I spent a chunk of the day in Modesto having various tests related to hearing and balance. I've been having frequent infections in my right ear - and there are mornings when I wake up and the entire room is spinning. Sometimes for many minutes. Sometimes just for a few. I usually just close my eyes and change positions and it resolves. Occasionally, it will take many minutes to stop and I end up sitting up and praying I don't keel over. So far, no keeling. Just dizzy.
I loved the 'metal box' within the room where the hearing test was done. It was soundproof. I'd love one of those in our home - a 'silent zone'. It was lovely. Challenging to know, though, if you are really hearing the beeps - or just
you're hearing the beeps. But she said I passed with flying colors so no hearing aid required. Thankfully that - 'cuz I'm only 51 for crying out loud!
The next set of tests was a bit more complicated. First, I had to wear a very incredible set of goggles that has tiny cameras inside - those cameras record your eye movements. First, the tests were following and tracking a red light. Picture one of those 'electronic signs' where you can type in your message and it scrolls across the screen. Then picture no words - just a red light. Follow it and hold. Follow it as it speeds up. It was 'easy' but a bit challenging because I wear glasses and without them, I immediately feel disoriented. I can't see too well without them - so it took a lot of concentration to follow the light without my vision correcting lenses. But we made it through.
The next round involved changing my body position rapidly - from a sitting up to a lying down and back again. Over and over. Then the same thing while lying on the right side, then the left.
When we finished those tests - the special chair helped but it felt like a work out and the crick in my neck this evening confirms that my muscles were 'used' in ways they aren't used to - the sweet young lady administering the test said 'now we'll start the last part of the tests. This is the part where most people experience extreme dizziness'. She explained that for one minute, I would have warm air blown into my ear canal. First the left. Then the right. She said that while the air is 'warm', she said most people find it feels very hot and are usually uncomfortable and within about 30 seconds, I will feel very dizzy.
She was right.
OH - I forgot to mention that other than the light test, I had a cover over the goggles that totally blocked all light. I could see nothing. No orientation to anything in the room.
So as she said, within 30 seconds of the warm air, it was clear I was very, very dizzy. Things were spinning - but there were no 'things' to
spin. Just the sensation of my entire head just swirling. Wild. Repeat with the right ear. About five minutes in between to let my body recover. She took the goggle covers off for those five minutes so I could 'see' when the spinning/dizziness stopped.
All in all, it wasn't horrible. It did make me feel dizzy and disoriented. I arrived with a fairly bad headache - no food and no caffeine does that to me...so after an hour and a half of the above, I most definitely had a horrifically bad headache and felt very 'off'. But I made it home (after stopping for a nice lunch). I slept for a few hours and it's now approaching 11PM and I'm ready to go to bed for the night.
Still one week to go of my vacation and that feels really great! H. is making great progress in the back yard and it's looking so much better! Tomorrow, we're going to finish up some sweeping and pre-winter tidying. Hard to believe November is already approaching. It's still shorts and t-shirt weather here so far.
J. and I plan to go shopping a bit tomorrow - he needs pants, I need a new winter jacket, the boys need socks and underwear. We'll have a nice lunch at Red Robin and call it a 'date'.