Last night, I phoned my credit card company and asked for my Disney Reward to be issued. I've had the Disney co-branded card for years and use it sporadically - it's taken a LONG TIME but I now have $185 to use for Disney merchandise, or theme parks. We're planning to go to Disneyland for the parks 55th anniversary in November - at least that's where we stand so far. Should we spend the money? No, we should not. Will I pay off the trip the month we take it? No, probably not - thus breaking one of our 'house rules'. But oh well. It has been a very hard year in our home - and we could all use a little magic! So take that, darn financial house rules! I'm going into debt to keep my sanity and if J. gets laid off any time soon (which is highly unlikely but who knows these days), I'll be regretting it - but for now, I'm in the land of magic and Tinkerbell and I don't care!
The person on the phone was exceedingly helpful - very un-bank-like. As he wrapped up his call - inquiring 'is there anything else I can do to assist you this evening?' (to which I replied 'no, thank you'), he said 'there's just one more thing I need you to do to assist me in ensuring your reward dollars arrive as quickly as possible'.....and I said (hesitatingly, 'cuz I was sure this was some sales thing and I was about to be hit up or a membership of some kind), he said 'I need you to say these words: bippety, boppity, boo'.
So I did....giggling the entire time.
That's the magic of Disney - and if ever there was a sign that we should go on this trip 'cuz we truly need it (even if there are a million reasons we shouldn't be spending the money), that was it!!
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