Thankfully, there is no one in our family in jail....but it's been a strange couple days in our house. Last night, I received a call - an automated recording advised 'this is [insert company name]. Your phone number and all conversation will be recorded. We have a collect call from 'Mark' from the Tehachapi Correctional Facility'. Press 1 to accept call; hang up to decline call'.
My mind we know a 'Mark'? Much less a Mark who is in jail? I declined the call by hanging up. Three minutes later, the phone rang again - same thing. Wasn't as uneasy as the first call but still felt uncomfortable. Should I accept to tell the guy that I'm not sure who you think you're calling, but you're dialing the wrong number? I didn't want to do that because who knows how much that call would cost me? And at the same time, I'm thinking 'what if this guy really needs someone to talk to him?' My head/heart wrestled with each other briefly and I again declined the call by hanging up.
He called again this morning - I had let J. know that I had received those calls last night (he was out when they came through) so he knew what the call was when the same recording started again this morning. This time, he declined the call and contacted the prison to let them know what was happening. They have 6,000 inmates and said there was no way for them to find the guy - and they gave us the number of the third party company that handles their inmate's phone calls. J. contacted them and blocked our number so no more calls will come through.
I've been thinking about that guy all day and hope he is ok. Hope he isn't thinking that his family has stopped accepting his's sad to think he may be feeling abandoned and alone all because he's mis-dialing the phone. I wonder if we were wrong to just not take the charges for a call to let him know that he's calling a wrong number over and over and over.... I'm re-reading this and wondering why I'm even blogging about it....but it's been bothering me and writing here is cheaper than therapy. I will say a prayer for Mark tonight and hope he's OK.
We're readying ourselves for little kids at the front door - making sure the front porch light is on and we have something outside that shows we are participating in Halloween. J. went to Costco and bought 4 big bags of candy - any leftovers will be readily consumed here or by our office mates at work. The kids are out and about - parties, etc. keeping them occupied.
I had lunch with a work friend in Manteca and have been making a little progress on my desk. We're also working on the garage in preparation for tomorrow's massive 'move stuff out of the house'.
An extra hour of sleep/day light tomorrow! I love the 'fall back' part of daylight savings time. I always feel like that extra hour is such a 'gift' and try to make the most of it.....
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Hey, guess what?? It's 1PM on a sunny, beautiful Friday afternoon and I AM HOME EARLY!! I was supposed to be off a few days this week and kissed that goodbye when 'one meeting wedged in on a morning I was supposed to be off' turned into 'and add an afternoon meeting so now I'll be working that day' turned into 'ah, heck....just work'. So many reports due this time of little time. But I did manage to wedge in getting out of my office around noon for a 'half day non-work day'. GO, ME!!
Our office dressed as Swine Flu today - bright pink (Bubblegum) t-shirts with the word 'flu' prominently on the front - black paint used to spray paint and a stencil to keep the letters pink - with pig hats, surgeons masks, booties for our feet, disposable stethoscopes, etc. And fake coughing wherever we went to visit.
Our admin building were 'Survivor DOA DOA (District Office Admin) - but Dead on Arrival was OK with them, too. They even built a 'shelter' in their office and had tiki torches everywhere and lizards on skewers over the fire pit. They had scratches and wounds all over - bandages with 'blood' showing and lip liners used to create very realistic scratches on their arms and legs. They custom-made t-shirts with our town's name and their tribe was really well done.
The Student Services building were all clowns and they were great! We had a fun morning of breakfast together...and still managed to be productive! And we all watched the school kids parade in their costumes - that is always a treat!
B. called from work to say 'hey, I got a raise!' - 30 cents an hour more. He has no idea how or why but he's happy! He wants to go to dinner to I asked if he was buying. Just kidding! Since I'm home early and he'll be home just after 3, we might be able to swing a dinner out -
We have a zillion things to do this weekend. We are having the carpets and tiles cleaned this week so we're going to be working on moving non-big items out to the garage or wherever we can find room for them that's not carpeted or tile - which doesn't leave a lot of space other than bathrooms (linoleum). I need to clean my closet big time - time for the 'year end give away' for Goodwill. And the yards are a mess - our new neighbors have topped 6-8 feet off every tree in the backyard! They needed it - but a lot of leaves (even more than the usual zillion) are now in OUR yard and we need to clean those up before the winter rains start and we end up having leaf and mud soup!
It was 67 degrees in the house last night and H. came downstairs DRESSED IN SHORTS AND A SHORT SLEEVED T-SHIRT and said 'we need to turn the heat on! It's freezing in this house'. I refused and said 'go put on some clothes appropriate for cooler weather. When you're walking around the house in long pants, long sleeve shirt, shoes and socks and a sweatshirt and you're STILL freezing, THEN AND ONLY THEN will we turn on the heater'. I'm a penny-pinching shrew - but I'm on a mission to have another month of only a $300 electric bill (vs. the $700 and $600 bills we've had in the two prior months, respectively). Bwaa-ha-ha.....
Maybe I should wear a witch hat and a cape and answer the door holding a broom tomorrow night. Naaah....swine flu is much more fun. Especially when I start coughing. People really freak out at my cough.....
Our office dressed as Swine Flu today - bright pink (Bubblegum) t-shirts with the word 'flu' prominently on the front - black paint used to spray paint and a stencil to keep the letters pink - with pig hats, surgeons masks, booties for our feet, disposable stethoscopes, etc. And fake coughing wherever we went to visit.
Our admin building were 'Survivor DOA DOA (District Office Admin) - but Dead on Arrival was OK with them, too. They even built a 'shelter' in their office and had tiki torches everywhere and lizards on skewers over the fire pit. They had scratches and wounds all over - bandages with 'blood' showing and lip liners used to create very realistic scratches on their arms and legs. They custom-made t-shirts with our town's name and their tribe was really well done.
The Student Services building were all clowns and they were great! We had a fun morning of breakfast together...and still managed to be productive! And we all watched the school kids parade in their costumes - that is always a treat!
B. called from work to say 'hey, I got a raise!' - 30 cents an hour more. He has no idea how or why but he's happy! He wants to go to dinner to I asked if he was buying. Just kidding! Since I'm home early and he'll be home just after 3, we might be able to swing a dinner out -
We have a zillion things to do this weekend. We are having the carpets and tiles cleaned this week so we're going to be working on moving non-big items out to the garage or wherever we can find room for them that's not carpeted or tile - which doesn't leave a lot of space other than bathrooms (linoleum). I need to clean my closet big time - time for the 'year end give away' for Goodwill. And the yards are a mess - our new neighbors have topped 6-8 feet off every tree in the backyard! They needed it - but a lot of leaves (even more than the usual zillion) are now in OUR yard and we need to clean those up before the winter rains start and we end up having leaf and mud soup!
It was 67 degrees in the house last night and H. came downstairs DRESSED IN SHORTS AND A SHORT SLEEVED T-SHIRT and said 'we need to turn the heat on! It's freezing in this house'. I refused and said 'go put on some clothes appropriate for cooler weather. When you're walking around the house in long pants, long sleeve shirt, shoes and socks and a sweatshirt and you're STILL freezing, THEN AND ONLY THEN will we turn on the heater'. I'm a penny-pinching shrew - but I'm on a mission to have another month of only a $300 electric bill (vs. the $700 and $600 bills we've had in the two prior months, respectively). Bwaa-ha-ha.....
Maybe I should wear a witch hat and a cape and answer the door holding a broom tomorrow night. Naaah....swine flu is much more fun. Especially when I start coughing. People really freak out at my cough.....
Monday, October 26, 2009
Ahhh, Facebook. How you pain me; beguile me; torture me; entrance me.
I very long. Kept telling people 'no, I'm not on Facebook; never going to BE on Facebook. You want to tell me something? Email me or call me. Want someone to know what you had for breakfast? One word: blog. Then, people who care about what you're doing can read all about it. See, that's the thing about Facebook: I always leave feeling I wanted more - or less. Either someone is going on and on about things I don't care about - or they're giving teeny, tiny 'snippets' of information and I want to know 'the rest of the story'. There's no happy medium. Sometimes, I have to restrain myself from leaving a comment like 'quit whining'. Or 'get over it already'. But I don't 'cuz that would be rude. And then I see a post/snippet from someone I would love to be more in touch with - and it's 4-5 words. That's it. Haven't heard from them in YEARS and I see the briefest of brief communication. That makes me crazy.
And initially, Facebook was another way to relive high school. Am I popular enough to have lots of 'friends'? Will people simply 'ignore' my request to add them as a friend?? No, politeness dictates that most say 'yes' - only then, you're really not any more 'in touch' with them then you were before you asked and they accepted your invite. So what's the point, really? See what I mean? It pains me and beguiles me and tortures me all at the same time.
But the truth is, Facebook is kind of fun in so many ways. I like knowing that my pregnant second cousin needs a midnight snack because she's pregnant and starving at night and that she is probably naming her daughter after her mother - my dear cousin N. who I miss and love and wish were still with us. I like that another cousin (wife of my cousin actually - but that makes her my cousin, too) commented via a Facebook email that she reads my blog and enjoys it. That was a nice surprise...though it sort of made me scratch my head and wonder 'how did she find the blog'? I probably gave the URL my aunt or something...and truly, I'm fine with people reading. I just hope that knowing that family is reading doesn't make me 'censor' what I write. (Though there's certainly plenty of evidence within these years of musings that 'censoring' is not in my vocabulary). Cousin S., I'm so glad you are reading. Read on, friend/relative! Glad to have you as a 'follower'!!
I'm playing Farmville and Yo'ville and tried to resist them, but could not when a good friend at work sent me gifts for those games and said 'come on, just try it with me - I need more neighbors!!'. And now, I'm hooked. And I do have to say these games are addicting, but in a low-key way. You can go days without ever playing and nothing bad will happen - you might lose a crop or two (but I've solved that problem by planting crops that 'mature' in more days - since you have the number of days to harvest once the plants are grown as it takes to get them ready to harvest - so a 3 day bell pepper lets me take 3 additional days to harvest. Six day time frame is do-able. Wouldn't want to be obsessed by farming! (That last sentence is specifically for my husband because he knows oh too well my obsessive tendencies when it comes to Farm 52, etc.) I can farm for HOURS.....seriously. I shouldn't admit that in 'public' but it's how I unwind. It's cheap, inexpensive, mind-emptying fun - doesn't involve alcohol or chemical substances (well, I do farm while I drink two triple shot lattes every morning before I head upstairs to shower but let's just keep that our little secret, shall we?). I appreciate unwinding via a good agricultural game and hope my ranching uncle is in heaven proudly watching me raise livestock, farm crops, etc.... And Yo'ville is just a hoot - your own little 'town' with your own little apartment. It's fun and mindless....
So yes, I'm on Facebook. Now, Cousin S., will you be my neighbor on Farmville and Yo'ville? See, I want the small pond on Farmville - the one you get for 'free' if you have enough neighbors - so I'm going to be sending you some farm gifts and hope you will join me as my farming neighbor. It would be fun to 'visit' your farm....I do miss my Arizona family....
Time to go harvest my Farmville bell peppers and hopefully buy a bathtub for my Yo'ville bathroom! Priorities, folks. It's all about priorities.
I very long. Kept telling people 'no, I'm not on Facebook; never going to BE on Facebook. You want to tell me something? Email me or call me. Want someone to know what you had for breakfast? One word: blog. Then, people who care about what you're doing can read all about it. See, that's the thing about Facebook: I always leave feeling I wanted more - or less. Either someone is going on and on about things I don't care about - or they're giving teeny, tiny 'snippets' of information and I want to know 'the rest of the story'. There's no happy medium. Sometimes, I have to restrain myself from leaving a comment like 'quit whining'. Or 'get over it already'. But I don't 'cuz that would be rude. And then I see a post/snippet from someone I would love to be more in touch with - and it's 4-5 words. That's it. Haven't heard from them in YEARS and I see the briefest of brief communication. That makes me crazy.
And initially, Facebook was another way to relive high school. Am I popular enough to have lots of 'friends'? Will people simply 'ignore' my request to add them as a friend?? No, politeness dictates that most say 'yes' - only then, you're really not any more 'in touch' with them then you were before you asked and they accepted your invite. So what's the point, really? See what I mean? It pains me and beguiles me and tortures me all at the same time.
But the truth is, Facebook is kind of fun in so many ways. I like knowing that my pregnant second cousin needs a midnight snack because she's pregnant and starving at night and that she is probably naming her daughter after her mother - my dear cousin N. who I miss and love and wish were still with us. I like that another cousin (wife of my cousin actually - but that makes her my cousin, too) commented via a Facebook email that she reads my blog and enjoys it. That was a nice surprise...though it sort of made me scratch my head and wonder 'how did she find the blog'? I probably gave the URL my aunt or something...and truly, I'm fine with people reading. I just hope that knowing that family is reading doesn't make me 'censor' what I write. (Though there's certainly plenty of evidence within these years of musings that 'censoring' is not in my vocabulary). Cousin S., I'm so glad you are reading. Read on, friend/relative! Glad to have you as a 'follower'!!
I'm playing Farmville and Yo'ville and tried to resist them, but could not when a good friend at work sent me gifts for those games and said 'come on, just try it with me - I need more neighbors!!'. And now, I'm hooked. And I do have to say these games are addicting, but in a low-key way. You can go days without ever playing and nothing bad will happen - you might lose a crop or two (but I've solved that problem by planting crops that 'mature' in more days - since you have the number of days to harvest once the plants are grown as it takes to get them ready to harvest - so a 3 day bell pepper lets me take 3 additional days to harvest. Six day time frame is do-able. Wouldn't want to be obsessed by farming! (That last sentence is specifically for my husband because he knows oh too well my obsessive tendencies when it comes to Farm 52, etc.) I can farm for HOURS.....seriously. I shouldn't admit that in 'public' but it's how I unwind. It's cheap, inexpensive, mind-emptying fun - doesn't involve alcohol or chemical substances (well, I do farm while I drink two triple shot lattes every morning before I head upstairs to shower but let's just keep that our little secret, shall we?). I appreciate unwinding via a good agricultural game and hope my ranching uncle is in heaven proudly watching me raise livestock, farm crops, etc.... And Yo'ville is just a hoot - your own little 'town' with your own little apartment. It's fun and mindless....
So yes, I'm on Facebook. Now, Cousin S., will you be my neighbor on Farmville and Yo'ville? See, I want the small pond on Farmville - the one you get for 'free' if you have enough neighbors - so I'm going to be sending you some farm gifts and hope you will join me as my farming neighbor. It would be fun to 'visit' your farm....I do miss my Arizona family....
Time to go harvest my Farmville bell peppers and hopefully buy a bathtub for my Yo'ville bathroom! Priorities, folks. It's all about priorities.
[Yes, I know how to spell pumpkin - but punkin is cuter and it matches my 'mood' this morning. No rhyme or reason as to why that's true - but it is. It's a 'punkin' morning vs. a pumpkin morning.]
I drove to Manteca yesterday to go shopping at JCPenney. Found a couple nice outfits to add to my 'dressing like an administrator' wardrobe. Still room for more pieces but I need to really do a major closet cull before I can procure anything else. I can't find things....that's not good.
The traffic was jammed on the return trip home and I thought 'well, people heading home from their weekend in the mountains'. NOT. It was the pumpkin maze! I have NEVER seen so many cars. They were parked on farm fields! because the parking lot (which is HUGE) was full. Wow! Made me decide to not go 'cuz it would be a huge hike just to get to the maze. I'm happy for the family that owns the place - this one event is what keeps their farm going. And this year, the are adding some 'winter' events for December - a hill covered in snow for 'sledding' and a 'drive-through' Christmas lights route, as well. We will DEFINITELY go to that, even if we have to wait in a lot of was the busiest I've EVER seen it - they will need to do some traffic control next year because the freeway was really backed up and the exit to the farm is also a 'merge' point - dangerous to have slow traffic there.
H. is still having a hard time - we had to refill his pain pills yesterday. The doctor told J. to now start alternating 'warm towels' with ice. H. is living on KFC mashed potato's the only thing that sounds good to him. He is very swollen - his teeth were a lot more impacted than B.'s were, so it's been a lot harder on him than it was on B. Today is parent-teacher conferences at the high school so H. has an extra day off to recuperate that doesn't cost him an absence. We'll see about tomorrow. I think he could handle going to school but he's very self conscious about how he looks - he won't even look up because he doesn't want us to see how swollen he is. Poor boy. It will pass. I keep reminding him his puffy cheeks wont' last forever - they'll be back to normal in a week at the most. Hoping I'm right 'cuz he's not coping too well with the Alvin the Chipmunk look.
B. has a paper due - it was actually due LAST Tuesday but he put it off and put it off and is now taking a hefty penalty on the grade. When I last got involved, it was still not done. Old habits die hard....still time for band, and napping, and guitar, and video games, and hanging out with friends - but no time to work on an assignment that you've known about for weeks....WEEKS! Welcome to college. It's disappointing. But I'm letting it all play point in getting wrapped about it - what's done is done.
Off to ready myself for another long day. Have a terrific day and a great week!
I drove to Manteca yesterday to go shopping at JCPenney. Found a couple nice outfits to add to my 'dressing like an administrator' wardrobe. Still room for more pieces but I need to really do a major closet cull before I can procure anything else. I can't find things....that's not good.
The traffic was jammed on the return trip home and I thought 'well, people heading home from their weekend in the mountains'. NOT. It was the pumpkin maze! I have NEVER seen so many cars. They were parked on farm fields! because the parking lot (which is HUGE) was full. Wow! Made me decide to not go 'cuz it would be a huge hike just to get to the maze. I'm happy for the family that owns the place - this one event is what keeps their farm going. And this year, the are adding some 'winter' events for December - a hill covered in snow for 'sledding' and a 'drive-through' Christmas lights route, as well. We will DEFINITELY go to that, even if we have to wait in a lot of was the busiest I've EVER seen it - they will need to do some traffic control next year because the freeway was really backed up and the exit to the farm is also a 'merge' point - dangerous to have slow traffic there.
H. is still having a hard time - we had to refill his pain pills yesterday. The doctor told J. to now start alternating 'warm towels' with ice. H. is living on KFC mashed potato's the only thing that sounds good to him. He is very swollen - his teeth were a lot more impacted than B.'s were, so it's been a lot harder on him than it was on B. Today is parent-teacher conferences at the high school so H. has an extra day off to recuperate that doesn't cost him an absence. We'll see about tomorrow. I think he could handle going to school but he's very self conscious about how he looks - he won't even look up because he doesn't want us to see how swollen he is. Poor boy. It will pass. I keep reminding him his puffy cheeks wont' last forever - they'll be back to normal in a week at the most. Hoping I'm right 'cuz he's not coping too well with the Alvin the Chipmunk look.
B. has a paper due - it was actually due LAST Tuesday but he put it off and put it off and is now taking a hefty penalty on the grade. When I last got involved, it was still not done. Old habits die hard....still time for band, and napping, and guitar, and video games, and hanging out with friends - but no time to work on an assignment that you've known about for weeks....WEEKS! Welcome to college. It's disappointing. But I'm letting it all play point in getting wrapped about it - what's done is done.
Off to ready myself for another long day. Have a terrific day and a great week!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
H. had his wisdom teeth out yesterday...he has chipmunk cheeks and a bad attitude this morning. We wouldn't allow him to leave the house last night - he wanted to walk to the park to meet his friends - so he was hugely pissed off and went to bed after a lot of door slamming, etc. We said his friends were welcome to come here and 'chill' in the backyard, etc. But he steadfastly refused - making me wonder what in the heck they're doing at the park that they can't do here? I will be checking out his whereabouts and activities more closely in the next few weeks. I realize we're not the 'cool' house - but we're a fine place to come and visit a friend who's mouth is killing him and who's tired of eating yogurts, ice cream, etc. He's icing his cheeks and preparing for a friend to visit - his former girlfriend who still feels compelled to come 'take care of him' in spite of the fact that they haven't been a couple for some time....sort of news to me but his love life is a series of revolving doors and I sort of just lie low and stay out of it. Her impending visit got him to vacuum his room WITHOUT BEING ASKED - and in order to do THAT, he had to pick up all the stuff on his floor - so it's like a 'double bonus round' having her visit him today!
I am heading out to run a zillion errands - banking for Lions and for home; pet store for cat/dog/bird provisions; gas for my car; etc. I also need to go to Macy's this weekend - we are starting to do site presentations on the budget this week and I think I'd like to buy a couple nice outfits to wear - and maybe even a pair of low heels. I dreamed about 'new shoes' last night and take that as a sign that I need to/should 'dress up' a bit for these meetings. Macy's is having a huge sale and I have coupons - so I'll drive to Modesto later today and shop for a bit.
Beautiful clear blue skies today and 77 degrees! Lovely! The pumpkin maze in Lathrop is open and business is booming! Thinking of asking J. if he wants to go with me and get 'lost' in the's fun! Crowded, but fun!
I am heading out to run a zillion errands - banking for Lions and for home; pet store for cat/dog/bird provisions; gas for my car; etc. I also need to go to Macy's this weekend - we are starting to do site presentations on the budget this week and I think I'd like to buy a couple nice outfits to wear - and maybe even a pair of low heels. I dreamed about 'new shoes' last night and take that as a sign that I need to/should 'dress up' a bit for these meetings. Macy's is having a huge sale and I have coupons - so I'll drive to Modesto later today and shop for a bit.
Beautiful clear blue skies today and 77 degrees! Lovely! The pumpkin maze in Lathrop is open and business is booming! Thinking of asking J. if he wants to go with me and get 'lost' in the's fun! Crowded, but fun!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Happy first anniversary to my sister and her hubby B.!! Having great memories of that wonderful day.....
Missing my own husband because he's in North Carolina for a good part of the week....missing him (he left this morning) and wishing him home.
The boys are on their best behavior when he's gone - they do everything I ask immediately, no guff, no delay. It's a wondrous thing when the 'I need to help my mom since my dad's not home' kicks in. Still, it's not worth it - I miss J. and it will be a long week without him. This 'single parent' thing is hard.
I brought home my 'office in a box' and am culling through things in preparation for a very busy week. I missed 2 1/2 days last week (sick) and have much to do. Hoping that's my 'sick time' for the winter.
Dinner is in the oven. Dog has been fed. I've tidied up the kitchen and done the chores that always wait until forever to get done - cleaned out the garbage disposal and cleaned out under the breakfast bar - making a bag of plastic bags for B. to take to his work's recycling bin. Soaking J.'s coffee pot clean with my super-blue coffee cleaner stuff. Cleaned out my milk frother.
Storm on the way - dark clouds and wind. We had a HUGE storm this past week - many trees across the city down, including a few on our street. Our potato bush was tilting badly but I told J. I thought it was just God's way of letting us more easily prune it back a we need to stake it up again or it may not make it through the winter.
I love the Internet 'cuz I can follow J.'s plane all the way to ....and from. Hurry home, my sweet. Miss you!
Missing my own husband because he's in North Carolina for a good part of the week....missing him (he left this morning) and wishing him home.
The boys are on their best behavior when he's gone - they do everything I ask immediately, no guff, no delay. It's a wondrous thing when the 'I need to help my mom since my dad's not home' kicks in. Still, it's not worth it - I miss J. and it will be a long week without him. This 'single parent' thing is hard.
I brought home my 'office in a box' and am culling through things in preparation for a very busy week. I missed 2 1/2 days last week (sick) and have much to do. Hoping that's my 'sick time' for the winter.
Dinner is in the oven. Dog has been fed. I've tidied up the kitchen and done the chores that always wait until forever to get done - cleaned out the garbage disposal and cleaned out under the breakfast bar - making a bag of plastic bags for B. to take to his work's recycling bin. Soaking J.'s coffee pot clean with my super-blue coffee cleaner stuff. Cleaned out my milk frother.
Storm on the way - dark clouds and wind. We had a HUGE storm this past week - many trees across the city down, including a few on our street. Our potato bush was tilting badly but I told J. I thought it was just God's way of letting us more easily prune it back a we need to stake it up again or it may not make it through the winter.
I love the Internet 'cuz I can follow J.'s plane all the way to ....and from. Hurry home, my sweet. Miss you!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
We received an offer for a three night stay at MGM Grand - free! Guess it pays to go to Vegas and lose. My normally frugal husband was pretty up for a repeat visit and it was me being the level-headed 'um, well, I'd really love to but I think we should build up our savings again after we pay the Visa bill for the trip we just took'. I hate being rational. Another junket to Vegas would be a blast. But I'm sure we will be offered other rooms in the Spring.
I was shocked and surprised to read that Obama had won the Nobel Peace prize. When I told J. (upon his entering the study that morning) 'hey, Obama won the Nobel Peace prize', he laughed and said 'yeah, right'. I said 'I'm not kidding'. I don't feel he deserved it - and I don't mean that in a bad way since ya'll know I'm a fan of his. I just think it's a bit unfortunate that he received that award this early in his presidency - it seems a bit premature in so many ways. Gives the rights more to grouse about and even I have to admit that it seems strange. I can't say I feel he 'deserves' it. Or that he's earned it. But it is what it is. He now has more to strive for - and I'm hoping he will make huge progress and possibly be awarded that prestigious honor again someday. What an interesting choice - I feel badly for him because I do believe he is creating momentum for some really incredible things to happen. But that award is just too much, too soon. The guy is special in so many ways - truly, for me, one of the greatest President's I've been alive to witness. But that honor is just too soon....
I had lunch yesterday with a dear friend from my banking days - so fun to catch up. We're pretty sure we hadn't seen each other in around a year - and yet, we just pick up right where we left off. She's approaching retirement, though she isn't planning to - enjoying forced time off while she looks for her next career. How fun to have the luxury of taking your time and really letting the right job find you. Having done that myself, I know how great it is and how great it will all turn I can't wait to see where her journey leads.
Also spent some nice phone time this past week with Bug, catching up with her. And we've booked a Saturday breakfast which will be great.
The boys are good - still making us crazy and yet exhibiting signs of growing up. They are not home more than they're home. They come and go at all hours. Curfew for H. is 10PM with bed at 11 on school nights. B. is an hour later though he does what he wants regarding sleeping. He's a bit of a night owl and would rather study and/or do other stuff into the wee hours of the morning. And so far, he's done very well getting himself up for school and leaving in plenty of time to make his AM commute over the Altamont as easy as possible. Hunter refereed at four soccer games yesterday and will now be running to the mailbox daily to see if his check is here. Hopefully, he'll get 2-4 days most weekends through November which will greatly help his perilous financial situation.
Fall weather is days and cooler nights. I've been enjoying sleeping with the windows open and being a bit snuggly with light blankets. Time to hit the yards for some catch-up weeding, pruning, etc. before the long, cold, wet winter days take over. Already looking forward to a week off at Thanksgiving and the two week Christmas break (which I hope to turn into a three week break like I did last year!).
Happy Weekend and have a great Monday!
I was shocked and surprised to read that Obama had won the Nobel Peace prize. When I told J. (upon his entering the study that morning) 'hey, Obama won the Nobel Peace prize', he laughed and said 'yeah, right'. I said 'I'm not kidding'. I don't feel he deserved it - and I don't mean that in a bad way since ya'll know I'm a fan of his. I just think it's a bit unfortunate that he received that award this early in his presidency - it seems a bit premature in so many ways. Gives the rights more to grouse about and even I have to admit that it seems strange. I can't say I feel he 'deserves' it. Or that he's earned it. But it is what it is. He now has more to strive for - and I'm hoping he will make huge progress and possibly be awarded that prestigious honor again someday. What an interesting choice - I feel badly for him because I do believe he is creating momentum for some really incredible things to happen. But that award is just too much, too soon. The guy is special in so many ways - truly, for me, one of the greatest President's I've been alive to witness. But that honor is just too soon....
I had lunch yesterday with a dear friend from my banking days - so fun to catch up. We're pretty sure we hadn't seen each other in around a year - and yet, we just pick up right where we left off. She's approaching retirement, though she isn't planning to - enjoying forced time off while she looks for her next career. How fun to have the luxury of taking your time and really letting the right job find you. Having done that myself, I know how great it is and how great it will all turn I can't wait to see where her journey leads.
Also spent some nice phone time this past week with Bug, catching up with her. And we've booked a Saturday breakfast which will be great.
The boys are good - still making us crazy and yet exhibiting signs of growing up. They are not home more than they're home. They come and go at all hours. Curfew for H. is 10PM with bed at 11 on school nights. B. is an hour later though he does what he wants regarding sleeping. He's a bit of a night owl and would rather study and/or do other stuff into the wee hours of the morning. And so far, he's done very well getting himself up for school and leaving in plenty of time to make his AM commute over the Altamont as easy as possible. Hunter refereed at four soccer games yesterday and will now be running to the mailbox daily to see if his check is here. Hopefully, he'll get 2-4 days most weekends through November which will greatly help his perilous financial situation.
Fall weather is days and cooler nights. I've been enjoying sleeping with the windows open and being a bit snuggly with light blankets. Time to hit the yards for some catch-up weeding, pruning, etc. before the long, cold, wet winter days take over. Already looking forward to a week off at Thanksgiving and the two week Christmas break (which I hope to turn into a three week break like I did last year!).
Happy Weekend and have a great Monday!
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Purging and Poetry
I took today off. A rare 'clear' day on my calendar (no meetings...well, there was one meeting but I moved it to tomorrow... - thus proving that you CAN create a clear day when you need one). I've been working hard on cleaning up the study. Making steady progress...though it's the snowball effect. I need to move things that should be in a bathroom (because I share a bathroom with the kids most morning and doing makeup in there is impossible so my makeup area has been my desk and that means I'm not using it as a desk, I'm using it as a vanity - so when I need a desk, there isn't one and stuff just gets piled high get the picture) TO the bathroom, which led to cleaning out the medicine cabinet. Which led to cleaning out other areas. I have taken 4 bins of recycling out to the outside bin- purging files, etc. to make room for 'new' files, etc. It's been a productive day and while the desk area is far from 'spotless', it is somewhat improving. Not 'done' but getting there. And I have most of my makeup/cosmetic things in the bathroom on a little rolling shelf unit. So that should work.
My purging resulted in culling out some files - old school stuff of the kids. I tossed 'menus' and notices from 2002-03, forward. Just crap that has been here forever that we will never need nor want.
I unearthed a couple treasures....among them, a poem written by B., I think...though it could be H. H. is the family poet - having been 'published' in an anthology in 5th grade. But B. is also an excellent poet...and I came across this poem - a tribute to Snow's brother, Klink. I will reproduce it here as it is on the paper, spelling as is and in the 'paragraph' form he wrote it.
Meow Proud
He knows me, he know my
family, yet he meows proud, and
while sitting strait on his perch
as if gaurding the house, he meows
proud, and even though he hogs his
brothers food, he meows proud, he
doesn't always let me pet him, but he
meows proud.
Klink is missing his brother - crying to us more than usual and also seeking company more than usual. He bit J. the other evening - a little 'love nip' that turned into a 4-teeth marked wound that required band aids and Neosporin. He's always been a nipper - but this event was a 'new' level. He was usually 'aggressive' and firm with his brother and now that Snow's not around to dominate, seems Klink is moving on to the only other 'things' in the house he can assert his authority. We're trying to be as 'there' for him as we can - whilst now being a bit skittish around him since becoming a 'biter' is not a good thing for any of us. Him included. We probably should take HIM to the vet for a checkup - but having just spent $500+ on the Snow thing over the past couple months, we're holding off for a bit. He doesn't seem sick - continues to eat like a horse - so why create issues? But if he keeps biting, we'll have to do something....
I also went to Smart and Final to pick up coffee syrups and a bag of lettuce - and $107.71 later, I left with a cart full. I was going to stop and get a mini-meal at McDonald's while I was running an errand for my Lion's group - but the McDonald's near my destination was closed for remodeling. I took that as a sign that I should just eat at home - totally forgetting, though, that going to S&F hungry is ill-advised. I bought fixings for 4-5 dinners plus syrups, fruit, salad fixings, snack food and cookies. Yikes. That was one expensive, calorie-filled visit. I phoned J. on the way home and said 'I am never to set foot in S&F alone again. You are the sole person in the house that can go there for coffee syrup and leave with ONLY coffee syrups. I do not have the willpower for that errand.' On a positive note, though, we have Claim Jumper (frozen) chicken and noodles baking in the oven right NOW for dinner - and it will be delicious and was on sale!!
Back to the massive culling my friend J. - sorry you had to read (again) about my clutter-ish nature.....I'm attempting to reform. :-)
My purging resulted in culling out some files - old school stuff of the kids. I tossed 'menus' and notices from 2002-03, forward. Just crap that has been here forever that we will never need nor want.
I unearthed a couple treasures....among them, a poem written by B., I think...though it could be H. H. is the family poet - having been 'published' in an anthology in 5th grade. But B. is also an excellent poet...and I came across this poem - a tribute to Snow's brother, Klink. I will reproduce it here as it is on the paper, spelling as is and in the 'paragraph' form he wrote it.
Meow Proud
He knows me, he know my
family, yet he meows proud, and
while sitting strait on his perch
as if gaurding the house, he meows
proud, and even though he hogs his
brothers food, he meows proud, he
doesn't always let me pet him, but he
meows proud.
Klink is missing his brother - crying to us more than usual and also seeking company more than usual. He bit J. the other evening - a little 'love nip' that turned into a 4-teeth marked wound that required band aids and Neosporin. He's always been a nipper - but this event was a 'new' level. He was usually 'aggressive' and firm with his brother and now that Snow's not around to dominate, seems Klink is moving on to the only other 'things' in the house he can assert his authority. We're trying to be as 'there' for him as we can - whilst now being a bit skittish around him since becoming a 'biter' is not a good thing for any of us. Him included. We probably should take HIM to the vet for a checkup - but having just spent $500+ on the Snow thing over the past couple months, we're holding off for a bit. He doesn't seem sick - continues to eat like a horse - so why create issues? But if he keeps biting, we'll have to do something....
I also went to Smart and Final to pick up coffee syrups and a bag of lettuce - and $107.71 later, I left with a cart full. I was going to stop and get a mini-meal at McDonald's while I was running an errand for my Lion's group - but the McDonald's near my destination was closed for remodeling. I took that as a sign that I should just eat at home - totally forgetting, though, that going to S&F hungry is ill-advised. I bought fixings for 4-5 dinners plus syrups, fruit, salad fixings, snack food and cookies. Yikes. That was one expensive, calorie-filled visit. I phoned J. on the way home and said 'I am never to set foot in S&F alone again. You are the sole person in the house that can go there for coffee syrup and leave with ONLY coffee syrups. I do not have the willpower for that errand.' On a positive note, though, we have Claim Jumper (frozen) chicken and noodles baking in the oven right NOW for dinner - and it will be delicious and was on sale!!
Back to the massive culling my friend J. - sorry you had to read (again) about my clutter-ish nature.....I'm attempting to reform. :-)
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