I just lost a great post and hope I can recreate it....not that it was stellar writing but it's something on my heart - and the damn palm of my hand touched the 'pad' and it was gone....
And I just got a call to thank me and 'W' for our support of [insert charity name here]. W. is my brother in law - all his mail comes here. And they - they being the people out there that create calling lists and mailing lists - think W. and I have hooked up. The company that sells extended maintenance and warranties on my car think it's my car with W. And that charity that just called thinks it's W. and I that made a donation. I said 'W. isn't my husband and I don't donate to that charity'.
So now they think we're divorced. Will that stop them? Probably not.
It's bad enough getting all the calls we get for us - the 'real' us that are married and live here...now we get more calls just for W. and now W. and his wife. Which is creepy 'cuz I'm already married to his brother....
[W., if you read this you know I have absolutely no issue with helping you with your mail...and whatever else you need. Always and forever. Love, your sister-in-law....].
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
First Thing
When I tell J. goodnight these days, I don't say 'see you in the morning'...'cuz I won't. I am early to bed and early to rise and he is not. I still often say 'morning' or start to say 'morning'...but then I correct myself and say 'tomorrow'....sometime the next day, I will see him - but it's usually when I'm coming home from a long day -
Most mornings, he gives me a call as soon as he's vertical - me slaving away in my office and him in his lounge pants and shirt, lingering over coffee and finding political stuff to read on the Internet. Oh, and he's taking a history class online and he's writing essays, etc.
Yesterday, he said 'so how was the salted caramel'? And I replied 'read my blog'. He thought it was 'not bad'...which led to a conversation about his two pumps of syrup in his mug vs. my many 'glugs' of syrup in mine. Salted caramel is probably OK if it's two teeny pumps - but glugs are a different matter altogether. Glugs put you over the edge into 'this is gross'.
So J. will be lightly using the salted caramel so it won't go to waste and I am back to vanilla. French vanilla, vanilla bean (my favorite) and just plain old vanilla - whatever syrups we have on hand.
It was a great day yesterday and I haven't felt that way in a long time - I got quite a bit done in between major meetings and that felt pretty good. Today, it's in early again to get stuff ready for folks that can work on projects while I attend more training on our new finance system. Time to work on reports that are due soon and that means learning an entirely different way of doing things. I'll be spending the day in a training lab with CBO's from other districts and since we are all great friends and supports for each other, it will be a fun day. Long...but fun.
It was officially 'blanket needed' weather last night...back to the days of taking a little longer to fall asleep 'cuz it's harder to get warm. But the snuggling in felt great! Tonight, it's a long sleeve nightgown! It's feeling like an official season change....and it's raining.
Off to work! Written with genuine enthusiasm - which is also not something I've felt in a long time so that's a great thing.
The cat just jumped a foot when my phone pinged and buzzed as he was walking by my purse! That was funny!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Guess what? It's Monday again!! Too damn repetitive if you ask me....though it doesn't feel much like Monday to me since I worked this weekend and it all just sort of blends together. But Monday it is!
J. went to San Leandro yesterday to help his brother set up a new computer. J.'s new computer is to be delivered today - a birthday present (sort of) - something he really needs and will enjoy. His old one is so incredibly slow. I tried to encourage him considering getting a Mac but he would have none of that - so he ordered what he wanted to be built by HP. I don't really want a Mac either but folks who have them say we PC users should give it a try and we would never go back. Apparently, I will never know. We are a PC family and slaves to Microsoft.
On the way home from San Leandro, he stopped at Smart & Final and was able to return some leftovers from the ice cream event a couple weeks back. I was glad he could do that 'cuz as the organizer of the event, I was a bit in the hole in terms of expenses. That always happens no matter how carefully planned the event is. And it was OK but glad they took back some of the unopened items. Otherwise, we'd be eating ice cream sundaes FOREVER and that can't happen. My pants are getting too snug again and I know it's too much damn sugar.
Back to the point....he picked up a few coffee syrups since he was there, including one lone bottle of Salted Caramel. I've been looking for this one - sugar free version. I love the salted caramel candies that are out now - that taste of salty sweet...and was so excited when he said he found one bottle of the coveted syrup.
I covet it no more. It may be passable on ice cream with chocolate sauce thrown in for extra sweetness, but in coffee, it's kind of gross. It's got salt in it...I know that's a 'well, duh!' but yuck. It's like the third ingredient and it's really too salty for coffee. Not a 'hint of salt - no, it's a 'slap on the head' saltiness that has no place in a latte.
Glad I tried it so now I know and glad he only was able to find one bottle otherwise, we'd be making another trip to return them.
Off to shower and head in for a meeting packed day. Actually, it's a meeting packed week....
It's feeling a bit like winter! My tank top and pajama pants aren't quite enough and a warm shower will help. My coffee sits next to me taunting me 'cuz it looks delectable but tastes like a salt lick. Yuck!
UPDATE: It may not feel like a Monday in terms of sequentialness but it is a Monday and I need caffeine. The salt lick latte is down the drain winding it's way to the sea where it belongs and a nice, vanilla latte is in its place.....
UPDATE II: Sequentialness is probably not a word....if I were playing Words with Friends right now, I could check and that would be a doozy of a score, wouldn't it?
J. went to San Leandro yesterday to help his brother set up a new computer. J.'s new computer is to be delivered today - a birthday present (sort of) - something he really needs and will enjoy. His old one is so incredibly slow. I tried to encourage him considering getting a Mac but he would have none of that - so he ordered what he wanted to be built by HP. I don't really want a Mac either but folks who have them say we PC users should give it a try and we would never go back. Apparently, I will never know. We are a PC family and slaves to Microsoft.
On the way home from San Leandro, he stopped at Smart & Final and was able to return some leftovers from the ice cream event a couple weeks back. I was glad he could do that 'cuz as the organizer of the event, I was a bit in the hole in terms of expenses. That always happens no matter how carefully planned the event is. And it was OK but glad they took back some of the unopened items. Otherwise, we'd be eating ice cream sundaes FOREVER and that can't happen. My pants are getting too snug again and I know it's too much damn sugar.
Back to the point....he picked up a few coffee syrups since he was there, including one lone bottle of Salted Caramel. I've been looking for this one - sugar free version. I love the salted caramel candies that are out now - that taste of salty sweet...and was so excited when he said he found one bottle of the coveted syrup.
I covet it no more. It may be passable on ice cream with chocolate sauce thrown in for extra sweetness, but in coffee, it's kind of gross. It's got salt in it...I know that's a 'well, duh!' but yuck. It's like the third ingredient and it's really too salty for coffee. Not a 'hint of salt - no, it's a 'slap on the head' saltiness that has no place in a latte.
Glad I tried it so now I know and glad he only was able to find one bottle otherwise, we'd be making another trip to return them.
Off to shower and head in for a meeting packed day. Actually, it's a meeting packed week....
It's feeling a bit like winter! My tank top and pajama pants aren't quite enough and a warm shower will help. My coffee sits next to me taunting me 'cuz it looks delectable but tastes like a salt lick. Yuck!
UPDATE: It may not feel like a Monday in terms of sequentialness but it is a Monday and I need caffeine. The salt lick latte is down the drain winding it's way to the sea where it belongs and a nice, vanilla latte is in its place.....
UPDATE II: Sequentialness is probably not a word....if I were playing Words with Friends right now, I could check and that would be a doozy of a score, wouldn't it?
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Early Christmas
Saturday, I dragged myself (literally) out of the house to do some shopping. Headed to Kohl's in Manteca. I wasn't really feeling like I wanted to leave the house - nor shop - but I am still in search of slacks for work so off I went. I really did not feel well - my legs felt like 1000 ton weights with every step. It was surely the essence of the bug which was about to fell me....
I almost left the minute I walked in the door upon realizing that there were red metallic-y gaudy Christmas trees in full display. ALREADY. This is mid-October, folks! It's still in the mid to high 80's most days. Sure, we had a couple days of overcast drizzle that were just enough to get us all in the mood for pumpkin spice lattes...but now we're back to iced teas! And yet there it was - Christmas in October.
I'm used to that with Costco. Used to watching in August and September for the start of the decorations and trees and lighting, etc. Costco I can forgive - because they are always 'early' in their seasonality. But a clothing store? Come on! It made me so angry I wanted to walk out.
I did something I rarely, rarely do - I actually tried on clothes. Usually, I just buy them and hope they fit and then return them if they don't. But I was intent on finding nice looking, decent fitting items - so I braved the fitting room and tried on pair after pair. Quickly wished J. had come with me to retrieve other sizes.
In the end, I didn't buy anything 'cuz I found one pair of 'jeans' - in a fall rusty orange - that I really liked and they fit great - but how often will I wear orange slacks to work? So I passed....
Today, I am joining in the 'early Christmas' trend by purchasing the new Steven Curtis Chapman Christmas album appropriately titled "Joy". It's lovely - and I will be listening to it non-stop for the next few weeks....thus getting myself in the mood.
This will be a special Christmas for us - likely the last one we will be together for as a family of four. Writing that puts a lump in my throat....but I have some things planned to make it really special and for me, that's what it's about. I want that lump in my throat that day as those I love open things that I have carefully selected for them....and we pass the holidays with each other enjoying merriment, too much food, a lot of joy and faith and at least one trip to the city for holiday cheer!
Christmas is my favorite and sitting here listening to 'Let it Snow' and other classics sung by a man who clearly understands and demonstrates the meaning of the season every day of his life (as does his family) makes my heart happy.
UPDATE: J. ran some errands on his way to campaign phone bank and picked up stamps at the Post Office. Guess what? Christmas! Santa and his reindeer! They were out of the bonsai so Holiday it is!!
I almost left the minute I walked in the door upon realizing that there were red metallic-y gaudy Christmas trees in full display. ALREADY. This is mid-October, folks! It's still in the mid to high 80's most days. Sure, we had a couple days of overcast drizzle that were just enough to get us all in the mood for pumpkin spice lattes...but now we're back to iced teas! And yet there it was - Christmas in October.
I'm used to that with Costco. Used to watching in August and September for the start of the decorations and trees and lighting, etc. Costco I can forgive - because they are always 'early' in their seasonality. But a clothing store? Come on! It made me so angry I wanted to walk out.
I did something I rarely, rarely do - I actually tried on clothes. Usually, I just buy them and hope they fit and then return them if they don't. But I was intent on finding nice looking, decent fitting items - so I braved the fitting room and tried on pair after pair. Quickly wished J. had come with me to retrieve other sizes.
In the end, I didn't buy anything 'cuz I found one pair of 'jeans' - in a fall rusty orange - that I really liked and they fit great - but how often will I wear orange slacks to work? So I passed....
Today, I am joining in the 'early Christmas' trend by purchasing the new Steven Curtis Chapman Christmas album appropriately titled "Joy". It's lovely - and I will be listening to it non-stop for the next few weeks....thus getting myself in the mood.
This will be a special Christmas for us - likely the last one we will be together for as a family of four. Writing that puts a lump in my throat....but I have some things planned to make it really special and for me, that's what it's about. I want that lump in my throat that day as those I love open things that I have carefully selected for them....and we pass the holidays with each other enjoying merriment, too much food, a lot of joy and faith and at least one trip to the city for holiday cheer!
Christmas is my favorite and sitting here listening to 'Let it Snow' and other classics sung by a man who clearly understands and demonstrates the meaning of the season every day of his life (as does his family) makes my heart happy.
UPDATE: J. ran some errands on his way to campaign phone bank and picked up stamps at the Post Office. Guess what? Christmas! Santa and his reindeer! They were out of the bonsai so Holiday it is!!
I almost can't watch the debate tonight 'cuz I feel like there's soooo much riding on it...and you know me. I want to know how it all turns out and THEN I can watch it. Otherwise, it's like adding a stressful event to a plate full of stressful events - and that never ends well.
J. is going to watch the debate at campaign headquarters with the folks working on the campaign for our local Representative election.
I have been home the past two days with a stomach thing...turned out the 'not feeling great' feelings I had all weekend hit wickedly Sunday night and a night of back and forth to the toilet led to a day of being mostly in bed and very lazy. Followed by today which has me vertical more but still not feeling great. Wicked headache - likely induced by dehydration. I am eating a bit more today and while I feel the effects, so far, things are status quo. Ugh. It's been a hard couple of days. And the things I missed at work today are mind-boggling - but couldn't be helped. I managed to get myself out of bed at 4:45 this morning to come downstairs and enter my absence on the automatic system we now have...then went back to bed. Even kept the lights off downstairs so the dog wouldn't be expecting to get up. Took 5 minutes longer 'cuz I had to stand in the pitch dark room after shutting down my computer until my eyes adjusted enough to move. The dark cat lurking around my feet didn't help much.
I think I will return tomorrow.....must, really. I am rarely out ill....and I fear what awaits me. It will be OK. It has to be.
I hope President Obama kicks ass tonight.....
J. is going to watch the debate at campaign headquarters with the folks working on the campaign for our local Representative election.
I have been home the past two days with a stomach thing...turned out the 'not feeling great' feelings I had all weekend hit wickedly Sunday night and a night of back and forth to the toilet led to a day of being mostly in bed and very lazy. Followed by today which has me vertical more but still not feeling great. Wicked headache - likely induced by dehydration. I am eating a bit more today and while I feel the effects, so far, things are status quo. Ugh. It's been a hard couple of days. And the things I missed at work today are mind-boggling - but couldn't be helped. I managed to get myself out of bed at 4:45 this morning to come downstairs and enter my absence on the automatic system we now have...then went back to bed. Even kept the lights off downstairs so the dog wouldn't be expecting to get up. Took 5 minutes longer 'cuz I had to stand in the pitch dark room after shutting down my computer until my eyes adjusted enough to move. The dark cat lurking around my feet didn't help much.
I think I will return tomorrow.....must, really. I am rarely out ill....and I fear what awaits me. It will be OK. It has to be.
I hope President Obama kicks ass tonight.....
Thursday, October 11, 2012
for the night. Not from work. Wishing I could...and someday, my wish will come true....
I got my mojo back! So glad. Cloudy gloom and doom lifted a bit on Monday which then shifted the time continuum and the next thing I knew, I was back to my regular self. Thank goodness....
I'm wearing a shirt today that I haven't worn in years - and it fits great! I am losing weight!! My only gripe is: I have saved and budgeted to get some really nice dress slacks - and I can't find any. I am thinking I will go through my closet and get the pants I have altered. I found a You Tube video on how to take your favorite pair of pants and make a pattern from them so you can sew your own....and I can see myself doing the pattern thing but then the buying material, cutting, sewing and dealing with a zipper is beyond my sewing capacity. I know I could do it - but the angst and time just make it not worth it. I just have to keep looking....and/or go for alterations. Most of my pants belong in the Goodwill bin and if I look good, I feel good....so I am going shopping this weekend!
It's cold and drizzly today and I'm ready for creamy potato soup and snuggling under a blanket! I am driving to Yolo County tomorrow for a workshop so will be leaving at 6AM to get there by 8.....I'm heading to bed shortly and it's only 7:30. I'm sleepy - and best to sleep when I feel tired.
To my friend J. who emailed me today to get together for dinner in a couple weeks - I have no idea how you always know right when I need you, but you always do....and while reaching out to me seemed small to you, it was huge to me. I miss you and have been thinking about you but when I'm in my 'shell', I just turn inward. Thanks for emailing me....and I can't wait to see you. We have a lot to catch up on, don't we!
One more day to a weekend! Sleeping in! Making homemade granola bars! Cooking! Napping!
I got my mojo back! So glad. Cloudy gloom and doom lifted a bit on Monday which then shifted the time continuum and the next thing I knew, I was back to my regular self. Thank goodness....
I'm wearing a shirt today that I haven't worn in years - and it fits great! I am losing weight!! My only gripe is: I have saved and budgeted to get some really nice dress slacks - and I can't find any. I am thinking I will go through my closet and get the pants I have altered. I found a You Tube video on how to take your favorite pair of pants and make a pattern from them so you can sew your own....and I can see myself doing the pattern thing but then the buying material, cutting, sewing and dealing with a zipper is beyond my sewing capacity. I know I could do it - but the angst and time just make it not worth it. I just have to keep looking....and/or go for alterations. Most of my pants belong in the Goodwill bin and if I look good, I feel good....so I am going shopping this weekend!
It's cold and drizzly today and I'm ready for creamy potato soup and snuggling under a blanket! I am driving to Yolo County tomorrow for a workshop so will be leaving at 6AM to get there by 8.....I'm heading to bed shortly and it's only 7:30. I'm sleepy - and best to sleep when I feel tired.
To my friend J. who emailed me today to get together for dinner in a couple weeks - I have no idea how you always know right when I need you, but you always do....and while reaching out to me seemed small to you, it was huge to me. I miss you and have been thinking about you but when I'm in my 'shell', I just turn inward. Thanks for emailing me....and I can't wait to see you. We have a lot to catch up on, don't we!
One more day to a weekend! Sleeping in! Making homemade granola bars! Cooking! Napping!
Sunday, October 07, 2012
Blow Me (One Last Kiss)
I downloaded the new P!nk album and am playing "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)" at top volume. When the lines "I've had a shit day; you've had a shit day; we've had a shit day" play, I sing them at the top of my lungs. The song makes me want to get up and make something happen....it's energizing and cathartic at the same time.
My Own Barista
The ice cream party hosted last Wednesday was a huge success. The people we wanted to surprise and honor were very surprised and honored and it was a lot of fun. Also a lot of work....the blisters on my feet from many trips back and forth to the car lugging things like ice chests full of dry ice and refrigerables took it's toll.
We had some leftovers of everything - and I brought home three Ziploc containers of ice cream and assorted other leftovers. Whip creams, caramel and chocolate sauces and candy. The boys are polishing off the candy pretty quickly - and the ice cream is going fast, too.
This morning, I did my part by having whip cream and caramel sauce on my mug of coffee. Plain, ordinary (budget conscious) coffee topped with a flourish! Delicious! I can't do that everyday or I will promptly gain back the weight I've lost (and then some) but I'm doing my part to remove three partial cans of whip cream from the refrigerator. J. has done a masterful job of keeping it tidy and organized and now it's a cluttered mess again with too many leftovers...so I'm proud to take a hit for household organization and cull whip cream.
J. and the family just left for San Fran for the game. J. has a bright red ESPN jacket, a Monday Night Football hat and he even added a lanyard - so he looks like he's a retired sports guy of some time. The retired part is true! I'm sure they will have a blast - I said 'you could pass for Jim McKay' and J. said 'maybe, but he's dead'. We just watched a TV program about him and I didn't remember he's gone....
It's just before 9 and when the dishwasher finishes running, I will be heading to my office for a bit. I know...it sucks. But it's got to be done.
I'm not sure if we are having family for dinner or not tonight - but if we are, it's going to be pizza! Delivered! To heck with the food budget! It's only money and I can work until I'm 80 if I have to. Right?
We had some leftovers of everything - and I brought home three Ziploc containers of ice cream and assorted other leftovers. Whip creams, caramel and chocolate sauces and candy. The boys are polishing off the candy pretty quickly - and the ice cream is going fast, too.
This morning, I did my part by having whip cream and caramel sauce on my mug of coffee. Plain, ordinary (budget conscious) coffee topped with a flourish! Delicious! I can't do that everyday or I will promptly gain back the weight I've lost (and then some) but I'm doing my part to remove three partial cans of whip cream from the refrigerator. J. has done a masterful job of keeping it tidy and organized and now it's a cluttered mess again with too many leftovers...so I'm proud to take a hit for household organization and cull whip cream.
J. and the family just left for San Fran for the game. J. has a bright red ESPN jacket, a Monday Night Football hat and he even added a lanyard - so he looks like he's a retired sports guy of some time. The retired part is true! I'm sure they will have a blast - I said 'you could pass for Jim McKay' and J. said 'maybe, but he's dead'. We just watched a TV program about him and I didn't remember he's gone....
It's just before 9 and when the dishwasher finishes running, I will be heading to my office for a bit. I know...it sucks. But it's got to be done.
I'm not sure if we are having family for dinner or not tonight - but if we are, it's going to be pizza! Delivered! To heck with the food budget! It's only money and I can work until I'm 80 if I have to. Right?
Saturday, October 06, 2012
Saturdays Are For....
Cousins arrived today for a night. The boys accompanied J. to the city with the family for a day of fun. Then they stopped in San Leandro for dinner with the other brother/uncle.
I piddled around the house vacuuming things that rarely get vacuumed - like window blinds and window sills. It was a beautiful day today and I opened up every window possible to let some fresh air in. Then I headed to work for a few hours. Then to the recently remodeled Starbucks across town for an iced tea; stopped at grocery for eggs and juice for breakfast tomorrow and then to Wing Stop for wings! It's my favorite 'treat' when I'm dining alone.
Tomorrow J. and his brother and the girls are going to the 49rs game for the day. I plan to do some more piddling around the house and then working a bit more.
I loved that it was cool enough last night to need a little light blanket - and the warm sinking back into sleep feeling this morning was great!
There's not much going on around here these days....just boys becoming men and a mom and a dad becoming older. I am cranky in ways that defy explanation and I am attempting to pull myself out of a deep, dark hole. It will pass.....as I always say. There are discouraging things afoot and I feel the urge to initiate some major changes in my life....and I'm not sure where all those feelings are coming from. I'm really not. So I don't write 'cuz I've got nothing positive to say at the moment...and until those feelings tamp down a bit, I fear the blog will just become some whiny mess attempting to pass for something people want to read.
I piddled around the house vacuuming things that rarely get vacuumed - like window blinds and window sills. It was a beautiful day today and I opened up every window possible to let some fresh air in. Then I headed to work for a few hours. Then to the recently remodeled Starbucks across town for an iced tea; stopped at grocery for eggs and juice for breakfast tomorrow and then to Wing Stop for wings! It's my favorite 'treat' when I'm dining alone.
Tomorrow J. and his brother and the girls are going to the 49rs game for the day. I plan to do some more piddling around the house and then working a bit more.
I loved that it was cool enough last night to need a little light blanket - and the warm sinking back into sleep feeling this morning was great!
There's not much going on around here these days....just boys becoming men and a mom and a dad becoming older. I am cranky in ways that defy explanation and I am attempting to pull myself out of a deep, dark hole. It will pass.....as I always say. There are discouraging things afoot and I feel the urge to initiate some major changes in my life....and I'm not sure where all those feelings are coming from. I'm really not. So I don't write 'cuz I've got nothing positive to say at the moment...and until those feelings tamp down a bit, I fear the blog will just become some whiny mess attempting to pass for something people want to read.
Monday, October 01, 2012
It's October! Can you believe it? Pumpkin Spice latte anyone?
Doesn't feel like fall....at all. But it's getting there.
I will be heading to work early today 'cuz I need to leave 'early' this afternoon (for me) to bake a batch of vanilla scones for a birthday celebration tomorrow. Had planned to make the dough yesterday but didn't quite get to that. Went to the store to procure the heavy cream and whole milk (these are not fat-free scones) but never got around to making the dough. So later today will be a full on bake-fest! Thank goodness there are leftovers from last night for dinner -
It's also a busy week 'cuz I am one of a group of folks hosting a 'system conversion' celebration event later this week for close to 100 people! Thankfully, I have the help of my good friend R. who is a party planner extraordinaire. Just a mention to her of 'hey, can you please help with decor, etc.' and she was ON IT - it's going to be super cute and fun. I can't wait - mainly to have it over 'cuz it's been an undertaking - but it will be fun and there is no group more deserving of acknowledgement than all the folks that worked so hard getting us up and running - including my wonderful team at my district. Still many things to learn and do but it's coming along.
Chloe is whining for her breakfast and I need to see if the cat is ready to come inside again before something startles him and he tries to crash through the screen door! It's happened! I try to keep a look-out for him but he's busy catting-about outside - and he's hard to see in the dark. He's getting older (he's 14 1/2) but he still has the oomph to get outside for a bit most mornings.
Oomph.....time to give myself a boost of that as well.
Doesn't feel like fall....at all. But it's getting there.
I will be heading to work early today 'cuz I need to leave 'early' this afternoon (for me) to bake a batch of vanilla scones for a birthday celebration tomorrow. Had planned to make the dough yesterday but didn't quite get to that. Went to the store to procure the heavy cream and whole milk (these are not fat-free scones) but never got around to making the dough. So later today will be a full on bake-fest! Thank goodness there are leftovers from last night for dinner -
It's also a busy week 'cuz I am one of a group of folks hosting a 'system conversion' celebration event later this week for close to 100 people! Thankfully, I have the help of my good friend R. who is a party planner extraordinaire. Just a mention to her of 'hey, can you please help with decor, etc.' and she was ON IT - it's going to be super cute and fun. I can't wait - mainly to have it over 'cuz it's been an undertaking - but it will be fun and there is no group more deserving of acknowledgement than all the folks that worked so hard getting us up and running - including my wonderful team at my district. Still many things to learn and do but it's coming along.
Chloe is whining for her breakfast and I need to see if the cat is ready to come inside again before something startles him and he tries to crash through the screen door! It's happened! I try to keep a look-out for him but he's busy catting-about outside - and he's hard to see in the dark. He's getting older (he's 14 1/2) but he still has the oomph to get outside for a bit most mornings.
Oomph.....time to give myself a boost of that as well.
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
I'm starting to think maybe I will just do a monthly post and call it what it is - whatever month we're in. Here we are winding dow...
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...