An email exchange between me and J. this afternoon (me at my desk at work and him on BART via his Blackberry):
Subject: Turning 60
J: There must be something magical about it. I've been offered a seat on BART 2 of my 3 homeward trips since my birthday. Or else I must look like s**t.
M: It's totally your 'silver foxy-ness', love. People just want to get out of the way of all that magnetism. :-p
J: Your flattery will get you everywhere, dear.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
On TV and Such
New season this time of year. Look forward to the return of old faves and new programming....
We are switching from Dish Network to UVerse (AT&T). Don't ask me why. It has something to do with HD TV and the Dish Network's inability (unwillingness) to give us another HD receiver without turning in other receivers that we want to we're switching. I'm not totally against it since the change will save us over $30 per month - we'll have TV, Internet and phone all on one bill. Considering the TV in the guest room has not been working since the switch (Friday), I'm not too impressed. But we'll hope that it all works out.
Law and Order CI is losing it's stars to make more time for Jeff Goldblum. I love him and I love what he brings to the show - but Julianne Nicholson is also leaving and I thought they had really great chemistry. So who knows how the show will be. I'll still tune in 'cuz I love any and all Law & Order. There's a new channel - Sleuth - and it has Law and Order on all the time!!
Amazing Race starts tonight and the twist is a team is off before they even leave on the first leg of the race. What a twist. We are so looking forward to this great season.
And! What a season! We have a Survivor pool at work and we're having a blast! My office has Survivor t-shirts that we wear every Thursday. And my boss has a Jeff Probst bobble head and a Survivor baseball cap as his 'Thursday clothing item'. It's fun - and a great season. There are some really interesting 'characters' on this's going to be very interesting to see how this all plays out.
We have pretty much given up on Heroes. We are vowing to rent it from Netflix someday when we're retired and watch from the beginning to see if we can figure it all out. We are behind and once you get behind, you can't really catch up easily. Same with Lost. Still mildly interested but we are neither watching nor taping each week anymore. Something had to give and it's those two shows.
H. spent the day in San Fran with friends celebrating a birthday. B. has worked most of the weekend. I should have worked today but didn't, which I will inevitably regret and pay for. I ran errands, including getting a very much needed haircut. J. played bass at church today. I piddled around the house, putting things away, tidying up a bit. Went to Target and had a REAL Starbucks iced tea for the first time in a LONG time. Still making it at home every morning and saving $4.40/day!
We are giving Klink lots of extra attention - and realize how different he is from his brother. Klink sleeps hidden all day so we rarely see him. Snow was out in the open most of the day, always there for a quick cuddle and petting session. I miss him. We all do. Klink has been looking for him - and seems subdued and sort of 'confused'. Snow has been by his side his entire life so it's a hard adjustment for him, too, to be Snow-less. It's been a long weekend......missing that sweet cat.
Possibly going to take a day off this week...maybe! Would sure like to try if at all possible. I'm in a 'reorganizing' mood and those don't come around very often (for me).
We are switching from Dish Network to UVerse (AT&T). Don't ask me why. It has something to do with HD TV and the Dish Network's inability (unwillingness) to give us another HD receiver without turning in other receivers that we want to we're switching. I'm not totally against it since the change will save us over $30 per month - we'll have TV, Internet and phone all on one bill. Considering the TV in the guest room has not been working since the switch (Friday), I'm not too impressed. But we'll hope that it all works out.
Law and Order CI is losing it's stars to make more time for Jeff Goldblum. I love him and I love what he brings to the show - but Julianne Nicholson is also leaving and I thought they had really great chemistry. So who knows how the show will be. I'll still tune in 'cuz I love any and all Law & Order. There's a new channel - Sleuth - and it has Law and Order on all the time!!
Amazing Race starts tonight and the twist is a team is off before they even leave on the first leg of the race. What a twist. We are so looking forward to this great season.
And! What a season! We have a Survivor pool at work and we're having a blast! My office has Survivor t-shirts that we wear every Thursday. And my boss has a Jeff Probst bobble head and a Survivor baseball cap as his 'Thursday clothing item'. It's fun - and a great season. There are some really interesting 'characters' on this's going to be very interesting to see how this all plays out.
We have pretty much given up on Heroes. We are vowing to rent it from Netflix someday when we're retired and watch from the beginning to see if we can figure it all out. We are behind and once you get behind, you can't really catch up easily. Same with Lost. Still mildly interested but we are neither watching nor taping each week anymore. Something had to give and it's those two shows.
H. spent the day in San Fran with friends celebrating a birthday. B. has worked most of the weekend. I should have worked today but didn't, which I will inevitably regret and pay for. I ran errands, including getting a very much needed haircut. J. played bass at church today. I piddled around the house, putting things away, tidying up a bit. Went to Target and had a REAL Starbucks iced tea for the first time in a LONG time. Still making it at home every morning and saving $4.40/day!
We are giving Klink lots of extra attention - and realize how different he is from his brother. Klink sleeps hidden all day so we rarely see him. Snow was out in the open most of the day, always there for a quick cuddle and petting session. I miss him. We all do. Klink has been looking for him - and seems subdued and sort of 'confused'. Snow has been by his side his entire life so it's a hard adjustment for him, too, to be Snow-less. It's been a long weekend......missing that sweet cat.
Possibly going to take a day off this week...maybe! Would sure like to try if at all possible. I'm in a 'reorganizing' mood and those don't come around very often (for me).
Friday, September 25, 2009
Snack Bar
Here's what an evening at the snack bar is like:
'Hi!' (me)
'I'll have nachos, a Red Rope, Starburst, Sour Skittles, Popcorn, 2 waters, 3 Gatorades and a soda.' (customer)
'What kind of soda?' (me)
'What kind do you have?' (customer)
[ I point to the list that is taped to the counter RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CUSTOMER]
'Dr. Pepper' (customer)
'We don't have Dr. Pepper' (me, pointing to list again).
Finally, they decide.
Repeat 1,000 times - the items ordered vary but the 'and a soda' is almost always the same. It gets old. Really old.
And while we're on the subject of things that make me crazy at the snack bar - I'm tired of the same handful of people working their asses off while a bunch of other people stand around and do, talk, talk...oblivious when the lines are long. Ignoring people at their window because they're chatting. I'm sick of it. If you show up, work hard. If you don't intend to work hard, don't show up. Quit wasting our time and making the place crowded for no reason. Standing around pretending to be contributing isn't the same as contributing. Quit the charade. Just don't show up. At least those of us (the few, the proud, the exhausted) will know that the people who have shown up intend to WORK not talk, chat, or try to sell real estate to every customer at their window.
OK. With that, I am heading up to bed. I am thinking I am getting the same 'cold' that has plagued our house - all three of my guys have been suffering from it for a week and sadly, it appears to be my turn....
'Hi!' (me)
'I'll have nachos, a Red Rope, Starburst, Sour Skittles, Popcorn, 2 waters, 3 Gatorades and a soda.' (customer)
'What kind of soda?' (me)
'What kind do you have?' (customer)
[ I point to the list that is taped to the counter RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CUSTOMER]
'Dr. Pepper' (customer)
'We don't have Dr. Pepper' (me, pointing to list again).
Finally, they decide.
Repeat 1,000 times - the items ordered vary but the 'and a soda' is almost always the same. It gets old. Really old.
And while we're on the subject of things that make me crazy at the snack bar - I'm tired of the same handful of people working their asses off while a bunch of other people stand around and do, talk, talk...oblivious when the lines are long. Ignoring people at their window because they're chatting. I'm sick of it. If you show up, work hard. If you don't intend to work hard, don't show up. Quit wasting our time and making the place crowded for no reason. Standing around pretending to be contributing isn't the same as contributing. Quit the charade. Just don't show up. At least those of us (the few, the proud, the exhausted) will know that the people who have shown up intend to WORK not talk, chat, or try to sell real estate to every customer at their window.
OK. With that, I am heading up to bed. I am thinking I am getting the same 'cold' that has plagued our house - all three of my guys have been suffering from it for a week and sadly, it appears to be my turn....
Farewell, Snow-Man
We are saying goodbye to Snow today - our beautiful, perfectly marked 1/2 Balanese 'stray' who has graced our home with his loving countenance for 11 years is going to cat heaven this afternoon. It's been a hard decision and a long month - but he's been telling us it's the right thing for some time. I just spent a little time with him upstairs - him barely able to jump up on the bed. And he let me give him loves and snuggles, his motorboat running the entire time. But he's too unwell anymore to hold up his paw and ask for 'more'. It is sad to let him go but I do know it's the right thing to do. It's time. He is not feeling good and keeping here for us is not kind to him.
I made the appointment with the vet, choking up the entire time. She asked 'will someone remain in the room with him?' And I said 'no, I don't think our hearts can handle that' and then uttered a quick, soft, tear-filled 'I'm sorry'. She said 'no apology necessary - we totally understand'. And I know they do.
On a happier note, today is also the 21st anniversary of the day I met my husband. He reminded me of that this morning - he's so good about remembering. Which he takes no credit for - he owes it all to his Blackberry and setting up reminders everywhere. Happy 'day we met and never looked back' anniversary, my sweet!
Lions football duty tonight - makes my feet hurt and makes me feel exhausted just thinking about it. But it's always fun....never seems like it will be, but somehow, it always is.
Heading into work shortly. Auditors are finishing up Round 1 today - so far, all is well. We are busily humming along, getting stuff done. Never feeling 'caught up' but I'm getting used to that feeling.
Goodbye, sweet Snow-Man. We have loved you well and you have been the perfect feline offset to your feline brother and your human brothers. We will all miss you. You will always be the sweetest cat I've ever had -
I made the appointment with the vet, choking up the entire time. She asked 'will someone remain in the room with him?' And I said 'no, I don't think our hearts can handle that' and then uttered a quick, soft, tear-filled 'I'm sorry'. She said 'no apology necessary - we totally understand'. And I know they do.
On a happier note, today is also the 21st anniversary of the day I met my husband. He reminded me of that this morning - he's so good about remembering. Which he takes no credit for - he owes it all to his Blackberry and setting up reminders everywhere. Happy 'day we met and never looked back' anniversary, my sweet!
Lions football duty tonight - makes my feet hurt and makes me feel exhausted just thinking about it. But it's always fun....never seems like it will be, but somehow, it always is.
Heading into work shortly. Auditors are finishing up Round 1 today - so far, all is well. We are busily humming along, getting stuff done. Never feeling 'caught up' but I'm getting used to that feeling.
Goodbye, sweet Snow-Man. We have loved you well and you have been the perfect feline offset to your feline brother and your human brothers. We will all miss you. You will always be the sweetest cat I've ever had -
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The flight home was uneventful....bumpy (those darn hot air drafts over the desert certainly create an interesting flight). Crowded (plane was completely full to the brim). Short (we landed 10 minutes early).
We made our way to baggage claim and realized after every bag was taken and everyone but us was done that my suitcase apparently didn't make it on our flight. J's did - checked at the same time as mine with a tag in sequential order from mine. But no bag. Answer: wait until the next flight arrives from Vegas - an hour after we landed. Darn it. So saved time thus wasted hanging out in the airport, drinking iced teas and lattes. Anxious to get home to the boys and having to wait another hour....but thankfully, the bag was on the next flight so that's great -
The boys survived with no parents. I have a feeling there's 'more to the story' - the dishes stacked in the sink; the pizza boxes in the recycle bin along with various other recycling that wasn't touched while we were gone - merely added to as if it takes itself out to the bins outside and in the garage. The mail left in the mailbox for four days. It irritated us...but it wasn't unexpected. I had planned to make a detailed list of 'expectations' - setting the 'house rules' in our absence - but ran out of time and just left. And that's what the house looks like - a place where there were no rules. I pity their wives. Seriously. They are helpless....though they didn't starve and H. did do a couple loads of his laundry which is progress.
We watched our Tivo'd Survivor and are watching the Emmy's. Dinner was cereal for me and leftovers for J. The kids were left on their own for dinner - not sure what they had though we think they had eaten shortly before we arrived home.
J. has a bit of a chest cold - he doesn't feel great today and colds have a way of going straight into a chest cold. He'll have his deep bass voice tomorrow - and will probably drag himself to work because he feels guilty for missing a few days. I know the feeling.
Glad to be home. Time to return to 'normal'. Have three night time events this week - it will be a busy week with little home time. Those weeks are hard. Hoping to not need to work this coming weekend - truly trying to discipline myself to not work. Hard to do that because the work load so outweighs the time during M-F. But I have to really work on that because it's not healthy and I'm tired. My boss agrees and we are hiring me help - which is great. But that will be awhile before it happens and in the mean time, I'm going to do my darnedest to take some weekends off for a change.
We had a terrific break from parenthood and working. We could get used to it....especially room service!
We made our way to baggage claim and realized after every bag was taken and everyone but us was done that my suitcase apparently didn't make it on our flight. J's did - checked at the same time as mine with a tag in sequential order from mine. But no bag. Answer: wait until the next flight arrives from Vegas - an hour after we landed. Darn it. So saved time thus wasted hanging out in the airport, drinking iced teas and lattes. Anxious to get home to the boys and having to wait another hour....but thankfully, the bag was on the next flight so that's great -
The boys survived with no parents. I have a feeling there's 'more to the story' - the dishes stacked in the sink; the pizza boxes in the recycle bin along with various other recycling that wasn't touched while we were gone - merely added to as if it takes itself out to the bins outside and in the garage. The mail left in the mailbox for four days. It irritated us...but it wasn't unexpected. I had planned to make a detailed list of 'expectations' - setting the 'house rules' in our absence - but ran out of time and just left. And that's what the house looks like - a place where there were no rules. I pity their wives. Seriously. They are helpless....though they didn't starve and H. did do a couple loads of his laundry which is progress.
We watched our Tivo'd Survivor and are watching the Emmy's. Dinner was cereal for me and leftovers for J. The kids were left on their own for dinner - not sure what they had though we think they had eaten shortly before we arrived home.
J. has a bit of a chest cold - he doesn't feel great today and colds have a way of going straight into a chest cold. He'll have his deep bass voice tomorrow - and will probably drag himself to work because he feels guilty for missing a few days. I know the feeling.
Glad to be home. Time to return to 'normal'. Have three night time events this week - it will be a busy week with little home time. Those weeks are hard. Hoping to not need to work this coming weekend - truly trying to discipline myself to not work. Hard to do that because the work load so outweighs the time during M-F. But I have to really work on that because it's not healthy and I'm tired. My boss agrees and we are hiring me help - which is great. But that will be awhile before it happens and in the mean time, I'm going to do my darnedest to take some weekends off for a change.
We had a terrific break from parenthood and working. We could get used to it....especially room service!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Vegas has been loads of fun. Painful, hot, sore feet, exhausted fun....but fun nevertheless. We've walked a lot the past couple days and our joints are sore, my feet are blistered and it's HOT here...but we're managing to have fun in spite of those maladies. Damn, it sucks getting old.
We saw Ka on Thursday night - not our first pick of shows but it was the 'freebie' included in our package....and it was truly amazing! We really enjoyed it - a story line and tons of cool effects and amazing acrobatics and athleticism. It was really great and I'm so glad it ended up being the free show 'cuz I doubt we would have chosen to see it - and it was a terrific show!
We didn't make it to a show last night. Just tuckered out.
We spent today (J's 60th birthday!) lazing around our room - slept in until close to 9. Ordered room service breakfast and coffee. J. watched the Cal game - it was his choice since it's his day - and they won! We went downstairs and gambled a bit then walked to the Mirage and picked up or Cirque de Soleil LOVE tickets - and hung out at the Mirage until show time.
There's been a lot of consolidation of properties here on the strip - and most are owned by MGM. Makes earning reward points faster - and no need to carry multiple player cards. But all the places kind of look the same - dark wood, really dramatic interiors. Not my taste at all.
We've enjoyed the Bellagio but I doubt we'll spend the $$ to stay here again - the rooms are OK but no nicer than the Mirage (where we've always stayed before when we've visited Vegas). It's a 5-star resort - but I just don't see it. Doesn't seem any more luxurious...maybe I'm just spoiled. I expect to be WOWED in a 5 star resort that costs what this one costs. And the only thing that 'wows' me is the crazy creaking in the bathroom pipes at all hours of the day or night. Not too impressed with the rooms....
LOVE was fantastic! We went purely for J's birthday - Beatles music is not my thing and I never would have chosen to go unless we were doing something special for J's birthday. It was really wonderful and I enjoyed it very much - a nice surprise. The athleticism and raw talent of the performers is so incredible. They work really hard - and it shows. It's beautiful, artistic, uplifting and FUN! We loved it and I'd love to see it again some day. It was too much happening at once and I know I missed things - I want to see it again to catch things I know I missed.
As far as we know, all is well on the home front. We have been in communication with the kids sporadically - and barely. They respond to text messages with few words. Phone calls aren't that much better. But they are fine and the house is fine - and we'll be home in less than 24 hours....
I'm looking forward to being home....sort of wishing I'd asked for Monday off as well to recuperate from our mini-vacation. But there's tons to do and we have auditors arriving on Tuesday so might as well get back to it -
J., happy birthday, my sweet. I love you and find it hard to believe that we are already 20 years from our engagement and your 40th. Where did the time go? It's gone by in nano-seconds. You are my love and my life and I am so happy to be with you to celebrate this special day.
We saw Ka on Thursday night - not our first pick of shows but it was the 'freebie' included in our package....and it was truly amazing! We really enjoyed it - a story line and tons of cool effects and amazing acrobatics and athleticism. It was really great and I'm so glad it ended up being the free show 'cuz I doubt we would have chosen to see it - and it was a terrific show!
We didn't make it to a show last night. Just tuckered out.
We spent today (J's 60th birthday!) lazing around our room - slept in until close to 9. Ordered room service breakfast and coffee. J. watched the Cal game - it was his choice since it's his day - and they won! We went downstairs and gambled a bit then walked to the Mirage and picked up or Cirque de Soleil LOVE tickets - and hung out at the Mirage until show time.
There's been a lot of consolidation of properties here on the strip - and most are owned by MGM. Makes earning reward points faster - and no need to carry multiple player cards. But all the places kind of look the same - dark wood, really dramatic interiors. Not my taste at all.
We've enjoyed the Bellagio but I doubt we'll spend the $$ to stay here again - the rooms are OK but no nicer than the Mirage (where we've always stayed before when we've visited Vegas). It's a 5-star resort - but I just don't see it. Doesn't seem any more luxurious...maybe I'm just spoiled. I expect to be WOWED in a 5 star resort that costs what this one costs. And the only thing that 'wows' me is the crazy creaking in the bathroom pipes at all hours of the day or night. Not too impressed with the rooms....
LOVE was fantastic! We went purely for J's birthday - Beatles music is not my thing and I never would have chosen to go unless we were doing something special for J's birthday. It was really wonderful and I enjoyed it very much - a nice surprise. The athleticism and raw talent of the performers is so incredible. They work really hard - and it shows. It's beautiful, artistic, uplifting and FUN! We loved it and I'd love to see it again some day. It was too much happening at once and I know I missed things - I want to see it again to catch things I know I missed.
As far as we know, all is well on the home front. We have been in communication with the kids sporadically - and barely. They respond to text messages with few words. Phone calls aren't that much better. But they are fine and the house is fine - and we'll be home in less than 24 hours....
I'm looking forward to being home....sort of wishing I'd asked for Monday off as well to recuperate from our mini-vacation. But there's tons to do and we have auditors arriving on Tuesday so might as well get back to it -
J., happy birthday, my sweet. I love you and find it hard to believe that we are already 20 years from our engagement and your 40th. Where did the time go? It's gone by in nano-seconds. You are my love and my life and I am so happy to be with you to celebrate this special day.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Holiday Monday
I've made every effort to sleep in the past three days. Made it to 8 one day - but that was after waking up at 5, 6 and 7 and going back to sleep until 6, 7 and 8. Yesterday and today, I only made it until 7....just couldn't sleep longer than that.
After two days of mild productivity - did run some errands and get a few odds and ends done, but for the most part, I was basically a slug the first two days - I did kick it into high gear today and kept busy. Had some work things to do for tomorrow's board meeting - and had some Lion's business to catch up on. Cleaned the kitchen a bit, tidied up the study a bit. Baked banana bread which made the kids very happy. A double batch with double the mashed bananas - makes it really moist! I just mashed what we had on hand that were getting too ripe and put the entire 4 cups in the bread! The kids and J. raved about it.....
I started Weight Watchers Online yesterday - they had a 'free month' special which made 4 months only $60 (including the sign up fee). It's the only thing that worked for me in the past...and it's already been amazing to me how conscious I am of what I'm eating. Just knowing the point value of things is a huge help. I haven't felt hungry at all - and I'm still able to eat anything I want. Just in moderation. And that's what I realize after only one day - wow, was I overeating. Maybe 'cuz I was 'bored'...or just 'tired'....or 'in need of a splurge'. The list goes on. But today, I ate when it was time to eat and kept the portions small. Ate some celery as a snack before dinner. Didn't nibble too much on snacks - tried to keep 'busy' doing things vs. sitting and munching. It's only one day....but I'm hopeful. I know I can do this because I've done it before...and this time, once the weight is off, I'll realize that in fact - unlike in the days of my youth - the weight WILL come back if I don't keep carefully eating. So I'll hopefully stick with it.
Snow is still not well - he is barely eating and not that social. I think we will be taking him in on Friday this's what's best. I love how he is deciding for us - and it's so like him. He is the sweetest, kindest cat-soul I've ever met (and I've had some pretty wonderful cats in my life) and I think this week of him 'declining' is his way of helping us let go....
I'm getting a little 'nervous' about leaving the kids next week. I'm sure they will be fine...but I still will worry. Though I know once we get there, I'll be having too much fun to worry. Sleeping in, eating out (trying to be as 'good' as I can), shows, things to see, etc. It's going to be so fun for J. and I to be away on our own for a few days.
We've had a serious plumbing issue here this weekend - there is water pouring out of the wall next to the water heater. It's NOT the water heater - but there's clearly a leak in the wall where the pipe from the upstairs bathroom comes down into the wall.....what a mess! We have called the plumber and they will be out tomorrow. We are using the downstairs shower at the moment since J's shower is also having a slight problem - the tiny pinhead size hole that periodically shows up is leaking again and there's a stain in the dining room ceiling from water. GREAT. Two issues at the same time. We're guesstimating around $2-3K to knock out the wall in the garage, fix the issue and then have the wall repaired. And the 'stand' where the water heater is will need to be rebuilt as well. And then we'll have to punch holes in the dining room ceiling and fix that as well. While trying to figure out why so much water is getting through a pin-size hole! Never a dull moment. Cha-ching.... Since we've had leaks in walls before - the laundry room wall had to be torn up, a pipe re-soldering and then the wall repaired - we're not surprised. Just worried. I've been hearing strange noises in the downstairs bathroom pipes also, so I'm a bit nervous about that. So glad J. is working at home tomorrow.....
[Snow just proved me wrong - he just came down into the dining room and he's lounging on the floor next to me. He and Klink are playing their 'tail' game - Snow is just a wee bit out of Klink's reach and he wags his tail - and Klink does everything he can - without actually getting up from HIS lounging position - to catch Snow's tail. So Snow is feeling at least well enough to come downstairs for a bit, which is nice..... ].
After two days of mild productivity - did run some errands and get a few odds and ends done, but for the most part, I was basically a slug the first two days - I did kick it into high gear today and kept busy. Had some work things to do for tomorrow's board meeting - and had some Lion's business to catch up on. Cleaned the kitchen a bit, tidied up the study a bit. Baked banana bread which made the kids very happy. A double batch with double the mashed bananas - makes it really moist! I just mashed what we had on hand that were getting too ripe and put the entire 4 cups in the bread! The kids and J. raved about it.....
I started Weight Watchers Online yesterday - they had a 'free month' special which made 4 months only $60 (including the sign up fee). It's the only thing that worked for me in the past...and it's already been amazing to me how conscious I am of what I'm eating. Just knowing the point value of things is a huge help. I haven't felt hungry at all - and I'm still able to eat anything I want. Just in moderation. And that's what I realize after only one day - wow, was I overeating. Maybe 'cuz I was 'bored'...or just 'tired'....or 'in need of a splurge'. The list goes on. But today, I ate when it was time to eat and kept the portions small. Ate some celery as a snack before dinner. Didn't nibble too much on snacks - tried to keep 'busy' doing things vs. sitting and munching. It's only one day....but I'm hopeful. I know I can do this because I've done it before...and this time, once the weight is off, I'll realize that in fact - unlike in the days of my youth - the weight WILL come back if I don't keep carefully eating. So I'll hopefully stick with it.
Snow is still not well - he is barely eating and not that social. I think we will be taking him in on Friday this's what's best. I love how he is deciding for us - and it's so like him. He is the sweetest, kindest cat-soul I've ever met (and I've had some pretty wonderful cats in my life) and I think this week of him 'declining' is his way of helping us let go....
I'm getting a little 'nervous' about leaving the kids next week. I'm sure they will be fine...but I still will worry. Though I know once we get there, I'll be having too much fun to worry. Sleeping in, eating out (trying to be as 'good' as I can), shows, things to see, etc. It's going to be so fun for J. and I to be away on our own for a few days.
We've had a serious plumbing issue here this weekend - there is water pouring out of the wall next to the water heater. It's NOT the water heater - but there's clearly a leak in the wall where the pipe from the upstairs bathroom comes down into the wall.....what a mess! We have called the plumber and they will be out tomorrow. We are using the downstairs shower at the moment since J's shower is also having a slight problem - the tiny pinhead size hole that periodically shows up is leaking again and there's a stain in the dining room ceiling from water. GREAT. Two issues at the same time. We're guesstimating around $2-3K to knock out the wall in the garage, fix the issue and then have the wall repaired. And the 'stand' where the water heater is will need to be rebuilt as well. And then we'll have to punch holes in the dining room ceiling and fix that as well. While trying to figure out why so much water is getting through a pin-size hole! Never a dull moment. Cha-ching.... Since we've had leaks in walls before - the laundry room wall had to be torn up, a pipe re-soldering and then the wall repaired - we're not surprised. Just worried. I've been hearing strange noises in the downstairs bathroom pipes also, so I'm a bit nervous about that. So glad J. is working at home tomorrow.....
[Snow just proved me wrong - he just came down into the dining room and he's lounging on the floor next to me. He and Klink are playing their 'tail' game - Snow is just a wee bit out of Klink's reach and he wags his tail - and Klink does everything he can - without actually getting up from HIS lounging position - to catch Snow's tail. So Snow is feeling at least well enough to come downstairs for a bit, which is nice..... ].
Friday, September 04, 2009
After a long, long week....arrived home to find this in the mailbox:
I don't know this person personally - but I will be making a point of meeting her. I wrote her a note this evening thanking her for making our day/week/month. And B. was very touched by her note as well.
We must be doing something right.....
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
As I mentioned in a previous post, we are dealing with a diabetic cat. It's not going all that well. We've just started week two of insulin injections...and he's stopped eating completely. We can't give him insulin on an empty stomach - so we can't give him insulin. He's going downhill quickly. He's under the bed and not coming out.
I think he's 'helping us' make the decision that we really were trying not to make. We wanted to do everything we possibly could to improve his health - but it seems likely at this point that he has another primary condition that is likely causing the diabetes. Probably a tumor of some kind. And we've already decided we're not spending the money to look into that - we won't spend money to diagnose something we have no intention of treating. We're the family who spent $5,000 on our dog - but we can't do that anymore. We just can't.
I feel sad - but I know where my 'head' is leading my heart. He is not well. He does not feel well. The insulin isn't doing enough and he won't eat so we can give it to him.
We will see how it goes over the long weekend.
I think he's 'helping us' make the decision that we really were trying not to make. We wanted to do everything we possibly could to improve his health - but it seems likely at this point that he has another primary condition that is likely causing the diabetes. Probably a tumor of some kind. And we've already decided we're not spending the money to look into that - we won't spend money to diagnose something we have no intention of treating. We're the family who spent $5,000 on our dog - but we can't do that anymore. We just can't.
I feel sad - but I know where my 'head' is leading my heart. He is not well. He does not feel well. The insulin isn't doing enough and he won't eat so we can give it to him.
We will see how it goes over the long weekend.
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Tales of Helpers
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