These are things I have on my mind, not in any particular order...and not that anyone but me will care one iota about any of it...but I write because I want to remember...
Jon and Sherry Rivers are no longer the morning show on KLOVE and my mind is reeling about that. They are no longer on the show due to 'family issues'. Now, this was somewhat abrupt - one day, the sub DJ was saying 'I'm in for Jon and Sherry for a few days' and then this past weekend, there was an announcement (which I totally missed) stating they would no longer be on the morning show, dealing with 'family issues' and to respect their privacy, that's all that's going to be shared. I didn't really 'get' that they were no longer on the show until this morning - and even then, it wasn't because of anything said by the station - but a caller phoned to say she was enjoying the 'new' morning show. And I sort of paused in the middle of pulling on my socks and thought 'hmmm, I'd better check'. A Google search confirmed it - KLOVE's website has pulled all reference to their show and I saw the Saturday announcement that I missed. Wow. I am shocked. Obviously, something happened. I don't know if it really, truly is a 'family' thing..or if they were dumped because KLOVE can no longer afford them? Or was it some kind of scandal or something. I can't imagine why they're not on the air anymore. And I miss them. I will really miss them. And I'm shocked and hurt and kind of angry at them and their station for not being up front about what in the heck happened? It's a listener supported radio station, for Pete's sake...and I feel like I'm 'owed' some kind of explanation.
I got my teeth cleaned today - something I dread just because I don't want to spare the time for sitting in a chair with my mouth open. But I love my dental hygienist Karen and she's been on maternity leave for awhile so I was so glad she was back. AND in conversation, she said 'we bought a house on Glenbriar Circle - only it's not in the Glenbriar development. It's in the other one'. I said 'it's in Pebblebrook - MY development'. And she said 'oh, it's the first house on the right just past [insert street name here]. I said 'I LIVE ON THAT CORNER OF [insert street name here]. So now we're neighbors. She disclosed that they purchased the house from the bank - it was listed for $342K and they offered $315K and the bank accepted the offer! Good for her. Bad for us. To say we owe FAR MORE than that on our home is an understatement. Kind of like the condo debacle all over again, only at least this time, we LOVE our home, wouldn't trade it for anything and are able to comfortably afford our payment - which is far more than hers.
And I just paid our property taxes on a significantly higher value than she just paid for MY EXACT HOUSE. Damn! I told J. 'well, we'll hopefully get a revalued tax statement in December and then we'll have saved a lot of 'extra money' that we won't need for taxes so we can hopefully take a nice trip somewhere for our 20th anniversary a year from now'. Trying to look on the bright side. While feeling nauseous.
While I was off for a few days last week, my assistant cleaned my entire office from stem to stern. Every drawer, every file drawer, every book case is organized, labeled, neat and tidy. It's WONDERFUL! She surprised me with the desk drawer part (I had asked her to try to tidy up and set up some new file drawers for me - the 'brackets' that hold the files were never installed correctly and we've never gotten around to fixing it so I had mentioned that as something she could work on in my absence). But she decided to 'go for it' and cleaned EVERY drawer out! They are like a work of art. I took pictures with my cell phone so I will have a reference of how they look in case I mess them up again. It was really great of her to do that - a true testament to how far we've come.
We tried the newest 'fast food' place in town tonight - The Wing Stop. Unbreaded chicken wings fried and then 'tossed' in a variety of sauces. The wings were good (but not great). And the 'sides' portions were really small. A 'family order' included only one large side, one large order of fries and some celery and carrot sticks. And it wasn't 'inexpensive' fast food. But I did enjoy the wings. Only they were like eating Chinese food: I ate a lot but I'm not full and I'm not satisfied. So I will have to work hard to not 'nibble' too much this evening on crap I shouldn't eat.
I am 2/3 of the way through New Moon, the 2nd book in the twilight series and it is GREAT! I am loving it as much as the first one. Can't wait to head upstairs shortly, get on my jammies and curl up with a great book. And head to dreamland and doze off with pleasant thoughts of tomorrow being FRIDAY!
Snarky comment coming: I read a fair amount of 'mom blogs'. Many are fairly well known and I've 'known' these women for some time. Feel like they are 'family' in many ways. There's a 'new' thing called 'Momversation' - where a bunch of women rotate being filmed and talking on a variety of subjects. Interesting concept. And they are ok - entertaining sometimes. But I have a beef about the 'Momversations'. First, these women all have blogs - they are WRITERS. They are not actors. Or recording artists. Or orators. They are writers. They should write. There's another medium out there for those who feel compelled to be on the 'little' screen - it's called You Tube. Check it out. AND if for whatever reason you are a part of Momversation, please do those of us who check your blog regularly to see what you've WRITTEN the favor of NOT using a Momversation video as your blog post(s). It's really starting to piss me off how many of these women bloggers now post their Momversation episodes....whether they're in them or not! Day after day, the 'new' posts are Momversations! Enough already! That's NOT writing a blog, people. That's posting videos. That's not what people who like to READ are looking for. Seriously. I'm getting ready to delete some long-time bookmarked sites because they now are more just 'videos' of women speaking vs. the blogger who's site I am checking out actually writing anything. I'm sick of it. WRITE for crying out loud! Why did you start blogging? WRITE!!!!!!!
Oh, and I just realized I've 'lost' a follower...and I can tell who they are by 'mousing' over the link [hello to my cousin D., my friend in Alabama S., Mr. Organized Crime, The 4th follower is me. I don't know how that happened] and and 'lo and behold, the person no longer following my blog (or at least no longer admitting it) is my HUSBAND. He said 'I had to, honey, because it had my name on it, which means it essentially had YOUR name on it'...or something like that. Sure, right, yeah, uh-huh, etc. So I'm down one. That's 20% of my peeps. Thanks to the other 80% (all four of you) for hanging in there with me!! Or rather thanks to the other 60% of you since I really shouldn't count myself as a follower, right? Math....I'm good at math.....
I'm taking my bruised ego upstairs now. Dumped by your own husband is a bit hard to take.
(Just kidding, my sweet. Thank you for protecting my anonymity. I'm not ready to come out of hiding just yet).
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
I'm starting to think maybe I will just do a monthly post and call it what it is - whatever month we're in. Here we are winding dow...
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...
1 comment:
A comment about the Klove Morning Show:Around march 20-something,I was listening to Jon & Sherry in the car while I was on may way to take my son to school and I heard Jon saying something about some "family issues".It was around 8:15am or so..I can't remember much about it,because the school doors were opened around that time,so I didn't really get to hear more about it;But one I can say though,and that is that I didn't heard any reaction from Sherry who usually had something to say pretty much about everything he said...but not this time.I can't recall Jon's exact words,but I do remember that he said that after a song had ended...I remember him taking a deep breath and sort of saying that (he?) was going through hard times,adding that it didn't have nothing to do with Klove,but "Family Issues"...If someone else recalls that show and remember more about it,share it with us.I'm dying to know what's really behind all this...I've had all kinds of crazy's our natural nature,isn't? I have even thought that it might have something to do with infidelity..Honestly,I don't know what to think anymore...One thing I do know and that is that: It has to be something Serious to have to cancel the show thanx to "family issues" don't you think? I'm just saying:$
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