Friday, August 26, 2011


For all I know, I've repeated this title dozens of times in the history of this fact, I used it last week in the past tense. Also appropriate for this week....repetition works when the brain is mush.

It's been a long, long week and I'm just glad it's over. The past couple days have been full of challenges - more than usual, I must say - and me at some kind of all time 'low' in my coping skills. But it's over and it's all going to be fine. I wasn't sure of that this time last night - but it will be. Things happen. They get worked through. Still, the working through is sure a pain in the toukas. It will all be 'sorted' eventually - that, I know for sure.

My sweet hubby was hugely supportive and helpful - giving good, sound advice and helping me think things through. Isn't having someone in your life who's always there for you the best thing ever? It's such a blessing to know that we are there for each other through thick and thin.

I need sleep. Lots of sleep. I'm hoping to make it until 8 but that's going to be a real challenge 'cuz I've been up very early every day this week.....

J. and H. are heading to Tulare tomorrow to visit the cousins. They will be home Sunday (early, according to J.). I am off tomorrow (believe it or not! - and it's a record for me in terms of being this 'done' with the massive project of closing the books) and have a haircut in the afternoon. I hope to make it to Alden Lane nursery tomorrow - time to spend my 'August Bucks' from the shopping I did to get veggies and flowers for our spring garden and raised beds.

We are enjoying Roti Roli leftovers - and once again, I have to thank J. who waited in line yesterday at the Ferry Building and then carted home a medium sized rolling thermal 'chest' with two chickens, a bunch of roasted potatoes and a surprise porchetta sandwich! We ate some last night and we're having leftovers tonight. It's decadently delicious and what a treat!

H. has been 'pounding the pavement' looking for work. He's been applying online for some time and waiting for call backs. I finally convinced him that going out and picking up applications and meeting people may have better results. He's not having much luck but he's trying.

OH - and did I mention? On his own - with no parental prompting or cajoling or any discussion at all - B. found 4 classes at LasPo. He registered very late - but because he's 'high' in the priority for registering, he got 4 classes he needs to finish his degree by December! We are proud of him and pleased he did it 'on his own'. Now, he just has to pass. That's still a big hurdle and I'm not holding my breath - nor planning any celebration. We'll see what happens. He's hopefully going to get tutoring as he needs it instead of waiting until it's hopeless and too late to improve enough to pass. So we await further developments...which we hope will be passing all four and getting his degree in December.

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Tales of Helpers

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