First, a shout out to my cousin S. who became a 'follower'. Thanks for reading and I love your blog so please keep writing and posting pics of those adorable girls....
Now for a public service announcement:
I went to the doctor - a pre-appointment for the throat/stomach scope I'm having done in a couple weeks. Had it done last year around the same time and the doctor removed stomach polyps (benign) so that automatically qualifies me for a re-do a year later.
My blood pressure was up - not shockingly high - but higher than usual and I asked the nurse 'that top number seems a bit high' and she said 'yes, a bit'.
And I said 'well, I just got a couple emails that are sort of stressing me out so that's probably it'.
Nothing like working diligently to be done with year-end and then find out that it's possible some construction expenses are categorized in the wrong place - and if I don't fix that by early tomorrow morning, they will be in the wrong place forever. According to our architect, that would not be a good thing - so they are scrambling to confirm where/when/if they billed us those expenses so I can figure out where they need to be coded to and get them there pronto!
So yes - at the end of 19 straight days and another long week to go, I was a wee bit stressed to hear that and I think that's why my top number was slightly high.
On a good note, I am determined to take off a day this weekend. Out of three days, there will be one day - 12 hours - that I will not work. J. and I are planning to run some errands and use our Groupon for lunch at Fresh Choice in Modesto. That time away, shopping at Target and lunch will be a nice break.
And there will be sleeping in for three full days - at least somewhat sleeping in. No alarm -
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Reality Bites
Yesterday, J. and I headed to Stockton to meet with a financial advisor. I've long been running models and planning - and feel reasonably confident about our assumptions and our plan. But it's been a much different 'feeling' lately to realize that effective NOW - not three years from now but NOW - our retirement plan is 'in progress'.
There are so many modeling tools available and I once again have to point out the impact the Internet has had on all of us. You can find so much information and so many retirement calculators out there now - I can't imagine taking the plunge without having all these tools to assist.
But then like all great things, it comes to a mind-jerking HALT/TILT/HOLY CRAP at some point....because one model says you're short by an astronomical number while another says you are going to leave your kids that same astronomical number in the opposite direction of the previous model - and you know the answer is somewhere in between those two results. I just want to feel 'ok' about realizing that even with Social Security and his small pension (from a bank he worked for an entire six months that was taken over close to three decades ago), we might need to start 'drawing' on retirement savings now and then. I want to know we can do that now and still be OK...and then, if/when we don't actually need to, we will be even more 'to the good'. But that's hard to know without a 'professional' telling me it's true.
The guy asked us 'so do you have any big purchases planned in the near future - like a motor home?'. No...but then of course I came home and found a condo on the beach in Mexico for $159K so now I want that! I'm not going to get it - but I'd sure love to! It's in a beach town we could DRIVE TO!
So we've provided our info and the guy will be running scenarios for us - and he seemed fairly confident that we are going to be fine. He even thinks I might be able to retire a few years earlier than I'm planning currently - but we'll see about that. Medical coverage is a pretty big incentive to keep me working into my sixties....but if the model says earlier is do-able, I'll jump on that train in a heart beat.
It is harder than I thought to get up every morning and slog off to work when J. isn't. I don't want/expect him to get up this early but it's really hard being 'alone' as I trek off for another 10-12 hour day while he stays home. I'm so happy for him - but the almost 11 year age difference that we've always had is sure different now that he's officially not working and I still officially must.
Still, the flip side of that is that it is absolutely AWESOME to come home everyday to a tidy home, with dinner ready. A quiet evening of watching TV with my beloved while the dishwasher hums late (we aren't using electricity between noon and 7PM - at least as much as we can we aren't. Damn Time of Use rate chart is altering our lives but oh well. We'll be 'off the grid' in a few months and then we can run the appliances whenever we feel like it!!).
J. continues to walk close to 2 miles most day and he's volunteering a lot for the campaign he's been working on. Don't know what he'll do when the election's over - but I'm sure he'll think of something.
Time to slog off to the trenches for another day of fun and merriment in education!
There are so many modeling tools available and I once again have to point out the impact the Internet has had on all of us. You can find so much information and so many retirement calculators out there now - I can't imagine taking the plunge without having all these tools to assist.
But then like all great things, it comes to a mind-jerking HALT/TILT/HOLY CRAP at some point....because one model says you're short by an astronomical number while another says you are going to leave your kids that same astronomical number in the opposite direction of the previous model - and you know the answer is somewhere in between those two results. I just want to feel 'ok' about realizing that even with Social Security and his small pension (from a bank he worked for an entire six months that was taken over close to three decades ago), we might need to start 'drawing' on retirement savings now and then. I want to know we can do that now and still be OK...and then, if/when we don't actually need to, we will be even more 'to the good'. But that's hard to know without a 'professional' telling me it's true.
The guy asked us 'so do you have any big purchases planned in the near future - like a motor home?'. No...but then of course I came home and found a condo on the beach in Mexico for $159K so now I want that! I'm not going to get it - but I'd sure love to! It's in a beach town we could DRIVE TO!
So we've provided our info and the guy will be running scenarios for us - and he seemed fairly confident that we are going to be fine. He even thinks I might be able to retire a few years earlier than I'm planning currently - but we'll see about that. Medical coverage is a pretty big incentive to keep me working into my sixties....but if the model says earlier is do-able, I'll jump on that train in a heart beat.
It is harder than I thought to get up every morning and slog off to work when J. isn't. I don't want/expect him to get up this early but it's really hard being 'alone' as I trek off for another 10-12 hour day while he stays home. I'm so happy for him - but the almost 11 year age difference that we've always had is sure different now that he's officially not working and I still officially must.
Still, the flip side of that is that it is absolutely AWESOME to come home everyday to a tidy home, with dinner ready. A quiet evening of watching TV with my beloved while the dishwasher hums late (we aren't using electricity between noon and 7PM - at least as much as we can we aren't. Damn Time of Use rate chart is altering our lives but oh well. We'll be 'off the grid' in a few months and then we can run the appliances whenever we feel like it!!).
J. continues to walk close to 2 miles most day and he's volunteering a lot for the campaign he's been working on. Don't know what he'll do when the election's over - but I'm sure he'll think of something.
Time to slog off to the trenches for another day of fun and merriment in education!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
A Study of Early
This is B. getting up early. He comes downstairs dressed for the day - and promptly heads to the couch and does this:
This is not early. This is 'still in bed only not actually in bed'. An hour or two later, he will wake up and be 'up' for the day.
My repeated statement of 'the couch is not a bed, B.. If you are planning to sleep, then stay in your bed and sleep!'.
This couch is thrashed - and when the boys/men move out, we are going to Pottery Barn and buying a really nice sofa - that will survive grandkids.
Not that we have grandkids yet - but we might someday.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Hello and Happy Saturday to them. Even when I work through them, I still rejoice at awakening on my own with no mechanical device to nudge me. I was up just before 7 this morning and enjoyed a quiet morning at home before heading to the office. Much accomplished and home reasonably 'early' (all things considered).
J. and B. went to the taqueria for dinner - Mexican food on a budget when I'm too lazy to cook. Craving enchiladas and it's too hot and too time consuming to make them. But I will soon - my cousin S. provided a great recipe and I can't wait to try it. I just need a day where cooking will be 'fun'. That day isn't today - nor in the foreseeable future. Love having J. home 'cuz he handles dinners - I help 'plan' what to have and he makes it happen! 'Tis a beautiful thing! I am really enjoying have a stay at home husband!
It's now Sunday.....another productive day at the office. Came home to cook and I've mixed up scone dough for tomorrow - birthday celebration. Made a double batch 'cuz I need scones for a Wednesday meeting also. They are delicious!
Here's something that amazes me about my helps so much to know that there are other folks working hard, too....great to have a couple friends also working this weekend. Helps so much to have a friend to call for a question; a vent session; encouragement (mutual). It's a lot of work to do what we do and for those of us in small districts who do it all pretty much alone, it's such a blessing to have others doing the same thing. And today, a county office employee was also working - so I was able to get some questions answered and fix a couple things - our County Office of Education is so, so great.
I left by 3 feeling slightly ahead...just slightly. Trying so hard to get to a point where taking one day off next weekend is possible. Maybe two if I wedge in some good effort during the work week. Hope to...I always try but constant interruptions are the 'norm'. And meetings on and off throughout the week also make it a challenge. It will all get done. It always does.
J. is having a 'dental emergency' procedure tomorrow - he has an abscessed tooth and needs a root canal stat! He is going to call first thing in the morning to get in to see the root canal guy (I have no idea what he's called). Our dentist saw him yesterday morning and faxed over the info to the other dental professional. We're hoping it can be done first thing in the morning 'cuz we have a phone appointment with a financial advisor scheduled at 11AM so we can hopefully get some of our questions answered. We need a plan we both agree on - and at the moment, our approaches are diverging instead of merging. Not drastically - but somewhat. So many things to consider - and it truly is hard to know which direction to go and what to do first. And when I get frustrated about it, I remind myself how blessed we are to have all this stuff to think about.
Time to get the scones rolled out, cut and baked. Then glazed. It's not an easy process but it's worth it. These taste pretty much just like the Starbucks Petite Vanilla scones and they are worth the effort. I did take a short cut by asking J. to drive to Pleasanton yesterday to pick up vanilla bean paste - so instead of scraping a zillion vanilla beans (which are sort of dry and require a good soaking before attempting to extract the caviar from the bean), I just measure out the vanilla bean paste - it's a breeze! So grateful that J. was able to go there yesterday - or I'd be bringing bagels instead. Not nearly as good as scones.
Funny thing is, though - the person who's having a birthday probably won't eat any scones - I'm also bringing her sliced cucumber and celery with hummus - 'cuz she rarely (really, really rarely) eats sugar! The rest of us will enjoy the sweets - and I like hummus, too!!
J. and B. went to the taqueria for dinner - Mexican food on a budget when I'm too lazy to cook. Craving enchiladas and it's too hot and too time consuming to make them. But I will soon - my cousin S. provided a great recipe and I can't wait to try it. I just need a day where cooking will be 'fun'. That day isn't today - nor in the foreseeable future. Love having J. home 'cuz he handles dinners - I help 'plan' what to have and he makes it happen! 'Tis a beautiful thing! I am really enjoying have a stay at home husband!
It's now Sunday.....another productive day at the office. Came home to cook and I've mixed up scone dough for tomorrow - birthday celebration. Made a double batch 'cuz I need scones for a Wednesday meeting also. They are delicious!
Here's something that amazes me about my helps so much to know that there are other folks working hard, too....great to have a couple friends also working this weekend. Helps so much to have a friend to call for a question; a vent session; encouragement (mutual). It's a lot of work to do what we do and for those of us in small districts who do it all pretty much alone, it's such a blessing to have others doing the same thing. And today, a county office employee was also working - so I was able to get some questions answered and fix a couple things - our County Office of Education is so, so great.
I left by 3 feeling slightly ahead...just slightly. Trying so hard to get to a point where taking one day off next weekend is possible. Maybe two if I wedge in some good effort during the work week. Hope to...I always try but constant interruptions are the 'norm'. And meetings on and off throughout the week also make it a challenge. It will all get done. It always does.
J. is having a 'dental emergency' procedure tomorrow - he has an abscessed tooth and needs a root canal stat! He is going to call first thing in the morning to get in to see the root canal guy (I have no idea what he's called). Our dentist saw him yesterday morning and faxed over the info to the other dental professional. We're hoping it can be done first thing in the morning 'cuz we have a phone appointment with a financial advisor scheduled at 11AM so we can hopefully get some of our questions answered. We need a plan we both agree on - and at the moment, our approaches are diverging instead of merging. Not drastically - but somewhat. So many things to consider - and it truly is hard to know which direction to go and what to do first. And when I get frustrated about it, I remind myself how blessed we are to have all this stuff to think about.
Time to get the scones rolled out, cut and baked. Then glazed. It's not an easy process but it's worth it. These taste pretty much just like the Starbucks Petite Vanilla scones and they are worth the effort. I did take a short cut by asking J. to drive to Pleasanton yesterday to pick up vanilla bean paste - so instead of scraping a zillion vanilla beans (which are sort of dry and require a good soaking before attempting to extract the caviar from the bean), I just measure out the vanilla bean paste - it's a breeze! So grateful that J. was able to go there yesterday - or I'd be bringing bagels instead. Not nearly as good as scones.
Funny thing is, though - the person who's having a birthday probably won't eat any scones - I'm also bringing her sliced cucumber and celery with hummus - 'cuz she rarely (really, really rarely) eats sugar! The rest of us will enjoy the sweets - and I like hummus, too!!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
All Systems Down
I have looked forward to today all week. Post board meeting...and a meeting free day. Big plans to just spend the day working on year-end stuff and getting a lot done so I can move on to the next list of year-end things still needing to be done.
The system was down when I arrived and stayed down. No access to the finance system or email. Had email on our phones (different server at our county office and didn't require the Internet) but you can't really transact a lot typing on an iPhone. I know Siri would try to type for me - I need to write about her someday - but it's still not a great method.
After three hours of tidying and organizing, my boss popped by to ask me something and I said 'hey, I hear the VPN (Virtual Private Network) is up so I think I might head home and try to work there. OK with you?' 'Of course'...which I knew he would say. He can probably sense the growing panic in my voice as the deadline looms ever closer....and the piles of purple paper on my desk grow and migrate. I use different colors each year - it just helps designate the 'year-end' stuff on my desk from the non year end stuff - it's crazy but it works. This year's color is a lovely lavender. I just use what we have around....
So I head home, unpack, set up my office in the dining room, get working away....and then start getting a gazillion emails - and find out we are back up. I want a tuna sandwich for lunch with Lay's potato chips on it - but sadly, there is no bread.
I head back after getting a $1 McChicken sandwich and manage to get quite a bit done. Thank goodness. Tomorrow is a 'meetings all day' kind of day - so not much year-end will happen. Friday's a clear(er) day - and then there's the weekend. Another weekend in the trenches. Oh well.
I took a co-worker to pick up her car that was in the shop and it was a welcome excuse to leave at 4. And while I should have gone back, I didn't. Headed to Winco and did a grocery shop - haven't been there in about a month and we were low on staples like flour, sugar, etc. Also got some bagels, noodles, Pop Tarts and cereal 'cuz son #2 isn't eating much/well and it's because he has his 'list' of things he likes to have on hand and I realized they were all out of stock. So now we have plenty again. A bagel and cream cheese will be packed for my breakfast tomorrow and some yummy grapes. And we have bread again...but tomorrow, post-meeting, we are going to The Squeeze Inn for lunch! I'm having chicken tacos! With cheese skirt.
Hump day is officially winding down. I'd be excited about the weekend but we all know how that's going to turn out.
The system was down when I arrived and stayed down. No access to the finance system or email. Had email on our phones (different server at our county office and didn't require the Internet) but you can't really transact a lot typing on an iPhone. I know Siri would try to type for me - I need to write about her someday - but it's still not a great method.
After three hours of tidying and organizing, my boss popped by to ask me something and I said 'hey, I hear the VPN (Virtual Private Network) is up so I think I might head home and try to work there. OK with you?' 'Of course'...which I knew he would say. He can probably sense the growing panic in my voice as the deadline looms ever closer....and the piles of purple paper on my desk grow and migrate. I use different colors each year - it just helps designate the 'year-end' stuff on my desk from the non year end stuff - it's crazy but it works. This year's color is a lovely lavender. I just use what we have around....
So I head home, unpack, set up my office in the dining room, get working away....and then start getting a gazillion emails - and find out we are back up. I want a tuna sandwich for lunch with Lay's potato chips on it - but sadly, there is no bread.
I head back after getting a $1 McChicken sandwich and manage to get quite a bit done. Thank goodness. Tomorrow is a 'meetings all day' kind of day - so not much year-end will happen. Friday's a clear(er) day - and then there's the weekend. Another weekend in the trenches. Oh well.
I took a co-worker to pick up her car that was in the shop and it was a welcome excuse to leave at 4. And while I should have gone back, I didn't. Headed to Winco and did a grocery shop - haven't been there in about a month and we were low on staples like flour, sugar, etc. Also got some bagels, noodles, Pop Tarts and cereal 'cuz son #2 isn't eating much/well and it's because he has his 'list' of things he likes to have on hand and I realized they were all out of stock. So now we have plenty again. A bagel and cream cheese will be packed for my breakfast tomorrow and some yummy grapes. And we have bread again...but tomorrow, post-meeting, we are going to The Squeeze Inn for lunch! I'm having chicken tacos! With cheese skirt.
Hump day is officially winding down. I'd be excited about the weekend but we all know how that's going to turn out.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
H. is bringing home good money these days. On average, his checks are double what B. brings home - which makes total sense because H. is working full time. Sometimes more than full time.
The first month of this new found income was (we thought) his honeymoon period - the money came in and it quickly went out. Sometimes he'd have new tees to show for it. Or a new lip ring. But more often than not, he'd have nothing to show for it - but empty energy drink cans and gas in his car.
It's been very stressful for me to adjust to him having readily available cash and frankly, it's not going well.
I realized around the end of that first month that he'd started smoking cigarettes again - which I disdain and which I wish he would not do. But the friends he hangs out with mostly all smoke and I think it's hard for him to chill with people who smoke - and not smoke. So he's started buying cigarettes again and those are expensive. That explains part of the 'where is all the money going?'.
But there are still many holes unexplained and I sit here this morning with my stomach in knots feeling sick - because the kid just went through an astronomical amount of cash in the past two days - with nothing to show for it.
Add to that his depositing his paycheck into savings and then using his debit card for cash withdrawals, etc. - and he overdrew his checking FOUR TIMES in the past 48 hours - at $12.50 a pop. So $50 in fees out the door because he can't keep track of which account he put his money into. I know he's trying to save more - but putting his paycheck in savings and then spending out of checking (which is the account his debit card is connected to) isn't going to work.
I doubt he's doing things he shouldn't be doing because the consequences for doing them are pretty severe - but I told J. to explain to H. that going through that kind of cash in two days is something that raises my mom radar to astronomical levels - and I don't think I can do this anymore. So if he's going to burn through cash like that, I think he needs to move out - and he can deal with his banking issues on his own.
And clearly, saving for a deposit on an apartment (with friends) and planning to be on his own isn't in the plan either - 'cuz he goes through most of his weekly money every single week. The honeymoon is lasting FOREVER with this kid....
J. is going to talk to him today. I can't. I will be a raving lunatic mama and the poor kid doesn't deserve that.
Heading to work via McDonald's for pancakes. I's horribly bad for me - but I need the energy.
The first month of this new found income was (we thought) his honeymoon period - the money came in and it quickly went out. Sometimes he'd have new tees to show for it. Or a new lip ring. But more often than not, he'd have nothing to show for it - but empty energy drink cans and gas in his car.
It's been very stressful for me to adjust to him having readily available cash and frankly, it's not going well.
I realized around the end of that first month that he'd started smoking cigarettes again - which I disdain and which I wish he would not do. But the friends he hangs out with mostly all smoke and I think it's hard for him to chill with people who smoke - and not smoke. So he's started buying cigarettes again and those are expensive. That explains part of the 'where is all the money going?'.
But there are still many holes unexplained and I sit here this morning with my stomach in knots feeling sick - because the kid just went through an astronomical amount of cash in the past two days - with nothing to show for it.
Add to that his depositing his paycheck into savings and then using his debit card for cash withdrawals, etc. - and he overdrew his checking FOUR TIMES in the past 48 hours - at $12.50 a pop. So $50 in fees out the door because he can't keep track of which account he put his money into. I know he's trying to save more - but putting his paycheck in savings and then spending out of checking (which is the account his debit card is connected to) isn't going to work.
I doubt he's doing things he shouldn't be doing because the consequences for doing them are pretty severe - but I told J. to explain to H. that going through that kind of cash in two days is something that raises my mom radar to astronomical levels - and I don't think I can do this anymore. So if he's going to burn through cash like that, I think he needs to move out - and he can deal with his banking issues on his own.
And clearly, saving for a deposit on an apartment (with friends) and planning to be on his own isn't in the plan either - 'cuz he goes through most of his weekly money every single week. The honeymoon is lasting FOREVER with this kid....
J. is going to talk to him today. I can't. I will be a raving lunatic mama and the poor kid doesn't deserve that.
Heading to work via McDonald's for pancakes. I's horribly bad for me - but I need the energy.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
The weather here has turned partly cloudy with RAIN! Hard to believe but true. It's not a heavy rain but it's not a sprinkle either. It's slightly overcast and somewhat muggy - and we don't get a lot of 'muggy' here so we're enjoying the change.
J. just left to go canvas neighborhoods confirming support for the candidate he's been stumping for. He's trying out his new shoes that were special ordered - good reviews for support and comfort and that's what he needs. He will be home for lunch and then heading to Costco for our weekly drip to our grocery store. I want to put the 16 count box of Drumsticks on the list - they are in the coupon book so they are on sale! - but I won't. I know the kids would eat most of them but we would eat some, too and we shouldn't. So I'm putting two containers of fresh pineapple on the list instead of one and sticking with fruit when we need a little treat. J. will be relieved 'cuz we'd have to stick them in the freezer here and there and that's a lot of stuff to cram in. We need a garage refrigerator/freezer and every time I get ready to buy one, I read articles about how difficult it may be to keep them from leaking, etc. The hot/cold of garage life is a challenge for most household refrigerators. I just can't figure out if that's a gimmick to sell the hugely expensive 'garage appropriate' unit (which also doesn't get great reviews) or not. Oh well. Having that extra cold space would probably result in a lot of really bad things being too easily available to eat. So it's probably best to just not go there.
That was a long meandering paragraph on the merits of cold storage.
I am heading to the office soon - I did sleep in 'cuz yesterday really zapped me. I was exhausted. Went upstairs to sleep at 5 - intending just a little cat nap to get me through to bed time - and woke up at 8PM. Back to sleep at 11 and slept until 7! Did have to work at going back to sleep at 6 but I managed.
There's so many things going on at work that I don't write about and I often wish I could. Just get it all out there...but I won't. It is what it is....and it's all fine (for me). I keep reciting the mantra 'change is often hard' and try to keep moving forward. I said to my boss that starting the 4th year we've worked together feels like 10 - and there's some truth to that. The pace is just mind-boggling and the challenge of keeping that momentum is gob-smacking on a daily basis. Reflective of a place where that pace of change has long been suggested (even needed) and now it's finally starting to happen. Good things everywhere and taking a stellar district to new heights. But boy howdy, sometimes the mind has to grapple with the pace. I can do this. I want to do this. It's never the work. Ever. I love the work. It's just my 50+ year old body and mind trying to keep up - 'tis a challenge sometimes.
On that note, I head in for a long day but know progress will be made. The office culling has helped so, so much - and I am so glad I took a day when the mood struck this past Tuesday to just keep going. It was a day I should have worked on massive projects, etc. but spending that day getting rid of stuff I've never even touched (after five years) and moving things around so that the files in my desk are what I need (vs. on top of my desk in a stack) has made a world of difference. And I am spending a few minutes throughout the day to keep things tidy. Putting things back. Filing right away if it's something I need or a current project. What a difference. And now, when papers are reviewed, I know there's a place for many of them - so the stacks are lessening. Huge weight off. You can see wood now! more often than not! Yeah to fake wood!
Happy Saturday! Tonight is fresh salmon (on the Costco list) with fresh squash and tomatoes (not from our garden - our squash plants not only didn't thrive, they died within a couple days of flowering and I don't grow big tomatoes) from my friend's garden.
And maybe a Saturday evening treat of McDonald's chocolate dip cone or an ice cream sundae!
J. just left to go canvas neighborhoods confirming support for the candidate he's been stumping for. He's trying out his new shoes that were special ordered - good reviews for support and comfort and that's what he needs. He will be home for lunch and then heading to Costco for our weekly drip to our grocery store. I want to put the 16 count box of Drumsticks on the list - they are in the coupon book so they are on sale! - but I won't. I know the kids would eat most of them but we would eat some, too and we shouldn't. So I'm putting two containers of fresh pineapple on the list instead of one and sticking with fruit when we need a little treat. J. will be relieved 'cuz we'd have to stick them in the freezer here and there and that's a lot of stuff to cram in. We need a garage refrigerator/freezer and every time I get ready to buy one, I read articles about how difficult it may be to keep them from leaking, etc. The hot/cold of garage life is a challenge for most household refrigerators. I just can't figure out if that's a gimmick to sell the hugely expensive 'garage appropriate' unit (which also doesn't get great reviews) or not. Oh well. Having that extra cold space would probably result in a lot of really bad things being too easily available to eat. So it's probably best to just not go there.
That was a long meandering paragraph on the merits of cold storage.
I am heading to the office soon - I did sleep in 'cuz yesterday really zapped me. I was exhausted. Went upstairs to sleep at 5 - intending just a little cat nap to get me through to bed time - and woke up at 8PM. Back to sleep at 11 and slept until 7! Did have to work at going back to sleep at 6 but I managed.
There's so many things going on at work that I don't write about and I often wish I could. Just get it all out there...but I won't. It is what it is....and it's all fine (for me). I keep reciting the mantra 'change is often hard' and try to keep moving forward. I said to my boss that starting the 4th year we've worked together feels like 10 - and there's some truth to that. The pace is just mind-boggling and the challenge of keeping that momentum is gob-smacking on a daily basis. Reflective of a place where that pace of change has long been suggested (even needed) and now it's finally starting to happen. Good things everywhere and taking a stellar district to new heights. But boy howdy, sometimes the mind has to grapple with the pace. I can do this. I want to do this. It's never the work. Ever. I love the work. It's just my 50+ year old body and mind trying to keep up - 'tis a challenge sometimes.
On that note, I head in for a long day but know progress will be made. The office culling has helped so, so much - and I am so glad I took a day when the mood struck this past Tuesday to just keep going. It was a day I should have worked on massive projects, etc. but spending that day getting rid of stuff I've never even touched (after five years) and moving things around so that the files in my desk are what I need (vs. on top of my desk in a stack) has made a world of difference. And I am spending a few minutes throughout the day to keep things tidy. Putting things back. Filing right away if it's something I need or a current project. What a difference. And now, when papers are reviewed, I know there's a place for many of them - so the stacks are lessening. Huge weight off. You can see wood now! more often than not! Yeah to fake wood!
Happy Saturday! Tonight is fresh salmon (on the Costco list) with fresh squash and tomatoes (not from our garden - our squash plants not only didn't thrive, they died within a couple days of flowering and I don't grow big tomatoes) from my friend's garden.
And maybe a Saturday evening treat of McDonald's chocolate dip cone or an ice cream sundae!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Friday! Friday! Friday!
Most folks are thrilled it's Friday - but those of us who have to work all weekend just say it with enthusiasm to generate some level of excitement. Oh well. It's been a long week...
I am late for work - since my goal was to be at my desk by 5AM and it's now 5:10 - but it was so worth it 'cuz chatting with my cousin in Arizona is one of my favorite Facebook activities....a great way to start the day! Could chat for hours with her - thanks for the wonderful kick off on a particularly long day, S.!!
I really do have to go now. It's really dark outside. I've been up since 3. I will be dead on my feet by noon but hopefully all the 'must do' things for board meeting prep, etc. will be accomplished by then and I can work on some smaller things before heading home. Likely in bed by 8 tonight given the hour of my awakening....
I have made so much progress in my work office makeover that it feels so much 'lighter' in my psyche. I'm back to feeling like I can accomplish ANYTHING! (which is true for all of us - we can accomplish anything we put our minds's just sometimes the inertia component of that feeling is harder to find). Has been for me lately but I feel renewed - a new school year starting; much to do; many goals; projects small, medium, large, huge, gargantuan and ginormous on the horizon....and they are all do-able. One little cog in the wheel at a shall all be done.
And a shout out to my husband who has added a walking routine to his daily mix of stuff he does around here. He's using the Nike+ iPhone app (suggested by my boss) which tracks where he walks and logs the mileage. You can set it to be time based or distance based. He's loving it.
The damn cat is attempting to break through the kiddie gate that keeps the dog contained to the family room - I will go open it for him and five seconds from now, he will meander over to the area in the kitchen where he can jump down back into the family room. Repeat dozens of times every single morning.....argh!
OK - it's FRIDAY!!! Pizza tonight!! Too hot to cook!!
I am late for work - since my goal was to be at my desk by 5AM and it's now 5:10 - but it was so worth it 'cuz chatting with my cousin in Arizona is one of my favorite Facebook activities....a great way to start the day! Could chat for hours with her - thanks for the wonderful kick off on a particularly long day, S.!!
I really do have to go now. It's really dark outside. I've been up since 3. I will be dead on my feet by noon but hopefully all the 'must do' things for board meeting prep, etc. will be accomplished by then and I can work on some smaller things before heading home. Likely in bed by 8 tonight given the hour of my awakening....
I have made so much progress in my work office makeover that it feels so much 'lighter' in my psyche. I'm back to feeling like I can accomplish ANYTHING! (which is true for all of us - we can accomplish anything we put our minds's just sometimes the inertia component of that feeling is harder to find). Has been for me lately but I feel renewed - a new school year starting; much to do; many goals; projects small, medium, large, huge, gargantuan and ginormous on the horizon....and they are all do-able. One little cog in the wheel at a shall all be done.
And a shout out to my husband who has added a walking routine to his daily mix of stuff he does around here. He's using the Nike+ iPhone app (suggested by my boss) which tracks where he walks and logs the mileage. You can set it to be time based or distance based. He's loving it.
The damn cat is attempting to break through the kiddie gate that keeps the dog contained to the family room - I will go open it for him and five seconds from now, he will meander over to the area in the kitchen where he can jump down back into the family room. Repeat dozens of times every single morning.....argh!
OK - it's FRIDAY!!! Pizza tonight!! Too hot to cook!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Starting Lighter
A couple people who saw me on Friday at the annual morning welcome for the new year commented that I'd lost that feels really good. It's subtle and it's slow but it's there. I've been a bit more 'relaxed' about it since the Vegas trip - I eat sweet cereal now and then and we've been on a Drumstick binge the last few nights. One good thing about having the young men around is Drumsticks don't last too long....two boxes gone in about 4 days. We are out now and we won't be restocking. It's a lot easier to not cheat when you simply don't bring stuff into the house to cheat with.
So the year is starting lighter.....and I took that to heart in other areas as well.
I downloaded a Kindle book about organization and have already tried a couple quick changes at work that are really helping. True, it's been three days of massive culling - made six trips to the recycle bins at work today and my shred bin is hugely full. Boy, howdy - there was a lot of unnecessary stuff taking up valuable space. It feels great to have purged stuff out and moved stuff around a bit. It's still a work-in-process but my boss noticed - or he probably just figured better to encourage me and pretend it looked better. It will be better.
The realization that probably 90% of my overwhelmed feelings stem from that 'out of control' overcast is what's prompting me to make changes. I'm still a stacker at heart and always will be - but making small changes to help structure things a little more will hopefully help. Little light bulbs happening as I read the suggestions in the book - not any real profound things - but just stuff that reading it in print really help reinforces.
I have always proven that 80% or more of the 'stuff' that crosses my desk in paper form will self resolve without a single action on my part being required or even contemplated. I've been a 'stacker' in every job I've had - and while others use huge amounts of time to file and label and memo and calendar, I just 'leave it be'. Read it and if it's an action item, I know it. If it's trash, I know that, too. If it's 'I'm not sure' or 'wait and see', it goes in a 'stack'. So just acknowledging that there will be a 'stack' - or file - or drawer - or wherever I end up defining 'the place' to put those things in - will help. Those stacks multiply and migrate 'cuz there hasn't been 'one place' for them - but now there is. And once I get that ingrained into my psyche, I know I can keep things better organized. I've done it before.
Truth is: my office has never felt like 'home' to me...not that work should be home-like....but I've never felt 'settled in'.
I got my five year service pin last Friday - so maybe I figure after five successful years, it's time to settle in.....
Welcome to the new me in 2012-2013.....
So the year is starting lighter.....and I took that to heart in other areas as well.
I downloaded a Kindle book about organization and have already tried a couple quick changes at work that are really helping. True, it's been three days of massive culling - made six trips to the recycle bins at work today and my shred bin is hugely full. Boy, howdy - there was a lot of unnecessary stuff taking up valuable space. It feels great to have purged stuff out and moved stuff around a bit. It's still a work-in-process but my boss noticed - or he probably just figured better to encourage me and pretend it looked better. It will be better.
The realization that probably 90% of my overwhelmed feelings stem from that 'out of control' overcast is what's prompting me to make changes. I'm still a stacker at heart and always will be - but making small changes to help structure things a little more will hopefully help. Little light bulbs happening as I read the suggestions in the book - not any real profound things - but just stuff that reading it in print really help reinforces.
I have always proven that 80% or more of the 'stuff' that crosses my desk in paper form will self resolve without a single action on my part being required or even contemplated. I've been a 'stacker' in every job I've had - and while others use huge amounts of time to file and label and memo and calendar, I just 'leave it be'. Read it and if it's an action item, I know it. If it's trash, I know that, too. If it's 'I'm not sure' or 'wait and see', it goes in a 'stack'. So just acknowledging that there will be a 'stack' - or file - or drawer - or wherever I end up defining 'the place' to put those things in - will help. Those stacks multiply and migrate 'cuz there hasn't been 'one place' for them - but now there is. And once I get that ingrained into my psyche, I know I can keep things better organized. I've done it before.
Truth is: my office has never felt like 'home' to me...not that work should be home-like....but I've never felt 'settled in'.
I got my five year service pin last Friday - so maybe I figure after five successful years, it's time to settle in.....
Welcome to the new me in 2012-2013.....
Monday, August 13, 2012
Post weekend of sandals or no shoes at all, my feet are swollen and reluctant to fit into my work shoes.
But they must.....
It's Monday! Happy first day of school to all the students around here! Drive safely everyone! I am cramming my swollen little piggies into shoes if it kills us all and heading out the door....
But they must.....
It's Monday! Happy first day of school to all the students around here! Drive safely everyone! I am cramming my swollen little piggies into shoes if it kills us all and heading out the door....
Sunday, August 12, 2012
a la Playa!
Another major event this weekend is taking the plunge and purchasing our tickets for Playa del Carmen next summer. On a whim, I checked in on reward booking - which is typically six months out - and found it to be 'open' and available. My ticket was free using mileage - well, I had to pay some fees and I paid in advance for the 'more legroom' seating. J. and I have aisle seats in the same row so we are still close together but can both get up and stretch. J. didn't have quite enough miles and even if I'd moved what I had left to his account, he still wouldn't have had enough. So we paid cash for his - but close to a year out, it was a decent price. If H. decides to go with us, we will probably have enough miles to get a ticket for him using miles. He's still non-committal and it was quite a 'breakthrough' for me to just say 'so it's tickets for two' and not worry about it anymore. If he wants to go, great. If he doesn't, that's OK too. He can buy his own ticket when/if he decides to join us.
J. and I are going for 11 nights at the end of June! I am so looking forward to that time together. I will be mailing the second (of three) payments for the condo rental in a month or so - and we once again reconfirmed that we feel fine with the smaller condo. Would rather save $700 and use that towards 'adventures' this trip -
We are also slightly toying with the idea of heading somewhere beachy and sunny in October - but not positive about that yet. Maybe somewhere closer - to save on airfare. Any ideas? A beach and ocean are required - where the water is still warm enough to swim in October....
Cool Food
It's so hot, I couldn't bring myself to cook anything too complicated last night. Thankfully, I watched The Pioneer Woman Saturday morning and she made Ranch Chicken Sandwiches. They were delicious - and I didn't even use Ranch dressing! Easy and quick and a crowd pleaser! Definitely another meal to add to the 'it's too hot to cook' menu list.
We cooked extra bacon and can have BLT's for lunch tomorrow.
J. noted that I left out two words in my Les Mis post: I should have amended the sentence 'so I decided to torture myself and him by letting him drive' there - I've done that. Moving on....
We gave Chloe her monthly heartworm preventative and for the second month in a row she lost bowel control within a half hour. I pulled out the box and noted that it's not only a monthly heartworm preventative - it's also a treatment for intestinal parasites - which she does not have! What kind of vet prescribes something not needed? The kind of vet we don't go to anymore - the 'old' vet prescribed this medication awhile back. We will be consulting the new vet tomorrow to get back on the preventative only prescription. Poor baby. She looks forward to that tasty treat every month only now she's curled up in a ball, humiliated and most likely horribly nauseous just trying to hold it all together.
Brooks called yesterday to say his store was having a special - buy $7 worth of meat and you'd get free beer. So I gave him the OK - and he said 'can I get some steaks for dinner tomorrow?' So he did - $27 of rib-eyes for tonight. We spent $20 'extra' for $6 worth of beer. Oh well. I've been planning steaks for dinner one night so tonight it will be!
I just put Chloe outside - she's pooping everywhere....J. is playing music at church it's just me on poop duty. I feel bad for her but she's going to have to stay outside until she's 'done'. Thankfully, it's in the low 70's so far so she should be OK for an hour or two.
We cooked extra bacon and can have BLT's for lunch tomorrow.
J. noted that I left out two words in my Les Mis post: I should have amended the sentence 'so I decided to torture myself and him by letting him drive' there - I've done that. Moving on....
We gave Chloe her monthly heartworm preventative and for the second month in a row she lost bowel control within a half hour. I pulled out the box and noted that it's not only a monthly heartworm preventative - it's also a treatment for intestinal parasites - which she does not have! What kind of vet prescribes something not needed? The kind of vet we don't go to anymore - the 'old' vet prescribed this medication awhile back. We will be consulting the new vet tomorrow to get back on the preventative only prescription. Poor baby. She looks forward to that tasty treat every month only now she's curled up in a ball, humiliated and most likely horribly nauseous just trying to hold it all together.
Brooks called yesterday to say his store was having a special - buy $7 worth of meat and you'd get free beer. So I gave him the OK - and he said 'can I get some steaks for dinner tomorrow?' So he did - $27 of rib-eyes for tonight. We spent $20 'extra' for $6 worth of beer. Oh well. I've been planning steaks for dinner one night so tonight it will be!
I just put Chloe outside - she's pooping everywhere....J. is playing music at church it's just me on poop duty. I feel bad for her but she's going to have to stay outside until she's 'done'. Thankfully, it's in the low 70's so far so she should be OK for an hour or two.
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Les Mis
What a day we had fun....
First, we saw the 25th anniversary version of the play - and I recalled that when I was 27 and people mentioned the play, I nixed ever seeing it - 'cuz the buzz at the time was 'it's awesome - but it's 3 hours long and they sing everything'. I remember thinking 'no way. Not interested'. But fast forward 25 years and my 52 old self loved every single minute of the three hours. It was FANTASTIC! I am so glad we went.
It started off a little rocky. We headed to Dublin/Pleasanton BART around 11 - giving us plenty of time to get to the city and get a bite to eat before the 2PM show. Only there was no parking. Not in any of the outdoor lots; nor the two parking garages (one on each side of the freeway). So we went to the West Dublin station - same thing. We wasted 40 minutes and decided to just drive to the city....and my 52 year old self gave the wheel to J. 'cuz I refuse to drive in the city. I'd rather torture myself fretting about the drive; the lateness; the traffic; the bridge. OH MY GOD - the bridge.
The Bay Bridge is being rebuilt. It's a fascinating process....and after years of work, they are starting to string the suspension cables. From an engineering and curiosity standpoint, there is nothing I would enjoy more than watching them work. It's an amazing thing to watch it come together. But I am bridge-phobic. I don't know when it started or even how it started - quite possibly it can be tied to the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989 when my beloved (and fiancee of only a few weeks) called me to say that he was still alive (thank God) and he and friends were heading across the bridge towards the East Bay - and I had to tell him he couldn't do that. He said 'huh?'. I said 'you can't do that because the bridge collapsed - the upper deck fell onto the lower deck and you can't get across'. With no power, no news, no radios - they had no idea.....
So that seismically insufficient section of the bridge is being rebuilt - and you think about that as you watch the new bridge being built right next to the old. You see the new bridge taking shape with the cables starting to be connected to support the suspension portion of the bridge - and you are on the section of the bridge that in the event of another earthquake would in all likelihood collapse again. That fact has never set well with me - but even more so when the obvious replacement bridge is right there next to it freaks me out a little bit. Why is mortality so dis-easing?
But you get past that....and you move on to the suspension part of the seismically fine section of the bridge....and then you see this.
And this....
And then.....
And I feel myself relax....feel my entire body just 'let down'....I love this city. It is incredibly amazing....
We made it in time to grab a very quick lunch at a diner on Market Street. Found parking near the theater and I was thrilled that they parked for you - they had to 'cuz it was the teeniest lot ever and they had a lot of cars crammed in there.
The show was amazing and while our seats weren't the best, they were OK. The three hours passed quickly.
We've started watching Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives on TV so we looked for restaurants near the Orpheum - and found Rocco's. Made reservations for 5:30 - which weren't necessary but they took them just to be safe. It isn't too crowded that early.
I had this.
Chicken picatta with pasta bolognese. Jim had their special ravioli with the bolognese sauce - we had seen them make that sauce on TV so that's what we wanted to try. OMG - it was fantastic. Shared a glass of red wine - we were driving after all and wanted to be sure we'd be OK. Finished the meal with mango raspberry sorbet dunked in white chocolate. Guarantee it was homemade - and so delicious. If I'd had a freezer in our car, I would have purchased all they had to take it home. The owner of the restaurant [the guy who was on TV] came over to see if we enjoyed everything - we assured him we did and we'd be back. I think dinner at Rocco's after a show will be our new San Fran routine.
Heading home on the bridge - this time on the underdeck where all you have to worry about is being crushed should the upper deck collapse - and home by 8.
It was a lovely day with my beloved and I can't wait to take a day trip with him again very soon! I could sure get used to not working Wednesdays. Only two work days on either side seems like such a great idea...never work more than two days in a row...until I realize that I am often working weekends so that doesn't exactly work. But in theory it sounds lovely.
First, we saw the 25th anniversary version of the play - and I recalled that when I was 27 and people mentioned the play, I nixed ever seeing it - 'cuz the buzz at the time was 'it's awesome - but it's 3 hours long and they sing everything'. I remember thinking 'no way. Not interested'. But fast forward 25 years and my 52 old self loved every single minute of the three hours. It was FANTASTIC! I am so glad we went.
It started off a little rocky. We headed to Dublin/Pleasanton BART around 11 - giving us plenty of time to get to the city and get a bite to eat before the 2PM show. Only there was no parking. Not in any of the outdoor lots; nor the two parking garages (one on each side of the freeway). So we went to the West Dublin station - same thing. We wasted 40 minutes and decided to just drive to the city....and my 52 year old self gave the wheel to J. 'cuz I refuse to drive in the city. I'd rather torture myself fretting about the drive; the lateness; the traffic; the bridge. OH MY GOD - the bridge.
The Bay Bridge is being rebuilt. It's a fascinating process....and after years of work, they are starting to string the suspension cables. From an engineering and curiosity standpoint, there is nothing I would enjoy more than watching them work. It's an amazing thing to watch it come together. But I am bridge-phobic. I don't know when it started or even how it started - quite possibly it can be tied to the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989 when my beloved (and fiancee of only a few weeks) called me to say that he was still alive (thank God) and he and friends were heading across the bridge towards the East Bay - and I had to tell him he couldn't do that. He said 'huh?'. I said 'you can't do that because the bridge collapsed - the upper deck fell onto the lower deck and you can't get across'. With no power, no news, no radios - they had no idea.....
So that seismically insufficient section of the bridge is being rebuilt - and you think about that as you watch the new bridge being built right next to the old. You see the new bridge taking shape with the cables starting to be connected to support the suspension portion of the bridge - and you are on the section of the bridge that in the event of another earthquake would in all likelihood collapse again. That fact has never set well with me - but even more so when the obvious replacement bridge is right there next to it freaks me out a little bit. Why is mortality so dis-easing?
But you get past that....and you move on to the suspension part of the seismically fine section of the bridge....and then you see this.
And this....
And then.....
And I feel myself relax....feel my entire body just 'let down'....I love this city. It is incredibly amazing....
We made it in time to grab a very quick lunch at a diner on Market Street. Found parking near the theater and I was thrilled that they parked for you - they had to 'cuz it was the teeniest lot ever and they had a lot of cars crammed in there.
The show was amazing and while our seats weren't the best, they were OK. The three hours passed quickly.
We've started watching Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives on TV so we looked for restaurants near the Orpheum - and found Rocco's. Made reservations for 5:30 - which weren't necessary but they took them just to be safe. It isn't too crowded that early.
I had this.
Chicken picatta with pasta bolognese. Jim had their special ravioli with the bolognese sauce - we had seen them make that sauce on TV so that's what we wanted to try. OMG - it was fantastic. Shared a glass of red wine - we were driving after all and wanted to be sure we'd be OK. Finished the meal with mango raspberry sorbet dunked in white chocolate. Guarantee it was homemade - and so delicious. If I'd had a freezer in our car, I would have purchased all they had to take it home. The owner of the restaurant [the guy who was on TV] came over to see if we enjoyed everything - we assured him we did and we'd be back. I think dinner at Rocco's after a show will be our new San Fran routine.
Heading home on the bridge - this time on the underdeck where all you have to worry about is being crushed should the upper deck collapse - and home by 8.
It was a lovely day with my beloved and I can't wait to take a day trip with him again very soon! I could sure get used to not working Wednesdays. Only two work days on either side seems like such a great idea...never work more than two days in a row...until I realize that I am often working weekends so that doesn't exactly work. But in theory it sounds lovely.
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
A phone is buzzing in the room over my head - son #2's alarm is blaring - he's in the shower. It's early - approaching 6AM - I've been up for 2.5 hours.'s going to be a long day.
I am resorting to bringing a stack home each evening that I get up early to sort and file and execute. Last night, I even grabbed the massive stack of 'signing folders' that people have created for me.
It's the first official week of a new school year and the meeting calendar this week is mind boggling. Our first cabinet meeting yesterday was close to 5 hours! Oh - I made The Pioneer Woman's vanilla scones for the meeting and boy, they were a hit! Everyone raved about them and a couple people said 'can you make this every meeting'? They were a lot of work but I will get my method down to a science eventually. They were delicious - better than the Starbucks mini scones which they are modeled after.
Tomorrow, J. and I are heading to SF (I'm taking a mid-week day off! Take that, work life balance!) to see Les Miserables at the Orpheum. I dream of sleeping in a bit in the morning but may just treat it like a normal day off, get up around 6 and work a bit on year-end stuff that I will undoubtedly cart home tonight. With laptop. That's serious....bringing home the laptop to remote in to our network from home is a great thing to have - but I don't do it much 'cuz I live so close to work, what's the point? I should be more disciplined about working at home when I intend to work at home - but it's very hard.
However, this morning, I have stuck to 'the plan' and spent part of these very early morning hours sorting through stuff and prioritizing. And recycling/shredding stuff that is no longer needed. My new assistant starts in two weeks and I want to attempt to have things at least categorized for her so she can help me create files/binders for stuff. Construction projects sure do build up a lot of paper in a very short time.
I've also been on the phone with know him....Charles Schwab. I love how they are available 24/7 and while the first person I talked to had to transfer me to a 'licensed broker' and the licensed broker couldn't answer my question either but said he'd contact the 'money moving department' at 8AM ET and call me back, it wasn't that successful of a call. All the ins and outs of trading mutual funds leads to more questions. Still, they are very helpful - and very chipper. The poor girl who first spoke to me probably thought 'this lady sounds incoherent'. I was 3:45AM PST and she was the first conversation I was having - before coffee! We made it through...long enough for her to transfer me, anyway. Maybe she just wanted to get rid of the call ASAP...crazy lady on the other end of the phone is probably not the best way to start or end her day, either.
Phone buzzing overhead has stopped. It's now very close to 6AM so I need to get dressed, repack up the now sorted 'stuff' and head in for another day of business!
It's going to be a(nother) great year....
PS - I don't like how blogger is adding 'hyper links' to my posts. The phrase 'work at home', for example. I'm not sure what I did that made it start doing that but as soon as I figure it out, I will stop it. I intensely dislike that....
PPS - Chuck called back as promised. Trade executed. Whew.... And the guy's name was really Charles...'hello Majah this is Charlie from Charles Schwab'....
I am resorting to bringing a stack home each evening that I get up early to sort and file and execute. Last night, I even grabbed the massive stack of 'signing folders' that people have created for me.
It's the first official week of a new school year and the meeting calendar this week is mind boggling. Our first cabinet meeting yesterday was close to 5 hours! Oh - I made The Pioneer Woman's vanilla scones for the meeting and boy, they were a hit! Everyone raved about them and a couple people said 'can you make this every meeting'? They were a lot of work but I will get my method down to a science eventually. They were delicious - better than the Starbucks mini scones which they are modeled after.
Tomorrow, J. and I are heading to SF (I'm taking a mid-week day off! Take that, work life balance!) to see Les Miserables at the Orpheum. I dream of sleeping in a bit in the morning but may just treat it like a normal day off, get up around 6 and work a bit on year-end stuff that I will undoubtedly cart home tonight. With laptop. That's serious....bringing home the laptop to remote in to our network from home is a great thing to have - but I don't do it much 'cuz I live so close to work, what's the point? I should be more disciplined about working at home when I intend to work at home - but it's very hard.
However, this morning, I have stuck to 'the plan' and spent part of these very early morning hours sorting through stuff and prioritizing. And recycling/shredding stuff that is no longer needed. My new assistant starts in two weeks and I want to attempt to have things at least categorized for her so she can help me create files/binders for stuff. Construction projects sure do build up a lot of paper in a very short time.
I've also been on the phone with know him....Charles Schwab. I love how they are available 24/7 and while the first person I talked to had to transfer me to a 'licensed broker' and the licensed broker couldn't answer my question either but said he'd contact the 'money moving department' at 8AM ET and call me back, it wasn't that successful of a call. All the ins and outs of trading mutual funds leads to more questions. Still, they are very helpful - and very chipper. The poor girl who first spoke to me probably thought 'this lady sounds incoherent'. I was 3:45AM PST and she was the first conversation I was having - before coffee! We made it through...long enough for her to transfer me, anyway. Maybe she just wanted to get rid of the call ASAP...crazy lady on the other end of the phone is probably not the best way to start or end her day, either.
Phone buzzing overhead has stopped. It's now very close to 6AM so I need to get dressed, repack up the now sorted 'stuff' and head in for another day of business!
It's going to be a(nother) great year....
PS - I don't like how blogger is adding 'hyper links' to my posts. The phrase 'work at home', for example. I'm not sure what I did that made it start doing that but as soon as I figure it out, I will stop it. I intensely dislike that....
PPS - Chuck called back as promised. Trade executed. Whew.... And the guy's name was really Charles...'hello Majah this is Charlie from Charles Schwab'....
Saturday, August 04, 2012
J. is out walking neighborhoods for the candidate he's campaigning's great exercise with a larger purpose. We can't get H. to register to vote 'cuz he says 'if I register to vote, I'll have to vote like you guys tell me to'. No, not really....but if you register to vote - and you SHOULD register to vote because it's one of the most amazing privileges we have as Americans - you have to listen thoughtfully to the issues. Including the perspective of those you live with. It is his vote - and it should count towards whatever he believes is best - even if our votes end up cancelling each other out in some areas. The 'we live in a very conservative town' is slopping over into our boys' perspectives as well - and that's OK. They'll see the light someday. I did.
As soon as I start brushing my teeth, Chloe heads for her kennel. She knows that's the last thing I do before I head out the door. When I retire, I'll be brushing my teeth because it's important to brush your teeth - wonder how long it will take her to figure out that I'm not leaving? Of course, the likelihood of Chloe being alive in 10 years (or 13 or 15 depending) when I retire is slim. Sad to why do I?
Windows wide open today - mild temps and clouds this morning encouraged letting fresh air in. I dislike the hermetically sealed environment of summer and can't wait for times to open up the place and let the fresh air waft through the house.
H. didn't wake up in time to work today. I woke up at around 4:30 for a potty break and thought about waking him up - but I thought he might be sleeping in a bit since the Saturday commute is a lot less than a weekday commute...turned out his alarm didn't go off and neither did the alarm of his friend/car pool buddy. Not sure about that....was it planned? I hope not. They both called in and since today's overtime wasn't mandatory, they hope they won't get a point for not showing up. They have a point system. 7 points results in disciplinary action. H. has no points so far - never late; shows up; works hard. So hopefully it won't be a big deal.
Heading out for errands and work, etc. Much to do.
As soon as I start brushing my teeth, Chloe heads for her kennel. She knows that's the last thing I do before I head out the door. When I retire, I'll be brushing my teeth because it's important to brush your teeth - wonder how long it will take her to figure out that I'm not leaving? Of course, the likelihood of Chloe being alive in 10 years (or 13 or 15 depending) when I retire is slim. Sad to why do I?
Windows wide open today - mild temps and clouds this morning encouraged letting fresh air in. I dislike the hermetically sealed environment of summer and can't wait for times to open up the place and let the fresh air waft through the house.
H. didn't wake up in time to work today. I woke up at around 4:30 for a potty break and thought about waking him up - but I thought he might be sleeping in a bit since the Saturday commute is a lot less than a weekday commute...turned out his alarm didn't go off and neither did the alarm of his friend/car pool buddy. Not sure about that....was it planned? I hope not. They both called in and since today's overtime wasn't mandatory, they hope they won't get a point for not showing up. They have a point system. 7 points results in disciplinary action. H. has no points so far - never late; shows up; works hard. So hopefully it won't be a big deal.
Heading out for errands and work, etc. Much to do.
Friday, August 03, 2012
I'm feeling all Betty Crockerish this morning having cooked oatmeal for breakfast! Leaving some in a pan with a lid on the stove for J. when he wakes up - his will be more 'creme bruleeish' (which is really how I like mine - more custardy texture vs. soupy) - but mine is pretty thick and good. I have to use a ton of oatmeal in the next week or so 'cuz J.'s pantry culling located 3 huge things of oats - 2 quick and one regular. Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and meatloaf this weekend!
The pantry is coming along beautifully. He is doing his best to keep things visible - a challenge and a half since the layout of the pantry structure itself works against that - and his wife is petite. (That's why we have so much oatmeal - I need it for a recipe, it gets pushed out of sight and when I need it again, I buy another it a box? It's round....what do you call the oatmeal 'box' mind sure wanders). I need a step stool to reach anything top and in the back anyway (always have and always will) and stooping down to the lower section is a challenge also. Things are ordered with 'most used' at my level and other stuff at the lower/upper levels. It will work. 'Tis a thing of beauty and I am going to be baking up a storm this weekend to use up stuff. We have our first Cabinet meeting of the new school year on Monday and apple bread and brownies will be on the menu.
H. was out the door at 4:30 - I noticed the outdoor porch light on when I came downstairs and then went to the door just in time to see his tail lights pulling away from the curb. In addition to the long days this week, they are working a 10+ hour overtime shift tomorrow as well. Poor kid and yet the money will be great. He and his friend are working on a plan to get their own place. I have to say that H. is a far more careful money manager than B. ever was/will be. H. knows what his bank balance is - in fact, his checking account balance as of this morning was just over $10 and I'm sure that's by design. Today is payday and he will deposit the check into savings and then move a bit over to checking throughout the week. It works for him and he's being pretty careful.... . If the $10 balance was B., I'd be moving money pronto from his savings to his checking 'cuz B. is oblivious about how much money he has in any account at any time.
J. got his last non-severance paycheck today and it included a bunch of vacation pay. As tempting as it is to hop on plane bound for France, we are carefully moving it into savings and I am carefully planning where to put the 401K $ that will now be in his next checks. He's not eligible to participate in the 401K anymore so we plan to save that amount (net of the taxes we will be paying on it since it's not coming out pre-tax anymore) into our savings account. I placed the buy order for our first mutual fund purchase this morning and felt very Donald Trumpish - for about two seconds. Then I had a panic attack (mild - coffee fixed it) and surveyed my crates of oatmeal and thought 'well, we can live on rice, beans, oatmeal and good coffee'. Take that, panic attack!
I jumped in with both feet yesterday at work and plowed through a massive amount of stuff. Starting big things is often the hardest part for me - so having jumped in to year-end and a couple other massive projects my boss will be asking me about any day now, I feel better. Still working this weekend - (it's August. Read back. I work every weekend every August 'cuz year-end sucks. That's why they call it year-end) - but feel in a good place. It's all good. I love my job....right? Yes, I DO!
Teachers are back and it's been fun seeing them this week - they have a few more 'leisure' days but like most teachers, they are in their rooms getting ready to go for another year. Tanned, rested and excited about another year!!
Me too! Except the tanned and rested part....I'm pale and exhausted but motivated none the less....
And it's Friday - and that means caramel frappucinos this afternoon for our Friday treat!!
The pantry is coming along beautifully. He is doing his best to keep things visible - a challenge and a half since the layout of the pantry structure itself works against that - and his wife is petite. (That's why we have so much oatmeal - I need it for a recipe, it gets pushed out of sight and when I need it again, I buy another it a box? It's round....what do you call the oatmeal 'box' mind sure wanders). I need a step stool to reach anything top and in the back anyway (always have and always will) and stooping down to the lower section is a challenge also. Things are ordered with 'most used' at my level and other stuff at the lower/upper levels. It will work. 'Tis a thing of beauty and I am going to be baking up a storm this weekend to use up stuff. We have our first Cabinet meeting of the new school year on Monday and apple bread and brownies will be on the menu.
H. was out the door at 4:30 - I noticed the outdoor porch light on when I came downstairs and then went to the door just in time to see his tail lights pulling away from the curb. In addition to the long days this week, they are working a 10+ hour overtime shift tomorrow as well. Poor kid and yet the money will be great. He and his friend are working on a plan to get their own place. I have to say that H. is a far more careful money manager than B. ever was/will be. H. knows what his bank balance is - in fact, his checking account balance as of this morning was just over $10 and I'm sure that's by design. Today is payday and he will deposit the check into savings and then move a bit over to checking throughout the week. It works for him and he's being pretty careful.... . If the $10 balance was B., I'd be moving money pronto from his savings to his checking 'cuz B. is oblivious about how much money he has in any account at any time.
J. got his last non-severance paycheck today and it included a bunch of vacation pay. As tempting as it is to hop on plane bound for France, we are carefully moving it into savings and I am carefully planning where to put the 401K $ that will now be in his next checks. He's not eligible to participate in the 401K anymore so we plan to save that amount (net of the taxes we will be paying on it since it's not coming out pre-tax anymore) into our savings account. I placed the buy order for our first mutual fund purchase this morning and felt very Donald Trumpish - for about two seconds. Then I had a panic attack (mild - coffee fixed it) and surveyed my crates of oatmeal and thought 'well, we can live on rice, beans, oatmeal and good coffee'. Take that, panic attack!
I jumped in with both feet yesterday at work and plowed through a massive amount of stuff. Starting big things is often the hardest part for me - so having jumped in to year-end and a couple other massive projects my boss will be asking me about any day now, I feel better. Still working this weekend - (it's August. Read back. I work every weekend every August 'cuz year-end sucks. That's why they call it year-end) - but feel in a good place. It's all good. I love my job....right? Yes, I DO!
Teachers are back and it's been fun seeing them this week - they have a few more 'leisure' days but like most teachers, they are in their rooms getting ready to go for another year. Tanned, rested and excited about another year!!
Me too! Except the tanned and rested part....I'm pale and exhausted but motivated none the less....
And it's Friday - and that means caramel frappucinos this afternoon for our Friday treat!!
Thursday, August 02, 2012
Poor H. is heading into work at an unbelievably early hour - entering the 'mandatory overtime' phase of his employment. They work 6AM to 6PM today - and that will be the 'new normal' for some time, from what he says. I am starting to really see why they go through a temp agency for workers - 'cuz it takes a pretty strong drive and work ethic to put in those kind of hours. He's not doing a desk job - he's moving boxes, palettes, etc. . Hard, heavy work. But he's doing it. I am very proud of him. Jobs are few and far between these days and he's found a good one and is sticking with it. And the money will be nice, too....
I am also heading in very early this morning...dinner with a friend this evening means leaving work by 4:30ish or so...and that's 'early' for me. So in early to try to get another hour into my day. I am going to bed before 9 these days in an attempt to get more rest. Hoping that will improve my outlook some. Sleep is my cure-all....and it's been lacking lately. Working on fixing that...but hot flashes and restlessness make that a challenge. Motherhood and menopause are not for sissies....
J. is working on the pantry...he still has a lot to do 'cuz he's made two shelves look amazing but there are other shelves that need culling...and that culling will impact the two shelves - so it will be an ongoing process. Still, it looks terrific! Thanks, sweets!!
I am enjoying the luxury of my own shower...including having products galore all to myself. I can use my 'special' shampoo for thinning hair and not fear the boys will use it when they run out of Dove. They went through a $25 bottle of shampoo in a week a few months ago - thus bringing an end to my vain attempt to add thickness to my hair. Now, it's just me in that shower - so I have procured additional ridiculously expensive shampoo and am back on the program. No comment yet on if I think it's working. (I think it is...but am not positive) if I end up in a couple months with visibly thicker hair where it was horribly thinning, I will endorse the product then. For now, I am trying stuff. We'll see.
The solar engineer was here this week to sketch out the location of the panels on our roof. J. showed me an aerial shot with the panels roughly sketched in - and I said 'is that our house'? The pool looked 'curvy' - and we don't have any curves in our pool. It's all straight edges and angles - no curves. Guess the pool cover gave it that 'look'. Next phase is awaiting approval from the county permitting department - that could take awhile. PG&E was close to $600 this month - so I am really looking forward to moving off the grid and onto alternative power. Go solar!!
Heading to shower. Sprinklers just came on and that means if I really, truly intend to be at my desk by 6, I have one half hour to get there. Very do-able when your commute is three minutes - I do love that part of my job.
I am also heading in very early this morning...dinner with a friend this evening means leaving work by 4:30ish or so...and that's 'early' for me. So in early to try to get another hour into my day. I am going to bed before 9 these days in an attempt to get more rest. Hoping that will improve my outlook some. Sleep is my cure-all....and it's been lacking lately. Working on fixing that...but hot flashes and restlessness make that a challenge. Motherhood and menopause are not for sissies....
J. is working on the pantry...he still has a lot to do 'cuz he's made two shelves look amazing but there are other shelves that need culling...and that culling will impact the two shelves - so it will be an ongoing process. Still, it looks terrific! Thanks, sweets!!
I am enjoying the luxury of my own shower...including having products galore all to myself. I can use my 'special' shampoo for thinning hair and not fear the boys will use it when they run out of Dove. They went through a $25 bottle of shampoo in a week a few months ago - thus bringing an end to my vain attempt to add thickness to my hair. Now, it's just me in that shower - so I have procured additional ridiculously expensive shampoo and am back on the program. No comment yet on if I think it's working. (I think it is...but am not positive) if I end up in a couple months with visibly thicker hair where it was horribly thinning, I will endorse the product then. For now, I am trying stuff. We'll see.
The solar engineer was here this week to sketch out the location of the panels on our roof. J. showed me an aerial shot with the panels roughly sketched in - and I said 'is that our house'? The pool looked 'curvy' - and we don't have any curves in our pool. It's all straight edges and angles - no curves. Guess the pool cover gave it that 'look'. Next phase is awaiting approval from the county permitting department - that could take awhile. PG&E was close to $600 this month - so I am really looking forward to moving off the grid and onto alternative power. Go solar!!
Heading to shower. Sprinklers just came on and that means if I really, truly intend to be at my desk by 6, I have one half hour to get there. Very do-able when your commute is three minutes - I do love that part of my job.
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
I'm starting to think maybe I will just do a monthly post and call it what it is - whatever month we're in. Here we are winding dow...
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...