plays)
(Repeat x 2)
at the end of the day, Lord I pray
I have a life that's good
Thankful for so many blessings at the start of another year.
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