Tuesday, October 23, 2012

First Thing

When I tell J. goodnight these days, I don't say 'see you in the morning'...'cuz I won't.  I am early to bed and early to rise and he is not.  I still often say 'morning' or start to say 'morning'...but then I correct myself and say 'tomorrow'....sometime the next day, I will see him - but it's usually when I'm coming home from a long day -

Most mornings, he gives me a call as soon as he's vertical - me slaving away in my office and him in his lounge pants and shirt, lingering over coffee and finding political stuff to read on the Internet.  Oh, and he's taking a history class online and he's writing essays, etc.  

Yesterday, he said 'so how was the salted caramel'?  And I replied 'read my blog'.  He thought it was 'not bad'...which led to a conversation about his two pumps of syrup in his mug vs. my many 'glugs' of syrup in mine.  Salted caramel is probably OK if it's two teeny pumps - but glugs are a different matter altogether.  Glugs put you over the edge into 'this is gross'.  

So J. will be lightly using the salted caramel so it won't go to waste and I am back to vanilla.  French vanilla, vanilla bean (my favorite) and just plain old vanilla - whatever syrups we have on hand.

It was a great day yesterday and I haven't felt that way in a long time - I got quite a bit done in between major meetings and that felt pretty good.  Today, it's in early again to get stuff ready for folks that can work on projects while I attend more training on our new finance system.  Time to work on reports that are due soon and that means learning an entirely different way of doing things.  I'll be spending the day in a training lab with CBO's from other districts and since we are all great friends and supports for each other, it will be a fun day.  Long...but fun.

It was officially 'blanket needed' weather last night...back to the days of taking a little longer to fall asleep 'cuz it's harder to get warm.  But the snuggling in felt great!  Tonight, it's a long sleeve nightgown!  It's feeling like an official season change....and it's raining.  

Off to work!  Written with genuine enthusiasm - which is also not something I've felt in a long time so that's a great thing. 

The cat just jumped a foot when my phone pinged and buzzed as he was walking by my purse!  That was funny!  

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Tales of Helpers

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