Black and Blue margaritas on the rocks; Hot Corn Chili Dip; Bacon Appetizers.....full, slightly tipsy (in only a very pleasant way) and fighting off sleep as it approaches 9PM.
OH - and a Downton Abbey Season 3 marathon on our local PBS.
Pretty much a perfect New Year's Eve.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
NYE 2013
The boys are priming for this evening - by sleeping all day. They arose in the morning when forced to 'cuz the cleaning ladies arrived (early. Of all days for them to be early). Begrudgingly, laundry was picked up off floors; clean sheets put on end of still warm beds. I did my part by procuring breakfast burritos from the Taqueria. As soon as they'd eaten and the two ladies were done upstairs, they headed back up to bed and haven't been heard from since. It's 2:30PM.
For a little excitement, the cleaning ladies flushed the toilet upstairs not realizing it was clogged and overflowed water everywhere. They told J. 'we'll just mop it up'....but you can't absorb that much water with a cotton string mop - so the water went through the floor into the garage ceiling. I'm more than a little worried - but it will likely dry out. We should pull up the linoleum and look at the sub floor but we're not going to do that - yet.
Note to husband: towels are the answer. Many, many towels. If the water had been absorbed, it wouldn't have gone through the floor/ceiling....
The dog makes me bat-shit crazy (sorry for the language but it's the only adequate description I can come up with) with her incessant barking. The bark wouldn't bother me except Chloe has a shrill bark that's like fingernails on a chalkboard on the irritation scale.
On the other hand, we took her to the vet late yesterday when she exhibited signs of clearly being under the weather - her tail drooped and a 'mom' can just tell. She was off - sad eyes; droopy tail; lethargic. No diagnosis but today, she is better and her tail is back to normal so yeah that! I've been playing with her out of sheer joy that she's OK and NOT going to cost us four figures for any testing, etc. . At least not so far. She seems back to normal and was certainly in 'uber protection' mode the entire time the cleaning ladies were here.
J. inquired if I planned to be up until midnight and I responded with a firm 'no'. It's doubtful. I will try - but it's not likely. We are going to make berry margaritas and a couple of those and sleep will overwhelm me. I know that about myself. I often wish I could drink 'more' on special occasions and stay vertical, but I can't.
I'm making an assortment of finger foods for this evening and may go to McD's and procure some chicken nuggets and fries to add to the selection. I went grocery shopping after my doctor's appointment yesterday (got my very own Zpack of antibiotics as well as a nasal spray that will hopefully calm m sinuses down. Also got a Hepatitis A vaccination [first of two] since that is recommended by the CDC for travel to Europe) only I'd left my debit card here so had to spend only the cash I had on me. $20 for chicken wings for dinner. They are just like Wing Stop - B. was very impressed and his favorite is mine, too - garlic Parmesan. They were delicious!
Though I marveled at $2.78 a pound for chicken wings and only $0.98 cents a pound for chicken thighs. Somehow, garlic Parm thighs don't have a nice ring to them.
Winter Break 2013 is winding down and I'm tamping down the feelings of panic when I think about work. I wake up at 5ish most mornings and force myself to go back to sleep - and then have the wildest, craziest dreams...usually work related. Where I speak my mind to people I shouldn't. I wake up 'nervous' and glad it was all a dream 'cuz crazy things happen in those dreams that would be really bad if they were 'real'.
2013 has been a year of much change in our home. One kid out; another out and back. Hubby firmly ensconced and enjoying a well deserved retirement - and officially one of those retired people who is so busy, they don't know how they ever wedged in work. Me adjusting to the 'pressure' of being the 'breadwinner' (in terms of a paying job). I always remind myself lately that we are very blessed - and truly, though it would be a huge change and adjustments would be required - and should I really feel 'done', I probably could be. It would involve moving out of state and making choices for a far simpler life - but it's do-able. So that keeps me going. So incredibly thankful for the options and choices we have that many might not. And with those options and hope, I can plow through another day/week/month/year. Hoping for 10 more years. We'll see, though. When I feel really worried, fretful and sick of it all, I just offer it to God 'cuz it's all up to Him anyway - and I trust that. I know that. All that shall be will be and no amount of fretting on my part's going to change any of it.
2014 will be much of the same, undoubtedly. We are very excited and greatly looking forward to our whirlwind Europe trip in a couple months (Holy Cow!) and then 12 days in Mexico in July. It's possible this time next year will see J. recovering and working hard on rehab post knee replacement surgery. Knee or hip. I can never remember which. But something needs replacing 'cuz it's bone on bone and bothers him a fair amount. Though he still walks and manages to stay active - (It's his knee. He just reminded me).
Here's to the last post of 2013 and hoping for many more in 2014. Thanks to those who read and reach out - my cousin D. (in Oklahoma) and my cousin S. (in Arizona) and others. I'm grateful you hang in there with me and read the drivel here.
It's just life - but feel blessed every single day -
For a little excitement, the cleaning ladies flushed the toilet upstairs not realizing it was clogged and overflowed water everywhere. They told J. 'we'll just mop it up'....but you can't absorb that much water with a cotton string mop - so the water went through the floor into the garage ceiling. I'm more than a little worried - but it will likely dry out. We should pull up the linoleum and look at the sub floor but we're not going to do that - yet.
Note to husband: towels are the answer. Many, many towels. If the water had been absorbed, it wouldn't have gone through the floor/ceiling....
The dog makes me bat-shit crazy (sorry for the language but it's the only adequate description I can come up with) with her incessant barking. The bark wouldn't bother me except Chloe has a shrill bark that's like fingernails on a chalkboard on the irritation scale.
On the other hand, we took her to the vet late yesterday when she exhibited signs of clearly being under the weather - her tail drooped and a 'mom' can just tell. She was off - sad eyes; droopy tail; lethargic. No diagnosis but today, she is better and her tail is back to normal so yeah that! I've been playing with her out of sheer joy that she's OK and NOT going to cost us four figures for any testing, etc. . At least not so far. She seems back to normal and was certainly in 'uber protection' mode the entire time the cleaning ladies were here.
J. inquired if I planned to be up until midnight and I responded with a firm 'no'. It's doubtful. I will try - but it's not likely. We are going to make berry margaritas and a couple of those and sleep will overwhelm me. I know that about myself. I often wish I could drink 'more' on special occasions and stay vertical, but I can't.
I'm making an assortment of finger foods for this evening and may go to McD's and procure some chicken nuggets and fries to add to the selection. I went grocery shopping after my doctor's appointment yesterday (got my very own Zpack of antibiotics as well as a nasal spray that will hopefully calm m sinuses down. Also got a Hepatitis A vaccination [first of two] since that is recommended by the CDC for travel to Europe) only I'd left my debit card here so had to spend only the cash I had on me. $20 for chicken wings for dinner. They are just like Wing Stop - B. was very impressed and his favorite is mine, too - garlic Parmesan. They were delicious!
Though I marveled at $2.78 a pound for chicken wings and only $0.98 cents a pound for chicken thighs. Somehow, garlic Parm thighs don't have a nice ring to them.
Winter Break 2013 is winding down and I'm tamping down the feelings of panic when I think about work. I wake up at 5ish most mornings and force myself to go back to sleep - and then have the wildest, craziest dreams...usually work related. Where I speak my mind to people I shouldn't. I wake up 'nervous' and glad it was all a dream 'cuz crazy things happen in those dreams that would be really bad if they were 'real'.
2013 has been a year of much change in our home. One kid out; another out and back. Hubby firmly ensconced and enjoying a well deserved retirement - and officially one of those retired people who is so busy, they don't know how they ever wedged in work. Me adjusting to the 'pressure' of being the 'breadwinner' (in terms of a paying job). I always remind myself lately that we are very blessed - and truly, though it would be a huge change and adjustments would be required - and should I really feel 'done', I probably could be. It would involve moving out of state and making choices for a far simpler life - but it's do-able. So that keeps me going. So incredibly thankful for the options and choices we have that many might not. And with those options and hope, I can plow through another day/week/month/year. Hoping for 10 more years. We'll see, though. When I feel really worried, fretful and sick of it all, I just offer it to God 'cuz it's all up to Him anyway - and I trust that. I know that. All that shall be will be and no amount of fretting on my part's going to change any of it.
2014 will be much of the same, undoubtedly. We are very excited and greatly looking forward to our whirlwind Europe trip in a couple months (Holy Cow!) and then 12 days in Mexico in July. It's possible this time next year will see J. recovering and working hard on rehab post knee replacement surgery. Knee or hip. I can never remember which. But something needs replacing 'cuz it's bone on bone and bothers him a fair amount. Though he still walks and manages to stay active - (It's his knee. He just reminded me).
Here's to the last post of 2013 and hoping for many more in 2014. Thanks to those who read and reach out - my cousin D. (in Oklahoma) and my cousin S. (in Arizona) and others. I'm grateful you hang in there with me and read the drivel here.
It's just life - but feel blessed every single day -
Monday, December 30, 2013
This May be Us
in a couple months.
I had H. do a load of his own laundry yesterday. Next is mastering loading and unloading the dishwasher.
Life lessons. At 20. He hates them. Oh well.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
I slept in yesterday until 10AM - so late for me that J. came to do a 'is she still breathing' check. Wow. Maybe rest is the answer 'cuz I felt decent yesterday for the better part of the day - until I didn't. Dinner time found me decidedly 'off' - just felt yucky. We were absolutely sick of leftover potatoes (still delicious but breakfast, lunch and dinner a couple days in a row was enough for me) so we got cheap Chinese instead.
Anyway - it was great to sleep in that long - made my entire day 'off'. Read Facebook notes and messages but skipped replying. My bad. The day flew by doing not much of anything, actually.
Today, I got up at 8 - could have gone back to sleep but didn't. J. and I treated for Jack in the Box at lunch which got Son #2 up for the first time today and Son #1 fed before he took a much needed nap. He spent the night at a friend's house and I don't think they slept much - two guys, cigars and a good scotch. They haven't seen each other in a year so it's only right they enjoy some make bonding. B. had fun but arrived home in need of sleep.
J. procured discounted Starbucks lattes - one 1/2 off (special today only with coupon) and one free with my gold card rewards. So I'm working on paying bills; planning how to pay the bills (Christmas, you are expensive); making year-end donations to various charities; and feeling slightly accomplished as I've already started a spreadsheet for year-end donations to make tax time easier. I sure hope...
I'm enjoying that there's still one full week of the break though I've done not much of anything 'planned' so far. And that's just fine for now.
I made a doctor's appointment for Monday afternoon just in case 'cuz I'm in week nine or something of the nose/ear/throat thing and I'm sick of feeling sick. I'm feeling hopeless a bit about stupid stuff - and that's almost always a sign that I'm not 'well' in the physical department which needs attention. Months of this crud...enough. Hoping for my own Zpack so I can be on the mend. 'Cuz this time next week, I'll be lamenting the end of the break and heading in to two of the longest months in my career. The trip to Europe is a coming and there's much to do before that departure date.
A blog I read announced she's done blogging - she hadn't been updating very often anyway so it shouldn't feel like such a loss - but it does. The connections we make are ones we take for granted until the plug is pulled. Odd - this Internet thing.
I tried to do my part outside by netting the pool and the spa....but the darn pole kept hitting the Japanese Maple tree (right next to the pool - stupidest thing we've ever done) and just putting more and more 'winter foilage' into the water. Darn. Time to give up, let nature blow the leaves off in the next big storm and then get it all netted and cleaned at once.
There are already Christmas trees out on the curbs awaiting pick up. J. is sketching out the weather over the next few days and plans to take down outside decor before New Years - giving it a few days of 'drying time' in the garage before packing it all up again. Tree will follow soon after though it just goes up in the rafters these days.
Way too late to nap though that's what I want to do - latte or not, I could sleep soundly if I allowed myself to. I won't. Time to turn on TV and find something to watch.
Anyway - it was great to sleep in that long - made my entire day 'off'. Read Facebook notes and messages but skipped replying. My bad. The day flew by doing not much of anything, actually.
Today, I got up at 8 - could have gone back to sleep but didn't. J. and I treated for Jack in the Box at lunch which got Son #2 up for the first time today and Son #1 fed before he took a much needed nap. He spent the night at a friend's house and I don't think they slept much - two guys, cigars and a good scotch. They haven't seen each other in a year so it's only right they enjoy some make bonding. B. had fun but arrived home in need of sleep.
J. procured discounted Starbucks lattes - one 1/2 off (special today only with coupon) and one free with my gold card rewards. So I'm working on paying bills; planning how to pay the bills (Christmas, you are expensive); making year-end donations to various charities; and feeling slightly accomplished as I've already started a spreadsheet for year-end donations to make tax time easier. I sure hope...
I'm enjoying that there's still one full week of the break though I've done not much of anything 'planned' so far. And that's just fine for now.
I made a doctor's appointment for Monday afternoon just in case 'cuz I'm in week nine or something of the nose/ear/throat thing and I'm sick of feeling sick. I'm feeling hopeless a bit about stupid stuff - and that's almost always a sign that I'm not 'well' in the physical department which needs attention. Months of this crud...enough. Hoping for my own Zpack so I can be on the mend. 'Cuz this time next week, I'll be lamenting the end of the break and heading in to two of the longest months in my career. The trip to Europe is a coming and there's much to do before that departure date.
A blog I read announced she's done blogging - she hadn't been updating very often anyway so it shouldn't feel like such a loss - but it does. The connections we make are ones we take for granted until the plug is pulled. Odd - this Internet thing.
I tried to do my part outside by netting the pool and the spa....but the darn pole kept hitting the Japanese Maple tree (right next to the pool - stupidest thing we've ever done) and just putting more and more 'winter foilage' into the water. Darn. Time to give up, let nature blow the leaves off in the next big storm and then get it all netted and cleaned at once.
There are already Christmas trees out on the curbs awaiting pick up. J. is sketching out the weather over the next few days and plans to take down outside decor before New Years - giving it a few days of 'drying time' in the garage before packing it all up again. Tree will follow soon after though it just goes up in the rafters these days.
Way too late to nap though that's what I want to do - latte or not, I could sleep soundly if I allowed myself to. I won't. Time to turn on TV and find something to watch.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Recovery and Rest
Not the grandest of Christmas' (on our scale) but still fun. We did one clue for the scavenger hunt and sent the boys to the freezer to locate Mr. Fuji. You can read about him here. He's still around and they knew right where to go -
The sheer volume of funds spent on the various electronics under the tree kept their expectations in check - and yet, they still had games, some clothes, socks, underwear...and a few other little things. Santa left big snack boxes full of lots of their favorite things and included 12 packs of their favorite sodas. It was a fun morning. J. and I actually got up first and it took a couple texts from me to H. to get him moving.
Breakfast was breakfast burritos - easily thrown together with J.'s help cooking the sausage the night before. I'd thought of a crock pot casserole of some kind but there's no guarantee the boys would eat something like that - so burritos were a sure thing.
Santa brought me the ice cream maker bowl attachment to my stand mixer so as soon as we have enough room in the freezer to freeze the bowl, I can make a sorbet.
Dinner was delicious - ham, Au Gratin potatoes, green bean casserole and the pies made the day before. The potatoes and French Silk pie recipes were from The Pioneer Woman website and they didn't disappoint. I love the potatoes 'cuz they are creamy and delicious with just a hint of cheese (not a single bit of fluorescent orange powder in site) and the French Silk pie is decadently delicious and worth the time it takes to blend the eggs in one at a time (5 minutes apart times four).
Today has been a restful day with a few things done wedged in. I was blessed with Starbucks gift cards so I merged them into my gold card and then went to get tea and lattes for us. First time out in days - no makeup - and of course, I ran into a teacher who is actually on leave this year living in Florida. She's visiting for the holidays and sounds like her 'trial retirement' is going well and she loves Florida.
I was in a genial enough mood late yesterday to scratch all my lottery scratchers and not be too disappointed when we didn't win a big prize. We did win enough to roll the winnings back into more tickets. So there's still hope.
I'm living on hope at the moment.
I'm in my head a lot these days - and it's not a pleasant place to be some times. Today was a bit better than the past few so here's hoping that the remainder of the break will be steady improvement. I need to do some 'work' at some point in the next few days and I just need to reconcile to that. I've been taking phone calls (custodians still working this week and next except for the two holidays) and handling emails - so it shouldn't be that hard to get into some of the many projects I need to tackle.
H. got a call from the doctor's office confirming the throat culture they did showed some kind of infection - so they phoned in a prescription. He gave the person phoning a piece of his mind re: the doctor's dismissive attitude - and was more than a little indignant that he's been sick for many days 'cuz she didn't take the time needed to listen to his complaints. He's been sick for a couple weeks now...but with the help of a ZPack, he should be much improved by this time tomorrow. He developed sore lymph nodes under his arm the day after he went to the doctor so we were pretty sure he had a bug of some kind. Glad they had done the throat swab....saved us another $30 co-pay.
Also have to send out kudos to H. for counseling a friend who works for a tire store on his work ethic. The guy's been missing a lot of work - and H. told him 'dude, if you keep missing work, they're going to let you go'. The guy says 'it's slow and they've been sending me home early anyway' which H. replies 'yeah, but you've been calling in sick a lot'. Sure enough, the guy was let go today. And yesterday, a co-worker (where H. currently works) phoned to tell H. that he had a really bad hang over and was planning to call in. H. told him 'OK, but if you do, you better expect to be fired. We are low on the seniority list and it's Christmas and we are who they scheduled today - so be ready to be fired if you don't show up'. The guy went to work. :-) He's got a pretty good head on his shoulder about work. Proud of him.
Yesterday ended perfectly with my sweet hubby finding You've Got Mail on the TV - perfect Christmas Day movie. Today, I attempted to reciprocate by voluntarily switching the channel to The Godfather...but then I sat here on edge waiting for the next shooting scene. My husband's comment about 'brains splattered all over' didn't do much to assist in my anxious state - so he graciously agreed I could watch something else. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is much easier to handle.
The only other news is every phone (land line) in our house is dead or dying so J. had a reason to go to Costco today - we need new phones. It's tempting to just move to cell but our Internet is bundled with the phone and it's not much more to keep the land line. And there's nothing more irritating than picking up a phone only to have it die a few seconds after you've answered. It disconnects the call. Grrr.... so now we have new phones charging.
Post Christmas bliss is still in process. B. is heading to a party and spending the night so we will pick him up in Manteca when he calls tomorrow. (He could take the car but seems fine being picked up - so it will save me a night of worrying about my car. And the person in the car).
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
We're ready....
Santa's helper (really, Santa did all the work. He's a great guy) is heading up to bed shortly.
Dishwasher is doing it's 4th load of the day - in preparation for another day of cooking tomorrow.
For now, we sleep. Son #1 is out with a friend for a bit. Son #2 is asleep on the couch. We enjoyed delicious hot cocoa and announced (to the one son still awake and heading out for a bit) that the tree was being loaded 'cuz waiting for the adult children to go upstairs to bed was not something we felt we could manage. They may be up until the wee hours of the morning...can't wait that out.
Those days are over.
It will be a fun morning -
I've got another post in draft stage - but tempers are cooling so who knows if it will see the light of print.
It's been a hard few days here on the homestead but I think we are leveling out a bit. Maybe.
We received lots of Christmas cards today - love them. Kids going to Duke; getting Masters degrees in various subjects; full scholarships for sports; etc.. They aren't my kids....and I'm being truthful when I say that my emotions are all over the place at the moment - and for a second, I felt all choked up about that. No, my kids aren't doing any of those things.
I'm proud of them in many ways....but sometimes, it's just so hard to realize that they've both given up on higher education (at least for now) and are in jobs that though they seem to enjoy them for now lead to pretty much nowhere. They will survive on those jobs - if survival is the goal. But I know when they were little, I never imagined we'd be here. On the cusp of them turning 23 and 21 and really nowhere.
It makes my heart hurt. And then it makes me hurt as a mom 'cuz sometimes, I feel like we failed them. We didn't help with homework the way we should have - truly, for me, I never required help as a kid - never. So I just didn't 'get' that not all kids do it on their own; nor do all kids study hard and master things. We did our best....but we let them down. And I feel sorry about that but can't fix it. There young adults - no basic math skills. It's hard to fathom given what their parents have done/do for a living. But it's the truth.
At this point, we are holding on to 'status quo'. Praying there are no more bad interactions that color the holiday less than merry. B. is a butt head surrounding many things and it's been very hard having him home. Much harder than I anticipated. It's very stressful and the return of all that stress is taking it's toll on both me and J. . Poor J.. The man is a saint and doing his best to hold it all together for his fractured wife and the son who is torturing us all.
I just sent the boys to the movies (my treat) to attempt to get some wrapping done. I've made two pies - one berry and one French Silk. (The crusts weren't homemade but the fillings are and they are delicious). I also crafted some mini turnovers with leftover crust and pie filling. There's also delicious French Silk pie filling left that I'm going to chill for a sort of 'mousse' for a snack.
There's much debate about tonight's festivities. Church has been mentioned and I'm struggling with not really knowing what to do. J. wants to go. B. says he doesn't - though I'm not actually sure that he's not trying to say what he thinks I want. (He's in heavy peace making mode at the moment having hurt me to my core a few days ago. We've barely been able to look at each other the past few I think he's in uber 'whatever mom wants' mode.). I'm totally ambivalent about church. I used to love going - but they stopped doing Communion and for me, that just leaves it lacking. Though the candle light is lovely, I miss Communion.
We'll see. I'm making finger goods for dinner so if we're inclined to head out around 6:30, church may be on the schedule. Maybe not.
There's truly (really, I mean it) not much under the tree this year so wrapping should be a cinch. There's no spreadsheet. No list. A few little things and the one true 'hearts desire' thing for each of us. It should be a pretty quick 'event'. And I am doing a small scavenger hunt...but nothing major.
H. works tomorrow at 3PM so we're planning for a 1PM dinner. This year, we got a boneless whole ham from Costco - which is perfect 'cuz I think if I'd made bean soup with the bone, J. would kill me. Our freezer has plenty of frozen leftovers in it - so the 'no bone' was a strong point in the ham's favor. It looks DELICIOUS and will be glazed and yummy with all the appropriate sides.
If you are the praying type, I'd appreciate some prayers. I am more than a little melancholy these days and I struggle to get through the simplest things. At the moment, the urge to head to a hotel for a week is very strong and the only thing keeping me here is not wanting to abandon J.. It would be terribly unfair to leave him to sort through all the ensuing drama on his own -
I'm selfish - but not that selfish.
It's been a hard few days here on the homestead but I think we are leveling out a bit. Maybe.
We received lots of Christmas cards today - love them. Kids going to Duke; getting Masters degrees in various subjects; full scholarships for sports; etc.. They aren't my kids....and I'm being truthful when I say that my emotions are all over the place at the moment - and for a second, I felt all choked up about that. No, my kids aren't doing any of those things.
I'm proud of them in many ways....but sometimes, it's just so hard to realize that they've both given up on higher education (at least for now) and are in jobs that though they seem to enjoy them for now lead to pretty much nowhere. They will survive on those jobs - if survival is the goal. But I know when they were little, I never imagined we'd be here. On the cusp of them turning 23 and 21 and really nowhere.
It makes my heart hurt. And then it makes me hurt as a mom 'cuz sometimes, I feel like we failed them. We didn't help with homework the way we should have - truly, for me, I never required help as a kid - never. So I just didn't 'get' that not all kids do it on their own; nor do all kids study hard and master things. We did our best....but we let them down. And I feel sorry about that but can't fix it. There young adults - no basic math skills. It's hard to fathom given what their parents have done/do for a living. But it's the truth.
At this point, we are holding on to 'status quo'. Praying there are no more bad interactions that color the holiday less than merry. B. is a butt head surrounding many things and it's been very hard having him home. Much harder than I anticipated. It's very stressful and the return of all that stress is taking it's toll on both me and J. . Poor J.. The man is a saint and doing his best to hold it all together for his fractured wife and the son who is torturing us all.
I just sent the boys to the movies (my treat) to attempt to get some wrapping done. I've made two pies - one berry and one French Silk. (The crusts weren't homemade but the fillings are and they are delicious). I also crafted some mini turnovers with leftover crust and pie filling. There's also delicious French Silk pie filling left that I'm going to chill for a sort of 'mousse' for a snack.
There's much debate about tonight's festivities. Church has been mentioned and I'm struggling with not really knowing what to do. J. wants to go. B. says he doesn't - though I'm not actually sure that he's not trying to say what he thinks I want. (He's in heavy peace making mode at the moment having hurt me to my core a few days ago. We've barely been able to look at each other the past few I think he's in uber 'whatever mom wants' mode.). I'm totally ambivalent about church. I used to love going - but they stopped doing Communion and for me, that just leaves it lacking. Though the candle light is lovely, I miss Communion.
We'll see. I'm making finger goods for dinner so if we're inclined to head out around 6:30, church may be on the schedule. Maybe not.
There's truly (really, I mean it) not much under the tree this year so wrapping should be a cinch. There's no spreadsheet. No list. A few little things and the one true 'hearts desire' thing for each of us. It should be a pretty quick 'event'. And I am doing a small scavenger hunt...but nothing major.
H. works tomorrow at 3PM so we're planning for a 1PM dinner. This year, we got a boneless whole ham from Costco - which is perfect 'cuz I think if I'd made bean soup with the bone, J. would kill me. Our freezer has plenty of frozen leftovers in it - so the 'no bone' was a strong point in the ham's favor. It looks DELICIOUS and will be glazed and yummy with all the appropriate sides.
If you are the praying type, I'd appreciate some prayers. I am more than a little melancholy these days and I struggle to get through the simplest things. At the moment, the urge to head to a hotel for a week is very strong and the only thing keeping me here is not wanting to abandon J.. It would be terribly unfair to leave him to sort through all the ensuing drama on his own -
I'm selfish - but not that selfish.
Friday, December 20, 2013
I keep thinking I'm hearing the dishwasher start the drain cycle - the kind of glurby suction noise it makes as it starts to empty the water from wash or rinse.
Only it's not the dishwasher - it's H. sleeping and snoring on the couch. He woke up this morning with a horrible sore throat so he went to the doctor. He said the doc he saw (not our usual) said 'your throat looks fine' and then proceeded to keep looking 'cuz she said 'I don't even think you have tonsils'. He does have his tonsils....
She gave him nasal spray and sent him on his way.
It's the same creepy crud that everyone has and for most of us, we just have to keep dealing with it as it winds it's way through. We're approaching Christmas and I recall feeling the same approaching Thanksgiving. It comes, goes, abates,'s a hodgepodge of symptoms that lead to misery....and snoring....and really sore throats periodically.
I made it out to shop - traffic was horrible and I didn't really buy much of anything for Christmas. Though I did find a Cuisineart Dutch Oven in bright orange that I've wanted forever and it was 1/2 price 'cuz there wasn't a box - so I bought it!! It's too heavy to even think about wrapping - it's just an addition to our cookware.
B. is heading out to dinner again tonight - I think he's been home for one meal since his arrival. I don't begrudge him time with friends - but he also has a long list of places he wants to go to eat out with us so I hope we can wedge all this in -
Only it's not the dishwasher - it's H. sleeping and snoring on the couch. He woke up this morning with a horrible sore throat so he went to the doctor. He said the doc he saw (not our usual) said 'your throat looks fine' and then proceeded to keep looking 'cuz she said 'I don't even think you have tonsils'. He does have his tonsils....
She gave him nasal spray and sent him on his way.
It's the same creepy crud that everyone has and for most of us, we just have to keep dealing with it as it winds it's way through. We're approaching Christmas and I recall feeling the same approaching Thanksgiving. It comes, goes, abates,'s a hodgepodge of symptoms that lead to misery....and snoring....and really sore throats periodically.
I made it out to shop - traffic was horrible and I didn't really buy much of anything for Christmas. Though I did find a Cuisineart Dutch Oven in bright orange that I've wanted forever and it was 1/2 price 'cuz there wasn't a box - so I bought it!! It's too heavy to even think about wrapping - it's just an addition to our cookware.
B. is heading out to dinner again tonight - I think he's been home for one meal since his arrival. I don't begrudge him time with friends - but he also has a long list of places he wants to go to eat out with us so I hope we can wedge all this in -
Of Men....and More Men
B. asked politely if anyone would be able to get milk soon. He added 'didn't I just buy a gallon yesterday?'. Yes, you did. We go through six-ish gallons a week here and that's when you're NOT home. Welcome to the world where a six foot three male survives on chocolate milk. We'd buy a cow but there's no room in the backyard.
And our refrigerator is perpetually so full of other 'stuff' that now, we can only buy a gallon at a time - which means someone is running to get milk a lot. A LOT! more than usual with two young adults at home requiring dairy. Ten gallons a week appears to be our current consumption number. It will go down again after the 5th.
(Side note: B. has been driving my car 'cuz it's closest to driving his truck - what' he's used to. I drove it to pick up breakfast burritos for the District Office staff yesterday morning and he had the radio tuned to a country western station. The song was about 'I drive your truck' when missing someone you've lost - how the truck makes them feel closer to their lost loved one. And I felt so choked up suddenly at the thought of his January 5th departure....I had to stop the car for a bit and compose myself before going back to work. Emotions run high and all over the place when he's home - for me, anyway. Much like this time last year).
I am officially off and celebrated by going to work for an hour or so. I left sort of in a hurry yesterday and felt 'un-settled' all night. A couple 'quick' tasks that I had left until after the break just didn't sit right through the night - so I went in, got them done, tidied my desk and brought stuff home for after Christmas. I doubt I will be bored - but I do have a lot of projects I could get a head start on.
Remember the March trip to Europe coming up? What was I thinking? It's going to be the absolute wildest, craziest, busiest January and February of my tenure - and that's saying something. I'm not 'panicked' (yet).
So I went in, feel 'settled' and came home with energy and productiveness in my veins. Ground a bunch of coffee. Got dinner in the crock pot. Now I'm making lists and checking them twice (and thrice even) and will be heading out shortly for errands and shopping.
I've come up with a relatively inexpensive way to get stuff wrapped under the tree that will add to the two 'main' presents. I just can't abide by few things under the tree. It's not 'right' to me. So we will augment with a few inexpensive 'gifts' that will be consumed (literally) shortly after opening.
B. is growing a mustache and a goatee. He's also getting a tattoo on Friday, January 3rd. When you're on leave, you grow facial hair 'cuz you can't have that when you're on base. The tattoo? I don't know about it - I have heard they have changed their 'rules' about body art and I've reminded him about that. But he says it will be fine.
It's approaching nap time which means I will debate napping vs. errand running. Napping would be absolutely lovely - but I will sleep better tonight if I don't. I still woke up pretty early this morning and am thinking 6:30ish may be the new 'sleeping in late' for me. It's still 2 hours later than usual on a weekday and it felt great to have no alarm!! 16 more days of no alarm will do wonders for my tired psyche.
And our refrigerator is perpetually so full of other 'stuff' that now, we can only buy a gallon at a time - which means someone is running to get milk a lot. A LOT! more than usual with two young adults at home requiring dairy. Ten gallons a week appears to be our current consumption number. It will go down again after the 5th.
(Side note: B. has been driving my car 'cuz it's closest to driving his truck - what' he's used to. I drove it to pick up breakfast burritos for the District Office staff yesterday morning and he had the radio tuned to a country western station. The song was about 'I drive your truck' when missing someone you've lost - how the truck makes them feel closer to their lost loved one. And I felt so choked up suddenly at the thought of his January 5th departure....I had to stop the car for a bit and compose myself before going back to work. Emotions run high and all over the place when he's home - for me, anyway. Much like this time last year).
I am officially off and celebrated by going to work for an hour or so. I left sort of in a hurry yesterday and felt 'un-settled' all night. A couple 'quick' tasks that I had left until after the break just didn't sit right through the night - so I went in, got them done, tidied my desk and brought stuff home for after Christmas. I doubt I will be bored - but I do have a lot of projects I could get a head start on.
Remember the March trip to Europe coming up? What was I thinking? It's going to be the absolute wildest, craziest, busiest January and February of my tenure - and that's saying something. I'm not 'panicked' (yet).
So I went in, feel 'settled' and came home with energy and productiveness in my veins. Ground a bunch of coffee. Got dinner in the crock pot. Now I'm making lists and checking them twice (and thrice even) and will be heading out shortly for errands and shopping.
I've come up with a relatively inexpensive way to get stuff wrapped under the tree that will add to the two 'main' presents. I just can't abide by few things under the tree. It's not 'right' to me. So we will augment with a few inexpensive 'gifts' that will be consumed (literally) shortly after opening.
B. is growing a mustache and a goatee. He's also getting a tattoo on Friday, January 3rd. When you're on leave, you grow facial hair 'cuz you can't have that when you're on base. The tattoo? I don't know about it - I have heard they have changed their 'rules' about body art and I've reminded him about that. But he says it will be fine.
It's approaching nap time which means I will debate napping vs. errand running. Napping would be absolutely lovely - but I will sleep better tonight if I don't. I still woke up pretty early this morning and am thinking 6:30ish may be the new 'sleeping in late' for me. It's still 2 hours later than usual on a weekday and it felt great to have no alarm!! 16 more days of no alarm will do wonders for my tired psyche.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Fridays used to be the day to come home as early as possible and 'veg'. During this time of year, though, it's an evening to wedge in as much as possible 'cuz the weekend is jammed full already and you need more time.
I somehow got hooked into going to a party - my former boss implored me a couple times this week to go. I hadn't thought we would 'cuz it was B.'s first night home - when the invitation arrived, I put it aside thinking 'no, it's his first night home and I don't want to be gone that very first night'. But my (former) boss can be J. and I found ourselves heading to a semi-formal (that's what the invitation said, anyway) event last night.
Which led to me arriving home Friday evening and going immediately out again to get a much needed haircut - and then to find something to wear to the event. Apparently, the major closet culling I've done over the past few months resulted in me giving away virtually every 'dressy' blouse I own. I have plenty of nice work tops - but an evening function during the holidays needs a bit of 'glitteriness', right? Still had my very nice 'suede-like' black dress slacks. Macy's had a really pretty dressy sweater with silver 'metallic' slivers in the leaf-pattern and another dressy top as a backup. WalMart had a pair of 'dress' pumps for under $20. I gave away my ankle-high black boots in a moment of 'every shoe I own is too small'.
The event was fun - though a long drive for us. Maybe less enthusiastic about the drive since we'd spent three hours in the car going to/from Sacramento airport to pick up B.. Yes, he's home! And the first hug is just the most amazing thing ever - I felt that way when he came home Memorial Day and it was the same this trip - just so, so glad to see him. More on his homecoming shortly.
I think both boys were pretty thrilled to find out we would be gone most of the evening. B. had a bunch of friends over and H. planned to also. Their 'glee' in our absence was noticeable and we were fine with their plans. It probably was 'better' that B. was able to have a bunch of friends over right away - they had a nice time.
So did we. The party was incredibly nice - free valet parking; amazing food; open bar. Had a great time visiting with my former boss and some of his new coworkers - and got to know some other folks who work for the construction company we're using for our projects. It was a really nice evening.
B.'s friends were still here when we arrived home and they stayed - but I was pretty tired and had no trouble going to sleep.
So he's home for the next three weeks. He's been careful about noise levels; picks up after himself more than not; hugs a lot (which is lovely). He's planning to snow board with friends the 23rd and 24th and also plans on getting a tattoo while he's here. Can't stop him - his body and his money - and though I suggested doing what his friend did and have tats that don't show under short-sleeved shirts or t-shirts - he's determined. I'm hoping it will hurt like heck and he'll scale back his plan...but we'll see.
I am off M & F this coming week - our office holiday party was moved to Wednesday so I need to be there that day - mainly 'cuz I know I'm not going to be very inclined to attend a Wednesday evening function if I've been off that day.
It's Sunday and I'm still dealing with sore throat/headachy/sinus stuff. It never ends. J. (bless his sweet heart) took my list of groceries and the one 'must-do' errand and headed out to accomplish things I need to but don't feel like doing. I need to head to work to drop off a Secret Santa item that can't wait until I'm back (lest it be a dead-giveaway for who the Secret Santa is). I will put the item on the desk, re-arm the alarms and leave as quickly as I came.
Christmas shopping is on the list for tomorrow. There's time next weekend but I don't want to be out there with the gazillion others putting things off until the last weekend before the big day.
Enjoying time with the boys - one of the best parts of picking up B. yesterday was seeing he and his brother reconnect. They probably talked more yesterday than I've seen them talk face to face in years. The two of them walked ahead of us to the car, chatting all the way.
Sacramento airport is further away mileage wise than Oakland - but I love how close the parking is to the terminal. I love being able to go up to where the trams come in from the drop off gates - so you can see someone pretty 'fresh' off the plane. I love that it's far less crowded than Oakland and while the drive is a bit longer, it's very pretty. Less stop and go. Less concrete jungle like. It was great to watch him walk off the tram and realize it was him. He managed to travel with only his backpack including his boots tied to the outside. He didn't wear his camos - which was fine. He was traveling light - and anticipated having more clothes to take home post-Christmas. Odds are pretty good he's right about that.
Tonight is Survivor finale - it's been a fun season and we are anxious for the end. Go Sierra!
I somehow got hooked into going to a party - my former boss implored me a couple times this week to go. I hadn't thought we would 'cuz it was B.'s first night home - when the invitation arrived, I put it aside thinking 'no, it's his first night home and I don't want to be gone that very first night'. But my (former) boss can be J. and I found ourselves heading to a semi-formal (that's what the invitation said, anyway) event last night.
Which led to me arriving home Friday evening and going immediately out again to get a much needed haircut - and then to find something to wear to the event. Apparently, the major closet culling I've done over the past few months resulted in me giving away virtually every 'dressy' blouse I own. I have plenty of nice work tops - but an evening function during the holidays needs a bit of 'glitteriness', right? Still had my very nice 'suede-like' black dress slacks. Macy's had a really pretty dressy sweater with silver 'metallic' slivers in the leaf-pattern and another dressy top as a backup. WalMart had a pair of 'dress' pumps for under $20. I gave away my ankle-high black boots in a moment of 'every shoe I own is too small'.
The event was fun - though a long drive for us. Maybe less enthusiastic about the drive since we'd spent three hours in the car going to/from Sacramento airport to pick up B.. Yes, he's home! And the first hug is just the most amazing thing ever - I felt that way when he came home Memorial Day and it was the same this trip - just so, so glad to see him. More on his homecoming shortly.
I think both boys were pretty thrilled to find out we would be gone most of the evening. B. had a bunch of friends over and H. planned to also. Their 'glee' in our absence was noticeable and we were fine with their plans. It probably was 'better' that B. was able to have a bunch of friends over right away - they had a nice time.
So did we. The party was incredibly nice - free valet parking; amazing food; open bar. Had a great time visiting with my former boss and some of his new coworkers - and got to know some other folks who work for the construction company we're using for our projects. It was a really nice evening.
B.'s friends were still here when we arrived home and they stayed - but I was pretty tired and had no trouble going to sleep.
So he's home for the next three weeks. He's been careful about noise levels; picks up after himself more than not; hugs a lot (which is lovely). He's planning to snow board with friends the 23rd and 24th and also plans on getting a tattoo while he's here. Can't stop him - his body and his money - and though I suggested doing what his friend did and have tats that don't show under short-sleeved shirts or t-shirts - he's determined. I'm hoping it will hurt like heck and he'll scale back his plan...but we'll see.
I am off M & F this coming week - our office holiday party was moved to Wednesday so I need to be there that day - mainly 'cuz I know I'm not going to be very inclined to attend a Wednesday evening function if I've been off that day.
It's Sunday and I'm still dealing with sore throat/headachy/sinus stuff. It never ends. J. (bless his sweet heart) took my list of groceries and the one 'must-do' errand and headed out to accomplish things I need to but don't feel like doing. I need to head to work to drop off a Secret Santa item that can't wait until I'm back (lest it be a dead-giveaway for who the Secret Santa is). I will put the item on the desk, re-arm the alarms and leave as quickly as I came.
Christmas shopping is on the list for tomorrow. There's time next weekend but I don't want to be out there with the gazillion others putting things off until the last weekend before the big day.
Enjoying time with the boys - one of the best parts of picking up B. yesterday was seeing he and his brother reconnect. They probably talked more yesterday than I've seen them talk face to face in years. The two of them walked ahead of us to the car, chatting all the way.
Sacramento airport is further away mileage wise than Oakland - but I love how close the parking is to the terminal. I love being able to go up to where the trams come in from the drop off gates - so you can see someone pretty 'fresh' off the plane. I love that it's far less crowded than Oakland and while the drive is a bit longer, it's very pretty. Less stop and go. Less concrete jungle like. It was great to watch him walk off the tram and realize it was him. He managed to travel with only his backpack including his boots tied to the outside. He didn't wear his camos - which was fine. He was traveling light - and anticipated having more clothes to take home post-Christmas. Odds are pretty good he's right about that.
Tonight is Survivor finale - it's been a fun season and we are anxious for the end. Go Sierra!
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Pink Martini
It's been Time goes so fast these days.
Last Tuesday evening, we went to Gallo to see Pink Martini. One of my best-est wonderful friends at work is obsessed with this group so we went with them to see what the group is like.
If someone had said I'd be listening to music sung in Japanese, Croation, Italian (just to name a few) and would love every single minute of it, I would have said you were crazy. I'm a lyric person. The words get me. But this time, the music got me. It was just fantastic - an 11 member 'band' of flawless musicians and eclectic music that they want to preserve (think 'big bands' of the 30's and 40's at times - but not all like that ); music they've composed. It was phenomenal and I'm so hooked.
Thankfully, my friend and her husband made CD's for me of most of the albums.
I'm listening to "Hey, Eugene" over and over at the moment - if inclined, you can find it on You Tube.
That was a very fun evening already a week ago -
Tonight is a board meeting then a week of workshops and meeting off site.
I've arranged to be off M-W-F of next week (hopefully) to spend as much time as possible with B. . He arrives this Saturday!
Work is going well. A monthly meeting (usually 3-4 hours in length) was cancelled and I made good use of the time by culling out my office. I plan to continue that process today and have two big projects to get 'finalized' before the winter break.
So far, most of the presents around here are apparently 'for me'. Of my own doing. Argh!
I'm leaning towards a big scavenger hunt for the boys and then they can shop on their own and/or with us after Christmas? I hate to spend a ton of money on clothes and stuff they may not like and/or that I could get for a lot less after the celebration. It's always hard these days - adult children gift giving is an art.
Only problem with that plan is H.'s biggest 'want' is a fairly expensive 'gadget'. But then maybe giving him money to use for that will illustrate that another less expensive 'gadget' would serve the purpose and cost around 1/3 of the other? Time for him to make these 'hard' decisions 'cuz he's an adult.
All of our outdoor decor items failed at the same time so J. and I headed out to shop Saturday. Costco provided a couple of options - but they were big and bulky and expensive (even on the 'clearance' price). We bought some lights at Target but the had no 'lawn' stuff. Wal-Mart (it pains me to admit) had tons of stuff and for less than we would have spent at Costco, we got tons of stuff to add to our lawn collection.
The tree is up and so pretty with just lights - but we'll get some ornaments on it this week. I hope.
I'm 'late' (for me) so I'd better get showered and head out. Hoping to return home this afternoon for a couple of hours. A break before the meeting would be lovely.
Last Tuesday evening, we went to Gallo to see Pink Martini. One of my best-est wonderful friends at work is obsessed with this group so we went with them to see what the group is like.
If someone had said I'd be listening to music sung in Japanese, Croation, Italian (just to name a few) and would love every single minute of it, I would have said you were crazy. I'm a lyric person. The words get me. But this time, the music got me. It was just fantastic - an 11 member 'band' of flawless musicians and eclectic music that they want to preserve (think 'big bands' of the 30's and 40's at times - but not all like that ); music they've composed. It was phenomenal and I'm so hooked.
Thankfully, my friend and her husband made CD's for me of most of the albums.
I'm listening to "Hey, Eugene" over and over at the moment - if inclined, you can find it on You Tube.
That was a very fun evening already a week ago -
Tonight is a board meeting then a week of workshops and meeting off site.
I've arranged to be off M-W-F of next week (hopefully) to spend as much time as possible with B. . He arrives this Saturday!
Work is going well. A monthly meeting (usually 3-4 hours in length) was cancelled and I made good use of the time by culling out my office. I plan to continue that process today and have two big projects to get 'finalized' before the winter break.
So far, most of the presents around here are apparently 'for me'. Of my own doing. Argh!
I'm leaning towards a big scavenger hunt for the boys and then they can shop on their own and/or with us after Christmas? I hate to spend a ton of money on clothes and stuff they may not like and/or that I could get for a lot less after the celebration. It's always hard these days - adult children gift giving is an art.
Only problem with that plan is H.'s biggest 'want' is a fairly expensive 'gadget'. But then maybe giving him money to use for that will illustrate that another less expensive 'gadget' would serve the purpose and cost around 1/3 of the other? Time for him to make these 'hard' decisions 'cuz he's an adult.
All of our outdoor decor items failed at the same time so J. and I headed out to shop Saturday. Costco provided a couple of options - but they were big and bulky and expensive (even on the 'clearance' price). We bought some lights at Target but the had no 'lawn' stuff. Wal-Mart (it pains me to admit) had tons of stuff and for less than we would have spent at Costco, we got tons of stuff to add to our lawn collection.
The tree is up and so pretty with just lights - but we'll get some ornaments on it this week. I hope.
I'm 'late' (for me) so I'd better get showered and head out. Hoping to return home this afternoon for a couple of hours. A break before the meeting would be lovely.
Sunday, December 01, 2013
New House
No....we're not moving. Just reminiscing about the 13th anniversary (today!) of moving into this house.
Here are the boys back then.
In a couple weeks when son #1 arrives home, we will take another one in the same place. Both the location and the kids will be virtually unrecognizable.
I celebrated the anniversary by cleaning my desk area....which was a replacement for the plan to go in to work. I worked on Friday and my big report is 'done'. The auditors got their responses and documents - so I made good progress. Figured I could always do a week of going in very early and staying very late should the need arise. Hopefully, it won't. Calendar tomorrow is purposefully 'blocked' all day so that should keep meetings to a minimum.
It's been a lovely break....though a bad cold/sinus something did it's best to bring me down. I feel better today though still have a sore throat and stuff resembling spackle coming out of my nose. That's an improvement though vs. a few days ago so I feel 'good'. I'm consuming Airborne like crazy and am becoming a firm believer in whatever is in those things.
In less than two weeks, B. will be home for the holidays! And it's a three week countdown to my Winter break - the blessing of two full weeks off when virtually everyone else is also it is really, truly down time more than not. Which is a lovely thing.
Let the weeks begin! We listened to Christmas music today as we worked around here - I'm ready for some good cheer.
Here are the boys back then.
In a couple weeks when son #1 arrives home, we will take another one in the same place. Both the location and the kids will be virtually unrecognizable.
I celebrated the anniversary by cleaning my desk area....which was a replacement for the plan to go in to work. I worked on Friday and my big report is 'done'. The auditors got their responses and documents - so I made good progress. Figured I could always do a week of going in very early and staying very late should the need arise. Hopefully, it won't. Calendar tomorrow is purposefully 'blocked' all day so that should keep meetings to a minimum.
It's been a lovely break....though a bad cold/sinus something did it's best to bring me down. I feel better today though still have a sore throat and stuff resembling spackle coming out of my nose. That's an improvement though vs. a few days ago so I feel 'good'. I'm consuming Airborne like crazy and am becoming a firm believer in whatever is in those things.
In less than two weeks, B. will be home for the holidays! And it's a three week countdown to my Winter break - the blessing of two full weeks off when virtually everyone else is also it is really, truly down time more than not. Which is a lovely thing.
Let the weeks begin! We listened to Christmas music today as we worked around here - I'm ready for some good cheer.
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
I'm starting to think maybe I will just do a monthly post and call it what it is - whatever month we're in. Here we are winding dow...
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...