Wednesday, December 30, 2009


This will be a boring post - but I have to tell EVERYONE (and most especially my sister K.) that I spent the MAJORITY OF THE DAY cleaning out the study closet! Deciding that I couldn't really work on the surfaces of my desk until I tackle the REAL albatross around my neck that's needed serious culling for YEARS. So I did it - took out EVERYTHING and culled and sorted. Have a GIANT bin of Goodwill items; took out tray after tray of recycling; two bags of trash. It's the 'wrapping paper/box/tissue/ribbons/miscellaneous' closet and there apparently was a time when I was sure we would have a critical shortage of wrapping paper; gift boxes; greeting cards; notebooks; etc. Thankfully, J. arrived home after his MRI and has been hugely helpful in carting things out to the recycle and trash bins. It's been quite a job....but it looks FANTASTIC!

AND I found a treasure: my Winnie the Pooh teapot! It's been 'missing' for quite awhile - we purchased it on a trip to The Magic Kingdom years ago and had it shipped directly here. Couldn't risk transporting it ourselves 'cuz it's that special....and there it was - still in the box. Perfectly perfect condition and I (still) love it to pieces. Must have just tucked it up in the closet until I had a place to keep it - so we may have purchased it before we even had our dining room set (which was the last thing we purchased furniture wise for the house). Now I have to make room in the hutch - but I'll find a place. And the hutch and sideboard are two things I spent considerable time culling earlier this week - so I'm sure there's room in there somewhere.

And, ironically, during this winter break, I've started to enjoy cups of hot tea during the day. Celestial Seasons peppermint is currently my I can't wait to brew a pot of tea in my cute teapot tomorrow!!

I also made progress on my bedroom closet - still have work to do on that but will be heading upstairs shortly to continue - ESPECIALLY while I'm 'in the mood' to just let stuff go. Seriously...there's so much 'stuff' that I just look at and think 'why did I think I should save this'? Or, in the case of clothes, I know I haven't worn it in years and probably won't - in fact, I've finally parted with an outfit I purchased in the late 80's - a shirt and a little jacket that I got for $10 (total) - and I HAVE worn it - but it's time to let it go. As much as I love some of my clothes, there are ALWAYS new clothes I will love just as much. And I have plenty of things to wear....

It feels so great to get stuff cleaned out! My only regret is that we only have the remainder of this week to continue...and then it's back to the day-to-day drudge that makes projects like this so hard to wedge in. We've made a lot of progress and will continue to work over the next four days and see how far we can get.

I feel so proud of us - we've had the intentions of doing all this for a really long time and it feels so great to FINALLY DO IT.

Now hoping I can embrace that same philosophy and approach for getting into some kind of exercise program in the new year. Here's hoping!


I watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince last night - by far, the darkest, scariest most un-settling Harry Potter yet. And it was just as good as it was in the theater.

It was a windy night and rainy, too. And the movie is full of sound effects - dark, scary, loud, sudden sound effects.

Chloe went nuts. All night long. NUTS. Growling and grumbling. Barking suddenly for no reason, making me jump - my startle response got quite a work out last night. She finally went to sleep on her pillow here in the study - and proceeded to growl in her sleep.

She takes her role of protecting me very seriously.

I'm going to watch the movie again shortly - sunny, clear, no wind, no rain and a hopefully far less skittish dog (and human).

J. and the boys will be home around 2ish. That gives me 3.5 hours to continue the culling out of every cupboard in the house. :-)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


It's one of those mornings when I just love living in is crystal clear, sunny blue skies. It's still only mid-50's but it's a beautiful 'winter' day. Not a cloud in sight. The yard and flower beds are still far too wet to really do much - but we did finally remove the frozen nasturtium plants from around the spa. Recovered a handful of seed pods that I will dry and use to replant as soon as the weather's consistently warmer. Nasturtiums grow so easily and look so pretty around the pool - but they definitely didn't handle the freeze a couple weeks ago and wilted and died pretty quickly. Good thing they're easy to replant and will take off quickly once the weather is warmer and a tad less damp.

J. has already made two trips to various thrift shops - we have gotten rid of SO MUCH STUFF! Feels so great! Have reorganized most of the kitchen cupboards and have been able to move things we use often to places they are easier to get to - and move other things up above the refrigerator (for example) which we can retrieve when we use them (which is not often). We 'recycled' at least 20 plastic 'bottles' - the kind you get at picnics and amusement parks. Why did we ever save them? Also donated two full sets of Pyrex mixing bowls - one set from each of our parents homes. We still have plenty of mixing bowls we use often - but those two were above the fridge for almost a decade and never used. I probably thought I was saving them for 'when the boys move out into their own place and need stuff for their kitchen' - but it's far more fun to buy new stuff when you're setting up your first apartment, so we donated the heck out of a bunch of stuff.

They are leaving for Tulare shortly and I will continue working on cleaning out clothes closets. Mine in particular. J. will have several more bags of stuff to donate when he gets home tomorrow - and we'll still have Thursday for more last minute stuff we are able to part with. H. helped me clean out above the fridge - even with the highest step stool we own, I'm still too short to get into the back of that cupboard - so he helped pull everything out, wiped out all the shelves and the top of the fridge and helped put back everything we moved from other places and stuff we decided to keep. He's been a big help and like a 'new' kid the past couple days....I feel hopeful we're on a much improved path - and yet still on guard because I know just how quickly things can turn bad once again. Will I ever lose this 'on edge, waiting for disaster' feeling in the pit of my stomach? I hope so.

I am sort of thinking of working 1/2 day tomorrow. Don't ask me why....but I know there's stuff I should get moving on and the week we get back will be filled with meetings, Board prep, etc. Never down time. Never. But that's OK. That's what they pay me for...and I have enjoyed a full week of not going in - have checked emails (the red blinking light on my Blackberry makes that pretty easy) and responded to a few - but haven't physically gone in, which is nice. That's been a break in itself.

Santa brought us the Harry Potter movie that I hoped to see in the theatre a second time but wasn't able to make it - so I think I'll spend the afternoon watching that movie while continuing The Great Cleanout of 2009. I feel the urge to tackle cleaning out the pantry, the freezer and the fridge and making menus, shopping lists, etc. We'll enter 2010 well-stocked and with a plan.

I love having a plan.

Monday, December 28, 2009


I've so many posts in draft stage, I can't keep up...partly censoring what I post 'cuz....well, I just am. Tough times with son #2 and I write a post and then the situation modifies AGAIN so I rethink it. Repeat 70 times in the past couple months and you'll know where we're at.

We've had a hugely bad time with Hunter the past couple days. He and I finally went to 'neutral' territory (Starbucks) and had a good talk yesterday. We were/are seriously considering sending him to the Marine Academy in Texas - yes, really. He doesn't want to go (big surprise). Though sometimes he does. He has been hanging out with some really 'bad' guys - including one that's been in prison for multiple felonies. We're trying to get him to understand that hanging out with people that have been in trouble will almost always lead you to getting in trouble, even though you don't think you will. Hopefully, he's getting that - we also enjoyed McDonald's (the power of Starbucks and McDonald's for a 16 year old boy cannot be underestimated) and talked for a couple hours. My car smells like french fries. We came home with him calm and listening (vs. pissed off and reacting) for the first time in weeks. So I'm hoping for a Christmas miracle - that we've really made some 'progress' and he will wake up this morning at least attempting to be civil. We'll see. Please pray for him - and for us. We are in strange and unfamiliar territory with him - and the things that we've uncovered the past few weeks make everything with we've experienced with B. look like a cake walk in comparison.

It's been a pretty great day here so far - so again, Starbucks and McDonald's will be our hang out and 'chill out and talk zone' for the foreseeable future. He has been allowed to accompany two friends to the mall - two 'old' friends that he stopped hanging out with but invited to the mall with him - and is now at dinner celebrating one of their birthdays. So that's cool. It's a 'treat' that we let him out of the house and it has lightened his mood a bit.

I've been cleaning out closets, etc. all day. Stacks/bags/boxes of stuff for J. to take to Goodwill, etc. this week. Feels good to just 'purge' - stuff we haven't used in decades. Stuff from our parents homes that we've never touched - and I'm at the point where I want 'space' and 'less stuff' so I've been taking advantage of that momentum all day. (I owe it all to my sister who started my morning with a great email confirming that she has finished the LAST BIG PROJECT at her house and finally feels things are 'in order'). Wishing she lived near here so she could help me get that here...but progress was made today and it feels good. Desk is still a wreck - but we did cull out so much today! Now just have to haul it away tomorrow. And we are definitely NOT trying to convince ourselves we should garage sale some of it - 'cuz we finally accept that we won't. We just aren't motivated enough and would rather give it to local charities to sell at their thrift stores than box it up and have to deal with a garage sale in the 'future'. It will never happen - so away stuff goes.

We are officially attending our annual New Years Eve party - and all of us are going. I'm trying to plan what to bring and have several ideas about what to make.

J. and the boys are heading down to Tulare for a one night visit with the cousins. It's a quick trip 'cuz J. has an MRI scheduled on Wednesday afternoon that he can't reschedule. I'm a bit 'nervous' about being in the house alone these real defined reason except H.'s 'not so great friends' may come around looking for him and I don't like them to know I'm home alone....but I'll be OK. I have a very protective/noisy dog who sounds like she'll rip your head off when you hear her (and can't see her). So I'll let her bark her head off when anyone knocks on the door and probably just not answer. I want to see New Moon again - and I received some JCPenney gift cards for Christmas so I might go look for a couple new work outfits. And possibly treat myself to lunch or dinner 'out'. Tired of holiday dinner leftovers which it feels like we've been eating forever....

I made chicken and dumplings for dinner and it's FINALLY ready - just after 7 and we're eating. It's just the two of us - if I'd known it was going to be just the two of us, I probably would have suggested we go out...but oh well. MORE leftovers....

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Christmas Eve services were beautiful, as always. Except for having to constantly remind H. to get the iPod ear bud out of his ear, it went well. He kept saying 'but it's not ON' to which I replied (repeatedly) 'then there's no reason for you to have the bud in your ear - leave it out NOW or I will take the iPod and you won't get it back like your phone, car, etc.'. He finally upon threatening to take yet another possession and restrict it's use took the damn bud out [swearing in a Christmas post doesn't feel right but I can't help it 'cuz it is what it is] and left it out. I'm such a Scrooge.....the kid is trying my patience BIG TIME....

Christmas came and went too quickly....but as hoped, it was a pleasant, fun morning. I was actually up first - which is rare for Christmas day. Could be because I was also the first to bed - and I hadn't finished my 'Santa' duties in setting up the scavenger hunt. Had to place the clues and the treasure throughout the house before everyone was up. The boys loved the hunt - and H. said 'ahh, this is a thinking man's game'. The clues required some thought to decipher where the treasure was - and he liked that, I think.

Chloe had a blast - she got two new toys and was so excited, she carried them in her mouth BEFORE we'd detached them from the cardboard backing! We removed them from their cardboard backer and tossed them up into the dining room and she ran back and forth dozens of times 'fetching' - until she was panting and exhausted and had to take a break. She loves Christmas almost as much as the boys - and her two new toys have been her treasure. She also loves curling up on the couch with her mama for a nap!

The boys enjoyed the morning and the day passed pleasantly. We stayed in our PJ's for most of the day, which felt decadent. Finally got dressed after napping for two hours. Dinner was Raley's Sierra Tender Roast - three different cuts of pork that are tied together. Delicious! Au Gratin potatoes, sweet potatoes and green bean casserole, rolls and sparkling cider. Pie for dessert. It was delicious.

J. and the boys are heading to Oakland to visit J's brother - taking him a Chinese food lunch. I have finished wrapping the last of the Christmas gifts I need to ship (sorry K. & B. & niece H.) and I hope to get to the post office today to get them officially on their way. As always, there's a lot of post-Christmas tidying to do - including needing to work in the freezing garage to sort through stuff before we put the Christmas decorations back up in the rafters this time next week.

I'm enjoying cups of peppermint tea in a vain attempt to stay warm. It's not even 65 degrees in this room and I have on layers and a blanket....I've even turned up the heat and it's still too cold in here. We're looking into adding insulation to the house...we need it. I think the builder took a lot of short cuts and adequate insulation is definitely something I think he skimped on. It's below 60 degrees in many of the upstairs rooms - especially those over the garage - and we really need to find the $ to fix that. Oh, the never-ending list of things requiring money.....right? The joy of home ownership.

We have no plans this week - hopefully attending the annual new years eve bash with friends but we never know about that until sometimes the day we'll see about that. H. doesn't hang out much with the son of our friends he may not be on the invitee list - and I don't really want to leave him alone on New Years - so if he's not included, we probably won't go. But it will all work out....just have to stay flexible. We're still working on a lot of culling out - more Freecycle posts today, most likely. The boys haven't mentioned going to San Fran - we probably will but we can't make plans until we know B.'s work schedule, which he'll pick up sometime today. They both have their Christmas money to spend but they're both being so conservative about it - H. doesn't want to 'use it too fast'. Hmmm....

I'm working on moving game files onto an external hard drive - which takes HOURS to do. And then I need to work on setting up the 'file' for all the songs that are on my computer that I want to move to my new, sleek, beautiful iPod Touch. AND I want to workout using my WiiFit Plus 'game' that Santa brought me. A new goals....yes, again. But there's always an opportunity to start over and begin anew - and this time of year certainly highlights that for me.

Still eight days of vacation 'left'....I love that about the winter break....two glorious weeks!! The first week's almost over but there's STILL ANOTHER WEEK!!! Yippee!!

Hope everyone's Christmas was merry and bright! And I hope my family in OKC has dug themselves out of what will be known as the Oklahoma City Blizzard of 2009! Love ya'll!

Thursday, December 24, 2009


It's approaching 3PM and J. is upstairs busily wrapping. I realized this morning what was missing - the master chart that I've made every year since we've been in Tracy. The list of gifts we've purchased and the status of each - wrapped? From who? etc. So we created that pretty easily and now J's following the 'plan' and wrapping away. He's almost done - making this evening so much easier. We will return from church and be pretty much 'done' other than setting up the scavenger hunt and bringing the Santa stuff downstairs. This year, we've even decided to bring down gifts from us to each other BEFORE we go to church. The boys like the big 'impact' of having very few things under the tree and then 'WOW' on Christmas morning - but with parents who are close to 50 (me) and 60 (J.), something's got to give. There are only so many trips up and down the stairs we can make after a long day. We will enlist their help in getting those items under the tree - and then the excitement will start to build. They'll realize it's really here! Even Chloe's getting excited - she's been running around doing her torpedo dog imitation a good part of the day. She has presents under the tree, too. :-)

We had to hustle out this morning to get one more gift for H. - to keep things even. The list clarified what's what and we were we picked up another item from his list. He will be surprised - pleasantly, I hope.

I have the scavenger clues written. Need to start the printing of clues, labels for envelopes, etc. Will set it up in the wee hours of the morning. It'll be fun.

I have pork ribs simmering in the oven - they will go with homemade chowmein - a filling, easy dinner before we go to church. Then home for the Santa Clause and cocoa.

Our two closest grocery stores were all out of eggnog so B. went merrily to the store he works at and got some. He also picked up a few other things I needed - which was a big help. He can't be without eggnog - it's his once a year splurge (calorie wise) and he loves it. And having made eggnog lattes for everyone at work the last day we were there, I have to agree they are pretty darn yummy. I'll make them tomorrow morning, as well as pumpkin lattes! Yummy!

I hope your Christmas Eve Day/Night is full of excitement and blessings! I've got to go wrap gifts for J.!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Mystery

How is it that every single year, we can't find the gift tags? We buy them around this time (a couple days before Christmas) EVERY SINGLE YEAR and we can never find them. Somewhere in this house are thousands (well....ok...hundreds at least) of gift tags longing to be in the Christmas wrapping box where they belong. They are nowhere to be found - so once again, I am getting dressed and heading out for 'last minute' stuff - including, once again - gift tags.

We are heading into the last of the Christmas Crunch - still have loads of wrapping to do. Still a bit of shopping. And a trip to the bank to fetch money for the scavenger hunt for the boys. Clues to be written, envelopes to be labeled. I need to get going on that. I keep the clues to as few words as possible...and then have to write myself a 'legend' and a 'key' so I don't forget where I've stashed the cash. Otherwise, we'll find money around here one of these days from a forgotten clue.....

I'm going to CVS and/or Walgreens to see if I can find Snuggies for me and the boys. It's below 64 degrees in this room right now and even I am freezing. Heat is cranking away and it should warm up soon - but I'm wrapped in a Pooh throw and it's hard to type and keep warm at the same time.

We continue to attempt to keep son #2 firmly in our grasp. He did mention that he really needs to go Christmas shopping we might let him go to the mall - timed, mileage checked on the car and only to shop for an hour or so. Not to 'hang out' at the mall - just get there, shop, and come straight home. Or he may be accompanied by his father. Oh, he'll love that..... [and I refer to both 'he's' when I say that]. I think J. will take him. Safer that way -

B. went snowboarding with friends yesterday. He has 'jury duty' this week, which means he has to check a website daily to see if he needs to report. So far, he hasn't - and it really doesn't look like he will. They won't hold court Thursday or Friday so if he makes it through today and checks the website tonight and is 'clear', then he's likely done. He asked for most of the week off work - worked his 16 hours with two 8 hour shifts on Sunday and Monday - so he's off until next Sunday. He does love his 'down time'. And I can't blame him for that....

The cleaning crew was here yesterday so the house is tidied and sparkling. We are culling things out like crazy - I've been posting things on Freecycle and have given away Pokemon cards, Shrinky Dink paper and some bead kits. I love the concept of Freecycle - but the execution is a pain. People write back things like 'where in South Tracy?'. Uh, are you saying you WANT what I just posted 'cuz I'm not giving you my address until I know that you are 'committing' to taking what's been offered. They want something and say 'well, I can't get there until tomorrow'...well, then, I'm going to give it to the person who can come get it now 'cuz I'm not scheduling my day around you picking up something I'm giving you for free. It gets to be more of a pain than it's meant to be. Still, it's nice to know these things are going to homes where some child will be thrilled. The mom who picked up the Shrinky Dink paper yesterday was ecstatic - her daughter LOVES them, as did H. in his wee years. Culling his room has sure been a trip down memory lane....

OK - warm enough to head upstairs and get showered and ready to head out for errands. The last of the Christmas madness is about to ensue. Fasten your lap belt snugly and securely around your person. Everyone hold onto your hats. Keep your arms and legs inside the car at all times. This ride may cause extreme motion sickness and wooziness. You will feel better when it's over - and it will be over before you know it. Once the ride has come to a complete stop, you may exit and proceed with your normal life. This ride happens only once per year and there's a reason for sit back and embrace the celebration and joy that's created by massive consumerism and spending more than you planned. That's what makes it magical....because no matter how sucky they past few weeks have been; no matter how much angst and concern and anger and frustration there has been in this house the past few weeks (and boy, howdy, there's been plenty of all those things lately), there will be peace and smiles and joy here on Christmas morning. For at least an hour or so, all will be right with the world. That's the miracle of Christmas. And that's what I'm holding onto at the moment. Christmas is coming and it will be magical - regardless of the recent drama in this house. It will be Christmas....and I love Christmas.

New Year's is only one week away - wooziness will happen again but thankfully, the shopping will be over.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Like Water for Vodka


It was our 1st Annual Christmas Party for my work tonight. Our previous boss wasn't big on parties or spending time together outside work in general...but our new sup is the polar opposite of that. We had a fantastic pot-luck party with a fun gift exchange and karaoke. It was awesome fun.

Awhile back, I recall fixing myself a cocktail on a Sunday....think it was cranberry juice and some Patron Tequila. And I recalled that I didn't feel any real effect of that cocktail. It was a spur of the moment 'oh, it's Sunday evening and I think a cocktail would be nice' and I mixed up something with what we had on hand. And didn't feel a thing. I remember thinking it was weird 'cuz I usually at least feel a little something...but nothing. Nada. Zip. And I just assumed it wasn't a strong drink or 'maybe I'm starting to build more of a tolerance with these once in a while Sunday cocktails'. A fleeting thought of 'hmmm, have I been drinking more than usual and so it doesn't affect me now?'. Doubtful...'cuz I truly drink very rarely. But I wondered.

The party tonight was BYOB - so we brought our Patron Tequila and a bottle of vodka. Both about 1/2 full. And when I got there, I mentioned to my friend (the hostess) 'I sure hope these haven't been watered down'. Sort of joking......

It's been quite a week here. I will share some details soon - a post or two in various stages of being drafted and I need to simmer over them to decide if posting is the right thing to do. So I made that comment because given the week we've had, nothing would surprise me anymore.

And I was right. Both of the bottles were water. Totally and completely water. Not a drop of 'real' liquor in them.

Son #2 called us at the party and talked to J. and said 'tell Mom I hope she's having a good time and I love her and I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused'. So I called him back to tell him I love him, too...and yes, I was having fun....and hey, by the way, we couldn't help but notice that our tequila and vodka were apparently replaced with water. He said 'well, Mom, I'm not really into drinking [which is apparently true based on things we've learned this week - alcohol is not the issue for him] but I think B. and his friends might have done that...and you didn't hear it from me'.

Which was even more amusing because B. said the exact same thing a week ago when he informed on his brother. Told me something that has led to finding out so many more something's about son #2 than I ever imagined - and after telling me, he said 'you didn't hear it from me'.

Six words that changed the course of history around here......and changed the future as well.

It's been a long week. We are officially on vacation for two weeks and are all in need of down time, sleep and healing. Hopefully, H's change of attitude as exhibited by his sweet phone call, will hold awhile. He is restricted to within an inch of his life but he seems to understand that keeping him close is the only way I can cope with all that's been he's weathering it as best he can.

More tomorrow. I need to drink a bunch of water, take some Tylenol and go to bed. It was a REALLY FUN PARTY....and my head hurts.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


It's hard to be in the Christmas mood.....and not the same time.

I'm probably more 'in' to Christmas this year far more than recent previous years...I just feel it in my bones this year - the festiveness, the joy, the excitement. I'm ready for a little celebration...and for all the things that come with it. Two weeks of sleeping in, no alarm clocks, napping at 4PM if I feel sleepy and then staying up really late.... I'm even in the mood for wrapping and shopping and cooking and tidying.....I'm up for all of it. Ready, willing and able.

At the same time, the recent issues with son #2 are festering with a blister that hasn't quite formed yet. Just under the surface, irritating you and letting you know that there's trouble ahead. Painful, messy trouble.

I shared with a friend at work yesterday and confessed that I'm reasonably sure we've done a horrible parenting job. His core values seem non-existent. I was reassured that in fact, we are just going through 'the teen years' - said with much respect and reverence because this person has raised a family (and has 10 grand kids to show for it) - and we would survive.....and no, you haven't messed him up. He's being a kid...and he'll be fine. Just hang in there. I sure hope she's right because at the moment, I'm feeling like I wish there was a rewind button and we could go back 12-15 years and try again. I'd stay home, be with him 24/7, help them both with math more (they both struggle with math and it's so hard for me and J. 'cuz we're both so good at math)....I think of all the things I'd do differently if I could only have a do-over button.

I'm not in the giving mood for him because it feels like giving him what he's been coveting for so long (he's asked for his big present for a couple years and we've not indulged him - but two weeks ago was a different time and place and I finally decided it was his most fervent desire and I bought it for him/them) is really just rewarding him for incredibly bad behavior. And I'm not sure I want to do that. Indulging him at this point doesn't feel right. Hopefully it will in a week or so when the giving time is upon us.

It's Christmas, after all....

Today is hump day - we're all gleefully counting down the days until the two week break. Smiles are everywhere because we know it's almost here. I took off this week last year and toyed with the idea of taking it off this year - but I do have a lot to do and this is such a good time of year to buckle down and do things that never seem to get done. Culling files, etc. My assistant was teasing me yesterday 'cuz I've been putting a fair amount of shred in her shred bin and she doesn't notice it until she starts to shred and then realizes that most of it is 'mine' vs. hers. She's good-natured about it and I warned her that I'll be shredding a lot 'cuz I'm cleaning out files, etc. There 3 years almost and still working on 'making it my own'. We're getting there.....

We have a potluck tomorrow and then the Christmas party Saturday evening....karaoke is being planned. And I'm making baked beans and an appetizer. We're doing a gift exchange. It will be loads of fun and we're looking forward to it.

Anyone available to 'babysit' a 16 year old? Making sure he doesn't leave the house? (He can't drive anywhere 'cuz there's not a single car key anywhere he can find one. He also can't call or text anyone 'cuz we have his cell phone and we're not giving it back anytime soon). So your job would be fairly easy...just keep him in the house. We'll provide the pizza -

Any takers? No? Really?


(not that I can blame you.....I'm not a taker either and I gave birth to him and live with him).

Happy Hump Day!!

Monday, December 14, 2009


I've been following the news of the banks that are deciding to pay back TARP funds....interesting that there's a flurry of those press releases this past week or so. I'd love to believe that they're in great shape and are just doing the right thing by paying back the funds - but the truth is probably not along those lines. It's probably more related to:

a) They don't want the US Government telling them how to pay their employees, and;
b) They don't want to lend. And they don't want the US Government to force them to.

These continue to be perilous financial times as we trudge slowly to 'recovery' - or whatever comes next.

I did my part for our economy by not working today and heading to the 'big' mall in Pleasanton. won't tell you how much I spent but it was a tidy sum. Procured gifts for work friends, family and myself....and treated myself to a Thai lunch at a newly opened restaurant there. It was a fun day and the only thing missing was my hubby - sadly, he had to work. Now need to start wrapping.

Back to work tomorrow - playing 'catch up' and 'clean up' for four days before the vacation! Even with the angst filled teen in the house, I'm still looking forward to sleeping in, leisurely time with my hubby, working on some projects around the house, etc.

And Christmas. Can't forget the magic of Christmas.

I attended church yesterday and was greeted so warmly by a dear friend who just a few minutes earlier had said to J. 'if I don't see your lovely bride soon, I'm going to come knocking on the door'. And I remembered what I love most about making the effort to get to church: seeing friends and sharing in that one hour of knowing you are in the room with people who get it. Who get that Christmas is a birthday celebration above all things.... I promised to attend more often - and will have to push myself out of the 'it's my only real 'free' day and I just like to have that morning to do nothing' out of my mind and go. I always enjoy it - always. And it's good for my troubled soul....

Sunday, December 13, 2009


There are signs of Christmas abounding these days....

Tree has colored lights now added to the white lights. We need to add ornaments but it's so beautiful 'as is' that it's hard to think of cluttering it up with 'stuff'. But we'll add some glass icicles and some new ornaments we bought this year...and get out the Hallmark ornaments and take a trip down memory lane.

J. took me to the little local bakery that only opens 3 times a year - Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter - for my favorite frosted sugar cookies and bear claws for today's breakfast. There were lots of other fun things there that I would love to add to our Christmas collection - but I'll visit the week of the 21st and see what's left and how much things are discounted. She always has unique items - in addition to her amazing edible delights! I love Kandi's! The farmer's market is now year-round here and she sells there every weekend - but her frosted sugar cookies are only made 3 times a year and they are indescribably delicious. I love them! Not the couple of pounds I will undoubtedly gain in the next couple weeks - but the cookies are worth it!

My Farmville farm is covered in snow and every available building/bush/fence/tree is decked out with a dusting of snow and lights. I have a Santa's Village set up with reindeer and a sleigh, giant snowflakes, hedges with lights, lots of Christmas trees and I'm growing poinsettias every day. There are Santa gnomes, wooden soldiers in lots of colors, candy cane fences and a host of other festive holiday things. I LOVE IT! I 'farm' every morning before work and it starts my day with a smile! Isn't that what life is about? Smiling while you head out to do what you need to do to pay your mortgage? It's a small, silly thing - but it's fun. If you haven't tried it, you will 'hook you' like it did me but that's OK.

I 'shopped' online for some out of state family. Have gifts to wrap and ship to some folks but took the 'easy' route with most. The entryway is full of boxes from my online shopping activities - I love the Internet. Most retailers are giving free shipping and huge discounts. I love shopping in my PJ's - never having to leave the house. What a great thing!!

We have a beautiful amaryllis in a collectible Christmas cookie jar on our kitchen counter courtesy of my cousin in Florida who sends us a 'magical' plant every year. It's been watered twice and it will be starting it's growing phase any minute now - and if you've never grown an amaryllis, you need to. They are amazing..... Thanks, B. and M. for thinking of us. I'll try to save some cookies to put in the jar once the plant is 'done'. It's sure pretty!

I'm taking B. to the 'big' mall in Pleasanton with me after church today. I need to get some gifts for work friends and he wants to look for clothes (of course). He's trying to be back in Tracy by 1 so he can go to the gym before he heads to his 3PM-midnight shift at work. J. is playing at church today so we'll go to the 9:30 service and then head straight to the mall. It will be a quick turn around trip but that's OK. I want to just get what I need and head home - looking will lead to finding and finding will lead to buying and I don't really 'need' anything. H. has been invited but is being a recluse these days - unless it's 'chilling with friends', he isn't interested. That's another post for another day and I'll need some kind of refreshing beverage in hand to keep my blood pressure from boiling over as I write. Yikes. I thought we had it 'hard' with B. H. is not making things any easier for us as he progresses (if you can call it that) through his Junior year.

We have a Christmas party for my work next Saturday night and I have to decide what I'm making for that event. Probably the cracker/bacon appetizers I made last New Years which were a huge hit and were delicious. Also a pot of baked beans - which we had at the yacht parade last weekend and which we obtained the recipe for. They were DELICIOUS and from the recipe, so, so easy to put together. That will be a good addition to the 'eats' at the party. Also a $10 gift for the gift exchange...I'll have to think about that and track down something.

I will have J. set up the wrapping table in the bedroom so I can start getting stuff wrapped and ready. Oh, what a joy it would be to not have any wrapping to do on Christmas eve - to just be able to sit and enjoy The Santa Clause with the cocoa with ZILLIONS of marshmallows to keep us warm. Fire in the fireplace. Leisurely. Doesn't that sound heavenly? The odds are 50/50 so far....I'll keep you posted.

J.'s just coming downstairs to head to church. Guess I'd better get upstairs and showered before getting B. out of bed.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.....
Everywhere you go.....


B. and I did attend church with J. - we left J. at church since he was playing bass today and had to stay for the next service - and headed for breakfast at Manny's Java Makers. B. wanted to be sure to head to the gym before he had to be at work and we weren't positive we could make it there and back with enough time. Oh, and our stomachs were growling all through church and needed food badly. So we had a nice breakfast together.

Son # 2 is in hot water well past his eye-balls. He has lost his car privileges, had his cell phone confiscated and is restricted to his room for the foreseeable future. I've been looking at boarding schools...yes, really. I know I'm over-reacting but the things we've just identified are incomprehensible and upsetting and we're not sure what the best approach is. I've bitten off three fingernails in the last 20 minutes. I hate it when I do that - as if mangling my hard-to-grow nails is going to make a hill of beans worth of difference. It is what it is, after all - and what it isn't. And no amount of fretting about it will change that. He is behaving in a way that we never imagined - and his 'circle of friends' are people we no longer want him associating with. He's become sneaky and manipulative - lying and generally doing whatever he can get away with. We'll be doing bed checks throughout the night from this point forward...and other checks as well, including logging every mile on the car that is now off limits to him. He will be transported to/from school by a parent and will have no social privileges at all...and the more we do those things, the pissier he will become. Hence the boarding school....not really a viable option, but oh, how tempting.

It's going to be a long two weeks of winter break......spending 24/7 in with a caged up teen. Is there a Christmas carol for that situation? Perhaps I will attempt to craft one.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I finally remembered to bring home my iPod Nano to load songs onto it - specifically, the soundtrack from New Moon, which I finally (FINALLY!) saw yesterday and which I described to J. with the word 'exquisite'...I plan to see it again at least once! - and upon loading that one album, the iPod stopped accepting any additional songs. Turns out it's FULL. It's only a 4GB Nano and it's now full.....

I've been coveting an iPod Touch for sometime - but don't need it so I haven't purchased it yet. I've been saving little bits of $$ here and there towards the expense and so far, have $120 saved up. Our 'fun money' account was depleted with our September Vegas trip, but it's built back up to a comfortable amount again (all our 'extra' $$ goes in there - like mileage reimbursements, rebates, recycling proceeds, etc.) and with what I've saved and a couple months of mileage reimbursements, I have enough to get the biggest Touch - which will last me for the rest of my life, probably. It's 12 times the space of my current iPod.

On one of our post-Christmas shopping trips last year, I bought a nice docking station for my office at work - it felt like a 'splurge' because it wasn't a 'need' - but I use that docking station every single day and listen to my iPod at work every single day - and absolutely love having all my favorite songs on one device. It's an eclectic melding of classical, folk, alternative, pop, inspirational, etc. and it keeps me going through my day with a smile on my face and a spring in my step. I can set up play lists and replay them over and over - songs that get me motivated and focused; others that ramp me down when I'm wound up about is a huge part of every day and I don't know how I ever lived without that little docking station. I love it - and was thinking that one of my splurges this year might be another docking station for I'll forgo that and bring my docking station home over the winter break and put that money towards the new Touch.


We went to Costco and Santa will be leaving me an iPod Touch 64GB under the tree! YEAH! It was $20 cheaper than the Apple Store price - and then an additional $20 'coupon' savings. No free engraving like when I've ordered them from the iPod store but for $40 savings, I'll skip having my name on the back of the unit. We also finished shopping for our nieces and got a couple little things for the boys. We've decided to do a scavenger hunt again - it spreads out the 'giving them money for Christmas' into 20 minutes (at least) vs. just putting an envelope on the tree. I need to get working on planning it out and crafting the clues.

It's a cold, wet, rainy day here. Time to curl up for some reading time and a good nap!

Monday, December 07, 2009


It snowed here this morning!! The hills around our town are covered in snow...and not just little 'patches' of snow. COVERED! at the upper sections and covered at the lower areas. Pretty cool. It is already in the mid-30's here at 6:30PM so if there's rain tonight, it will be snow! And we're all hoping for that. This morning, H. was reluctant to get out of bed 'cuz he'd heard from friends that is was going to snow and that 'we might get a snow day off'. Um, not so much. This is central California, after all.

(It is 63 degrees in this room and there's been a family revolt and they turned on the central heat. Guess I can't blame them - it is pretty cold in here, even for their 'hot-flashing' mama/wife).

Last week zoomed by - arising at 3:30AM a few days and 'sleeping in' until 4:40 a couple...big report to finish and worked 12-16 hour days most days last week. Made for a very long week - and yet it was so busy, it zoomed by. Amazingly fast.

We're heading into the holiday break and the pace will slow down slightly - still plenty to do but looking forward to two weeks off.

I had hopes of having Christmas decorations up and done by the Sunday after Thanksgiving, but my husband could not handle doing Christmas decorations in November so we stalled. I thought having an 'eco-friendly' tree (read: artificial) would allow us to do decorations earlier - no fear of dried needles going up in flames. But he just can't do Christmas before December. Guess it stems from his family tradition of getting their tree on Christmas eve every year - so I should be thankful he deals with a 'first weekend in December' plan. So the tree is up, though only with the 'built-in' lights on - we add color lights and we haven't done that yet. Outside decorations are on the lawn. No lights around the garage or on the rafters yet, and there's some negotiations commencing about that. This weekend, we'll finish the tree and hopefully set up the 'projector' for Christmas projections on the garage door.

We have tons of shopping yet to do - glad that we are off starting on 12/19 and have most of a week to finish shopping.

This past Saturday, J. and I went to the Christmas Yacht parade at the Jack London Square Marina in Oakland. Spent the evening on a 38 foot cabin cruiser, watching the other boats go by. It was lots of fun - good food, nice people and pretty boats with amazing lights, etc. including a couple projecting music videos on their sails. It was awesome. We had a really nice time and are hoping to be invited again next year - and we're trying to all encourage the boat owner/captain to register for the parade and we'll all help decorate her boat for the parade. THAT would be even more fun.

Oh, if you want to see B. drumming at his recent gig, you can find him on YouTube:

I think the band is good and their vocalist is OK - but the drummer is AWESOME. (I'm biased). The sound is awful....but you can see/hear B. pretty well.

Tales of Helpers

Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works.  She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...