Tuesday, June 19, 2012


H. has a job!!  Full time!!  He's making $9 an hour moving boxes in a warehouse in Livermore.  He and a couple other friends got hired at the same time so they are able to carpool.  And they all got put on the 'day' shift - so they have to travel over the Altamont in rush hour traffic...which sucks.  But thankfully, it's the very first exit over the hill so it's not too bad.  He is excited.  And tired.  Hard work getting up at 6 and working an 8 hour day multiple days in a row.  Welcome to the world of working for a living, honey!  We are very happy for him and proud of him -

Because he has a full time job, his 'house-sitting' for us next week can't happen - and that leaves Chloe unattended.  So thankfully, we found a new kennel and they can take her - so she's set.  She is going to love this new place (our old place went out of business - did I mention that?).  She will be well cared for and I won't have to worry about her one bit - which makes my psychic break all the better.  I know H. would do a great job taking care of her, but I know I would worry about her.  So now it's all set and no worries.  Expensive but oh well.  It's a vacation and it will be worth every penny. Quick but fun. 

J.'s employment officially ends this week - Thursday is his last day in the office in San Francisco.  He's been commuting to San Fran for 37 years.  He's looking forward to no commute and no schedule.  I'm happy for him...truly I am.  And I'm happy for me 'cuz one of us not working is going to be a really nice change for us both.  We are compiling a project binder.  I'm making menus.  Fine tuning our budget.  Culling out the house.  Having garage sales - yes, plural!  He will walk every day.  The dog will join him.  He and I will be able to go to lunch every week - something we rarely do...Indian, Thai, Mexican....he will help cook evening meals and I will cook on weekends.  I won't come home to the question 'what's for dinner?'.  I will come home to the offer of a refreshing beverage of either variety (non-alcoholic or with alcohol).  Don't worry.  We very seldom drink.  But an occasional wine or a beer and once in a blue moon an actual 'cocktail' will be one of the nice things about J. being home.  There will be so many nice things.  I am very glad he's done commuting. 

J. has worked hard for 37 years.  His job has provided financial security in ways we never dreamed when we were first married.  He has commuted an hour and 45 minutes each way since we moved to this house 12 years ago and he's never uttered a single complaint.  He may share a 'bad commute' story - but never complains.  He's been a trooper and he's earned this early work-stoppage. 

A couple months down the road, he may take a temporary assignment working on a project he wants to work on at his 'former' employer.  But he doesn't have to.  And that's a wonderful change - he can choose to work on things he will enjoy for short duration if they fit his schedule.

Welcome to not working, honey.  Thanks for all you've done to provide for your family.  Thanks for taking on one of the worst commutes in America so we could live in this house we love....

I am very happy for you, J. - and I love you very much -

PS - it's OK to sleep in....

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