Friday, April 29, 2011
Kate and William, you lit up the screen and gave the world a fairytale....and I think this one is built to last. You are both suited to each other and so obviously caring towards each other....what a joy to watch. The wedding was so incredibly beautiful.....the dress was stunningly gorgeous and so elegant. Pure Kate!
I'm celebrating by going back to bed for a few hours....2AMish was very early - but worth it!! Thanks to J. who sort of nudged me to get up....I considered sleeping a bit longer and it's a good thing I didn't 'cuz things were in full swing and moved pretty quickly....I would have hated to miss the 'live' broadcast.
It's a Royal Wedding day -
Thursday, April 28, 2011
I've been off a bit this week - wedging in some meetings as needed - but mostly off. Working outside a lot and feeling the satisfaction of the backyard looking a little bit more 'well-tended'. Now on to the front. Have promised myself I will be out their daily from now on - sometimes for an hour at a time. Or just minutes. But little by little is a good way to proceed in most things and it's true for gardening.
I have some posts in draft stage - and lost one of them entirely through an odd 'touch' of my laptop palm pad.....and sadly, the minute I hit that button, Blogger did an 'auto-save' - so I totally lost was a hard post to write and now it's even harder to recreate that will take some time....
Baby shower this weekend for Bug....have enjoyed shopping for her little blessing....
J. is also off a few days this week and we are heading out to buy a new office chair for me. The one I'm using is making me very sore and uncomfortable and while I don't want to spend the money for a new one, we must.
Boys are sleeping. It's only 10:30 and that's still 'early' for them -
Praying for those in the south - tornadoes must be terrifying.....I can only imagine.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
H. and A.

Saturday, April 16, 2011
Uncle Sam
J. and I drove to Walnut Creek this morning to return the non-working food processor to Crate and Barrel. They were very nice about the return - no hassle. We went to The Container Store also and got a couple things - I'm reorganizing under all the bathroom sinks so storage bins, etc. are helping with that project. Also got a small box for H. to put all of his ear gauges in - they are currently stored in a long row on the bathroom sink. He's not wearing them anymore - letting the holes heal up. I just don't want the gauges sitting out forever. We had a nice lunch at Fresh Choice and then drove home. I napped a couple hours. It was a nice nap - and I haven't had one in a long time so I was due. I actually fell asleep while I was watching TV for a bit - just like I did last night....tired.
It's prom night for H. tonight so he got all dressed up in his black tux with a red vest and red tie. Red Converse sneakers (brand new) completed the outfit. He looked great! J. went and took a bunch of pictures at the City Hall fountains where all the kids gathered.
It sounds like they're having fun though their bus' sound system isn't working - so instead of driving down to Capitola for a night at the beach, they are at Pier 39 in San Francisco. They are waiting for a new bus but it sounds like Capitola is out of the picture....San Fran is a lot of fun and I'm sure they're having a blast. He's going to keep in touch throughout the night via texts - the after party and then spending the night at a friends house. He'll sleep all day tomorrow, most likely.
I've spent the afternoon (post-nap) and evening finalizing our taxes. Just finished submitting the e-file of ours - will e-file B.'s tomorrow. Now just have to get the money into the checking account to cover the payments which will be charged to our account on Monday. It was a very bad year tax wise - but I keep reminding myself we're so blessed to have the money to make the gigantically huge amount (three times what we paid last year). Next year will be better....
We also wedged in a little work outside - planted some spinach seeds and a bunch of flower seeds in the flower beds - just to see what will happen. J. did a lot of weeding - still much to do but things are shaping up out there. The pots are full of really pretty flowers - J. planted my Alden Lane Nursery purchases last week while I was in Anaheim. It's looking bright and cheery out there!
J. is playing music at church tomorrow. I'm planning to hang around at home waiting for H. to call to be picked up. I'll wedge in a little work stuff to be more prepared for the week ahead. It was a really hard week this week and I am hoping if I take a couple of hours to re-group tomorrow, it will help improve next week to a level that won't result either tyranny or mutiny - by me. I can always hope....
Friday, April 15, 2011
All My Children
It's a fitting title for today's post - because all MY children are making me crazy. Bat shit bonkers, I preoccupied with stuff happening around them and their lives that I'm fragmented and forgetful - not a good combination...
I've felt off-kilter all week - and my boss let me know that it's normal, since I was out of the office all last week. It takes time to get 'caught up' and back in the groove...he's been very understanding this week of my scatter-brained self....
But it worries me. The things I'm forgetting are things I shouldn't. How do you know if you're just over-tired; or over-whelmed; or over-whatever....vs. getting old....vs. early onset Alzheimer's? 'Cuz I'm really worried that 'holy crap - what in the hell is wrong with me'....
It's Friday and it's early...and I'm 'retiring' to bed soon. I will sleep until I can't sleep anymore....and hopefully, I'll be back to my normal self after a couple nights of decent sleep.
As for the kids? Well - they're still here. Still being 'boys'/'men'. Still exhaustingly trying my patience.
It's so bad that J. sent me flowers. God bless J. He tries so hard to help with everything....and when he realized that I'm officially at my wits end with 'all of the people I live with', he did the only thing he could think of: he sent flowers. They are beautiful. I am still a cranky bitch - but he tried.
It's a beautiful sunny weekend from the looks of things - so here's hoping I snap out of my funk....
Monday, April 11, 2011
New Things Happening All the Time
I bought the 'Hidden Mickey' book this trip and the next time I'm here, I plan to create a 'scavenger hunt' list of Hidden Mickey's to find. There was a Mouse Adventure event this weekend also - a website - hosts these events at all the Disneyland resorts throughout the year. This weekend was the semi-annual event at Disneyland and yesterday, the park was crawling with 'Mouse Adventure' lanyards. The teams of people work on completing various 'hunts' and quizzes. They can have team shirts and carry clipboards. They gather and whisper a lot. Competition is fierce! And there is a point system to see who 'wins' and an awards banquet at the end of the event. It looked like a ton of fun and I think we might form a 'team' someday and participate.
I had lunch at the Carnation Cafe and it was a pin trading event. I've known about those - but wow, I had no idea how extreme some of the collectors are. These people had bags and bags and BAGS full of pins. And 'back stock' kept in plastic bags. It was pretty incredible. I didn't bring my pin collection (which I've always considered pretty 'big' until this weekend) so I didn't have anything to trade - and since I don't buy more than one of any pin, I wouldn't want to part with any of mine to trade anyway. I don't want to give them up - but in retirement, who knows? Maybe I'll be one of the ladies dressed head to toe in Disney gear, sitting at a table wheeling and dealing from my pin collection. Could happen. Might be fun!
My suitcases are packed and ready. I'm killing time in the hotel while (hopefully) the morning rush hour traffic tapers off a bit. No point in sitting in a car waiting to move. Will get me home later but that's OK. I'll get there when I get there.
It's been a wonderful trip and I've really enjoyed it. Back to the 'grind' tomorrow....
Happy Birthday to my sister who hits the big SIX-ZERO today! She is the definition of '60 is the new 40' - she's like an energizer bunny! Love you! Hope you have a wonderful day!!
Saturday, April 09, 2011
As Directed
I spent a nice evening in Downtown Disney - first ate a delicious dinner at the Storyteller Cafe at the Grand Californian. Yummy and the first 'nice' sit-down dinner I've had since I got here. Turkey legs are great - but it was nice to sit and be waited on. People watch. Then off to shop - did my 'big shop' at the World of Disney, utilizing the generous discount coupon I got for buying my tickets online. It was a fun time - browsing, selecting gifts for two family members who have birthdays in a week (or less).
I love how grown people walk around in Tinkerbell jackets and various Disney attire and it's perfectly fine here. I love how little girls and boys walk around as princesses or pirates - loving the attention their 'birthday party' attire is getting them. I love how you know they are never going to forget 'the time I got to be Ariel or [insert princess name here] for a day'. Love, love, love that magic that is what Disneyland is all about.
I am on a break before our lunch session. By 3PM today, I will be officially 'done' with work and on 'my' time. I had toyed with the idea of just driving home tomorrow - the hotel tomorrow night is on us and it would save money for me to just go home. I talked to J. about it - and thankfully, he encouraged me to stay. Truthfully, I am exhausted down to my bones. I have walked A LOT this week - and learned a lot. My brain is tired. My body is tired. So a day of sleeping in and doing what I feel like doing would be a nice break before the long drive home on Monday. So I'm staying. I plan to hit the jazz cafe in Downtown Disney in the morning for beignets and coffee and then off to the parks. Moving at my own pace but enjoying my 'last day'.
It's been an amazing conference and now that I've attended (I've been a CBO for close to five years and this is the first time I've attended this conference), I will be back annually. It is a great set of workshops with current, relative topics - and I've learned so, so much the past four days. It's been great - and I can't wait to go back and share what I've learned. We've got so many things happening at our district - and I went to a lot of workshops that will help get us ready for what is coming our way.
Off to lunch. Then one more workshop on energy management. Then changing into jeans and walking shoes and heading to the parks again.....turkey leg? Perhaps.
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Alone.....In the Happiest Place on Earth
After the last workshop, I headed back to my room. Changed into my walking shoes and threw on the warmest thing I brought - the Pooh jacket I bought when we were here in November. The weather turned strangely cold - with wind. It was really, bitterly cold...
Made my way down Main Street for what I had been looking forward to for dinner all day - a smoked turkey leg! Delicious! Savored every mouthful. People watched for a bit.
All these years of trekking to the park with two boys - once little and now not - I've dreamed of this time - just me, in the park(s). No schedule. Nowhere to be. Nothing to do but whatever I want. When I want.
But the truth is, it's a bit strange being here totally alone - and while it's fun, it just doesn't feel right. It feels off - to be surrounded by so many families and feel so alone.
I'm still enjoying it - but it's just not the same.
I decided to ride the train from Main Street to New Orleans Square - and then thought I'd walk to the Pooh Shop. It started to rain between Main Street and the Square - so I stayed on the train instead of getting off.
Sitting next to me was a beautiful family - with a sweet little boy. He spoke Spanish. He babbled happily the entire ride. When we approached Tomorrow Land, his mom struck up a conversation with me and I reciprocated. It was his first time in the park. As we went through the tunnel, he covered himself with his sweatshirt - he was afraid of the dark. But then he saw the Grand Canyon...followed by the dinosaurs....and he loved it. His face was all lit up - from the inside out - and as we exited the tunnels, he kept saying 'otra' (another) and 'mas' (more).
His mom spoke English with a beautiful accent - from Spain, possibly. I told her that it was fun for me to watch a little boy on his first visit to Disneyland. Told her my boys were all grown up - but still love the park. And that I was here without them - or their dad - and it was strange being alone. It was a nice visit. We all bundled up as the rain came down harder. Said our goodbyes at Main Street and they managed to distract their son as he pleaded to stay on the train 'mas'. Good parents who know that distraction is the best approach with a little one - they are easily moved from one thing to another vs. trying to 'argue' with them about why it's a 'no'. (I point this out in stark contrast to the parents I saw yesterday who let their 4 year old daughter hit them repeatedly (with a closed fist, by the way) and responded to her hitting by threatening to....wait for it....hit her. Spank her. In public. I was dying to ask her 'what is upsetting you so much that you are hitting? Why are you so upset'? Who knows what answer would have come out of her - but initiating a conversation with her had to be hugely better than threatening to do the exact same thing to her that you are totally pissed off she is doing to you. The entire bus breathed a sigh of relief when the got off the bus. She was probably just a really tired, overwhelmed 4 year old - which is pretty common at Disneyland. I've been there I should be more forgiving. But I didn't threaten my kids with pulling down their pants and spanking them on a public transit bus.)
As we pulled into Main Street, I turned around to look at the front entrance - and there was the most beautiful double rainbow. The second arc was faint, but the first arc was brilliant and huge. The entire arc was at the 'entrance' of the park - it was amazing. I said to the mom 'look - something special for his first train ride' - it was beautiful. (Sadly, I did not have phone for a picture - it needed charging - totally out of power, so I left it charging in the hotel room. So sad about it because it was the most beautiful rainbow - and a memory I would have loved to keep.) I have the memory - just not the picture. And that's fine 'cuz my phone is full of pictures that I can't figure out how to get off the phone and onto somewhere else. :-)
I ended the day by heading to the bakery - got the last chocolate croissant (for breakfast tomorrow) AND a bottle of chocolate milk. Because I miss my kids - and chocolate milk is their favorite drink.
I'm going to finish up a couple work things and then head to bed. I'm really tired - walking a lot. Thinking a lot.
More of the same tomorrow...and the next day...and the next. More turkey legs to look forward to!! And chicken pot pies!
Happy Birthday to our sweet puppy Chloe - she is six today. She's not a puppy, technically, anymore...but she doesn't know that. J. made her scrambled eggs to go with her kibble for her special day. He promised to give her hugs, kisses and a belly rub from me.
I miss them...all of them. It's not the same without them. Good thing I have plenty of work stuff to keep me busy.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
On the Road
The trip down yesterday was quick and uneventful. I stopped at an out of the way Chevron station to refuel and dared to use their restroom - and it was spotless!! One other stop at Starbucks and I was here by 1PM - in my room getting settled. I kind of liked traveling in the early morning was fun watching everything wake up.
This morning, I'm heading to San Clemente to visit a vendor - then back here to register for the conference and then hopefully a quick trip to one of the parks later today. I still have a couple board prep items I'm working on (it's only Wednesday....I keep telling myself that....) which I will hopefully finish this evening so I can cross 'board meeting prep' off my to do list and then just enjoy the conference.
The Anaheim Marriott is lovely - and they have a Starbucks in the lobby! So it's heavenly. Iced teas in the PM and skinny vanilla lattes in the AM. Life is good!
I meandered around the nieghborhood via car and found an Albertson's - our old 'reward' card still works (by phone number!) so I bought yogurts, fruit, bottled water and a box of crackers for my evening 'munchie'. Yogurts and fruit for breakfast and/or snacks. There's a mini fridge here, too....
I miss the family and know I will miss them even more the minute I officially enter the parks. It's not the same without them...
Saturday, April 02, 2011
I went to Smart & Final to get supplies for lasagna tomorrow - making a meal for a friend at work who lost her husband last week to pancreatic cancer. H. is good friends with the daughter in the family. We're making lasagna, salad, bread and 7-Up Pound Cake for dessert. I am looking forward to cooking - I'm going to get a head start tonight by chopping, sauteing and cooking the meat for the sauce. I can get the sauce on to simmer in the morning and then head to work for a bit. Preparing to be away for a week means working a bit this weekend. Oh well.'s the best part....I was near Livermore and treated myself to a visit to Alden Lane Nursery. It's one of the best garden shops in the area - acres and acres of beautiful plants. I had so much fun - I spent an hour there and could have stayed all day. I bought beautiful, unique flowers for the patio pots and squash, tomatoes, lettuce, peas and herbs for our garden. I can't wait to go back to Alden Lane in a couple weeks - we'll see how these plants do and we'll go back and get more. They guarantee all their plants. It's such a treat to shop there and I can't wait to return.
J. got busy while I was away and finished the second raised bed. He also went to Costco and purchased 20 cubic feet of garden soil! So glad it's Spring and Costco's garden supply section is well stocked. The beds are filled. Tomorrow, we put on the copper tape around the edges of the beds to keep slugs and snails out - and then we're ready to plant! I'm so excited! And of course, then I'll be leaving for a week and J. will be in charge of taking care of our newly planted beds and pots.
Time to dice, chop, saute, cook and simmer! Massive lasagna in progress! I never thought I'd be excited to cook! Having the right tools really helps - good knives, food processor. I'm a lucky, lucky girl!!
Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
I'm starting to think maybe I will just do a monthly post and call it what it is - whatever month we're in. Here we are winding dow...
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...